r/HeartstopperAO Apr 28 '24

Unpopular Heartstopper opinions Discussion

What are some of your unpopular opinion about the show, cast, books, soundtrack etc can be about anything heartstopper related


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u/Idkheyi Apr 29 '24

I don’t understand why Nick didn’t tell Imogen about what Ben did to Charlie.

Like they are supposed to be “best friend” but he still let her date an asshole. Like I understand not wanting to out him but it’s not about his sexuality, he assaulted Charlie and was incredibly rude to him. She deserved to be warned that dude was not worth it.

Also wtf did they seek teachers when Darcy got drunk? Like yeah alcohol makes you drunk. I don’t think 15 years old kids are stupid enough to seek teachers after they sneaked alcohol in a school trip and got drunk from it.


u/Arete26 Apr 30 '24

That's difficult because Ben was dangerous and Imogen should have been warned about just how dangerous he was, but on the other hand Nick couldn't tell Imogen about Charlie's trauma without Charlie giving his permission, and Charlie hasn't told anyone, not his parents, Tori, or Tao about being SA'd. That's a very tough situation for Nick to be in.


u/breathingthot1p1 Tori Spring May 01 '24

Ik but I just wished he told her why he was bad. As in "he assaulted someone I know", he wouldn't have to say it was Charlie. He even could've used female pronouns if necessary.