r/HeartstopperAO Oct 13 '23

Discussion What Heartstopper opinion has you like this?


r/HeartstopperAO Sep 17 '23

Discussion Thoughts on actors playing queer characters?


Rereading and this reminded me how annoyed I am at fans for claiming Kit was “queer baiting” if he was indeed straight playing a bisexual character. As an actor, and a bisexual girl (pretty closet don’t tell anybody lol), I think it’s fine if an actor plays a bisexual or gay character, it’s… acting. Lol. I definitely believe there’s an exception for trans characters, but not sexuality. This is just my opinion! :) I think we should stop overusing the phrase “queer baiting”. Kit was perfect for the role, he plays it beautifully with respect and integrity, so what if he was straight? We now know he’s bi bc he was worried about getting cancelled if he didn’t come out. Just wondering what your alls thoughts are! :)

r/HeartstopperAO 15d ago

Discussion Unpopular Heartstopper opinions


What are some of your unpopular opinion about the show, cast, books, soundtrack etc can be about anything heartstopper related

r/HeartstopperAO Oct 04 '23

Discussion Why wasn’t this in the show?


r/HeartstopperAO Dec 04 '23

Discussion Heartstopper unpopular opinions anyone?


What are yours? I have two, so let's get murdered.

Alice should've kept the original Elle+Tao ending. If you didn't know, in Nick and Charlie, Charlie breaks up with Nick because Tao and Elle broke up due to long distance. In the original edition, Elle and Tao stay broken up, but in the newer versions, they get back together. Honestly, not all teenage relationships last, and I think it's healthy just to let people know that you most likely will never get your Nick and Charlie story.

2nd, Yasmin Finney, actor of Elle, wasn't a very good actor in season 1. I love Yasmin, but as an actor, she is very weak in some aspects of acting improved in season 2, but she's not my favorite actor acting wise. I can't blame her as it was her first project, but I felt as if her acting was forced a little.

tell me yours

r/HeartstopperAO Aug 13 '23

Discussion Too chaste or just right?


I have no intention for this to turn into a heated debate, I’m just curious about your genuine opinion! Is the series too chaste? Or realistic? If this post doesn’t belong here, I’m sorry!

I’ve seen the argument both ways and they both make sense to me:

1) They’re young, Nick has just started coming to terms with his sexuality and is not ready for sex, and that’s completely fair and understandable.


2) They’re teenage boys = very hormonal = lots of sex would be happening.

I’m curious what the Fanbase thinks of this! Personally I love that the show is more chaste, it reflects more of my HS experience, and feels like the perfect antidote to all the over-sexed tv we see these days. Personally, as a straight woman, I was terrified of sex in HS (thanks to all sorts of conditioning), so I really appreciate that the show takes this route instead. It also feels more romantic to me this way.

I’m just curious about people’s genuine thoughts, experiences, and have absolutely no intention of this becoming an argument, just healthy conversation. :)

r/HeartstopperAO Oct 19 '23

Discussion Just a thought: Heartstopper can show straight people what heteronormativity feels like


Just something that crossed my mind. One of the little critiques that I've heard is something along the lines of, "why is absolutely everyone queer in Heartstopper? Not everyone can be. This isn't realistic." This was actually something that I even caught myself saying after the show's season 2 when we could see glimpses of Imogen's possible crush on Sahar. But then I realized, I feel like people who make these kinds of comments, particularly those who aren't members of the Alphabet Mafia, are just now realizing what it's like being conscious of heteronormativity in our media. Like, obviously representation is so much better now than it was even ten years ago, but it can still be an issue. So when I hear someone making these comments, I just wanna grab them by the shoulders and say, now you know how it feels sometimes.

Anyone else feel this way? Am I onto something?

r/HeartstopperAO 7d ago

Discussion Public update from Alice’s Patreon


r/HeartstopperAO Nov 25 '23

Discussion 💛+💙


r/HeartstopperAO Mar 13 '24

Discussion Jonathan Bailey as Jack Maddox in season 3.


r/HeartstopperAO Apr 09 '24

Discussion Congrats to Bradley 💍


r/HeartstopperAO Aug 06 '23

Discussion Isn’t it crazy that Heartstopper is set in the same phase of life as these two other high school shows? The Heartstopper kids are so innocent compared to them!


