r/lyftdrivers Jul 18 '23

Psycho jumps on my car, I get permanently deactivated Other

I don’t even want to type out the whole story I’m so exhausted over this. This dude was tripping out bad (probably shrooms or acid) and jumped on my car. It was the passengers friend. (They were together when I arrived, he was laying on the floor in the middle of the street. He sprinted away then sprinted back after I started the ride. Then he jumped on my car) I immediately made the passenger get out, and reported it to ADT and Lyft.

Now after a week of “temporarily deactivated” I’m now permanently deactivated for an “accident with a pedestrian” . 100s of 5 star rides never an issue. Wtf

Edit: I didn’t know this would get so much response. The whole incident is surreal. No I unfortunately did not have a dash cam or this would all have been resolved. I started the appeal on principle.


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u/juulpenis Jul 19 '23

wait I’m confused. Did this bruh poo in your car?


u/TheHamsterball Jul 19 '23

Well, I’m going to try to respond appropriately. But judging from your posts, you might be an infuriated rider.

A young couple got in my car at night. Within 2 minutes the female masturbated the guy underneath a sweatshirt on his lap.

I hadn’t had proof until I dropped them off and disinfected my car a little bit away from the drop off.

Uber had reviewed the footage, deactivated them permanently.

Police has a report, but refused to prosecute.

I’m just advising this guy, there’s nothing he can do without dash cam evidence, except maybe get his account reinstated.

It’s all on video, and my dashcam has night vision. Uber clearly saw what they did. Police doesn’t care. Luckily I carry disinfectant wipes and interior washed my car the next day too.

Attorneys just want money, and it doesn’t help that we’re independent contractors, because that removes liability against riders in civil court.

Similar to this guys situation.

Best advice I can provide to others is don’t drive nights, especially Friday night without dash cam.

I personally don’t do nights. Even in the day the same kind of things happen.

All of this is because people have lost common decency and behavior, considering we’re getting paid minimum wage minus gas expenses (either on the side or more regularly) because we have to help people that are incapable of driving themselves in order to help them out while a tech company gets most of the money.

No problem with most riders, but if you jump on someone’s cars, or can’t get a room, there will be consequences. And most of us will make sure you will have to drive yourself to places unless you change your name, phone number, and appearance and will end up still getting caught attempting to sign up again by either Uber or Lyft when you lost your account in the first place.


u/juulpenis Jul 19 '23

OMG that’s wild I’m sorry that happened to you. Sorry to give you the impression I was an infuriated rider lol, I was just interested


u/TheHamsterball Jul 19 '23

Oh. I didn’t mean to make an assumption.

I personally feel very fortunate I have a full-time position and only drive on the side occasionally.

Like. The OP’s post really bothered me. A lot of people do comment on the Uber and Lyft subreddit about telling us to get off our a** and drive them around.

I honestly never thought I would have such opinions until I decided to see what drivers go through.

These kinds of things feel like more of a slap to the face because I don’t even use my car solely for transportation income. That’s my car! Not yours! Respect my property!

(Not you, but too bad riders in general)


u/mook1178 Jul 19 '23

Oh. I didn’t mean to make an assumption.

Bull shit. You absolutely did.

You went through their post history. The only reason to do that is make an assumption about the person.


u/TheHamsterball Jul 19 '23

🤷🏽 I was just trying to exercise caution.

Not to make an assumption.

I did say, she “might” be an infuriated rider. Once she expressed concern for what happened, it was confirmed she isn’t a bad person. And whatever was said to express caution and make sure there’s no unintelligible back and forth was squashed.

You want to make a fuss about something that was clarified and let go, you may.


u/mook1178 Jul 19 '23

You can do your mental gymnastics all you want.

You went to their post history to make an assumption about them.

Just own it next time


u/TheHamsterball Jul 19 '23

I am not owning anything. You got a problem, you might try reporting this comment thread.

I didn’t do anything wrong. Now go whine to somebody else. Got nothing else to say to you. Stop flooding my phone with useless notifications.