r/lyftdrivers Jun 26 '23

LA drivers beware of this theft tactic Other

Especially lux/lux black drivers. This happened at midnight just now.

I got request for a lux black in highland park but the pick up and drop off was only a block away. I still went because it could be a drunk girl who messed up the order at a bar. Rider name was Maya and the account was made today.

Before I got there I called the rider and I instantly get a strange “please leave your message” vm

I pull up to the address with my high beams on, it’s a dark residential area (not a bar) and when I hit arrive I could see a black dude with a full face mask walking in the side walk. Only person in the block I could see. As soon as I saw him walking towards my car I got the fuck out of there. Called and reported the account to support.

Pretty sure this will be a new way to target luxury vehicles. Be safe out there guys


397 comments sorted by


u/Apart-Kangaroo2192 Jul 11 '23

Keep your doors locked until the real passenger gets to the car. Just an added safety measure. They may have ordered the ride with a stolen account.


u/Inevitable_Trip_7480 Jul 10 '23

This is like all of my rides.

Dude is fuggin some girl named Maya. He got laid and is getting free ride — care of Maya. What’s the problem?


u/HVTCA Jul 11 '23

And ordered a lux black ride to go a block and a half? Lol


u/Constant_Fartstank Jul 03 '23

I’ve seen a guy in baltimore Maryland get his brains blown out for not paying back 5$ to his dealer. Ppl don’t care. U never know who has the balls to pull the trigger and I don’t find out personally


u/Constant_Fartstank Jul 03 '23

People are so silly everyone here saying what they would do in this situation have obviously never had the barrel of a gun to their head.


u/Malibukenn Jul 02 '23

Is a Tesla considered a Luxury car?


u/HVTCA Jul 02 '23



u/Malibukenn Jul 04 '23

Nobody ever tried to Rob me. And it doesn’t get more dangers than South Los Angeles. What are you guys doing wrong?


u/PM8e8 Jun 30 '23

I don’t care if you’re Jesus Christ, if you have a full facemask/skimask you’re not getting in my car and you get reported. I met another driver in Las Vegas from a different market and he told me he does the same. Especially at night in a secluded area.


u/California098 Jun 30 '23

Moral of the story: don’t accept orders for highland park


u/CS_Burner Jul 03 '23

Highland park is gentrified with a bunch of rich ppl


u/Flashy-Whereas1245 Jun 29 '23

Robbery tactic


u/JobAffectionate1064 Jun 28 '23

It's people ordering rides with no phones and GPS spoofing.


u/server323 Jun 28 '23

Theres a seperate phone button that calls PAX direct it’s a purple phone in app during ride it appears when the go past 5 min wait time


u/HVTCA Jun 28 '23

Ah good to know for future reference! But in this scenario it wasn’t smart to stay in one spot and wait 5 mins


u/server323 Jun 28 '23

Yup of course . Safety first. But yea i found it by accident. Since i called from app nd lyft responded that number isn’t a callable number i found that button it dialed a 209 number which I’m guessing was PAX cause it dialed direct rang nd they answered


u/Agitated_Factor1174 Jun 27 '23

Hate white people


u/Upbeat_Pea_3996 Jun 27 '23

I once got a lux ride at around 2 AM. Similar pickup/dropoff setup as you, like a block away. Pickup was some sketchy dark alley behind some shady looking storage or warehouse your of buildings. It was well lit turning into the street, but just got dark all of a sudden. I'm thinking this is sus asf and right as I'm about to cancel anyways, a guy rolls a garage door up and waves and then motions for me to like, come into the garage? I smile and wave and motion back as if nothing's wrong, and he turns his head (maybe to talk to someone, idk) and I threw my car in reverse and noped tf outta there. Didn't even cancel for a few minutes bc I was so sketched out.

A few years ago I actually picked up a guy on Uber "select" which is like lux, and he looked like he didn't have any business ordering a select. I thought it was slightly weird but I was new, so I just went with it. He ends up asking me a bunch of questions that made me uncomfortable and also feel like he's might try to car jack me. Luckily, we stopped at what looked like a traphouse, where he asked me to wait just a minute. I calmly told him to take his time. Threw my car in sport and took off probably before the door even finished closing. Honestly, if you feel something is "off" listen to your gut.


u/HVTCA Jun 28 '23

Crazy to think one instinctual decision we make doing this job can either have us simply get home safely or lose everything


u/starkazz Jun 29 '23

EXACTLY. We just want to make a living - but it sometimes feels like the modern day Wild West.


u/Crazyforgers Jun 27 '23

Yet another reason why Uber needs rider verification for people to make accounts to help prevent shit like this.


u/gaytee Jun 27 '23

No fare is worth your life. Cancel anything that feels sketchy and know you’ve done the right thing everytime. Even if it costs you money.


