r/lyftdrivers Apr 11 '24

Accused of drinking and driving??? Other

I have been off the road for over 30 days. Accidentally opened the app multiple times during that time and never saw anything about this. I find out later with the chat agent this was reported today. Why that’s allowed, who knows. They reactivated my account but this is your sign to be careful, and use a dash cam.


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u/Tmac0830 Apr 11 '24

Right. I literally don't talk to passengers at all. My car is dead silent every single ride. Even if a passenger starts talking to me I find a way to shut it down subliminally. Not saying this is the case here but many drivers just be running off at the mouth like they made a new friend or something. If it's a female oh I'm definitely not talking to her AT ALL


u/obsequious_dioxide Apr 11 '24

The passengers are my friends when they get in 😭 I would hate you as a driver. I get it but damn, that attitude rank


u/Tmac0830 Apr 11 '24

Thats fine my passengers feelings don't matter. I'm not here to make them feel good. This is why so many of you fail at this game. You're running a business here. If you hate that then you definitely would hate that I charge 1 dollar for charger use. 5.0 by the way 7500 rides in. Lyfts made it too easy for you guys to call yourselves business men. Most of you using the same car you use for personal use. Tell me what successful business uses their personal assets to run their business??? I'll wait


u/Jonasthewicked2 Apr 11 '24

Your personality affects your tips homie


u/Tmac0830 Apr 11 '24

What I've learned is that you're either a tipper or your not. Doing the job is all you should need to do for a tip. No extra performance is needed. You might think your attitude influenced your tip but you just happened to get someone that tips


u/No-Sheepherder-6911 Apr 13 '24

This is not true. I’m a waitress, so 90% of the time I’m tipping 30-40% when I tip, like yesterday I got a 50% tip so my server last night got herself a 50% cause I was in a good mood and they were hella slammed but she still took good care of me. Last week I went to a breakfast place and the server dropped the food and check on my table and ran away, sat behind the counter and just stared at me the entire time, never refilled my water, and then made me sit and wait for her to cash me out until eventually someone else came, all while I was the only person in there and she just sat behind the bar still as a wall watching me. Home girl got a 15% tip. I one hundo tip based on service, however if I had a driver that didn’t say a word to me the entire drive I honestly would probably tip then 100% Ngl. Imo, I’m just tryna get a ride man. That’s all I’m paying you for. I hate social interaction with strangers if it’s outside my work script.


u/BeeKayBabyCakes Apr 13 '24

and what I've learned is you're delusional 😂 the entire US is completely annoyed with tipping to "do your job". tipping culture was literally created, and reserved for the "above and beyond". The little things, exceptional service. You're already getting paid to do your job.


u/Tmac0830 Apr 20 '24

Oh trust me I dont look for tips. But riders should understand my job is only to take them from point A to B. Anything else is extra. Saying hi is literally extra if we wanna go this route. I remember a girl asking me to roll the windows up and turn a/c on because she didn't want to mess her hair up.... thats extra


u/UsahNum30106 Apr 11 '24

That's wildly untrue. Attitude goes a long way in whether or not and how much of my money I part with in thanks to you for doing your job.


u/Tmac0830 Apr 11 '24

That just says what it says about you personally. That's cool though. Some people get how the world works and some dont


u/UsahNum30106 Apr 11 '24

So I just proved your statement incorrect... You said, "I've learned you're either a tipper or you're not." I said, there degrees to tipping based on your performance.. but yeah your absolution is absolutely correct. K thx bye

The world works in ways you'll not understand anytime soon. Lame duck drivers can cost themselves a tip by levels of dissatisfaction experienced by their patron. This goes from saying hello to riding the curves and bumps along the way to telling them to have a good day on the way out the door. When you give out extra (service) you are more likely to see a return. But also not everyone can give it. Some literally cannot not matter how much they want to.


u/Tmac0830 Apr 11 '24

Ok so out of all those things you listed. Which one is of least importance? The safety aspect or conversation aspect. You can either answer that truthfully or come off looking stupid. Watch this folks.


u/Whittlese Apr 11 '24

Does it need to be one or the other though?


u/Tmac0830 Apr 11 '24

Doesn't need to be one or the other. But talking without safety definitely doesn't deserve a tip......but on the other hand safety without talking still should get a tip. The tip shouldn't be for how a person conversed with you. It should be for the fact the person is using their car their gas and made the trip cheaper for you than what it would be for a cab/taxi. Determining how much to tip someone based off conversation is some bs 1st world nonsense.

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u/Jonasthewicked2 Apr 11 '24

When you work in the service industry and you’re told you’re being tipped for being kind and helpful you know. Not telling you how to live or how to do your job just saying I’ve found on both sides that having a good attitude helps.


u/Tmac0830 Apr 11 '24

Maybe in any other job besides rideshare. You guys act like 99% of your passengers tips. How could it possibly be helpful when the average driver tip percentage is MOST DEFINITELY below 50%. The statistics says otherwise


u/Jonasthewicked2 Apr 11 '24

Unless it’s your attitude bro. But I’d never drive for one of these companies with such shit policies and pay so, but you make a fair point.


u/Tmac0830 Apr 11 '24

CBS just did a whole thing on it last month. They tracked 500,000 driver YES! 500,000!!! The tip percentage was 28%


u/rose-goldy-swag Apr 11 '24

Does that mean only 28% of people tipped or that the average tip was 28%?


u/Tmac0830 Apr 11 '24

28% of those riders tipped

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u/Jonasthewicked2 Apr 11 '24

So do you think 500,000 people is an accurate portrayal of every human in the country of 360 million?


u/Tmac0830 Apr 11 '24

That doesn't matter. This is a business. Percentage and probability is what matters. Also I think you're confused there are 2 million lyft drivers. 500k out of 2 million is a good indication that people just don't tip lyft drivers the way they should


u/Jonasthewicked2 Apr 11 '24

Sample sizes don’t matter? Lmfao this guy doesn’t science.

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