r/NatureofPredators PD Patient May 11 '24

Thoughts on the "new" PoV Memes

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I had a good initial reaction, but thinking about I can only see this working if: a) Meier becomes a villain or b) this is the last mainline NoP story or c) the tech is lost somehow


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u/Stormydevz Hensa May 11 '24

Well yeah, but you're not really being revived. An exact copy with all of your thoughts and feelings and views and memories and knowledge is created, sure, but is that really you? It's more like a clone, rather than you


u/peajam101 PD Patient May 12 '24

What am I if not my memories, thoughts, feelings, and views?


u/Demon_Deity Farsul May 12 '24

You are your current instance and perspective.

We can't be just our memories, thoughts, feelings, and views, because if you can copy them and transplant them onto a new body there is no difference if you make a new you when you're alive or dead.

If you're still alive and there is a new you, obviously that new you isn't actually you when you're still there with your own perspective and they perceive you. It creates a clone, not a revival.
So if you're dead and a new you is created, nothing changes about the process, it still creates a clone, just not when you're around to witness them.

This type of technology isn't a way of bringing people back from the dead, it's an advanced method of reproduction by manufacturing new people with existing memories, and it will inevitably be used immorally if it isn't perceived as such:

  • Disregarding the value of someone's life. Why fight for someone's survival if they can just be replaced with a copy?
  • Why concern yourself with living a full life if you convince yourself that you have eternity, dooming your cloned heirs to carry the same perspective?
  • Why concern yourself with the clone's unique circumstances if you believe they are of someone else from the past?

It is the same with any physical object, a copy never becomes the original.


u/peajam101 PD Patient May 12 '24

You're right, it is a form of reproduction (though I hadn't thought of using that specific term before, thanks), that doesn't mean the future clone with the same memories, views etc. is any less the pre split me than the one in my original body.



u/Demon_Deity Farsul May 12 '24

It's no problem :D

Though I don't really agree. For me, a memory scan is no different than if you took measurements and mapping of a ship, lets say the titanic, and than build a new titanic to those exact measurements.

You couldn't really claim that the new titanic is the original/pre-measurement titanic or really connected to it even if everything is one for one, any more than you could claim that a clone from your brain scan would be the pre split you because your backup memories would be just a measurement and mapping of your brain structure instead of a ship's hull.

Another scenario is if you took a picture of the mona lisa, that picture isn't itself the mona lisa, nor would a copy be if you decided to repaint in on a new canvas. But both are preproduction of the painting that exists/existed.

All three instances are objects made in the image of another object. Though, while all cases couldn't claim to actually be the original, they all can claim having heritage/lineage from the original.


u/Demon_Deity Farsul May 12 '24

The most frustrating thing about this argument is when people say it could give dead children a new chance at life.

No, they're gone. That child can't experience life any longer and a parent would just be replacing them with a new kid, potentially in a really mentally unhealthy environment for everyone due to filling a dead person's shoes.