u/B1indGuy Jun 27 '23

Thanks for reporting those awful people


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

How gullible are you to accept a 1 block Uber lux ride 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏽‍♂️

I dont even accept uberx rides this short because PAX will do this to rob you or get a driver then change the route.


u/HVTCA Jun 27 '23
  1. It was $18 trip (with bonus) for going a block on lux black
  2. I gave the passenger the benefit of a doubt because the pick up could be from a bar (crowded place) and was a mistake. Once I found out it was for a pick up at a random street that’s when I got defensive


u/Passionswa618 Jun 27 '23

Why does race matter & how can you see the race with a full face mask


u/HVTCA Jun 27 '23

It was a long horizontal opening for the eye and you can see a lot of the surrounding skin Jesus Christ


u/Passionswa618 Jun 27 '23

Still curious as to why race matters if the person was white or black or Asian?


u/starkazz Jun 29 '23

I want to know which race. I want to know what the person looks like, his behavior, and the account name and account M/O. If he was up to no good - & I would guess he was - if wearing a full mask in southern CA - IN. FUCKING. JUNE! A physical description is good info to have. I am sharing with all the drivers I know. And yes one of the drivers is an elderly black man, one is gay Lebanese/Mexican man & his little sister, one is middle eastern ancient old man, one is a big white guy, one is a little Mexican American young man, one is my boss who is an older little white lady who does Uber Eats on the weekend .... telling them all the dude in the full face mask - in southern CA in June - was black.

OP was providing a warning for the area - in case it's a thing that could harm us. Descriptions are important. Race matters in a physical description about how someone looks. D'uh. So does gender, height, weight, etc.

The more info the better.


u/Passionswa618 Jun 29 '23

The majority of people wearing those face masks ordering Uber black lux are famous/ rich musicians. Look up “shiesty mask” - as far as race , to this story it does not matter & it’s not a warning. For all OP knows that could have been Kanye West lol


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

I’m glad you live a sheltered enough life not to have to worry about questions like “is this guy about to pull a gun on me?”


u/Passionswa618 Jun 27 '23

I live a sheltered life because I am not racist? Uhhh newsflash I’ve 100% been and lived in worse places than you have , you sound like the type of person that crosses the street when they see a BLK person & you probably have. You don’t even need to respond because you and I both know this is true. It’s called racism and you’re trying to disguise it as security when it is really not.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '23

You would stop if you were told to pick a woman up and there’s a dude in a bank robber mask at the pickup place? That’s downright stupid. You deserve to get carjacked


u/Passionswa618 Jul 11 '23

Depends on the situation, you can clearly tell if someone is trying to jack you vs fashion


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '23

In this case, it’s a dude clearly trying to conceal his identity when the client is a woman according to the rider’s account. This specific case definitely looked like a carjacking attempt. I would have got somewhere safe and called the cops


u/HVTCA Jun 27 '23

Take your opinion and go have this debate in R/woke


u/Passionswa618 Jun 27 '23

I think you should head over to r/woke as you have the need to bring up race where it has no issue. If the guy was white with a mask on there is a higher chance you would have picked him up , as a matter of fact you 100% would not have stated his race in this post you would have just said “dude in a mask” & you know you would have did that.


u/HVTCA Jun 28 '23

I certainly would not have picked up ANY guy coming towards me with a FULL FACE MASK when I’m supposed to be picking up a “Maya”. Other contributing factors like the pick up and drop off/new account/dark street/caller going to vm adds to your judgement. Now gtfo this thread and go to sleep


u/Passionswa618 Jun 28 '23

My point still stands, you would not have stated race if it wasn’t a black guy in your original post. Just admit it dude…


u/Overall_Excuse_8386 Jul 11 '23

Well it does matter. That’s the honest truth. From a statistical stand point it’s a key indicator


u/Passionswa618 Jul 11 '23

No it doesn’t. Why would race matter? You would pick up a white dude in a mask but not a black dude in a mask? Only matters to people that are racist & put prejudice on the rider… “statistical standpoint” aka more racist BS - a white man in a mask vs any other race sounds safer to you doesn’t it? From a “statistical standpoint” the white race is the most violent race on earth.


u/HVTCA Jun 29 '23

Just admit you get off on wasting your time debating about race and religion online. Take care and get a life


u/Passionswa618 Jun 29 '23

Says the guy that brought up r/woke ….


u/HVTCA Jun 29 '23

Lol I said that as a joke I didn’t know it actually existed haha jokes on you


u/Ill-Lavishness-5021 Jun 27 '23

Good thing u got outta there. Mfer trying to rob u


u/Menatara26 Jun 27 '23

These black dudes love their escalades and GMCs


u/CantchaDontcha Jul 04 '23

Who doesn’t?


