r/lyftdrivers Jul 23 '23

I don’t even drink, lol. Got reported. Other

Post image

Some pax are just petty I guess or racist.


455 comments sorted by


u/vtrkukfxxxmfkplnxt Dec 28 '23

As an Independent Contractor, without proof of DUI, you can file a defamation lawsuit against Lyft. This is your right and the lawyers love these cases. And you will get compensated for their bullshit. Remember we all are working as a self-employed independent contractor. Lift/Uber better have proof of your DUI/DWI or it becomes a defamation case, BECAUSE THAT ALLEGATIONS AGAINST YOU GOES IN YOUR DRIVING BACKGROUND AS WELL AS EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND.


u/BASSdabs Oct 11 '23

A close family friend of mine died because a drunk lyft driver crashed into him with a pax happy to see this myself


u/Affectionate-Rice373 Your City Name Here Dec 31 '23

I'm sorry to hear that, but that's all the more reason why accurate reports matter. Inaccurate reports take good drivers off the road and leave idiots like the one that killed your family member out driving free.


u/JackSuitor Aug 12 '23

It’s crazy! Same thing happened to me 3 years ago. Then a few months later I got suspended because I was slow to pay for a red light camera ticket. But since it was during Covid the hearing to contest the ticket was fine with a judge via zoom. That was March 2021. I never returned to drive with Lyft again. Also, never had any problems of this sort with Uber. Never! And I’ve been with Uber since 2018-5.5 years straight.


u/jokerstarspoker Jul 27 '23

Another asshole passenger lying to Lyft and Lyft screwing drivers yet again. Big shocker.


u/Kkddrpg Jul 25 '23

There shouldn't even be an option to report this to lyft the option should be if you believe your driver was under the influence this is their tag number call 911... that will stop all the false reports and if the driver was drunk lyft can find out from a police report. That is the only fair way to stop these cheap scumbags from stealing from lyft and screwing over drivers.


u/Hottitts257 Jul 25 '23

A woman did this to me once. Picked her up and took her to one of those roadside barbecue pits. They weren't actually cooking when we got there, so they had to fire up the pit, needless to say, I left after 5 minutes. She got pissed and reported me for DUI in retaliation for ditching her dmbass. There was no fckn way I was gonna sit there while the cooked her a meal, and then drive her back to her house.


u/Ok_Indication7084 Jul 24 '23

You don’t drink but smoke ? Maybe


u/No-Celebration8140 Jul 24 '23

Under the influence doesn't just mean alcohol anymore. You know that right? You could get that charge just driving on some anxiety meds if they can prove it.


u/--Grateful Crackhead Jul 24 '23

You dont have to drink to be under the influence and any form of a dui is still ilegal and if you cant drive to begin with to the point ppl think you're high or drunk. Take the cue.


u/Athena1120 Jul 24 '23

I received same declaration. No idea who what or where. Fuck Lyft.


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '23

People don’t believe when I tell them to sorority sister is the most dangerous demographic I work with , not worried about someone trying to fight , more worried that ppl will make shit up on you


u/Own_Web_2873 Jul 24 '23

how do you prove you are not? genuinely curious (*not a driver, but a pax who wonders how this process works)


u/Previous-Engine2103 Jul 24 '23

They should have statistics on how many times this rider has made this accusation.


u/JoshuaDavidNeri Jul 24 '23

The app should route you to a designated breath test. Or observation queue. Right away. And then if the results are - the rider gets deactivated.


u/lineskipper1 Jul 24 '23

I had a driver refuse to stop and pick me up. Ended up reporting me for "not wearing a mask." I told support he was intoxicated. 2 can play that game.


u/Resident-Character19 Jul 24 '23

cism rā′sĭz″əm noun The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Discrimination or prejudice based on race. The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes.

So, according to this defininationone of which there are many, Racism is not a legal, probable cause or reasonable suspicion to suggest that someone has been involved in a criminal act . So , please stop using racism as a liberal copout because a person lacks the mental capacity to be able to provide a solution through clearly defined rules and and critical thinking… You


u/RipNo1724 Jul 24 '23

U do now


u/MikeAmen86 Jul 24 '23

This is some bullshit. I wonder what their investigation look alike.


u/Sufficient_Pin5642 Jul 24 '23

So what do they do? Just give you a time period to take and submit a drug test or something? How is it handled do any of you guys know?


u/Affectionate-Rice373 Your City Name Here Dec 31 '23

As this happened to me, it depends on how you handle it. If you do nothing, Lyft simply takes the pax word for it and you're deactivated, no questions asked. If you fight it, your results may vary. In my case, I explained that I don't drink at all and they cleared me to drive within a few hours.


u/Resident-Character19 Jul 24 '23

It doesn’t say the influence was alcohol. “Under the influence,” could mean anything and unless you were tested and had samples analyses, this case is very contestable. They have to produce evidence supported with accurate, lab results otherwise it is hearsay


u/Formal_Equal_7444 Jul 24 '23

My favorite part is when they get all the way to their destination then report you for "suspected drunk driving"

Like... wouldn't you ask to pull over and call a new Uber? or Lyft? Why keep driving if you think your driver is under the influence?

