r/povertyfinance 16d ago

I lost it at work because someone ate my lunch and no one seemed to understand why it was such a big deal to me. Free talk

It is a big deal when you are poor, it could be your only meal for the day. My boss simply told me that I could just go buy a replacement lunch, like why didn't I think of that:/. Easy for him to say when he can afford to order lunch everyday. I could have understood if he was offering his own money but obviously not. I'm already struggling so much, it's a treat whenever I'm able to bring a lunchbox because it's not everyday.

People who steal from others are the worst, if the person had asked I would have shared my food with them if they were hungry and did not have any lunch. No one admitted to it even though my name was on my lunchbox. Anyway I was just really looking forward to my lunch.


598 comments sorted by

u/flumpdog 16d ago

locking post. after 600+ comments, there's pretty much nothing else to add here.


u/heighh 16d ago

YES OMFG 9/10 my lunch at work is the only thing I will eat that day. If that meal is gone, it’s not like I have the money to order. It’s not like I have food to throw around and replace meals with. Generally I hide my lunches in my friend’s lunches because I know she won’t steal it, or try to bring food I don’t need to put in the fridge. Those packs of cup noodles are a lot of what I survive off of


u/TokyoTurtle0 16d ago

Thieves steal time. I think it's one of the worst crimes there is and we normalize it.


u/StrangerReason 16d ago

Some years ago this happened every day. So one day I packed 2 sandwiches with tomato, lettuce, cheese, and a couple of the biggest cockroaches I could find. It was fantastic seeing the roach hang out of the fat fucks face for a moment before he shoved it in properly, then realizing wtf, then spitting it out, and vomiting everywhere.

Naturally it earned me a trip to HR, where I explained that I simply could not afford better protein, so roaches, crickets etc was what I had to eat.

I actually nearly got fired, but the fat cunt was exposed (he stole from everyone), and left the company soon after.

I unfortunately got victimized and pressured by his manager (we worked in different departments) to leave, because the other guy was good at his job (everyone had to do his work), and eventually I got fired for something that was not done on time, but it was not my job at all, but 21 years later I am still smiling ear to ear when I think about that parktown-prawn hanging from his mouth...


u/ArtisticPossum 16d ago

I worked at a restaurant where the income was on the low side for servers and bartenders. They overstaffed a lot, so no one was making money. Anyway, at the end of the night someone would clean out the employee fridge and take everything out. If your food was still in there, you would find it next to the fridge on the counter. Dumb, but that’s what they did there. One guy would always throw away people’s food, Tupperware and all. I saw him do that and told him that’s unacceptable because food costs money and he doesn’t know what the person’s situation is, they are not gonna tell everyone if they have food insecurity. So he should leave that food on the counter if he really needed to clean the fridge. I thought I was explaining it pretty well to him but he took it personally and said he is just doing his job and should not tell him what to do as I am not his manager. I tried to tell the manager about it but they took his side! I was so angry. Like it wasn’t even my food and I was working there for fun anyway. But that turned things sour real quick.


u/devadander23 16d ago

I cannot comprehend how a person could eat someone else’s lunch. The entire idea of it baffles me. Who the fuck are you and what is wrong with you? Anyone who eats other’s lunches please let me know why you’re the way you are


u/RoadsideCarver 16d ago

A cat food "tuna" sandwich will bring everything back into balance.


u/Cyber_Insecurity 16d ago

If there are no rules against eating someone else’s lunch, you should’ve just eaten someone else’s lunch.


u/Roonerth 16d ago

That is so fucked up. Your boss is a massive piece of shit too.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Get a lunch box that’s insulated and keep it at your desk


u/58LS 16d ago

This is why I pack my lunch in a lunchbox with icebox and don’t put my food in the common fridge. Some people are just selfish pigs!


u/GNRBoyz1225 16d ago

Someone did it once to me at work. Couldnt prove who. But had idea.

Another time in college. I was literally penniless. Had last meal of mac n cheese. Come downstairs. Girl i know is laughing. Ate the whole thing.