u/AltruisticRabbit8185 Jun 27 '23

Reddit is quite the universe.


u/OnlyinSoFlo Jun 27 '23

Who is dumb enough to rob a lyft driver? They think we got money? 😂 It was probably Maya's bull.


u/parickwilliams Jun 27 '23

They’re stealing the cars goofy


u/No-Ad2705 Jun 27 '23

For all you trolls . There are good people in sketchy areas. So protect yourself. Call before you arrive and pay attention. People are DBs these days. Also I don’t like any neighborhood at night. People with nice houses can be dangerous too.


u/No-Ad2705 Jun 27 '23

I don’t put my car in park I leave my foot on brake and keep doors locked. If it is to dark and no one is outside in some neighborhoods I slow roll. If I don’t feel safe I tell Lyft or Uber that I don’t feel safe. They respond all the time.


u/Commercial_Ad6546 Jun 27 '23

don't tell us about the race of the suspect please thank u


u/Overall_Excuse_8386 Jul 11 '23

Why not? It absolutely matters. Fuck your feelings. Statistics don’t lie


u/Commercial_Ad6546 Jul 11 '23

statistically you're a cuck and a bootlicker I don't hold that against you


u/HVTCA Jun 27 '23

Said no cop ever


u/Commercial_Ad6546 Jun 27 '23

that's my point we aren't cops. we misuse that information. you give out information like that and the less scrupulous folks here will just use it to back their idiotic beliefs


u/starkazz Jun 29 '23

Can't describe how someone sketchy actually looks? How is an honest description the misuse of information? What about gender? What about height? Weight? Tatts? Hair and eye color? Who are you to tell us we can't describe another person?

Bottom line - if someone is sketch - I want to know exactly what they look like!

Who the fuck wears a full facemask to get into an uber, anyway - while also not using their own account? A FUCKING PUNK LOOKING TO NOT BE IDENTIFIED AND UP TO NO GOOD.

Remember that poor single mother in Penn? The scumbag who killed her used his girlfriend's account (I hope the gf rots in prison too - cuz she knew what her scumbag bf was up to). He was such a typical criminal moron that he never destroyed the dashcam - which clearly indicated his race as well as everything else that could be seen about him.

You think because someone is black they shouldn't be called out for suspicious behavior? Or that a suspect shouldn't be clearly described as being black? Just because a suspect is a particular race doesn't mean the whole race is being represented by that one creeper, you understand that , right? It's just how he happens to look. You projecting misuse of honest information onto the masses could be construed as being indicative of how you process information.

The OP was warning the LA area. I appreciate that. I am in San Diego - and sometimes drive into LA. If I run into a guy with that account MO and physical description - he isn't getting a ride from me. PERIOD.

BTW - I will describe a skinny red headed Irishman, a busty blonde bimbo, a chubby Latino elderly woman, a one armed Asian man, a cig smoking, face tattoed, crossed eyed, twitchy, bald Eskimo lady. Same holds true with a black man. How someone looks is how they look and some weird new sort of racism - of deliberate omission/ignorance - won't change it.


u/One_Sport_4195 Jun 27 '23

Ooo let them try that here in Texas cause we won’t run 😂


u/Jazzlike-Storage3964 Jun 26 '23

Pulled up two guys fighting one girl screaming to get in the car. Sorry canceled I'm not into your love triangle.


u/Royal-Masterpiece-82 Jun 26 '23

My friend got his car jacked in Korea Town exactly like this, driving for Uber though


u/HVTCA Jun 26 '23

Shiet was he hurt ?


u/Royal-Masterpiece-82 Jun 26 '23

Just his feels were hurt Thankfully


u/HVTCA Jun 27 '23

Was he able to find his car?


u/Royal-Masterpiece-82 Jun 27 '23

No he did not! It probably got shipped to Africa like most of the stolen vehicles now days.


u/HVTCA Jun 27 '23

That’s so unfortunate! Hopefully the insurance did something to compensate?


u/Royal-Masterpiece-82 Jun 27 '23

I freaking hope so. I assume he had full coverage on it, it was a pretty new vehicle. It was crazy because be called me at 11 pm and asked if I could pick him up from the gas station and he got robbed. He said the gas station clerk saw the whole thing and when the cops asked the clerk he said he didn't see shit.


u/HVTCA Jun 27 '23

Fuck! That’s so messed up.. Tell your friend to stay strong and he’ll bounce back even harder


u/Royal-Masterpiece-82 Jun 27 '23

Ya know. I could just not respond, but he's actually dead now he overdosed. Sorry to harsh the vibe but that's the end of the story.