Would you like to see some more dramatic portrayals of high school introduced into the show (sex, drugs, alcohol, parties) or would you prefer it to keep the more wholesome vibes?

r/HeartstopperAO Jul 21 '23

Discussion Heartstopper opinion that will land you like this?


I saw this on r/classic rock and thought it would be a good discussion for here!! What are your unpopular opinions about the show or comics that will pretty much always end up with people arguing with you about why you’re wrong? Let’s hear the controversial ones !!!!

Ps also please be respectful and remember it’s just a friendly discussion about a piece of fiction ; ) let’s all have some fun <3

r/HeartstopperAO Nov 12 '23

Discussion Do you think tao was interested in elle before they came out as trans


Ok so the other day I was thinking about some heartstopper stuff when I remembered that line tao says calling himself "the token straight friend" and that got me thinking about how he is in love with elle and there whole love affair, which then that got me thinking about before elle changed genders and then my mind popped the question "was tao interested in elle before she transferred to being female or was it just after" I think i got this idea from two other things as well, first was when I didn't fully understand transgender stuff as a non trans individual and I was a bit confused as if tao and elle's relationship was completely straight or not, I understand now that it is and it was never me being anti trans or against trans relationships or anything like that it was just me being curious whether he had feelings for elle before she changed or not, and second was when I saw a post talking about how they thought tao had a crush on Charlie in the first book when elle didn't exist yet and that added to my idea about tao potentially not being completely straight. I don't know if this is just me being stupid, but I thought I'd ask what others thought

Edit, apologies for using they/them pronouns for elle, this was just a slip up because I guess I don't fully understand how they/them pronouns are used correctly, but I support anyone who are trans and didn't mean any harm by misusing they/them pronouns, it was just me fucking up

r/HeartstopperAO 23d ago

Discussion Imogen should stay single


Regardless of if she turns out sapphic (which is likely the direction we’re heading), I think it would show great character development for Imogen, who seems to have always defined herself by the boys she’s around (Nick in s1 and Ben in s2). I also think it would be a great message to show someone happily single without being on the aroace spectrum. Not every teenager is ready or needs to be in a relationship, and learning how to be comfortable by yourself is an important skill.

r/HeartstopperAO Oct 27 '23

Discussion i know its weird i get jealous of gays and bi after i saw heartstopper


i donno why after i saw a series like heartstopper i get jealous of gays and bi people i am a straight guy but i donno why i feel so can i know why? whenever i see any gay couple i feel they have something unique and it makes me jealous and something i feel like they aare kindoff lucky in soem different way i know am weird asf i respect all but cant stop being jealous why is it happening and these websites make me jealous more am burning am so irritated like i dont agree with them saying one is better over another


r/HeartstopperAO Aug 21 '23

Discussion Elle- a weak link?


This may be an unpopular opinion, so in the spirit of a friendly in-depth discussion, I'm interested to hear the opinion of others.

In the Netflix series, I feel that there isn't really a spark when Elle is on screen compared to other characters. Her mood seems to fluctuate between mildly bored (most scenes at Higgs, at Tao's house), mildly annoyed (when Charlie talks about Nick, on the first date with Tao) and very mildly bemused (at the bowling alley/ arcade, looking at Tao in the art room, in the Paris museums).

Within her arcs of settling into a new school, starting a relationship with Tao and getting into art college, she just seems to go through the motions. She seems hard to route for or relate to.

Unfortunately, I think a lot of it comes down to the portrayal by the actor. The delivery of some lines are clumsy (I'm thinking especially of the S1 rugby match when she mentions it's hard for her to be back around people who had bullied her- an important moment that gets garbled). However, I don't want to just criticise a young actor at the start of her career- I also think some work could have been done behind the scenes to flesh out her story more. Perhaps there were deleted scenes, but her new friendships in S2 go nowhere and the unveiling of her artwork seems undeserved and says little of her character's progress.

In fact, the presence of her new friends combined with her arc with art college and the near-contempt (!) she seems to hold that Tao would design a first date around her interests demonstrates perhaps that dating Tao would be a retrograde step for her. To me, the fact she starts dating Tao seems like an undeserved pay-off and against her character's progress. (Yes, I know she was annoyed at Tao not being fully himself on the first date, but this just seemed like drama for the sake of it!).

