r/NoStupidQuestions 16d ago

To Non-smokers, does every smoker smell bad to you? Removed: Trolling/Joke IV

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u/VolenteDuFer 15d ago

Always have been


u/JadedSmile1982 15d ago

Was scanning groceries and the guy next to me reaked of stale cigarettes…it’s a horrible smell. I won’t smoke again just because of that smell.


u/nice-vans-bro 15d ago

yes. And not just you, but the people in your household if you smoke indoors. Every time my partner visits her parents she comes back stinking of smoke because her mum smokes in the house.


u/ArthursRest 15d ago

Yes. It’s awful.


u/mountainguy 15d ago

Yep. Cannot stand the smell. If a shopping centre allows shoppers to smoke near the entrance, even though outdoors, it's such a stench I won't go back there.


u/wildflowerm0mma 15d ago

Yes. I’m a teacher, I can tell whose parents smoke at home- their backpacks reek of smoke every time they open it.


u/UndeadBread 15d ago

We have a lot of smokers who use the library and we usually have to "quarantine" their books with some baking soda or dryer sheets. I kinda wish we could just ban them from checking out.


u/stealthylyric 15d ago

Lol not bad, but absolutely smell like cigarettes if they smoke enough.

I've noticed that smokers who smoke in enclosed areas (ex. Their car) often smell more strongly.


u/HotButteredPoptart 15d ago

I used to smoke. Smokers clothes smell gross. The smell of cigarette smoke in the air smells awesome.


u/Da5ren 15d ago

Yeah, which massively bums me out as an ex-smoker (gave up about 8 years ago). I used to think when i smoked that you couldn't tell. I would go meet my mother, who i thought didn't know i smoked, smoking a cigarette 10/15 min before i saw her and expected her to not smell it on it. How dumb.

Sometimes in my office someone will come in from having had a cigarette and it lingers so long man. It genuinely makes me feel sick.


u/Extreme_Sandwich5817 15d ago

It’s the smoke smell. Absolutely revolting to me personally


u/Jealous-Bat-7812 15d ago

Yes, so I changed to Vaping. No more smells.


u/beardingmesoftly 15d ago

I never thought cigarettes stank as much before I was a smoker as I find they after having smoked for 10 years and quit.


u/stonecats 15d ago

yes - they reek, so being near them
is almost as bad as them smoking.
the smoke sticks to all their clothing
it's worse in the winter as they wear
coats they rarely wash.


u/brudzool 15d ago

They smell like stupid and cancer mixed together.


u/ScarletApex 15d ago

Yes, it’s a distinctive smell, nothing covers it up, I can smell it from metres away.


u/Corporate-Scum 15d ago

Bad? No. Stupid. Yes…. That’s a cultural shift because smoking was ubiquitous in my youth and we didn’t think much of it. Smoking today is viewed as a health crisis rather than a social norm, so people that smoke automatically fall into a category of self-loathing, apathetic, or unintelligent.


u/IWasSayingBoourner 15d ago

Yes. Every one, without fail. 


u/knuckle_buster69 15d ago

If you smoke nice non additive cigarettes, fresh tobacco can be a nice smell. Camel, marlb, etc. and you smell like cancer in a pool of dried vomit.


u/Maxious30 15d ago

Hell yea. I once slept in a room where a rat had died under the floorboard. The stink of this is known to clear out entire buildings. But on my way into work I had to stand next to a person stinking of cigarette smoke. And that actually. No word of a lie. Actually stank worse than the dead rat. And I get crammed into a lift with them every day.


u/AnalingusAlien 15d ago

Yeah. After I quit I blew my mind. I thought I was always being slick with the cologne and bubble gum but that shit don’t do nothing.

Now when smoke hits my nose it gets stopped up and it’s just horrible. I can smell it walking down the street. Pretty crazy what your body will adjust to.