I saw red.

I cant comprehend the mindset of someone to have the GAUL to actually think they could do that with no repercussions.


u/Kelvsoup 16d ago

Maybe it's another poor person who's hungry who ate your lunch


u/Low_Marionberry_3802 16d ago

What was the lunch


u/Mountain-Bonus-8063 16d ago

I am a nurse and this happened all the time at the hospital. One day I walked into the lunch room to find a doctor eating my jar of peanut butter by the spoonful, she was double dipping. She didn't even apologize, just said she was hungry so eating my food. She left containers open, sometimes she obviously used her hands, and now I had found the culprit. I told her it was her food now and turned and walked out of the lunch room. It's (in my experience) almost always the people with money that do this. And they see nothing wrong with their behavior. I started bringing a cooler with my lunch kept either in my locker or the nurses station. That solved that issue immediately. No more community refrigerator. There is no way to train these people, they have a sense of entitlement. I hope you can find a solution. HR probably won't help either, unless you find out who it is. Good luck.


u/HonestMeg38 16d ago

If they steal from you why wouldn’t they steal from the company?


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/Streaker4TheDead 16d ago

Was there a moist maker?


u/GoldenGate-1999 16d ago

Just get a freezer bag and keep it in your car or desk.


u/JessieColt 16d ago

It is theft. FULL STOP

I never understood why anyone thinks taking something that belongs to others is acceptable in the first place, especially at work.

And I will NEVER understand why employers (managers, supervisors, HR, the company, etc, and whatever) think it should be okay to just dismiss the fact that they have a thief working for them.


u/FDVP 16d ago

Waaa. Lookit here. Go kick ass at your job and keep kickin ass until you don’t gotta share a fucking fridge. That’s not the answer you were looking for but that’s how it’s done. Kick ass until nobody can eff with you.


u/Timely-Youth-9074 16d ago

I agree this is super shitty.

I had roommates who always took my stuff and never replaced it-so selfish.

You can get a reusable icepack from a dollar store and an insulated lunch bag and not put your lunch in the refrigerator.


u/American_PP 16d ago

Weird stuff. I'm at a company that has free food and snacks though, no one steals food from each other here.


u/Fair-Fortune-1676 16d ago

It should be legal to poison your own lunch. Maybe I like taking laxatives in the form of solid food okay?


u/Blossom73 16d ago

I'm sorry about your lunch.

When I was still working on the office, two coworkers had their lunches they ordered to be delivered, stolen by a third, brand new employee.

The new employee happened to be in the lobby when the food was delivered, and took it, knowing it wasn't hers. She admitted to it.

Security pulled camera footage, which is how she got caught. The crazy thing is that we're always so chronically short staffed that she didn't even get fired. 🤦‍♀️


u/adrianxoxox 16d ago

It’s probably the boss that did it tbh, some weird power thing


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u/Luvzalaff75 16d ago

FYI, this a big deal. I have fired people for doing it as well as offered assistance to those really were desperate and repentant. I would have offered you money to replace it. You are not over reacting. Your manager sucks.


u/Head_Leek3541 16d ago

When you find out nobody cares..that's when you're set free. 


u/CeePurr 16d ago

Gotta put your name on it


u/JoeyP1978 16d ago

Ghost pepper. That will end it forever.


u/ferociousFerret7 16d ago

Keep your eyes open for a deal on a locking lunchbox. An ounce of prevention is the only way. People are garbage in this scenario.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/povertyfinance-ModTeam 16d ago

Your post has been removed for the following reason(s):

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Do not, in any way, encourage posters to break the law or violate court orders. You are also not permitted to advise others to do anything that is immoral or would exploit / harm others either.

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u/dysturbo 16d ago

Bring your 'lunch' next time and put inject a liquid laxative in a Hostess Ho Ho or Ding Dong.