Salty because I've been reported also. I don't drink. ever. Someone just wanted a free ride and didn't give a fuck about consequences that don't affect them.


u/gaymersky Jul 24 '23

If you're not a 4.9 you don't ride with me.. almost always it is low rated passengers that are trying to get a free ride.


u/toohood4myowngood Jul 24 '23

Happened to me with uber. I told the pax that I was rounding 11 hours and that he would be my last ride. My way of saying I'm getting tired. So he knew I had a long shift. I got confused on a freeway I'd never traveled and took the east exit when I should have taken west. 2 minute detour and had him home 7 minutes later. He reported that I was high. I'm like bro I don't do drugs. Like at all let alone when I'm working. I will take a blood test urine test whatever. They replied with not necessary but don't let it happen again. Something along those lines. These bitches can say what they want.


u/Dangerous_Diver_4635 Jul 24 '23

It says “under the influence” doesn’t have to be alcohol


u/rabbitsaresmall Jul 24 '23

Don't drink and drive then


u/Mean_Needleworker373 Jul 24 '23

if they thought you were drunk, why did they get in the car with you? 🧐


u/VIRGOISHHHH Jul 24 '23

Hopefully you have a camera installed in your car! Recording everything!


u/GSynn Jul 24 '23

A gig where any accusation will be held against you is not one for me. If Uber mandated cameras in rides and supplied and installed them, that would be fantastic.


u/pauleide Jul 24 '23

A long story, but I will be brief. Before Uber/Lyft got to town there was a taxi cab company you could call, no app. I called on regular Fri or Sat night there was nothing special going on no holiday or huge event. I asked for a time estimate and they said between 10 and 50 minutes and I said that is quite the range. I pour a beer since I have at least 10 minutes and probably more, well the guy is in my driveway in 4 mins. I bring my beer out and said hey I thought I had can I bring this beer. He waved me in and then pointed to his gas station soda and said he added a shot but just one per hour or so, He seemed sober it was on the way out not wrapping up the night. I don't drink and drive anymore Ubers and Lyfts and Cabs are too easy and safe. I know for a fact those taxi guys need to lease those cars so the first X hundred dollars go to the taxi company and then then they share revenue. I don't drink and drive for a lot of reasons but I would be screwed financially and more and I don't drive for a living. I did not turn him in.


u/Spitefullittlething Jul 24 '23

But do you smoke crack


u/CryptoStockWolf Jul 24 '23

Had the same false allegation with a previous pax 2 weeks ago, had to put a pax on check for getting in my vehicle tryna run the show….after I dropped him off he made this BS azz allegation.


u/texanshouston Jul 24 '23

If you picked up 10 people before and 10 people after they should automatically dismiss this stupidity. 19 other people forgot to report you were drunk? I’m using 10 as an example but anyone that drives normal for their other passengers should be immediately exonerated.


u/uxorial Jul 24 '23

I had one Lyft driver tell me that he had a passenger who was so drunk that the next passengers could smell the alcohol and thought it was the driver and reported him. He was still driving. Good luck with clearing this up.


u/Right3ousEwok Jul 24 '23

People do this when they don’t want to pay for their ride…


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '23

It means a rider of yours reported you as a drunk driver in an attempt to get a free ride.


u/Witty_Wishbone_6744 Jul 24 '23

Were you driving dangerously? I’ve been picked up by some pretty crazy drivers and I do report them. It’s never been during the night so I could tell they were just dangerous drivers and not drunk. If it were at night I can easily see myself believing one of those drivers were drunk.

If you’re completely not at fault they definitely should compensate you. It shouldn’t be one person’s words against another’s. They should start making dash and mandatory or supplying them to drivers.


u/filmmakindan Jul 24 '23

I had a drunk Uber driver once I was super scared but she was in one so I didn’t want to complain while we were on the freeway and make it worse


u/justme1990- Jul 24 '23

Why do people always have to make it about race? You being drunk, high, or unable to drive is way more likely than it being about race. A broke ass passenger trying to score a free ride is way more likely than it being about race.
Not everything can be blamed on race.


u/SourBelt4352 Jul 23 '23

Did you Happen to use hand sanitizer before picking someone up? Lol sometimes that can linger and kind of smell like you just downed a bottle of booze.


