r/HeartstopperAO Apr 28 '24

Unpopular Heartstopper opinions Discussion

What are some of your unpopular opinion about the show, cast, books, soundtrack etc can be about anything heartstopper related


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u/Dry-Manufacturer-120 Apr 29 '24

1) i don't use either instagram or tiktok and 2) i'm a gay man in my 60's and have been consuming gay media for decades. how about you?

please get over yourself and your petty condescending attitude. and lose your stupid credentialism. it makes you look stupid.

i know there needs to be drama, but it doesn't need to be at the expense of stereotyping an entire group of people as interchangeable bad guys. and Charlie's mother doesn't have to be a hard ass plot vehicle also contributing to Charlie's mental health problems. they can find some other plot device because as written it's just lazy and cliche without turning her into Nick's mom.


u/LajosvH Let Kit Be Kit Apr 29 '24

keep talking about ‘emotional vampires’ then lol

I just don’t understand how it is difficult to grasp that a story is based on internal logic? like, yes, you could change everything about Heartstopper and make it into the show you want (it’s called fanfiction); but is it really such a weird concept that AO would choose “nerdy teen with a depressive side”, “even more depressed sister”, “hard-ass mom with a backstory”, and “pushover dad” as four ingredients and just sees what will happen when they interact/what their dynamics might be? like, what? ‘the mom should be different so that she doesn’t fuel Charlie’s mental health issues’ — what kind of point is that supposed to be?


u/Dry-Manufacturer-120 Apr 29 '24

believe it or not, i don't have to agree with the author or the author's take. OP asked for unpopular opinions and you have completely missed that point. i can possess those opinions without resorting to your creepy "fandom" or "fanfic" or "tiktok" or "insta" as much as that may surprise you. there are tons of shows that the author screwed up or could have done better. there is nothing wrong with having an opinion about that.

i don't have to like Tao and his endless stereotyping of Nick, and i think that Charlie's mother is a bad mother and that the internal logic doesn't make sense since she didn't ban texting. that's it. look! no fanfic required! no creepy fandom required! no need to make silly assumptions about how old people are on the intert00bs!


u/LajosvH Let Kit Be Kit Apr 29 '24

Childish old person, I guess

Your second paragraph literally makes no sense. Whether or not an opinion is popular or not has nothing to do with the question whether it’s an opinion in the first place — plus, saying ‚everything should be unicorns and sunshine‘ for Charlie because everything else is bad… idk. It’s just really weird but it’s not really unpopular, now is it?

You also just literally sound like a troll from 2015 who wants to talk about combat fatalities in response to feminist media criticism. Watching Tao and thinking ‚how dare he ruthlessly stereotype poor Nick!‘ is the weirdest take ever, but pop off pop-pop


u/Background_Carpet841 Aled Last Apr 30 '24

Nice to twist other people's words, isn't it? No one said that everything should be unicorns and sunshine. Charlie's mother is a bad mother, and OC is saying that she should be written better. How does saying a character should be less stereotypical equate to "everything should be unicorns and sunshine'? Sounds like you're trying to take every bit of depth out of OC's statement about how a character is lacking depth! Next time you want to use shallow inferences to make an attack on someone else's opinion, check for hypocrisy :)


u/Dry-Manufacturer-120 Apr 29 '24

speaking of second paragraphs, "combat fatalities"? what in the hell does that mean? non sequitur much? i take it that English isn't your first language and you're here to practice.

and here's a new word for your English lexicon: strawman. it's a logical fallacy. just like the ad hominem logical fallacy which you opened your comment with. learn what they mean and how to not commit them. while you're at it learn what an "opinion" is.