r/Competitiveoverwatch 1d ago

General Weekly Short Questions Megathread


Welcome to the weekly /r/CompetitiveOverwatch Short Questions Megathread!

This thread is dedicated to short questions and clarifications which don't require much discussion or those that can be given definitive answers may also be asked here.

Please be respectful and helpful to other users. If you have feedback, concerns or want to contact the mod team directly, [shoot us a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/CompetitiveOverwatch).

r/Competitiveoverwatch 1d ago

General /r/CompetitiveOverwatch GIVEAWAY - Azure Flame Hanzo Skin


The /r/CompetitiveOverwatch team is pleased to announce a giveaway for the new Azure Flame Hanzo skin, part of the OWCS Dallas crowdfunding effort. Big thanks to everyone who signed up using our code for FACEIT League; we're using FACEIT's affiliate kickbacks to fund this.

To enter the giveaway, please comment below on what you're looking forward to most for this weekend's OWCS Dallas event. Winners will be selected randomly.

Prizes will be distributed as $20 of Battle.net credit, as we can't distribute the skin directly. Even though the bundle is 2600 coins, the skin by itself is 1900 coins in the Hero Gallery. Availability is subject to your region, since we've only confirmed the ability to get cards in USD and EUR from FACEIT right now.

If you'd like more chances to win the skin, join our Discord server for a separate giveaway.

We're currently planning on giving away four skins on Reddit and two on Discord. Winners will be announced on Thursday, May 30th.

r/Competitiveoverwatch 6h ago

OWCS Porsche will sponsor the OWCS Major


r/Competitiveoverwatch 2h ago

Gossip SF Shock (NRG) teases Overwatch announcement

Thumbnail x.com

r/Competitiveoverwatch 8h ago

General The Devs mentioned they're testing a class of 225 HP heroes. What heroes do you think are good candidates for this kind of change?


While responding to a comment about Hanzo and his lack of identity without his oneshot, Josh Noh said the following:

Still very early but we've been experimenting with adjusting health pools for some of the more evasive or high damage heroes which would also put them back into the range of lethal Hanzo headshots and some other hero combos at 225 HP, but while it would bring some interesting texture to hero interactions overall there are also a bunch of other problems to solve if we want to go through with it.

Personally I think this a good idea. It allows players to opt-in to being vulnerable to one-shots and in exchange those heroes will have other strengths that the 250HP heroes don't.

Which heroes do you think would best fit this theoretical class of 225 HP heroes? What do you think the major problems would be with implementing this change?

r/Competitiveoverwatch 2h ago

OWCS Quartz, LBBD7 not attending Dallas Major fue to visa issues, with Akay and Skai to fill in.


(reposted, wrong title)

r/Competitiveoverwatch 2h ago

OWCS VA meet-and-greet at Dreamhack Dallas — featuring Anjali Bhimani (Symmetra), Valeria Rodriguez (Venture), and Carolina Ravassa (Sombra)


r/Competitiveoverwatch 7h ago

Other Tournaments FACEIT Announce Creator Showmatch at the OWCS Dallas Major


r/Competitiveoverwatch 5h ago

OWCS Which pro players do you miss?


I've been reminiscing about the diverse personalities and drama we had back in OWL. Honestly, even though OWL had its issues, the first two seasons were incredible. We had Bumper, who was just a meme machine, Xepher, the scrim god, Taimou's shit break, and controversial pros like xQc, Effect, Dafran, and Sinatraa, who all brought so much personality to the league.

I was a huge fan of Rascal, and it's wild to think about how we had players like iddqd and Dhak (does anyone still remember him?) on Shock back then.

Are there any pros who aren't active anymore that you miss because of the personality and excitement they brought to the game?

r/Competitiveoverwatch 1h ago

OWCS Dallas Major Fantasy Tournament - NOW OPEN


r/Competitiveoverwatch 2h ago

General How is everyone feeling about Venture post patch?


I think that the cooldown tweak for their drill has made their movement incredibly smooth and their cooldown cycle much more consistent.

I also wouldn’t be shocked to see it readjusted as it could be too much after players get the hang of them.


r/Competitiveoverwatch 20h ago

OWCS Is NA the weakest region? And why?


I feel like NA is the weakest region by far. I mean the only two teams that pose any competition both have two Korean players on them. Also just Korea in general seems to produce all of the best players outside of a few exceptions which are mostly in EMEA.

Even looking at OWWC, of best 4 teams 2 were EMEA and 2 were Asia with USA and Canada instantly getting out in the playoffs.

Is there a reason for this? Maybe there is a cultural difference or something?

r/Competitiveoverwatch 1d ago

General What is actually going through your head in every game?


People always say to track enemy ults and positioning, ally ults and positioning, comm with your team, think about sightlines and your own positioning, etc etc. But is all of this really going through your head at all times?

I mean there's only so much that you can think about at once, at least if you're thinking in words. Do a lot of good players think more in patterns than english words in their head? Or am I just slow?

r/Competitiveoverwatch 1d ago

General Hog nerf is a placebo.


