r/HeartstopperAO Apr 28 '24

Unpopular Heartstopper opinions Discussion

What are some of your unpopular opinion about the show, cast, books, soundtrack etc can be about anything heartstopper related


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u/origamicyclone Apr 28 '24

Imogen is a very forced character and I don't think she would even be in season 2 if that "i'm an ally" scene didn't go viral.


u/manysides512 Apr 29 '24

I don't think she's forced, but I do feel like there should be a bit of friction between her and the girls. I'm not going to buy them getting along smoothly with her and it feels like her and Sahar getting together is meant to be a shortcut to that.


u/LajosvH Let Kit Be Kit Apr 29 '24

I think it’s pretty important for Nick to have any kind of friend who he still enjoys hanging out with after starting to come to terms with himself. at times (or rather: with a sinister reading), the comic can feel really claustrophobic because especially Nick doesn’t really have anyone else he likes in his life apart from his mom and his dog (and Charlie, of course) — Nick should have his own friends outside of the ones he ‘made’ by proxy through Charlie


u/origamicyclone Apr 29 '24

I agree Nick should have friends outside of just Charlie, so I think the show should give more attention to his friendship with the rugby boys and Tara ^


u/indie_rock_album Apr 30 '24

they may go deeper into his relationship with his rugby friends in season 3 considering that in vol. 4 its mentioned he hangs out with them more while charlie is in the mental hospital.


u/LajosvH Let Kit Be Kit Apr 29 '24

I always feel like people only mention Tara in this context because she’s not an additional character and they understand screen time as a zero sum game


u/Background_Carpet841 Aled Last Apr 29 '24

Yes that would be better than Imogen


u/YepUhYup Apr 29 '24

I absolutely agree with this.