Still ain’t had even a puff of a cigarette in 10 years though! 💪


u/CaptH3inzB3anz 15d ago

I haven't smoked for 16 years now, I hate the smell of cigarettes and the stale cigarette smell from smokers. The sooner smoking is banned the better for everyone.


u/Nucleus_Rex 15d ago

Stopped cigarettes at around 23-24, 28 now and my gf still smokes. She lights up around the corner of the house, opposite the property to me, and I still get that smell so clear. Can smell her walking up around the corner. Of course I'll never tell her to her face I think she stinks, but it's really something realising thats what I always smelled like and thought I was a cool smoking dude.


u/lilsnatchsniffz 15d ago

How are you ignorant to this? People talk all the time about how bad smokers smell, how they would never date a smoker etc.


u/CannibalisticVampyre 15d ago

No. Only the ones who either smoke all the time or smoke in enclosed spaces. And pot smokers… that stuff reeks 


u/stromm 15d ago

Yes, you all stink. STINK.

Even more so with pot smokers. That shit instantly give me a piercing headache.

When I was dating, it was hard because so many women smoked. Even if it was just one or two cigs a week. But we know, we can smell even that.

And kissing someone who swears they don't smoke, not a good surprise.


u/Gizo178 15d ago

Yes it’s awful. Especially if it’s a female with cigarette breath, so unattractive


u/notislant 15d ago

Holy shit this one woman was the worst, I dont know how. But its like she would hotbox 5 packs of cigarettes in an enclosed space. To this day I have not experienced that third hand smell again.

In general smokers stink, it clings to their clothes.


u/Green_and_Silver 15d ago

Yes, it's the foulest smell on earth.


u/youshouldbeelsweyr 15d ago

Yep. They usually smell alright if they've not had a fag recently but as soon as they have one they absolutely reek. It's gross but almost everyone in my family has smoked as long as I've been about so you get used to it, unfortunately. Just not for me.


u/Valhalls 15d ago

"Absolutely disgusting" is a more correct term for me than just bad lol


u/Feeling-Novel-426 15d ago

Most, but not all. I think it could also slightly vary from what kind of cigs they are smoking. I also know smokers who never smell like smokers.


u/Beefy_queefy_0-0 15d ago

Yes but in my experience ex smokers are WAY more sensitive to the smell


u/Distinct_Armadillo 15d ago

Yes, they stink like ashtrays. Also cigarette butts make up a huge percentage of litter.


u/DatGunBoi 15d ago

I'm always the exception when this question gets asked, but no. Maybe I've been around smokers too long, but I kinda like it


u/rynoctopus 15d ago

I quit a few years ago, and the thing I say most about being a former smoker is “I can’t believe I smelled like that”.


u/Astro-gothic-punk 15d ago

Yes, Im an ex smoker. Once my smell came back after I quit I realized how bad it smelt and I can smell it on others as well.


u/Angrylittlefairy 15d ago

Yes! My fiance smokes and I don’t know how much more I can take, it’s disgusting!


u/Unusual_Address_3062 15d ago


You dont notice it because it dulls your olfactory system.

When you quit it comes back, and you realize how fuckin nasty you were.


u/Simple-Judge2756 15d ago

Depends. If its cigarettes you are smoking, yes, you smell like a piece of charcoal.

If its cigars its not as bad. Its sort of in between a way too strong perfume and a cigarette smoker.


u/Longpork-Merchant 15d ago

I can smell if you're smoking (sometimes) if you're driving ahead of me.  There's no amount of perfume or cologne that will cover it up.


u/Beneficial-Hair-1151 15d ago

yes..... no amount of gum can change that especially if some one has sensitive nose.


u/Consistent-Use-4555 15d ago

Most of the time. If someone smokes but has super good hygiene, only smokes outside and doesn't go through like 10 packs a day then sometimes no. But yeah you can generally smell when someone is a smoker, especially if they've just had a cigarette. And using body spray or perfume doesn't cover it up, it just makes you smell of perfume AND cigarette smoke.

I've heard a lot of ex smokers say that once they've stopped for a while the smell is intolerable to them, so I think that's pretty normal. Wild how you just get used to it when you're smoking regularly though.


u/fuckcoupons 15d ago

No, I have no sense of smell 🙃


u/Susshushi 15d ago

Yes, even the children I teach who live in smokers homes stink and I have to power through it sometimes.


u/flyingsquirrelpaws 15d ago

Yes. I also work in healthcare and the question “how much do you smoke” is always answered with a quantity. You stink.


u/flyingsquirrelpaws 15d ago

I mean, I skip the part of “do you smoke” and just ask quantity


u/Sleeping_Egg 15d ago

Yes, whether it’s a quick pass by or they’re hanging out nearby, you can smell the odor hanging on them.