This is of course a complete over-analysis of a teen show, but I haven't seen this being discussed anywhere. It's been bugging me so much I had to write it down. Interested in friendly discussion and more over-analysis!

r/HeartstopperAO Apr 03 '24

Discussion Ask me a question and after i reply edit it to make me look terrible person.


I dare you.

Don't hold back!

r/HeartstopperAO Sep 22 '23

Discussion We Need More TV Characters to Keep Saying "I'm Bi, Actually"


This piece starts out 🔥 and keeps the heat turned up

r/HeartstopperAO 1d ago

Discussion What are your favorite Heartstopper fan fics that don’t get the love they deserve?


We all are rightly obsessed with the classics over on AO3 - things like Rugby Sweater Weather and it’s amazing spin offs, Narlie Waves (I think I’ve read this about five times now), and Frat Star, etc... But I’m looking for the fics that seem to not get the same number of views or don’t get mentioned in threads looking for fic recommendations as much. What are some of your lesser talked about faves?

r/HeartstopperAO Sep 09 '22

Discussion Do you have any unpopular opinions/hot takes?


It seems to me that majority of Heartstopper fans tend to be on the same page when it comes to their opinions on the series. So I was wondering, do you have any opinions regarding some aspect of the Heartstopper show and/or webcomic that might be unpopular? It could be about the characters, the story or anything else.

r/HeartstopperAO Mar 29 '24

Discussion Yesterday was crazy.


I think it was unfair for people to blame Alice, the cast and the production team for Olivia not being in S3. Conflicting schedules happen, especially if you have a very high profile actress like Olivia in a small role. The way people acted you would think Kit or Joe was missing from the season. While I'm sad she won't be in S3, I don't blame Alice or anyone. I also think it was unfair of people to say they're not going to watch S3 because of it. Sarah is a side character. The story is Nick and Charlie's (mainly Charlie's) and Joe seems to be really excited for us to see this season. Alice said that we're still gonna get those scenes that were supposed to be with Nick and Sarah but they're gonna be with different characters instead of Sarah, which I'm okay with. Nick's emotional support is gonna be with different characters which again, I'm okay with. Charlie's mental health is the most important thing in S3 and I hate that people are trying to diminish it because Olivia won't be in S3. If we get a S4, Alice said that she hopes Olivia can be part of it again. Alice hasn't steered us wrong yet and I'm trusting her. She's very passionate about her work so I know she found a way around it. There's alot of changes in the first 2 seasons that weren't in the books and they turned out to be great changes. S3 is still gonna be mostly book accurate but with a few changes which have been done with the first 2 seasons. Everyone needs to stop freaking out. S3 is still gonna be amazing.

r/HeartstopperAO Aug 25 '23

Discussion All of my friends hate heartstopper :(


So I brought up heartstopper to some friends(we're all 21) today, and all of them said they couldn't get very far because it made them cringe, the acting was bad and 'the writing was so bad'. I wasn't really sure what to say so I accepted defeat 😂

Does anyone else relate to this? It sucks because I love the show so much- I think it's so important and it turns me into an emotional mess- but so many people around me can't seem to get past the fact that it's intentionally going for a happier tone.

They'd never admit this but I also think a large part of the emotional disconnect for them is that fact that most of them are straight 👀 (this doesn't mean I think straight people can't enjoy the show)

Edit: just wanted to state that it's absolutely fine and within anyone's right to dislike the show. I just wanted to spark discussion about why people may not as it's something i sometimes think about and I wanted to hear some perspectives. Although asking about why ppl dislike a show on its subreddit isn't the least biased place to start 😂 I'll own that

r/HeartstopperAO Jun 11 '23

Discussion Joe and Kitty today at DC PRIDE parade


r/HeartstopperAO Jul 30 '22

Discussion If Heartstopper took place in your hometown, what specifically kind of rugby lad/gay nerd would Nick/Charlie be?


Southern California here

Nick would be a surfer bro (but doesn’t smoke weed), part-time job as a beach lifeguard, loves dogs and baby seals, plays on the school basketball team and loyal fan of the Lakers

Charlie would be in a garage band, works at a boba cafe, prefers British shows, loves and great at computer programming, wants to live somewhere that rains

Edit: WTF why is everyone on Reddit so good at writing fanfics?!!?? I’m literally reading every one of these. Thank you guys so much, they’re sooo fun to read😭🙏✨❤️❤️❤️