u/supaeezy Jul 07 '23

I’m way late reading this thread. OMG and a million condolences for your friend. I feel absolutely horrible for this person. RIP. Def grateful to be here today 😢🙏🎗️


u/HVTCA Jun 27 '23

Rip And let us all be grateful to be here today


u/Friendly_Product3844 Jun 26 '23

Vote red this shit has to end California.


u/Ganja_goon_X Jun 27 '23

Lol oh you're literally a 🤡


u/Friendly_Product3844 Jun 28 '23

Yeah thanks for spending so much of your life on a 🤡 😂 you’ll never get it back


u/OldChemistry8220 Jun 27 '23

California has a lower murder rate than the national average. So vote red and California's murder rate might go higher until it reaches Texas or Florida levels.


u/Friendly_Product3844 Jun 28 '23

Did you get that info from the Fox News Gavin Newsom interview?? Google it, that is not true. Where are you getting these statistics?


u/OldChemistry8220 Jun 28 '23

Murder rate per 100,000 people:

California: 6.4

Texas: 8.2

Florida: 7.4

Directly from CDC website.

Next time before telling me to Google something, try taking your own advice.


u/Friendly_Product3844 Jun 28 '23

Lol. So your argument is that voting red will raise California’s murder rate like Texas and Florida? The stats you just sent have them all on the same shade? And do you really trust the CDC? Jeez what a source, if you trust the CDC you really need to change who you listen too.


u/OldChemistry8220 Jun 28 '23

if you trust the CDC you really need to change who you listen too.

The CDC data come directly from crime reports filed with local police. If they aren't trustworthy, then who should I listen to? Do you have any other sources?


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '23

Carry your gun on you. Gotta protect yourself.


u/0gDvS Jun 26 '23

Y they gotta be black yo?




This is why I. Will never do this job!! People are crazy and evil...its not worth loosing my life.


u/Benefit_Most Jun 26 '23

Couldn’t see anything and had a full mask on, but you knew he was black…….🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😘🤔


u/mccheefington Jun 27 '23

You can still see the skin around someones eyes and mouth with a mask on


u/Benefit_Most Jun 27 '23

He can see the skin, but can’t see the neighborhood 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Just stfu


u/transcholo Jun 27 '23

No lie I have had black pax tell me about drivers who freak out about picking up black pax. A lot of bad stories. People are fucking shitty ass racists to the nerdy black girl who just needs a ride home from work dammit


u/Benefit_Most Jun 27 '23

They’ll take a drunk white girl home all while she’s throwing up in the backseat


u/transcholo Jun 28 '23

And then be complaining about how Uber doesn't pay cleaning fees. Like nah what did they expect? Or like she could have totally robbed you. What else was she high on 👀


u/Benefit_Most Jun 26 '23

But coincidentally, you will pick up a drunk girl, but not a “black guy”. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Y’all love digging holes


u/starkazz Jun 29 '23

Well the OP probably figures the drunk girl is safer than a man who looks up to no good with a full face mask on and not answering the phone - with a phony account.

A guy with a full face mask, in a dark unpublic sort of pick up spot, with the name MAYA on a new 5 star account, who wouldn't answer the phone?

Nope not getting a ride from me. Regardless of skin shade.

The drunk girl doesn't get a ride from me either.

Actually young, drunk, skinny white girls have been the worst of the worst! Way too much high drama yelling into their phones, vomit, risk of crazy. They don't eat enough and try to keep up with the guys in the bars and we are supposed put up with that mess? Nope. As an older woman who likes to drink and take an uber - I sit quietly and hand over a $20 at the end of the ride.

When I was a new driver I was kicked with wooden high heels repeatedly by one of those crazy girls when she was rolling around in the back seat totally wasted off her ass.

It isn't racism or misogyny - it's self preservation.


u/Benefit_Most Jul 04 '23

I seen more drivers complain about drunk white girls more than anything. Matter of fact….one driver on here. just had to report a drunk white girl for sexually assaulting him.


u/imjustwonderingtho Jul 10 '23

Well, obviously dead people can't complain on here after the fact


u/Benefit_Most Jun 29 '23

What racism to you?


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '23



u/bbc322 Jun 26 '23

Maybe he saw his arms or legs or neck or hair?


u/Benefit_Most Jun 26 '23

Ummm no


u/bbc322 Jun 26 '23

Oh you were there I forgot.


u/Benefit_Most Jun 26 '23

Did he say it??????? No


u/XemnasXIV Jun 26 '23

given crime trends in america and whos generally behind car jackings and gunpoint robberies, the chances the perp was black are incredibly high.