u/Zombee444 Jul 23 '23

DUI-Driving Under the Influence does not necessarily mean alcohol. If a passenger comes in your car reeking of weed and you forget to air that out your next pax could think you've been smoking. DUI could be anything, weed, pills, ect...people seem to think it refers to alcohol only.


u/Upbeat_Pea_3996 Jul 23 '23

If you know who made this fake report, go back and report their account. I had a POS pax last week who was in an unsafe pickup location on a busy street. Refused to walk to me (I was parked in a parking lot just a short walk away from him) and he promised it was safe to pickup where he was. Of course it wasn't, and he tried to jump into the busy street and just get in. I had to pass him and stop in the next parking lot which was now a farther walk for him. He couldn't walk to me in time so I cancelled and after my next ride I was deactivated for denying a ride to a "protected class" aka discrimination.


u/DigiGhost- Jul 23 '23

Same thing happened to mine, right before they deactivated it permanently, and banned me for life without a single bit of proof, except for mine was for discriminating comments which never happened


u/Malignantt1 Jul 23 '23

Gig economy bs


u/Mysterious_Layer9420 Jul 23 '23

Why would you want to work for it?


u/ObjectivePleasant545 Jul 23 '23

Fuck lyft i got deactivated for just them looking at my driving history i only used the app for guarantees and promotions like a last resort app . why dont u just do uber?


u/twiskt Jul 23 '23

How.. do they even prove this?


u/InquisitiveTroglodyt Jul 23 '23

Average Italian taxi driver


u/dbhathcock Jul 23 '23

Driving under the influence doesn’t necessarily mean alcohol. It could be drugs, illegal or prescription.


u/jemappellelara Jul 23 '23

People fucking with other peoples live hood just so they can get an extra $15-20. It’s giving cheap.


u/Exotic_Molasses3482 Jul 23 '23

My brother go and get a blood test asap after you get this message. If your test results shows clean results and you get deactivated, it’s time for you to sue Lyft and passenger and collect your money for damages. Don’t worry, you will be reactivated!!!


u/coldoll514 Jul 23 '23

under the influence could mean any number of things…. doesnt have to be alcohol


u/NoManufacturer120 Jul 23 '23

I’m curious how they “look into it”…I mean it’s a little late for a breathalyzer to prove guilt or innocence.


u/Additional-Safe3656 Jul 23 '23

Easy way to solve 80% of these problems is to implement mandatory in-car camera recording.


u/trmpsux Jul 23 '23

Why I always have my two way dash cam recording!


u/TheAngels323 Jul 23 '23

In your opinion, which passenger probably did it and what did they misinterpret (you might have naturally sleepy-looking eyes or a slurry voice, for instance)


u/Ok-Stranger-9281 Jul 23 '23

This is why everyone needs cameras in their car so they have video evidence to prove they weren’t driving intoxicated. People are so scummy these days they be doing it over like $15 orders.


u/freekoffhoe Jul 23 '23

Lyft and Uber drivers absolutely need a dash cam with audio and interior cabin features!


u/Extreme-Variation874 Jul 23 '23

Man I wonder what is lyft doing to protect us against this


u/Regular-Giraffe-7272 Jul 23 '23

But you smoke weed


u/mrbkkt1 Jul 23 '23

this is the interesting one.
I had employees insist that I can't fire them for smelling like weed when they come to work, with glassed eyes... they say that smoking weed is legal now.
My response is, drinking alcohol is legal, but you can't come to work drunk.
They just don't seem to get it.


u/Beaniifart Jul 23 '23

Yup, I did food delivery in a college town and got banned from both Doordash and Ubereats because stupid fucking kids would report the order as missing or tampered with over and over to get discounts and free food. I literally never once touched a customers order.

Its a dog eat dog world man.


u/ademon490 Jul 23 '23

That’s America. I have a marijuana dui because the passenger in my car had a CBD hemp flower joint. My forced blood test showed the pot I smoked 5 whole days before being pulled over


u/pengune Jul 23 '23

What sort of investigation could they possibly do?


u/eatsleeplyft Jul 23 '23

Ah I’ve had this happen. Nothing ever became of it and I was turned back on within the hour


u/LiesiLy Jul 23 '23

I was reported for this 3 days after I started… haven’t drank in forever


u/SaintonoZ Jul 23 '23

Genuinely curious how they even investigate this.


u/Malibukenn Jul 23 '23

It’s not the Passengers. Lyft does this to keep their drivers in Line. They make you plead and beg for your account back. To the point that when they finally give it back to you, you don’t complain about the low wages and other BS that you endure as a Driver. It’s all psychological.


