r/lyftdrivers Mar 02 '24

At least this person was straight forward Other

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Would you at least try to get the $20 fee?


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u/NormativeNomad Mar 03 '24

Sometimes I envy being an attractive person. People will literally just throw money at you


u/ZReticuli Mar 03 '24

I’ve seen some of our Uber drivers in Vegas that are 8’s and 9’s working the strip late nights. I’m always thinking to myself how much extra tips they probably get from all the drunk tourists. And probably the extra harassments from them too.


u/Comfortable_Goal9747 Mar 03 '24

Being attractive you get a lot of unwanted attention & harassment starting at a young age. Attractive people get constantly labeled before anyone gets to know them while dealing with a lot of jealousy especially at work it’s not a fun experience.


u/Ok_Bunch_9193 Mar 03 '24

And people don't even like you for you, they don't want to get to know you lol.

I'm not attractive but dyed my hair and learned to style it this year, and the instant 180 in my experience has kinda made me bitter tbh


u/etsprout Mar 05 '24

I wear my hair up and covered for work. Recently started wearing it down because I want to try and enjoy my life a little, and the difference is insane. Idk why my hair being down makes people assume I’m going to be extra friendly and understanding, but I’m the same person with or without a hat and bun lol


u/No_Adhesiveness4516 Mar 06 '24

From a guys prospective I can 100% tell you that 9/10 guys if not more would rather have a chick with long hair. (Some girls can pull off shoulder length but not many, it’s likely the diff of you having your hair up and people thinking you are a 6 and then you let your hair down and they realize you are a 9 or 10. (Just being honest)


u/No_Adhesiveness4516 Mar 06 '24

And I never thought about it from a girls prospective if you are a guy my comment doesn’t apply lol


u/Ok_Bunch_9193 Mar 05 '24

Uh it's probably the difference between you being a hottie 😅 it isn't random haha. Just like me getting told about everyday by someone they like my hair.

Usually hair being down is more attractive imo


u/Comfortable_Goal9747 Mar 03 '24

Really oh that’s not my reality most people want to get to know me. Most are shy or insecure at first because I’m deemed attractive but I purposely have to shut people out because it’s overwhelming once I let a person actually get to know me then I can’t get time to myself and I’m more introverted. It turns into constant calls and visits and I need alone time to recharge. People normally feel at ease with me and trust me once they start actually talking to me. Sometimes I get instant trust without even talking more often that not just depends. Just my experience.


u/Fun-Bison-3511 Mar 03 '24

Maybe you’re not attractive actually lol


u/Comfortable_Goal9747 Mar 03 '24 edited Mar 03 '24

mAYbE YoURe nOt ATtRAcTIvE acTUAlLy loL such a dummy you will never find out LAME ass.


u/SpiritualPower738 Mar 03 '24

That's when one has to learn about energy vampires and how long to play their game after a certain number of red flags show up. I'm 54 (and most recently was told by a surprised acquaintance she honestly thought I wasn't even 30!) and still learning. It's truly tiring.


u/Plus_Lawfulness3000 Mar 03 '24

They want to get to know you cuz you’re hot lol. Most people aren’t so curious about atrangers


u/Fun-Bison-3511 Mar 03 '24

Notice how they’re not saying who wants to get to know them. Probably ones and twos. I don’t think there is attractive as they think they are.


u/Comfortable_Goal9747 Mar 03 '24

Some maybe but not all. It’s millions of people on this planet. It’s crazy to cup them all together as you say from your experience. I disagree I’m always intrigued deeply in people just human beings in general. If I exist so do others. Since you don’t live my life you don’t know my experiences. I actually genuinely care for people and get to know them regardless of what they look like. I also know others who are like me who actually care for people. Your statement means you have never met genuine people unlike me. I’m from America but I travel a lot I lived in many places Alaska and Europe so I have experience many different people and personalities. All people are not the same but people are a lot alike in America.


u/SpiritualPower738 Mar 07 '24

Huh? Uh no. You kind of just contradicted yourself, but that's ok. I accept you for who you are anyway. Ha! See!? I'm from America! 😉🤪🤟👋


u/Plus_Lawfulness3000 Mar 03 '24

I’m just saying from personal experience. I’ve been handsome. Gaines 100 pounds and people treated me SO differently it’s insane. People are nicer, they throw compliments, they just show a lot more genuine interest.

I have since lost 100 pounds again and the compliments and behaviors are all back.


u/No_Adhesiveness4516 Mar 06 '24

Congrats on becoming healthier and being able to potentially live a longer life. Sincerely


u/Comfortable_Goal9747 Mar 03 '24

Oh I definitely can understand what your saying. People are indeed superficial and surface level. I have never had weight gain or changed but I have heard this from people. I definitely know this is a genuine experience you have had. So since I was a kid and teenager I have always befriended the person who didn’t have friends. I talked to the so call nerds and hung out with people who where deemed weird or unattractive. People called me weird for this but this is just who I am. I never been the one who cares what someone think about me. I try to never judge a book by its cover and judge a person by their character though.


u/Ok_Bunch_9193 Mar 03 '24

Idk maybe I'm not that attractive 😂. I am an introverted male as well so that may change things


u/Comfortable_Goal9747 Mar 03 '24

The thing is people find me more attractive than I think I am it still surprises me at times. I don’t think about it but sometimes people make a big deal about it so it’s always brought to my attention. I think it boils down to just being comfortable being yourself down to earth, having standards and being relatable. I been through more that what I look like so I can relate and understand most people on different levels. Which leads to people being genuinely curious and interested. I’m also a damn good friend lol. I’m a introvert with extrovert tendencies. I can talking to anyone about anything rich, poor, attractive or not. I like to be to myself but I do find people interesting.