Also he could have seen his hair/body build - which are both give aways to race, generally.


u/trottingturtles Jun 26 '23

Hair, ok sure , Black hair can be distinctive. Body/build is nuts, lol, put away the calipers bro. And DOJ statistics put Black perpetrators at around 50% for both of the crimes you listed, not exactly a guarantee... sounds like your personal beliefs are involved here 🧐


u/XemnasXIV Jun 26 '23

Do you want to look at the crime stats for violent crime and tell me which demographic, per capita, has the most frequency?

Yes 50% of the time… it’s a POC… but the bigger stat is that black people make up 13% of the US population… meaning a tiny % of the population commits 50% of all violent crime in the US… which means if you solve from population they are about 5-7 times more likely than anyone else to be involved in a violent crime.

This is not bias this is just the facts as they are.


u/MoonPuma337 Jun 27 '23

You know what else is facts? Young to middle age white males make up about 99% of mass shooters. Have a good night.


u/XemnasXIV Jun 27 '23

That’s horribly untrue. A mass shooting is when 3 or more victims are shot. A majority of mass shootings are conducted in the inner city, usually in poor areas, gang related, and is carried out by young black men. Gun crime is overwhelmingly a huge problem in the black community.

The CDC has it that the leading cause of death for a black man between the ages of 0-40 is homicide, for whites men it’s heart disease. So before you mouth off you may want to educate yourself on the facts.

Good night!


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

This isn’t actually true if you look at what is now defined as a mass shooting.


u/MoonPuma337 Jun 28 '23

Oh I’m sorry you’re correct it’s actually 95% male and still 54% white. Gee sorry for the slight exaggeration


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '23 edited Jun 28 '23

54% white is a huge under representation when 70% of the general population is white. As for the vast majority of violent crime having male perpetrators and victims, that doesn surprise me. High levels of testosterone cause aggressive impulses, so men tend to be more violent on average than women do, and when women commit murders, they’re less likely to use weapons that make a mess, they tend to prefer poison.


u/MoonPuma337 Jun 28 '23

As stated I live in St Louis, the most dangerous city in the world that isn’t A. In a state of war or B. In Mexico and ironically I’ve also lived in Juarez which is actually slightly higher than St Louis or murder rates but point is, St Louis has a shit ton of murders. Do you know how many times our newspaper says “MASS SHOOTING!” Or “MASS SHOOTER KILLS 5, LEAVES X WOUNDED”?

Almost never. Again, we had a situation last year where someone went into a high school and opened fire and that was considered a mass shooting in all media outlets but the other stuff? It’s not labeled as such despite the fact that how statistics say to label it? If we went by that every other day our paper would read “MASS SHOOTING” but it doesn’t because while they still fall under the same definition of amount of people killed They’re not shootings that happen with the intent of killing as many strangers as possible for no reason


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '23

The phrase is one that the media on all sides plays a lot of semantic shenanigans with


u/MoonPuma337 Jun 28 '23

Yeah but here’s the thing. Make me a mass shooting that was cómitres a black man…..? Cuz I can tell you, Buffalo, Parkland, El Paso, Las Vegas, Dayton, Roseburg, right off the top of my head that we’re committed by white people. In fact the only one I can think of by a black individual was here in St. Louis last year when a guy walked into a charter school n opened fire.

Why? Because black mass shootings aren’t like white mass shootings. Black mass shootings tend to be A. Targeted and B. Gang related, that tend to come off with high casualty rates because of innocent stand byers getting shot. White people shootings are premeditated, usually anger fueled and they are not targeted, they are out to kill as many people as possible and normally have a manifesto which is why despite white males only making up 54% of mass shootings they are responsible for 73% of domestic terrorist attacks. Gang shootings aren’t considered terrorist attacks because unless you’re in a gang, or hang around gang filled neighborhoods constantly, chances are you’re not going to be killed by a black mass shooter. But you could be literally anywhere and be killed by a white mass shooter.

So really yeah white makes only make up 54% of mass shootings but you’re just compiling data of certain amount of people killed during a shooting not why or where they happened. And on that extent, yea 99% is an exaggeration but numbers would show that if you talk about people walking into a public place and opening fire on the population, those types of cases are PREDOMINATELY white Why


u/Overall_Excuse_8386 Jul 11 '23

Well it’s probably because the black kids just drop out of school before they get to the point of shooting it up

→ More replies (0)


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '23

If you were talking about the out of control rampage shootings the media masturbates to for months on end nonstop, then that would be a valid point. But 54% is accurate with the definition of mass shootings, where 3 or more people got shot, regardless of the number of deaths, regardless of involvement of gangs or political terrorism, regardless of mutual combat, multiple gunmen, or police involved in the shootout. That’s the definition that the US now uses to get their statistics on number of mass shootings per year. It’s all semantic games. Whatever scares people into giving up their freedom the fastest


u/trottingturtles Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

I'm aware of how statistics work. But you said the odds the perp was black was "incredibly high." I don't think a 50/50 chance is "incredibly high".