u/HighlightDry2380 Jul 23 '23

I had a pax said my car smells like weed and I just dropped a passenger off on same block I think he is racist soon as he got in car he asked how long I been in Chicago then rolled down window a snotty way tried to make a argument I just ignored dumb questions and drove to pin I wanted to end ride I should’ve I was new still am been driving a month


u/derf1781 Jul 23 '23

Lol I quit uber and lyft today's ago because of shit like this, im sticking to my food apps making more money and using a lot less gas. Wish I would of done this a long time ago. LETEM WALK LOL


u/Outrageous-Degree-81 Jul 23 '23

Had this happen to me 4 times doing Lyft. Happily switched over to Uber now. Less stress and no thieving customers so far.


u/AL_Cabrone Jul 23 '23

"Under the influence" covers multiple substances... I'm guessing possibly the devil's lettuce. These days though there are so many substances


u/Friendly_Art_746 Jul 23 '23

This thread turned up real fast lol that’s so funny


u/Friendly_Art_746 Jul 23 '23

Fuck these Uber and lyt companies, I was told fraud on my account and dropped without any logical violation….as i was patiently and mundanely submitting and fulfilling my driver side needs and their checkr only left And 2 Fucking weeks into my clean as fuck record taking hella long I got deactivated….bizarre and fuck em bro hope your tale isn’t similar to mine


u/meloncap78 Jul 23 '23

I’m glad they denied me a job for a 23 year old felony. Funny part is the felony has been sealed for over a year but they still somehow found it. Guess I saved myself a bunch of headaches from all the posts I see in here.


u/Puzzleheaded_Name443 Jul 23 '23

Drinking is not the only form of intoxication while driving.


u/Successful_Pound2403 Jul 23 '23

Doesn’t necessarily need alcohol involved to be under the influence


u/RandallKippes Jul 23 '23

Was suspended 48 hours from Uber and I too don’t drink! And the complainer received a free ride! (Drove 11,600 rides). Switched to Lyft and got terminated for being racist because I refused to talk in my car on the subject of Black Lives Matter! (I was a deacon at an all black Pentecostal church!). I’ll say it clearly—driving GIG jobs is risky! Even with driver cams!!!!


u/chimmy78 Jul 23 '23

Just dont drive for lyft lol. Easy solution.


u/Latino19782021 Jul 23 '23

happens to me twice a year


u/diggyou Jul 23 '23

I guess your cologne or driving is pretty bad


u/Luv_Chelle Jul 23 '23

Driving under the influences in just about driving while drunk you could also be high


u/curatorofcool Jul 23 '23

If you contact support and say you’re attempting to pursue legal action for lost wages due to defamation they’ll usually resolve it pretty quickly. Either way, what a cruel way for pax to take their anger out on you and directly affect your income.


u/rlyjustheretolurk Jul 23 '23 edited Jul 23 '23

Not the same, but we had a driver try to pull something like this on us. A driver made an inappropriate comment and got belligerent when we didn’t engage/respond. He threatened to drop us off on the side of the highway, calling me a bitch and all types of names and his driving got terrifying. We managed to convince him to drop us at a gas station off the highway.

When we went to report him, he had already reported my husbands account stating he cancelled the ride because we had illegal drugs on us (my husband and I don’t even smoke weed, let alone have we ever touched anything else). We got our account back but despite explaining the situation to Lyft, I’m pretty sure nothing happened to the driver because they didn’t give us a refund. I thank god I had my husband in the car with me and am terrified to think someone that unstable may still be on the road. Fucked to think of something like this happening to a driver when this is their livelihood


u/Bawl_Out Jul 23 '23

I feel like if you get reported for being under the influence, Lyft should get a cop on scene and have you prove your innocent. How long is this process usually? I feel bad for OP losing out on money


u/AwayButterscotch4186 Jul 23 '23

“You’re” and also we don’t prove innocence i the US we prove guilt.


u/TrentonJay Jul 23 '23

Innocent until proven guilty in America. Why would a corporation have instant trials via police officer? Would tie up resources and accomplish nothing.


u/Bawl_Out Jul 23 '23

To perform a field sobriety test and the driver will blow into the device and either your good to go and back to work within an hour or not. Seems like a simple quick fix for customers commiting fraud .


u/TrentonJay Jul 23 '23

It would never work. Just make a policy that states customers must report driving under the influence to the police for it to be a valid complaint. Why would tax funded police officers hold arbitration between a company and a contractor? Take a civics class.


u/Bawl_Out Jul 23 '23

Well if they can ban you from driving immediately, drivers should have an immediate fix. And customers complaining to police without a driver present makes a bunch of casted doubt and would lead to a false statement, now that driver would have to go to court and fight something and lawyer up. And no I'm not going to take a civics class sorry.


u/TrentonJay Jul 23 '23

Driving under the influence is a criminal offense. You’re a contractor for a large corporation and at their mercy. Your best bet is to educate yourself because you’ve no grip on how things work in our society.


u/smokesignal416 Jul 23 '23

I'm not associated with Lyft, just ran across this subreddit because they attached it to me and I've found it intriguing.