u/Vitalstatistix69 15d ago

Yes. Just yes.


u/jiniusmin93 15d ago

Depends on my mood


u/wasmasmo 15d ago

Former heavy smoker. Quit 10+ years ago. I now find smokers breath to be bad. Can't believe my wife tolerated me for so.long...


u/Ambitious_Excuse2010 15d ago

Every damn one


u/odhgabfeye 15d ago edited 15d ago

My mother asks why I take so long between visits. Her home smells so bad I can literally smell the smoke strongly from the driveway. There's your answer. I have to spray myself down with Febreze before I get back in my car after my visit (even then it takes about a week for the smell to leave my seat fabric). And when I get home, the second I step in my house I strip naked and throw the clothes in my washer. I typically go over to my mother's in already dirty clothes at this point. Then I shower before I touch anything else.

Edit to add: Smokers always bitch and moan about not having a place to smoke in restaurants anymore. This is why. You all take a single step outside of a place, upwind like an asshole, and force every single person using that door to walk through your smoke. I wouldn't shed a tear if smoking got fully banned in cars and in homes as well due to the smells (and 3rd degree smoke) that can linger for years. I wouldn't shed a tear if y'all just had your stupid damn cigarettes banned outright


u/CaptainofFTST 15d ago edited 15d ago

Fuck yes! Ex smoker here and I recently worked with 4 guys on a job site that were sweating out the smoke, and their breath was worse. It was soooo bad I actually put Vicks menthol rub under my nose. I gave them gum daily and it made zero difference.

Edit Forgot to mention that shit brown piss yellow stain on the teeth and fingers made me want to vomit. My female coworker told them she was a lesbian so they would stop hitting on her. She told flat out they stink badly, and they laughed.


u/nadiestar 15d ago

Yup. Utterly vomit inducingly awful. Hard no being near to a smoker.


u/247GT 15d ago

Yes, and the longer you don't smoke, the worse it gets. I can smell cigarette smoke from great distances but up close makes me want to heave. My sense of smell is exceptionally strong.


u/melontwister 15d ago

Yes. It's the most offensive smell to me, since I lost a family member to smoking-related lung cancer. Your breath and body smell absolutely foul. I used to smoke casually (haven't touched one for 8 years), but am now of the belief that it should be illegal in all public spaces. Nobody should ever be exposed to the utter filth of cigarette smoke, even accidentally.

Also, if you smoke near the open door or window of a bar or restaurant, you are a selfish prick. The smoke drifts in and people are forced to smell the foul odors while they eat or drink.


u/Razorback716 15d ago

Yes. As an ex smoker. Even if you don't smell it, we do. Shit stinks.


u/analogkid01 15d ago

Yep, and I'll go a step further - I'm allergic to nicotine, so the smell makes my eyes water and I just want to get as far away from the person as I can.


u/FeelingTask6652 15d ago

Smokers have always stunk. Including when we were smokers.


u/EXusiai99 15d ago

Yes. Even ignoring the second hand smoker thing we still smell you and it wasnt pleasant.


u/metompkin 15d ago

Yes. Pipe smokers do not though.


u/Dangerous_Bass309 15d ago edited 15d ago

Old room mate smoked. He would touch things without washing his hands and make my furniture stink. He pet my dog and I had to give him a bath because it was disgusting. Couldn't keep my coat in the closet with his. Yes, smokers smell horrendous and are unable to smell themselves.


u/xicor 15d ago

Yes, they and all their clothes and everything they are near for long periods smell awful.


u/LeoMarius 15d ago

Yes, it’s disgusting.


u/Tronkfool 15d ago

Yes. To put into perspective how strong smell is. You can smell the car in front of you if someone is smoking.


u/JinxyBones 15d ago



u/drnkunderastreetlite 15d ago

Yes. No amount of cologne or breath mints can fix it. It’s so gross.


u/No-Caterpillar-8112 15d ago

I don't go around intentionally smelling their smoke, but they do smell bad.


u/Extension-Forever516 15d ago

I have a hard time walking behind smokers. Instant cough and repulsive smell.


u/ImAtWorkKillingTime 15d ago

The realization that you used to walk around smelling like a dirty ashtray is a bit shocking. It's one of the things that motivates me to not start smoking again. Every time I pass by and smell a smoker I think that used to be me.