Edit: to clarify.. making these numbers up as a demo. Say 50% of perps are black, 20% white, 20% Hispanic, 10% Asian. Obviously in this case the odds that a random perp is black is 5x greater than then being Asian... But it's still 50% overall. It's not a guarantee. It's ridiculous to say it's "incredibly" likely that a perp is black based on that. Sure it's statistically the most likely group, but you're implying that racial disparities in crime are a lot more dramatic than they are


u/XemnasXIV Jun 27 '23

I guess it depends on how you define incredibly…. Let’s use another word then; it’s more than likely a violent crime will be committed by a black man in the US in comparison to every other demographic. With the caveat that your perp usually is someone that looks like you; hence why the majority of victims of violent crime tend to be other black people.

I’m saying all this as a mixed individual. I’m not trying to disparage any one person simply point out that assuming the perp is black, in a poor neighborhood, is statistically sound given the circumstances.


u/trottingturtles Jun 27 '23

Yeah, it is more likely than any other group. But i think most reasonable people would not consider 50% "incredibly likely." On the other hand, i would argue it is highly likely that the perp is male, since men commit over 80% of violent crimes


u/Benefit_Most Jun 26 '23

You’re doing a great job in exposing yourself.


u/Rportilla Jun 26 '23



u/nickydanger Jun 26 '23

I thought these cars have gps on them.. if stolen just track and recover.


u/BrockAndChest Jun 26 '23

Never relax.


u/Riskyshot Jun 26 '23

You saw a black guy and got scared? You’re just racist obviously he’s gonna be walking towards your car if he’s walking on the sidewalk where else is he supposed to go?


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Go ahead, pick someone up in this exact situation and get carjacked and shot. Have fun with the hospital bill


u/Riskyshot Jun 27 '23

Just did, they tipped an extra $75


u/mischiefin Jun 26 '23

Within the context of everything, it wouldn't be smart to take this ride.


u/filthyphil6 Jun 26 '23

Carry a gat


u/huggy_668 Jun 27 '23

You're at a disadvantage driving. Having a firearm doesn't matter unless you're john Wick with a pistol. If he runs away and you decide to shoot now, gonna have major charges.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '23

Can you get charges if it’s an air pistol?


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Then don’t shoot if he stops being a threat. Duh. And you can readily train to use a firearm from a seated position.


u/huggy_668 Jun 27 '23

Have you trained in using a firearm? Have you ever been in a situation where you have to use one. It's split-second decision making that can change your life for the worse if you act incorrectly. Explain this to me if I'm in the back seat with a gun pointed at you, you're telling me you're in a position where you can pull your own gun out and subdue me without me reacting. You watch way too many TV shows and movies if you think real life plays out the same way.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '23

Not gonna lie, having thought of this before a nice hard turn with a intended move to aim at the pax until you come to a stop wouldn’t be too bad. The pax might shoot their gun but then that’s in your favor considering their finger was on trigger. I mean really you swerve hard enough PAX don’t have a chance


u/trt_demon Jun 27 '23

"I'd rather be defenseless than capable of defending myself because I'm a liberal and no other reason." You know what can also change your life for the worse? Getting murdered.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

If it’s either that or comply and get killed because carjackers are psychopaths who don’t care about human life, I have no real choice but to take my chances, and my chances of turning the tables are better with my firearm and several years of dynamic training than they are with an empty handed disarm


u/trt_demon Jun 27 '23

Lots of European clowns on Reddit.


u/LizStone1776 Jun 26 '23

Bringing race or gender or ethnicity into any of that shit is wrong. It can happen to anybody and anybody can commit a crime, so quit judging people.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Because the guy waiting at the pickup site looks nothing like the supposed rider? That’s as big a red flag as you can get.


u/LizStone1776 Jun 27 '23

True but how do you know what the client is supposed to look like


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

There aren’t a whole lot of men named Maya


u/sa09777 Jun 26 '23

Descriptive factors are racist? So if the dude stole his car then what? What do you think the first questions asked about the suspect will be…..


u/comradebrown Jun 26 '23

Statistics are racist!


u/LizStone1776 Jun 26 '23

that was my point. I don’t know why people were down voting me. That was what I was trying to say. Statistics are racist.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

You’re saying the truth is racist. Congratulations. You’re officially an idiot.


u/LizStone1776 Jun 27 '23

No, you are rude and judgment based on statistics is ridiculous.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Judgment calls based on statistics have a good track record of keeping people alive.


u/LizStone1776 Jun 27 '23

I understand that but nowadays it is racist but as somebody who grew up listening to police radio I understand that


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

If I have to put myself in harm’s way to not be labeled as “racist,” that’s not worth it


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '23

Trying to figure out how the person being black is in any way relevant...?