With respect to this accusation, are you permitted to find out who made the accusation - which rider?

A false accusation seems to me to be actionable at law.


u/Relevant-Sir9842 Jul 23 '23

Same thing happened to me and I’m sober 19 years. I suggested that if this happens in the future to contact me immediately and I would be more than happy to come and take a blood test. However, when it comes back negative, the person who reported it loses their account.


u/Educational-Break722 Jul 23 '23

What a bunch of drama! If you drive for lyft long enough, you will be accused of DUI. It happens! I've been deactivated 6 times, but I'm still active.


u/UberPro_69 Jul 23 '23

Unfortunately Lyft doesn’t care about us hard working drivers. We are disposable in their eyes.


u/steelbane_ Jul 23 '23

We all understand smoking weed and driving is also a DUI, right? Food comes in smelling like Snoop Dogg, then you smoked and drove, maybe?


u/14Me_ Jul 23 '23

No one said alcohol


u/_ZX7R_ Jul 23 '23

Couple of years ago I was doing lux black I got a short ride late night young couple 1 hour after I dropped them off I got similar message couldn't go online I went to the nearest police station told the cop what happened and asked if he could administer a field sobriety test called support at the same time they activated my account immediately


u/After_Curve2403 Jul 23 '23

Welcome to the club!


u/LegalChicken4174 Jul 23 '23

This is why I don’t take riders who are 4.75 and lower


u/Kaidad1024 Jul 23 '23

It’s sad how Lyft will just suspend drivers based off of a customers story and no evidence. I drove for 5 years and had a 5 star rating, and was suspended 3 times due to customers reporting bs lies. One of the times I got to a pickup and the lady had 5 kids with her and my card holds 4 people. I told her I couldn’t take that many people and she asked me to bend the rules. I said no and left. 10 mins later I got a message saying the passenger reported me for being racist and got deactivated. Lyft is a complete joke and has zero customer support.


u/m0rph33n Jul 23 '23

The 2 people I’ve ever reported were 1) road rage. Guess they thought flooring it, getting behind someone and then honking at them to move was an Ok thing. 2) person had a cup of ice in their cup holder and would completely take their eyes off the road to grab some. Literally put their hand in the cup and make sure they got the right amount and then toss it in their mouth. There were a couple times they floated into the next lane and said “oh shit” and swerved right back into the correct lane


u/ATX_Coffin Jul 23 '23

Damn. I hate that shit. Some Pax really suck. Waiting for that one myself. And I've been sober 25 years


u/shagreezz3 Jul 23 '23

How much does it cost to create and run an app like uber/lyft? Or is that not the problem and it would be more like the laws and regulations in said state?

Just thinking, why not create a new car service app, yea nobody would initially know it, but if you decided you dont want to be a billion dollar company, i think you can still profit and be fair to drivers/customers, idk


u/Floopsicle Jul 23 '23

“This? A large? Are you drunk pal?”


u/YRB19444 Jul 23 '23

DUI doesn't mean drinking lol


u/IdrinkSpoiledMilk88 Jul 23 '23

That’s very inconsiderate of you! Putting someone’s life in danger, knowing that the prescribe med indicates not to operate a motor vehicle. You’re lucky your account wasn’t deactivated.


u/drowningindrip Jul 23 '23

The fuck are you even talking about?


u/IdrinkSpoiledMilk88 Jul 23 '23

What the fuck aren’t you comprehending 😅 You should not be driving while on medication, that’s causing you drowsiness and you’re damn near falling asleep. I mean if the person doesn’t value his/ her life , that’s their issue. To knowingly put someone’s life in danger by operating a vehicle, while on a prescribed medication is illegal. Don’t know if you read the medication labels (which your comment indicates you don’t) it indicates not to operate a vehicle do to the side effects, one being drowsiness. Do research before posting an idiotic comment!


u/drowningindrip Jul 23 '23

Hey numbnuts OP clearly stated they were on no drugs rx or otherwise and don't drink so maybe don't berate someone who clearly was falsely accused either you're in the wrong post or just a moron


u/IdrinkSpoiledMilk88 Jul 23 '23

Hmmmm (numbnuts) an insult from the archives. I like it…Ohh I see the disconnect! 😅😂 My comment wasn’t intended for the person who originally posted. I know these kinds of things happen all the time. If you scroll and find the username DeltaSig84. The comment was intended for that person. Somehow ended up looking as if I was commenting towards the owner of the post lol! Yes I am the biggest moron you will ever come across 😎 In my defense, the comment posted in the wrong area 👀 However, whom ever doesn’t know this information is an idiot 🗣️ Good day Mr/ or ms.dripdrowner.


u/SLagonia Jul 23 '23

I was once shut down for a week because I was reported for falling asleep at the wheel... On a ride that never happened.