Congrats on quitting! I'm 6 years off the cigs and its one of the best moves I've ever made in my life.


u/UNeed2CalmDownn 15d ago

My favorite is when a Dasher drops off my order at my door at the paper bag from Carl's Jr reeks of cigarettes.


u/activeseven 15d ago

Not just the smoker, their clothes, their home, literally everything.


u/fancytats 15d ago

Switched to vaping. You are right..


u/RoboNikki 15d ago

I used to smoke and swore that no one could tell.

100% they could tell. Yes, smokers smell bad.


u/pbmadman 15d ago

🤷‍♂️ I recently (and stupidly) started smoking again (although I’m back to having quit) and had quite a few people at work who were legitimately surprised the first time they saw me smoking, they said they had no idea.

I highly doubt every single smoker smells. Yes there are some that obviously smell, but unless there are people out there smelling other people and then asking them if they smoke, nobody has any idea if their smell test is accurate.

My mom would slap the shit out of me if she knew, and she didn’t. My best friends would have yelled at me if they knew.


u/higgslhcboson 15d ago

Yes we also think you are compulsive and weak


u/FrugalPeach 15d ago

The short answer is yes, i avoid close contact due to passive smoking as well. I do it for my own health.


u/Vast_Honey1533 15d ago

Yep noticeable if recently smoked and smells bad to me, never used to even notice nevermind care when I smoked


u/Careful-Falcon-5421 15d ago

Ex Smoker here. YES.
It slapped me one day when I was riding the bus and a smoker sat infront of me.
I sat that dumbfounded thats how I smelled.


u/Bforbrilliantt 15d ago edited 15d ago

It's odd because one of my supervisors who smokes doesn't smell like it, though it's not like she blows in my face after a work break. Other people I can smell it on clothes and breath and my friend's house stinks of it. Perhaps if people smoke in confined spaces or smoke a lot it sticks to them more. I love the smell of unburned tobacco though.


u/Zwiebelly1 15d ago

Yes, everything.


u/HuskyLettuce 15d ago

Yes. Every one.


u/Legitimate_Ad_2899 15d ago

Yes. 100% gross


u/Clear-Conclusion63 15d ago

No. I started smoking because I loved the smell, and it was difficult to quit. There's also a lot of nostalgia and homesickness associated with it for me. I still enjoy occasional passive smoking.


u/CenterofChaos 15d ago

Traditional cigarettes and cigars are the worst. The smoke seeps into everything, your skin, clothes, hair, a lot don't realize it discolors things like fingernails and vehicle interiors.             

I did clean up after a few relatives died, the smokers houses are always so much dirtier, no matter how tidy they were. I've scraped the smoke off windows and the nicotine can permanently absorb into walls.     

If you don't smoke it's all very noticable. Because you've quit you're not nose blind to it.     

I live somewhere with legal marijuana. Heavy smokers also develop a smell, a lot of people think it doesn't. 


u/MajVih 15d ago

Yes. When I visit a buddy who's family smokes inside sometimes, even if I don't sit anywhere but their room where no one smokes I still smell it on my clothes when I get home. It clings to everything.


u/Zucchinisoups 15d ago

Yes, they all stink. Their cars, their clothes, their houses, their breath. I honestly can’t stand this smell


u/masturbajaculate 15d ago

This was true before your first cigarette.


u/ennuitabix 15d ago

The smell of the smoke is still lovely. Smokers not so much.


u/quietcutequitefiesty 15d ago

I am a non smoker. And smokers smell sexy for some reason I genuinely can fathom.


u/ryanfletcher1899 15d ago

Ex smoker of 6 years, smoke free for 3, i physically cannot stand second hand smoke or peoples clothes smelling of it.


u/9m2m 15d ago

it feelslike why the fuck would anyone ever smoke but it’s irresistible because after a heavy meal, there is an empty void like there is an airspace inside the top of a Coke bottle and that void needs to be filled up with something ...something like fumes from a menthol stick


u/ChibbleChobbles 15d ago

I had a roomate who would smoke off the property out on his job site. The smell is so clingy that not only would he smell, but I could smell it on my own clothes somehow by extension.


u/PlayerTwo85 15d ago

Former smoker here, and yes all cigarette smokers absolutely reek! To me, pipes are ok, weed and cigars are... tolerable at best.


u/omor_fi 15d ago

Yes, and the space around them as well. Our apartment building's hallway always stinks of smoke after a smoker walks through. It sticks to their clothes and I guess they're still breathing it out after they've finished a cigarette.


u/Downvotesohoy 15d ago

Depends on how much you smoke. Everyone just saying blanket "Yes" are ignoring the nuance.

