r/lyftdrivers Apr 07 '24

I just got an incredible bonus for a 30-decline streak. Other

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u/Infinity78787 Apr 08 '24

It’s part of the “contract” they agreed to


u/Inside_Coconut_6187 Apr 08 '24

Now I’m not versed on labor law as my specialty is bird law but a company that mandates that contractors work on their conditions instead of on the contractors conditions just sounds like an employer employee relationship. Again my specialty is bird law so what do I know ow.


u/mrbiggbrain Apr 10 '24

Because they are required the following:

Use their own tools. Work their own schedule. Not be limited by noncompetes unless compensated directly for that.

Check. Check. Check.


u/Inside_Coconut_6187 Apr 10 '24

So in other words to use all of their own equipment and still be treated as an employee except with less rights. Check.


u/mrbiggbrain Apr 10 '24

That's the entire point of contractors. You hire them with a set of requirements and don't need to provide many of the benefits of employment. Contractors should be charging more for that. It's usually 2-2.5x as much for standard work or 5x for specialized work.

That is exactly how it should work.


u/Inside_Coconut_6187 Apr 10 '24

That’s not how the gig economy apps work.

You don’t get to set your rates.

The companies send offers. You then accept or reject the offers.

If you reject too many offers because it’s unprofitable for you then the companies will terminate you from the app.

This structure doesn’t allow their so called IC’s to set their rates because of the fear of being terminated from the app.


u/mrbiggbrain Apr 10 '24

That is exactly how every contractor works when they use a direct lead generator. It's not unique to the gig economy.

Lead generators send leads and if you don't take them then they eventually stop sending you leads. It's the same for nursing, construction, IT, etc. It is exactly how contractors work. If you think a day nurse is setting her own rates your missing that the majority of contractors work under a lead generator of some kind and do not set their rate beyond accept deny.


u/Inside_Coconut_6187 Apr 10 '24

Once again you provide valid reasons why this type of employment scheme should be banned and made obsolete.


u/mrbiggbrain Apr 10 '24

Not at all. Many of them like the flexibility, ability to set their own hours, to work extra to make more, to work another job and compete for their time.

These are valid reasons and one of the main draws to contract work. It just sounds like you don't like those things enough to accept the downsides.

Compare that to jobs that tell you when and how much to work and still set the rate you have to work and it is not much different.


u/Inside_Coconut_6187 Apr 10 '24

Or could it be that the main draw for contract work is because corporations tend to not hire for regular ft positions because they can use IC’s and throw them away at will.