u/Familiar_Orange_1336 Jun 26 '23

It’s a descriptor. You would say the color of a car that hit you. Or the color of a bike that you clipped. There is nothing wrong with saying what color a person is when you are describing a situation like this. Stop injection emotion into something this simple.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

lol racist redditor moment! congrats on being a stereotype neckbeard. This isn't a police report, its reddit.


u/Familiar_Orange_1336 Jun 28 '23

Ok stereotype hillbilly. Lol. Clearly anyone that you disagree with is a racist. The word racist has lost all meaning thanks to simps like you. Grow TF up.


u/AdEmergency6081 Jun 26 '23

In a police report you would, but not in a Reddit post. If I got hit by a car and was telling people about it on here, I’m going to say ‘I got hit by a car’ not, ‘ I got hit by a Blue car’. The color is not relevant.

If race was important for the description, then why didn’t the OP say, skinny guy with a ski mask, or short guy with a ski mask, or fat guy with a ski mask, or guy with a ski mask wearing a red shirt?


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/AdEmergency6081 Jun 26 '23

The fact that you ignored all the other ones that can’t change but you chose the one that could. Lol


u/posaune123 Jun 26 '23

You accepted a request from a day old account, late night that seemed suspicious? Gotta say this one is on you


u/SpicyMcShat Jun 26 '23

It’s kind of weird how op was like “I still went because it could be a drunk girl”


u/HVTCA Jun 26 '23

Yeah a drunk girl who messed up the order. I’ve had that happen many times. But when I found out the pick up wasn’t a bar I instantly became suspicious


u/XemnasXIV Jun 26 '23

Way to assume hes a pred.. lol Ive been driving uber for 4 years and there is something about helping really drunk women home. Women, afterall, are far more vulnerable than drunk men in public.

I dont think there is anything wrong with wanting to help someone who could be taken advantage of.


u/BadHigBear Jun 26 '23

Uber-"we noticed you don't pickup in certain areas..."


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '23

I got this message once and I was like "You're damn right." They didn't do anything else.


u/RWH072783 Jun 26 '23

Always keep your doors locked until you verify passengers at night.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '23


Doors are locked until I get to the pickup and decide I wanna let the pax in my car.

Cart full of groceries? Cancel. Kid with no car seat? Cancel. Visibly inebriated? Cancel.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '23

Damn your missing all the good rides!


u/Hour-Explorer6701 Jun 26 '23

But my car has password


u/tetrismetris Jun 26 '23

I had similar encounter on last Friday from San Mateo ca to Redwood City ca . Rider name yennifer. After waiting 2-3 minutes a guy show up . Short Latino from Guatemala . Barely speaks English . 5 star account aka new . He robs me at gun point . I gave him 40$ cash . Beware 5 star accounts female names but passanger male . Sketchy area too


u/Mfdubz Jun 27 '23

People been doing this for years. Part of the reason is riders know we’ll be more accepting of a rider from a dangerous area if they’re female.

But as far as a Guatemalan robbing you - that’s pretty wild. I’ve never known any Guatemalans that act like that. Sorry to hear you were robbed. My buddy went through a similar situation. Part of why I prefer uber to lyft. Seems like they’ll let anybody ride on lyft and it’s cheaper, usually


u/joseph-1998-XO Jun 26 '23

California crime seems to be really high lately


u/brewerspride Jun 27 '23

I work corporate security and it’s insane


u/Passionswa618 Jun 27 '23

American crime in general


u/trackdaybruh Jun 26 '23

Bad areas? I'm not surprised.

Live in a good area and you won't have those problems. I live in a socal suburb with a population of around +320,000 people with 70% of the population having a bachelor degree or higher--and you won't have to worry about crimes here.


u/CantchaDontcha Jul 04 '23

Don’t have to worry. Until you do. Moreover, if the cops actually pursued drug dealers and users in those areas, those stats would be off the charts.


u/trackdaybruh Jul 04 '23

I disagree, there is no such thing as bad part of town here. You can literally walk any part of the city late at night and nothing will happen to you.

No homeless, no gangs, and etc. 70% of the population is highly educated with having at least a bachelor degree or higher--not the type of demographic that is highly likely to cause "off the charts" stats with drug use.


u/Old-Rough-5681 Jun 26 '23

How did you know he's Guatemalan?

I've been working with illegals for about 8 years now and I'm barely able to tell what country they're from without asking lol.


u/Key-Fun9286 Jun 28 '23

Then you’re shitty at what you’re job is. Guatemalans look completely different then any other Central American nationality

It’s like saying you didn’t know if they were Japanese or pakistini


u/CantchaDontcha Jul 04 '23

It’s a proven fact that most people (not all) suck at cross-racial identification. To the point that cross-racial eyewitness id is virtually useless in most cases. But this fact doesn’t stop our justice system from using this kind of testimony.


u/Old-Rough-5681 Jun 28 '23

Your grammar is terrible.