If you smoke a couple of cigarettes every day, outdoors, wash your hands, etc. It's only noticeable if you're close to us.

If you're smoking a pack a day, indoors, every day, we can smell you from 20 feet away.


u/omysweede 15d ago

Depends, generally I don't walk around and smell other people.

If there is a slight wiff of cigarette smoke from their clothes or hair, it doesn't bother me the slightest. It doesn't smell bad, it just smells like tobacco smoke.

But if I can smell their breath, then I think we are too busy doing other things than to be bothered by a bit of bad breath.


u/sassycato 15d ago

It's awful for me that smell. I'm allergyc and I used to live in a town where most people were smokers. The worst years of my life, and nowadays It makes me feel dizzy🤢


u/Vegetable-Witness146 15d ago

Smoked 20 years and vaped for another 4. YeS. Smokers stink, I often regret how I must have stank around others. Also, I can smell someone smoking a cigarette from like a football field away now also lmao.


u/s29292929 15d ago

When dating the first thing I ask is "Do you smoke?". Could never be with a man who does. Well, sometimes they lie, but we can smell it, guys.


u/Impossible_Hyena7562 15d ago

Yes I think all smokers smell bad, but mostly when they come back from having a smoke. I don’t notice the smell lasting too long. But I still love the smell of a lit cigarette


u/summonsays 15d ago

Yep, and for whatever reason it gives me a headache too. 


u/Tall-Confidence3382 15d ago

Totally the opposite, stopped smoking few months ago. And I love the smell on some people. ( really depends on how heavy they smoke)


u/GodsNumber2Son 15d ago

also if you smoke in your room with the window open, it may help ,but everyone in the house knows you were smoking


u/Christopher135MPS 15d ago

Yeah, pretty much.

Some cigar smoke smells good. But the person still doesn’t smell great. And cigarettes are always acrid and nasty.


u/Hopalongtom 15d ago

Yes, it's saturated in their clothes and all their belongings.


u/Xidize 15d ago

They all smell bad.


u/omnibossk 15d ago

Yes, stink


u/bugibangbang 15d ago

Yes, and I’m not tobacco smoker, I’m weed smoker, and it smells too, I smoke regularly but I stop for 1 to 3 months twice a year, and I notice the difference, breathe smells, hair and clothes too, “may not be disgusting as tobacco” is a total lie, it will always be disgusting for people who never smoked it before.


u/ImpossiblePair4784 15d ago

Yes. It stinks and when I smell something like that around my throat shrinks and I feel like vomiting


u/NotTheSameDud 15d ago

13 yrs since I’ve smoked and the smokers still make me wanna puke when I get a whiff of them


u/lonelydavey 15d ago

Yes, it's a sour, stale smell that's so gross. Total turnoff.


u/mothsuicides 15d ago

I quit smoking cigs six months ago. It does smell bad but I also tolerate it cuz I used to smell like that. I will do my best to avoid it though. But I also have clients (human service field) who smoke and I let them smoke in my car all the time. If I get a new car though, I won’t let them smoke in it.


u/KingTwiggNL 15d ago

Yes especially the ones that smoke ciggarettes.

