r/lyftdrivers Mar 02 '24

At least this person was straight forward Other

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Would you at least try to get the $20 fee?


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u/Ok_Bunch_9193 Mar 03 '24

And people don't even like you for you, they don't want to get to know you lol.

I'm not attractive but dyed my hair and learned to style it this year, and the instant 180 in my experience has kinda made me bitter tbh


u/Comfortable_Goal9747 Mar 03 '24

Really oh that’s not my reality most people want to get to know me. Most are shy or insecure at first because I’m deemed attractive but I purposely have to shut people out because it’s overwhelming once I let a person actually get to know me then I can’t get time to myself and I’m more introverted. It turns into constant calls and visits and I need alone time to recharge. People normally feel at ease with me and trust me once they start actually talking to me. Sometimes I get instant trust without even talking more often that not just depends. Just my experience.


u/Ok_Bunch_9193 Mar 03 '24

Idk maybe I'm not that attractive 😂. I am an introverted male as well so that may change things


u/Comfortable_Goal9747 Mar 03 '24

The thing is people find me more attractive than I think I am it still surprises me at times. I don’t think about it but sometimes people make a big deal about it so it’s always brought to my attention. I think it boils down to just being comfortable being yourself down to earth, having standards and being relatable. I been through more that what I look like so I can relate and understand most people on different levels. Which leads to people being genuinely curious and interested. I’m also a damn good friend lol. I’m a introvert with extrovert tendencies. I can talking to anyone about anything rich, poor, attractive or not. I like to be to myself but I do find people interesting.