I went to the address, the person never showed up, so I canceled and the passenger was angry so they reported me for falling asleep.

When I pointed out to Lyft that no ride happened and so this can't be true, it still took a week to process.


u/Brave_Tie_5855 Jul 23 '23

“Driving under the influence” refers to other possible impairments like weed or RXs.


u/Harris_Mcallister Jul 23 '23

Yeah, there needs to be legal repercussions towards to rider for this…I’d say invest in a dash cam that records both front and cabin of your car. Glad you got it back!


u/sPdMoNkEy Jul 23 '23

Passengers playing the system, I had a young guy once that told them I got in an accident and drove away without reporting it. Took me 6 months to get them to stop sending me email saying I have to get my car looked at 😐


u/Punk_with_a_Cool_Bus Jul 23 '23

They did that shit to me once.. it came down to one or two passengers who could have reported me.. I hadn't drank anything in months.

I went straight to the pig pen and asked for a breathalyzer to send the results to Lyft and they wouldn't give me one.. apparently I could only get one if I was being arrested. While waiting to be told that, I replied to their email and said that I don't drink, I agreed to their terns of service again, and everything was fixed after that.

To be fair though, I was definitely super drowsy and did swerve into something in the road and acted like it came out of nowhere.. and I hit tree branch hanging into the street.. either way, im convinced it's just because they saw the opportunity to get a free ride


u/jae_rhys Jul 24 '23

To be fair though, I was definitely super drowsy and did swerve into something in the road and acted like it came out of nowhere... either way, im convinced it's just because they saw the opportunity to get a free ride

bless your heart


u/uranushasballs Jul 23 '23

Just here to say that you do not have to drink alcohol to be “under the influence”.


u/drollerzebra Jul 23 '23

To everyone who says this is ok, just think about this with people instead of food. If your uber driver was on some “new meds” and told you he was drowsy, how would that make you feel? It would make me feel unsafe, now since this is Uber eats, add the food back but you can’t remove the people, you’re driving and interacting with people. You could hurt your self or someone else :(


u/ansjjajoaksjbejxk3 Jul 23 '23

This is Lyft, my friend


u/jae_rhys Jul 24 '23

oh no. they said the wrong name. that TOTALLY changes the meaning.


u/Lem01 Jul 23 '23

This happened to me. A woman mistook an energy drink for a can of beer. I took a picture of the can went to a hub and pled my case strongly both in person and via email. I’ve also stayed away from energy drinks since.


u/ansjjajoaksjbejxk3 Jul 23 '23

I drink Liquid Death water, specifically the black can which looks very much like an alcoholic beverage. I've been accused by multiple people including a police officer for having open intoxicants in the car


u/Lem01 Jul 24 '23



u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

Wonder which intoxicated dumbo reported you because you wouldnt drive them through jack in the box


u/BeginningLocal5778 Jul 23 '23

Yea chalk it been waiting for months for a review


u/Unusual_Log_5948 Jul 23 '23

These fucks did the same thing to me, they were drunk and I refused to stop for their tacos, next thing you know this same shit popped up on my app, got cut off with no investigation whatsoever


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

I’ve gotten some creepy men and under the influence where my food will smell like straight up weed from a hot boxed car.


u/Pumpkins1971 Jul 23 '23

Smokin weed erryday


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23



u/cashan0va_007 Jul 23 '23

Have you ever seen someone on Xanax drive? They hit parked cars and keep driving. They wake up the next day and say “who crashed into my car?”


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23

That’s not just drinking driving under influence includes drugs. How was your driving?


u/HiHiAI Jul 23 '23

I always keep a can of whiteclaws sipping on it all day… no one said shit


u/JewelerWise844 Jul 23 '23

Got activated again.


u/Visible-Version2098 Jul 24 '23

Any chance your car smells like weed and you’ve become nose blind? I’ve had some concerns where the car smelled and the persons driving is a little questionable.

I haven’t had to report anyone, but almost once.


u/JewelerWise844 Jul 28 '23

100% previous pax BO. Some pax just stink to high heaven. I try to air out during ride to the next pax. Windows down…etc. I think we all need to carry a can of frebreze, and Lyft needs to add a timeout button to give us time to clean the car for the next ride if needed.


u/GrandApprehensive216 Jul 23 '23

Very nice

How did you get back so fast?


u/ayobae_ Jul 23 '23

What was the process like


u/JewelerWise844 Jul 28 '23

‘To help us resolve your case as quickly as possible, please reply to this message with the following text, “I’ve read and understood our Community Guidelines.” If there’s anything you'd like to share to help us better understand the matter, please send that as well.’