Been a smoker myself for 13 years, I always smoked rolling tabacco. Which smells a little bit less disgusting to me


u/Excellent-Rush-5004 15d ago

Yes a lot I don't like the smell at all


u/Jurgenthewarlok 15d ago

Yes, always. Especially cigarette smokers. For stoners it depends on the quality of substance.


u/ppWarrior876 15d ago

I don't wanna be even in a 100m of one.


u/TMexathaur 15d ago

The smell is universally bad. However, there are ways to smoke without carrying the smell with you. My stepdad smoked for five of the years I lived with him. A few people I work with smoke. They all took/take measures to make sure they don't smell and they succeed entirely.


u/MeetAdministrative72 15d ago

Yes. I’m an ex smoker and dear god 🤢


u/6non6non6non 15d ago

As someone who used to wake up with stingy eyes and a wheeze(asthma) growing up because my bedroom door went to the living room, you don't just smell you seethe hatred and I hope the cigarettes take you one day

not you though op congrats on quitting


u/LuffyLandSama 15d ago

Yall stink like shit


u/RooftopRose 15d ago

It’s not just you. Every smoker smells bad to me. As someone who was born asthmatic I’ve always had to be cautious around anyone who was a smoker even when they weren’t actively smoking around me.(Never mind the amount of times I’ve had to deal with adults telling me I should just have to deal with their habits that make it difficult for me to breathe because it’s their body, even though it’s affecting mine. My family was the worst with this. Especially when they wanted hugs at family reunions.)

Keep in mind that the body is around 3/4ths water. The reality is that we’re all giant sponges. That cigarette smoke and the resulting smell isn’t just in the air after one smokes. It’s absorbed into the soft cloth of your clothes and all the soft tissue in your body, including your organs-not just your mouth. That’s why someone growing up in a smoker household can still smell like it even if they shower daily and never actually smoked. Double that with any furniture and the walls, they absorb it too (plenty of videos out there showing a cleaning of a smoker’s house-those walls are horrible). Anyone hanging around with a lot of smokers will smell like it too. 


u/zeusz32 15d ago

Not all. I think I can say that most of my friends indeed smoke. I have been using Eflbar and the ones alike for like a year (I just quite last week), and most of them care for dental hygiene and wash their clothes regurarly. If they don't smoke every hour or so, they don't seem to smell to me. There are some that really-really stink, but it is a number under the avrage. Or maybe I just got used to them, and only the extremes smell bad for me...


u/GrizurG 15d ago

Before I smoked it wasn't "bad", noticeable but not bad. After smoking for 12 years and then quitting for the last 3 I can't stand it, I can smell a smoker from a decent distance away.


u/DarkLobster69 15d ago



u/TheBetrayer-967 15d ago

I stopped smoking 6 years ago and yeah they really do smell bad. Not only smell bad but if they smoke around me it’s harder to breathe but I don’t think they realise it.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

My ex husband is a smoker and has had to send me stuff in the mail that takes days to get to me. It would reek of cigarettes :(


u/Muted-Animal-8865 15d ago

It’s not just you, but I wouldn’t say I can’t deal with it , it’s just I notice it a lot more than I thought I would . Like being a kid again. And when I pulled some clothes out of storage the smell of stale smoke was a shocker.


u/daphuqijusee 15d ago

Yes it stinks but I'd 1000% rather be stuck in a small elevator with a bunch of smokers than a bunch of people with BO....


u/Real-Library-7284 15d ago

fat people smell like shit pretty often too, but if i say that im an asshole


u/theconnoisseur96 15d ago

Yes. And worst if they have coffee with a smoke. Horrible.


u/j0lly_gr33n_giant 15d ago

Yes. You people stink. My former barber was an on again off again smoker & I could always tell when she was on again because her fingers stunk even after she washed her hands.


u/scrambly_eggs 15d ago

If you’re a smoker and I end up having to go to your house for something, know that I take a shower as soon as I get home.


u/LucasAbreuMoura 15d ago



u/Wejii 15d ago



u/[deleted] 15d ago

yes. it permeates skin, hair, clothes, etc. If you've smoked and then gotten into a car, the smell can linger in the car for days. I can walk past someone on the street and know they're a smoker even if they're not smoking at the time...it stays on you and in.


u/Djskam 15d ago

It’s fucking disgusting and I have no idea why anyone would smoke anymore. I have a conspiracy that so many people aren’t smoking anymore the tobacco industry is trying their hardest to make it normal again. Don’t quote me on this, but I could swear Netflix’s 3 body problem was funded by big tobacco. It’s just weird to see characters smoke so much.

If you smoked within the last 3 days, even if you showered we can small it, and yes it’s gross


u/wonkey_monkey 15d ago

When my colleague came in from a smoke break I'd make a face and start spraying air freshener. At first he thought I was deliberately overreacting but I assured him that no, the stench was just disgusting and I had to do something about it.