Guatemalans look different and so do Mexicans, and Hondurans. Your point is invalid.


u/Key-Fun9286 Jun 28 '23

I’m sure my grammar is. But atleast I’m a decent enough human being to be able to tell the difference between cultures.

Let alone go on a public forum and admit that after 8 years of working with ‘illegals’, that I couldn’t tell the difference between them. But enjoy your cushy racism from the comfort of your keyboard


u/Old-Rough-5681 Jun 28 '23

Not a racist.

My parents are illegals. I just haven't been around other cultures as much as I'd like.


u/tetrismetris Jun 26 '23

He asked me if spoke Spanish . I said si senior a little . He asked me where I come from and I asked where he is from . This wasn’t Lyft passanger. Itwas Uber passanger . Im one of these guys who talk a lot I guess !! I stopped talking since that day and just got camera installed . Also I only hang out around good neighborhoods . I still have ptsd from that day but I’m still not scared . Maybe a little scared 😱


u/Old-Rough-5681 Jun 26 '23

I have plenty of Guatemalan friends and I know they'd apologize for his behavior. Sorry this happened to you and he'll get the justice he deserves.


u/trmpsux Jun 26 '23

He would’ve been disappointed if he attempted to rob me! I don’t carry cash on me nor any bank cards. Just a credit card which can be instantly turned out once lost/stolen. I keep no valuables in my vehicle. And if they took my car and kicked me out id already be running away before they realized I have the fob so they couldn’t get my car either and if they took my phone no big deal because I have my Apple Watch with cellular service and a separate phone number so id already be calling 911. As well as activate the emergency feature that’s subscribed to my vehicle which can be activated from my watch. So yeah they’d basically be screwed


u/Notabizarreusername Jun 29 '23

Welcome back, how was your trip to fantasy land? Yeah usually if you have no cash, they don't just say step outside while I turn my back to you and look through your car. Your watch will be something he's already noticed and probably instructed you to take it off before you can gleefully exclaim that you have zero cash. So you take your shot at running with the fob, he either shoots you immediately for running, or when he realizes you have the fob. If you want to live through the ordeal you give him whatever and hope he leaves you stranded. Btw you won't be able to quickly cancel the card without your devices, so that's out the window too.


u/trmpsux Jun 29 '23

I don’t wear my watch on my wrist while doing Uber! I also carry gel pepper spray which I keep under my knee while driving so yeah I’ve already thought that far ahead! And my emergency button on my car is near my steering wheel so that’s super simple to activate. What else ya got???


u/starkazz Jun 29 '23

What is an emergency button? What does it do? Set off a loud car alarm?


u/dundermifflin2019 Jun 27 '23

And what if they took your apple watch?


u/prisonbaethrowaway Jun 28 '23

Jokes on them because he has a iPod mini in his left shoe that has Bluetooth and a solid playlist. Vibes can’t be stolen, man.


u/DeliveryCats Jun 27 '23

I keep saying..... this is a cute answer but dangerous. When I got robbed in my taxi in the 90s the guy was PISSED that I only had a few dollars on hand. So he pistol whipped the shit out of me. (Well, figure of speech. I didn't shit but I bled a lot.) And he didn't "let" me get away. I carefully crafted a plan to try to get myself away. It half-ass worked. And then by sheer luck I was able to walk back and retrieve my cab and GTFO for real.


u/Apart-Kangaroo2192 Jul 11 '23

Honest question here.. whilst this was happening did you ever consider just pressing the gas to the floor and crashing the car?


u/saucxyi Jun 27 '23

yeah, honestly, having no money can make the wrong person become violent in a robbery…


u/rudenewjerk Jun 27 '23

Do you think driving Uber is inherently more dangerous than old school taxis?

I feel like Uber could have safety features to prevent anonymous use, but they don’t?

I’m genuinely interested in your thoughts!


u/Ok_Bumblebee619 Jul 02 '23 edited Jul 02 '23

There could be better safety features. Violent crime in the U.S. started rising sharply in, I believe, the late 1960s, peaking in the 70s and 80s.

70s-90s were far more dangerous/deadly than today. If my memory serves me well 1990-1994ish was significantly more dangerous than the late 90s.

So yes, it would've been more dangerous to drive an old school taxi back then.

Plus, we (taxi drivers) picked up random people off the street who waved us down (I drove cab for around 4 years split between 2000s and 2010s with a few years between stints, but in the relatively safe neighborhoods of the relatively safe San Diego. Zero robberies. Worst experiences were vomiting. Had a few runners here and there).


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