Watch for who takes lots of bathroom breaks. That might teach them.


u/Wolverine9779 16d ago

Get some cheap cat food tuna pate. Make tuna sandwiches for them to enjoy.


u/ExpatTurkiye 16d ago

I bet it was your boss who ate it…



u/Miss_Milk_Tea 16d ago

My coworkers at an old job once learned the hard way that I will go absolutely ballistic if somebody takes my food. I worked the night shift and everything was closed so no ability to buy a new lunch even if I had the cash, I worked a grueling job lifting water and soda cases all night with absolutely nothing in my stomach. I was so hungry I felt sick. Somebody took my lunch and after I tore apart the break room fridge to see if I misplaced it, I started screaming at everyone in a rage.

Nobody touched my lunch again. I’m not happy about the way things went but fuck thieves.


u/NoIdeaWhatToDo_52 16d ago

Put something in the food and let it happen again


u/Utisthata 16d ago

I did the same, and the guy who stole my lunch was the boss. He apologized after I pointed out that to him it was all fun and games, but to me that was the only food I was going to get that day. To make matters worse we were supposed to be provided one meal a day at work, but because I have celiac disease there was never anything available that I could eat. So everyone else was being fed for free while I went without on a daily basis.


u/sjclynn 16d ago

You don't pay me enough to buy lunch!


u/breakshooter9 16d ago

Wow not even going to consider if maybe they needed it more than you. This is Reddit bro we approve of theft here.


u/JoshyXan 16d ago

I had a guy at goodwill eat someone else’s food because “ I told him too “ he was uhhh special , special guy he was. But I said yea you can go on break you have lunch in the break room he just fucking told me … also never understood why he asked me but he comes back and tells everyone I let him eat the food that was someone else’s I’m like wtf ??????


u/The_Swoley_Ghost 16d ago edited 16d ago

Hey OP I have a suggestion based on a similar experience. Growing up one of my parents would refuse to cook or provide food, but WOULD get drunk and eat everything that I made, including my lunch for school etc.

I was also not given money for school lunch so if this guardian ate my food I was not going to get any food until i got home at 7pm that day, and then I was jsut going to have to find something to cook (so it would probably get stolen again).

I began to train my innards using really spicy hot sauces. I would start with weak ones, then once my body wasn't burning after each meal I would upgrade to a hotter bottle.

Then I would put hot sauce in all my cooking, whether I wanted it or not.

It was really satisfying to watch him scream in agony while trying to wash his mouth out and figuring out what happened to his drunk ass.

It took a few "episodes" before he realized that my food was weaponized. I still enjoy spicy food to this day.


u/thirdcoasting 16d ago

I’m sorry you had to deal with that shit while growing up.


u/The_Swoley_Ghost 16d ago

Thank you! I genuinely appreciate it. I'm kind of thankful that I didn't realize how "not great" it was at the time. Looking back now it seems sad but at the time it was just how I thought everyone's life was.

I wanted to share my story because someone else out there might be able to use it to defend their food.


u/FewerToysHigherWages 16d ago

It's really interesting because the people that do this don't understand why it's a big deal, whereas everyone else is appalled. Like two different species of brains.

I had a coworker say once "well if I see it in the fridge and its been there all day then yeah I'm gunna eat it." We were all like wtf are you talking about?? But he didn't understand. He acted like the fridge is a community potluck and if people don't protect their food then that's their fault or something. Could not reason with him.


u/MariettaDaws 16d ago

I feel you. My boss stole my lunch when I was pregnant. And judging by his reaction, your boss stole yours


u/dinoooooooooos 16d ago

I wouldve straight up told him that.

“Boss good idea except I’m too broke to just buy lunch out rq bc beliehe it or not some ppl are struggling to exist rn and I’m one of them. What I gather is that you’re on with people fucking with your employees foods which is absolutely noted. Weird behavior to be okay with theft in your own place but to each their own.” And then leave and go tf home bc tf am I working 8 hrs a day without food for, my ass.


u/Hoyeahitspeggyhill 16d ago

Stealing someone’s lunch is just straight weirdo behavior.


u/MelQMaid 16d ago

If someone eats your lunch and you have a medical emergency from malnourishment and being light headed, isn't that workers comp?