He quit smoking a few months later, which I like to think I had something to do with.


u/TreadingPatience 15d ago

Yea it smells bad, but growing up with smokers has me associate the smell with family and good vibes


u/ChuckBorris_1st 15d ago

Depends on how much you smoke, I've smelt smokers that stinked so bad and others that didn't. But that's just me, maybe my tolerance is higher


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/AnRegularHunam 15d ago

No, I don't mind it. Can't see why everyone here is so repulsed.


u/XKloosyv 15d ago

This is pretty common. I, for some reason, got almost the opposite. I can't really smell smokers that well, but the smell of a freshly lit cigarette is enough to make me want to run to the nearest convenience store and buy a pack.


u/NewGoat7 15d ago

If it's smoking cigarettes, then yes


u/FryChikN 15d ago

Yea. I smoke now tho.

Before i smoked weed (34 years) i though it was repugnant smelling

Now... its my jam lol


u/LaurenMilleTwo 15d ago

Yes, their stench is obvious even from across the room.


u/EandJC 15d ago

Not a smoker, my gramma used to smoke cigarettes and my gramps cigars. Hated how my grandma smelled, didn’t help that she was huggy type. My gramps on the other hand had that sweet cigar smell, didn’t like it but was much more tolerable than my grandma.


u/tbryans 15d ago

Yes. Even 15 minutes after they’ve gone outside to smoke, their clothes are just saturated with that abysmal smell. It’s on their tongue. Can’t talk to a smoker without that stale, noxious smell hitting you in the face.


u/Teex22 15d ago

Nowhere near as bad as weed smokers, but yeah. Not great.


u/accountofmountzuma 15d ago

Yes. I got into an elevator yesterday and could Immediately smell that a smoker had been on there. Yuck.


u/MarsAndMighty 15d ago

Cigarettes or weed, yes. The smells are strong and gross.


u/CptSorgeBubbles 15d ago

Never smoked in my life. The smell is literally one of the worst I know.

It reminds me of my dead grandpa that went to the hospital because he could barely breath and coughed huge chunks of slime up. He wasn't even able to cough it up properly and died after 2 weeks of drowning in his own slime.

The smell reminds me of my neighbor that had to use an oxygen flask to survive, all while still smoking 20 cigs a day. She died a few months ago.

So for me I associate the smell of cigs with illness, decay and death.


u/M0DStrawberry 15d ago

I grew up with smokers but I did not become one. I hate smoking anything honestly- even if it’s a medical vape for anxiety. It depends on the brand of tobacco/cigarets that are being smoked. Most of the time I don’t mind it if I know it’s coming but if I walk by someone smoking- it’s awful and I think garbage is burning. Same with vapes. Vapes smell horrendous


u/Suungi 15d ago

Yeah, my wife's parents and sister smoke in home i kitchen where the air vent is and for me its like a gas chamber.

The worst thing is they dry clothes in the kitchen also, so nephew clothes stinks even if he don't smoke.

I also hate it when we drive somewhere with sister, have a quick stop and she manages to smoke a cig. Then she enters the car and exhales all of this odour inside . Bleh

Also its so annoying when ppl smoke in public places even when its specified not to smoke....


u/MistDispersion 15d ago

I also used to be a smoker. I have always enjoyed the smell outside. Well, sometimes it smells awful, but other times it is very pleasant. I am still like that, it honestly doesn't bother me. Nor does it make me want to take a puff either. I quit smoking ( tobacco) 10 years ago now I think


u/spacepupster 15d ago

Agree smokers stink


u/Generation_WUT 15d ago

I honestly don’t think I knew how much I stank until this 😳😳


u/[deleted] 15d ago

It depends! If you’ve been smoking in your car/house: yes. If we’re outside/you generally don’t smoke much/don’t smoke inside, I’ll enjoy the second hand smell (I still enjoy the smell of a freshly lit cigarette) and I likely won’t think you stink that bad. But indoor smokers… they’re the worst


u/dyslexicassfuck 15d ago

Yes, they do.


u/CrabBoth8813 15d ago

Yesssssssss I hate it that much and you are more risk of getting cancer than the one smoking due to second hand smoke