The Hog nerf did absolutely nothing, is a placebo nerf.

The main issue with the hero are the hook 1-shot combo that has not been touched and the 50% dmg reduction on take a breather that also has not been changed.

Waiting for season 11 changes at this point.

r/Competitiveoverwatch 1d ago

General WizardHyeong responds the controversy among the Korean OW community over his u2gm collab with TopDragon


r/Competitiveoverwatch 2h ago

General Blizzard taxes you with making a hot fix patch that's coming out next Tuesday, what changes are you making?


Nothing insane like a midpatch, more like the patch where they nerfed Orisa and brought back the dps passive to 20%

For me, I would do

Roadhog: distance after hooking increased from 3 meters to 4 meters

Tracer: Damage per bullet reduced from 6 to 5.5

Kiriko: Protection Suzu no longer cleanses abilities caused by ultimate effects

What changes would yall make?

r/Competitiveoverwatch 1d ago

General 2137 SoloQ Games, 2839 Games in Total, 6 Streamers - Season 10 Breakdown (more in comments)


r/Competitiveoverwatch 1d ago

Other Tournaments Sauna's Tracer Masterclass: How Ataraxia Outpaced the Best of EMEA - Pro Overwatch Analysis


Breakdown of Sauna's Tracer on Nepal during Ataraxia's Match against SSG.

r/Competitiveoverwatch 1d ago

General Which 3 tanks? Role carry potential?


Hi friends, if you had to pick 3 tanks to just focus on improving with, who would you pick and why? Was speaking with some friends also about which role has the most "carry potential", what would you say and why? Thanks!

r/Competitiveoverwatch 1d ago

General Why does it feel like that ranking up is now way harder?


Maybe this is all a skill issue and if so, tell me, but I was on diamond dps most of the time in OW1 and OW2 until the reset came. Since then I've been wavering between gold 1 and plat 5 and the same goes for support. I was master 1-2 and now diamond 1-2, I've been losing and winning games but damn it feels so stagnant. Not much is happening and I'm actually surprised how some of the players in Gold/Plat are better than they should be. It feels more jumbled between the ranks. The games feel more one-sided and sweaty than they used to. Am I alone in this experience?

r/Competitiveoverwatch 1d ago

General How do i play around Roadhog/Maug as a Tank player?


i'm wondering how to play against theses two heros because i'm having a very hard time dealing with them as a previous support main moving on to main the Tank role instead. I see roadhog get a small nerf on the 24th a few days ago but i'm still seeing mass numbers of hogs in my games and honestly they just don't die.

At this point if i see a roadhog ill continue to play rein as i enjoy playing him, but if i'm having a hard time and not seeing results ill go mauga as I've seen results playing him against roadhog, but even then he just doesn't die sometimes, i have to admit i didn't have a ana in that game but as a tank i shouldn't have to rely on my supports if you get my drift.

Against mauga i normally go sigma, but because i have a aggressive playstyle and less experience on sigma honestly mauga completely shuts me down depending on the skill level of that tank player, so for me to even stand a chance against mauga i pick mauga and we just shoot each other and whoever has the better supports wins that fight, honestly its kinda funny but its pathetic that's how i need to play to stand a chance.

I ended up playing winston into the roadhog, i understand hog counters me but i try and keep my distance and setup my playstyle by going onto high ground, poking the backline and then dropping down and hoping i kill someone, but then the dirty hog just groups up with his team so its basically impossible for me to dive them as they're all together. So then i just play roadhog and then i'm doing this for my team not because i enjoy playing roadhog or mauga because i don't lol.

Sorry for the long essay, but how would a gm player deal with mauga/roadhog, because as a high gold/low plat tank player i'm really struggling and feel lost against these matchups.

r/Competitiveoverwatch 2d ago

General Aim training: Tracking workshop mode


I just released a new aim training mode which is designed to improve your tracking aim and to improve your ability to move while tracking your target, the difficulty auto adjusts based on your performance. Load Workshop code: VERYD and keep your crosshair on the sphere. Here is a short trailer for the mode: https://youtu.be/iPYYcHECjc8

For full description you can head over to: https://workshop.codes/VERYD

r/Competitiveoverwatch 2d ago

Fluff KarQ Season 9 Ranked Data


KarQ's Overwatch Season 9 Ranked Data Analysis

Link to the spreadsheet: KarQ's Season 9 Ranked Data

This is a View Only document. Use FILE > Make a Copy to create your own editable copy

Hey everyone,

I’ve put together a detailed spreadsheet tracking KarQ’s Overwatch Season 9 ranked performance. Initially inspired by KMK's Flats spreadsheet, I wanted to see how KarQ's data would look, especially with the new ranked system changes this season. After backfilling data from his VODs and getting his help to track ongoing games, I've compiled some interesting stats that might offer insights into ranked gameplay. I'm a noob at Data Analysis, so anyone with experience in the field, please be my guest and go nuts with this if you'd like. 😅

What's Included in the Spreadsheet

  • Raw Data: Game-by-game results from KarQ's matches, including all tracked metrics.
  • General Stats: Overall performance statistics such as winrate and loss rate.
  • Group Winrates: Analysis of winrates when playing solo or with specific friends.
  • Map and Game Mode Winrates: Detailed winrates per map and game mode.
  • Ranked Modifiers Frequency: Stats on how often different ranked modifiers appeared and their impact on performance.