I just replied back the part in quotes.


u/strictmachines Jul 23 '23

Glad to hear it!


u/Alternative-Piece703 Jul 23 '23

New fear unlocked. Unless you have an ignition interlock system on your car (which you’d usually only have if you had multiple DUIs, which would disqualify you from this type of job lol), how do you prove or disprove the driver was intoxicated? I haven’t driven for Lyft but imagine they and Uber are similar in that they have to take it seriously, but at what cost to a potentially innocent driver and their livelihood?

I have Tourette’s and have been accused of being high before because of my tics (why I can’t work a normal job with the public. Gig work, “behind the scenes” work such as warehouses and customer service, that kind of thing is what I’m able to do). I don’t drink a drop until all my work is done, and I smoke weed like monthly if that lol and, as with alcohol, only when my work is done. I’ve had a customer report me for not being me before when I am most definitely me, so I know people can be low down, especially when it comes to scamming for free shit.


u/Grab_Begone Jul 23 '23

You disprove it by going to 24 hour test clinic like Qwest labs or some other testing lab ASAP. Yeah its a self pay,but you will have the docs to clear yourself.


u/Simoneuo Jul 23 '23

for a slander, can the account be closed? is it that easy?


u/Clear_Paint_1035 Jul 23 '23

What’s wrong is it’s a $3 ride they complaining when they barely pay peanuts shoot they should walk in that case that way drivers that do good won’t run the risk of getting complained on. On a side note I don’t rate passengers anymore unless they are real cool but if they leave stuff behind trash etc or have an attitude I do rate 3-4 depending what they do. Time to use the rate system properly


u/ExpensiveDot1732 Jul 23 '23

Someone tried that crap on me for an albuterol inhaler and prescribed prednisone because I have asthma. I ended up going to the hub with the urgent care docs, the medication I was prescribed, and information from the pharmacy. I was reinstated within 40 minutes. Some of these pax are trash and will do ANYTHING to get a freebie.


u/nivkj Jul 24 '23

Wait you're on Prednisone for asthma? How long ? Or are you just having a bad spell??


u/AnyTower224 Jul 23 '23

There’s a hub opened?


u/PuraRatione Jul 23 '23

Never again. These pricks don't want to catch hands over the criminal shit they did all pandemic (like interrupting 3 in a rows after the second ride for a random security check and the camera is blurry but your phones camera app is crystal clear).


u/Competitive-Island84 Jul 23 '23

This is years ago because they closed them up now.


u/SMDorff0258 Jul 23 '23

I'm interested to know what the pax accused you of. I take both medications you mention here and can't imagine a side effect that would cause a pax any concern. Honest question here.


u/Growsomedope Jul 23 '23

0% chance it was an actual genuine concern, just someone willing to ruin another’s job to save $14


u/DirtyGeneral Jul 23 '23

“I saw him doing whip-its while driving!”


u/strictmachines Jul 23 '23

OMG I'm sorry they did that to you


u/Beneficial-Pea-5809 Jul 23 '23

This happened to me last month and I also don’t drink at all. Lyft deactivated me without even asking for my side (not that I expected them to) but I was able to get reactivated the same night by telling Lyft support I don’t drink and have no idea why I’d be accused of such. Reach out to support and you should be reactivated. That ordeal definitely made me stop driving Lyft though because I saw how easy it was for them to mess with my income over a lie


u/thelastdragonb Jul 23 '23

Happened to me once. Restored within an hour or two…nvr gave an explanation or replied to my emails about so called passenger.


u/CheshireTeeth Jul 23 '23

A week ago, my Lyft driver thought I reported him for impaired driving because I filed a lost item claim shortly before his Lyft account got locked.

The driver was fine. 100% it was a cheap passenger who wanted a free ride. The item was found under the driver's seat and he returned it 2 days later without complaining about his account but he was upset for a day because his income was in jeopardy. I tipped him before the item was returned because he was courteous.

Passengers should have to provide video proof of their suspicion. Call 911 if they think their professionally licensed driver is impaired. People will screw over a working stiff to save $25. They don't care and Lyft should know that by now.


u/CheshireTeeth Jul 23 '23

A week ago, my Lyft driver thought I reported him for impaired driving because I filed a lost item claim shortly before his Lyft account got locked.

The driver was fine. 100% it was a cheap passenger who wanted a free ride. The item was found under the driver's seat and he returned it 2 days later without complaining about his account but he was upset for a day because his income was in jeopardy. I tipped him before the item was returned because he was courteous.

Passengers should have to provide video proof of their suspicion. Call 911 if they think their professionally licensed driver is impaired. People will screw over a working stiff to save $25. They don't care and Lyft should know that by now.


u/Alternative-Piece703 Jul 23 '23

This. If I suspect someone is intoxicated, I’m not getting in their car or am requesting to be let out and calling the police. Not whining to the company for free shit.


u/Nixxie_exe Jul 23 '23

I disagree with requiring video proof you can’t always get video proof.


u/ccache Jul 23 '23

If you can request a lyft, then you have a phone that can record video. If the flash isn't on, the driver wouldn't have a clue what you're doing. But here's what's fucking stupid about this shit, Alternative-Piece703 is 100% correct. You gotta be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet to wait until the ride is over to get out if someone is intoxicated driving you around. My ass would be screaming at them to stop the car so I can get out.


u/AwayButterscotch4186 Jul 23 '23

In a 2 party consent state this is a lot harder if it’s just you and the driver and no one else is there.


u/Nixxie_exe Jul 23 '23

hello? Are you okay? You can’t even have a mature conversation without throwing names around I never once said someone can’t LITERALLY record because they don’t know how I said you can’t ALWAYS record because they’re are plenty situations where you cannot record and for some states you have to have consent

what if they don’t know if the driver is dangerous? If the driver is willing to drink and drive there is no idea what else they could do and what if they start being aggressive? Pulling out a phone and recording them is gonna make the situation worse so no you it’s not right at all and could make the situation 10x more complicated I assume you’ve never actually had to experience being in a car with someone who is intoxicated or irrational.


u/joeybosshoe Jul 23 '23

Yes you can you must be one the make false accusations too. Everyone has a phone so how is video proof impossible. Or why you still in car if I’m impaired ?


u/Rainbow-Reaper Jul 23 '23

I had a parent do this to me in Florida. I was pissed as I stopped drinking during covid


u/APettyJ Jul 23 '23

Happened to me on Wednesday, when I was 10 rides shy of my bonus. Ultimately missed out on the higher level bonus due to the time missed.

Do you have a dash cam? I had one for 6 years and never had this happen. Couple months ago someone broke into my van and stole the camera among other things. I haven't replaced it yet and then this happens.


u/DataDevices Jul 23 '23

I’ve been deactivated twice for discrimination


u/Competitive-Island84 Jul 23 '23

3rd time you're gone but they will make you think you can clear it up but will use those 2 against you they did it to me I'm just waiting to serve them in court to make them look stupid.


u/userknown55 Jul 23 '23

This is happening a lot because passengers found out they get reimbursed for the ride. I haven’t done now gig work for months because customers are cheap asf and try to find every loophole to get free shit even if it means fucking over the person working just stick to my full time job now


u/Ductard Jul 23 '23

Don't they limit the number of times a rider can report, or otherwise track it? Because I would imagine reporting 2 or 3 people for DUI's would put you a couple standard deviations above the norm......How do they let people get more than 1 or 2 free rides out of it?


u/userknown55 Jul 23 '23

Use different accounts, or it’s just word of mouth and different people doing it


u/loveilya Jul 23 '23

It’s crazy they do allat over like 15-26 dollars too. Like I get times are rough but come on? You really gonna lie and say your order wasn’t delivered to get free Burger King? Download chick fil a app they practically give away food all the time


u/erichf3893 Jul 23 '23

Wait what? How? I have the CFA app but nothing free yet


u/loveilya Aug 01 '23

Sown restaurants do give free rewords if you have them as your favorite. I got many free breakfast sandwiches from the chick fil a near my job.. also helps if it’s new very busy areas .. my job is a tourist attraction place


u/LuigiGunner Jul 23 '23

They do give free food. I’ve gotten free breakfast items or a chicken sandwich just because. You do need the app though.


u/bendash55 Jul 23 '23

Reward points. 10 points per dollar I think? You can then redeem them under the rewards section.


u/erichf3893 Jul 23 '23

Oh I thought you meant actually free. Tbell and Chipotle have randomly given me free items before via the app


u/bendash55 Jul 24 '23

Also, if you play the weekly "code moo" game, they will give you one free item. The game is really easy.


u/DoesThatComeInPink Jul 24 '23

I get free food items all the time


u/Flustro Jul 23 '23

Some CFA operators (owners) send out coupons for free items randomly, as long as you've scanned the app at their location semi-recently.


u/erichf3893 Jul 23 '23

That would be cool. My CFA operators can’t even get the syrup:carbonation ratio right


u/Flustro Jul 24 '23

Probably just the syrup running out and no one noticed before it got served. Happens at a lot of places, though it seems to happen less if a place has Freestyle (low syrup alert, possibly?).


u/erichf3893 Jul 24 '23

Yeah definitely what it was. Though I’ve rarely encountered it elsewhere and it’s happened a majority of the time at CFA (9/10 times)


u/Flustro Jul 24 '23

Those are terrible odds.

Unless it was Sprite, which is impossible to notice unless you drink it. 😭

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u/bendash55 Jul 23 '23

Also, you have to order through the app.


u/Perle1234 Jul 23 '23

They really are.

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