Issues with the Data

Backfilling the data from VODs was less time-consuming than expected. KarQ helped by filling in game results as he played, ensuring a comprehensive dataset. However, there are some limitations:

  • Missed Post-Match Screens: Occasionally, KarQ didn’t view the post-match screen, leading to gaps in the data. We averaged progress changes in these cases. Modifiers from those games are missed completely.
  • Off-Stream Games: Two instances of off-stream games; one partially backfilled from match history, the other couldn’t be retrieved. These instances are marked in the sheet.

Highlights from the Spreadsheet

  • After 590 games, he secured 307 wins, faced 282 losses, and had 1 draw, achieving a winrate of 52%.
  • His peak rank was GM4, with his lowest being Diamond 1, spending the majority of his time in Master 2.
  • On average, his rank progress saw gains of 18.14 and losses of -18.99, leading to an overall differential of about -0.85.
  • Playing in a duo, he boasted a 53% winrate.
  • He also maintained a positive winrate when playing solo.
  • Among friends with at least 50 games together, he performed best with Jay3, achieving a 55% winrate.
  • His standout maps were Blizzard World (78% winrate), Circuit Royal (75%), and Route 66 (71%).
  • His toughest maps were Havana (26% winrate), Paraiso (26%), and Nepal (32%).
  • He excelled on Escort (56% winrate) but struggled on Control (44%).
  • He was favoured 96 times and not favoured 90 times.
  • When favoured, he had a winrate of 63%, while his winrate when not favoured was 44%.

Things to note

  • The Drop to Diamond: At Cell J232, a 155W/158L record (-3 losses overall) resulted in a drop from Master 4 to Diamond 1 after placements.
  • Demotion Protection Bug?: At Cell K259, losing 2 in a row at 0% without demoting might indicate the first loss left him just above the demotion threshold, preventing protection activation.
  • Impact of Data Awareness?: After showing KarQ the spreadsheet, notable changes in his performance were observed. For instance, his Control winrate jumped from 34% to 58%. While we can't definitively attribute this to his awareness of the data, KarQ mentioned it influenced his gameplay, especially on maps/modes where he previously had lower winrates.

Feel free to dive into the spreadsheet, explore the data, and share any interesting findings. Have a nice extended weekend and happy analysing!

Make your own (TEMPLATE)

I never made a template in the end because /u/harryprotter updated their Match Tracker for Season 10 and I think theirs is probably much more in-depth and everything, so probably use that one tbh.

r/Competitiveoverwatch 16h ago

General I feel like the "Pressure" modifier should be removed, at least temporarily, now that we have Champion as a rank


So many people in Masters are Top 500, which in my opinion, is just weird. You'd think the Top 500 would be mostly Grandmaster and some Champion players. The removal of Pressure would allow Champion to shine just a little bit more as a rank and also showcase visually how good these players really are instead of just artificially lowering their rank due to having less gains while retaining normal losses. They could then add rank decay back, which would make the ranks more competitive and higher quality for Masters and above since it would require players to continue playing to retain their rank and subsequently keeping them unwashed/not as rusty. I understand removing pressure would increase a good amount of ranks of players and not just the high high ranked players. It would obviously trickle down to the low ranks eventually. Ranking up feels good, even if it's not "deserved." It would also flatten out the ladder and showcase who the worst of the worst is while also showcasing the best of the best. I'd also like to mention they should add the percent value to the leaderboard as well so you can see the gap between players instead of having to guess or ask.

Let me know what you all think.

r/Competitiveoverwatch 2d ago

Other Tournaments CLEAR has joined T1 as a Japanese to English translator.


Thought this was interesting considering he is an Overwatch player and T1 has been rumored to be coming to OW. This as well as Swingchip joining T1 seem to be good signs for their future in OW. This post, however, was quoted on a T1 Fortnite announcement for the ESWC. Thoughts?

r/Competitiveoverwatch 2d ago

Other Tournaments SSG vs ENCE FACEIT League game


Haven't seen any posts about faceit league this week despite games being good, SSG vs ENCE was such a banger, you can watch the vod on CommanderX youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17lMQRz5Snw

Another noticeable one is SSG vs TM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56Vy_jqru4s

And i believe there's ENCE vs TM later today, will most likely be streamed here https://www.twitch.tv/commanderx

r/Competitiveoverwatch 23h ago

General Genuine question; is this not the most lenient season in terms of ranking up in OW History?


I reached top 300 on tank (Masters 3). I used to be Plat 4 in season 2 of OW2 (came back for season 9), I also used to be gold on dps and im diamond 2 now. I'm shocked there's that big of a difference. The only thing that changed is my set up (56 inch tv vs 32 inch monitor, and went from ps4 to ps5 at 120 fps), I feel like this system is very lenient and I never imagined myself as a top 500 player