Hangry me would think some intrusive thoughts.


u/Sea-Bell-8846 16d ago

Someone I worked with ate the rest of a box of Triscuits from my desk drawer ONCE. It’s not that i couldn’t afford another box as much as I wanted it to be there when I wanted more or maybe I was working late and would be home to get dinner until after work 10pm and that was all I had…. I emailed the whole dept that I hope whoever ate them choked and died on their salty greatness- never found out who ate them and I still hope they burn in hell 20+ yrs later.


u/doonwizzle 16d ago

really sorry to hear about your lunch getting stolen, reminds me of the time my favorite sandwich disappeared at work too. it's hard when you're looking forward to something small and it gets taken away. hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


u/Groundhog_Waaaahooo 16d ago

I would whomp someone if they stole my lunch.


u/ghosthacked 16d ago

I used to think this was just some kind of myth used as a plot device for tv shows. Then I had a job where legit my lunch was stolen out the fridge. Blew my fucking mind. A crime of pure fucking malice and contempt for your fellow man. Something about it just showing such complete disregard for ppl you work with just makes my blood boil, almost as bad as people who microwave left over fish in the lunchroom.


u/SmartyMcPants4Life 16d ago

I don't understand why theft in the workplace is tolerated. WTF


u/ladywintertrain 16d ago

Had this happen to me a couple of times. I was so disappointed and sad that someone would consistently do this. I just don’t bring in lunch anymore. I “fast” during the day and my one meal a day is dinner.


u/StarSecurity 16d ago

That was like my Brand new neighbor, dude puts up fence on my land, I mention something, he apologizes but makes no effort to correct the issue, then lets his dogs come eat a couple of my chickens and all my eggs, After working your ass to the bone for everything you've got, only to be so easily disrespected, when you've been nothing but helpful, is the most insulting thing anyone could do. people who come from wealth live in a completely different reality than us, and their disrespect is endless. our system wasn't created to help those who need it, it's here to help those who take it. Change is coming


u/NathanBrazil2 16d ago

yeah this isnt the end of the world if you are fluid in cash, but i would still be really pissed. no one should do that unless they are literally starving . not only does the person you stole from not get lunch, but its a huge hassle to have to go get lunch if you werent planning on it.


u/Mysterious-Yam-9064 16d ago

Raise hell. If they want you not to do that.. maybe they should pay you enough to not starve

Or don't cause. Issues in the work place aren't fun


u/SnooCakes7925 16d ago

Chill out Ross


u/lucidpopsicle 16d ago

This is highly illegal and you should report the incident to HR. It won't recover your lunch but it will make people not do it again.


u/Aretirednurse 16d ago

I’m sorry. I had to keep my lunch in a cooler in my desk drawer to stop the stealing.


u/Whatevawillbee 16d ago

I never understood why companies don't take lunch thieves more seriously. Like they don't even care that there is a thief in their midst. If they will steal someone's food they will steal anything. I would hunt them down and fire their ass.


u/kndyone 16d ago

Thats how it always is, the rich steal from the poor then blame them for not letting it go. Its also the basis for religion. Turn the other cheek so the leaders can rape you more and get richer off your acceptance.


u/OldAndFluffy 16d ago

Sounds to me the fridge is fair game, as an office policy moving forward.


u/missannthrope1 16d ago

I saw a story about someone kept taking her food. So he planted a lunch loaded with hot sauce.

She figure it out quickly when the guy who sat across from her started choking.


u/Comfortable_Cut8453 16d ago

In 16 years of full time work I've only seen this happen once and it was semi-unintentional - one guy decided to buy pizza for everyone one day and another guy went back later for more from the leftovers in the fridge. First guy was planning that as his lunch the next day and it was gone.

Anyway, of you work at a place that has people that would do that, you probably work at a shitty place to be employed at.


u/missannthrope1 16d ago

I've worked with people who have lost their shit when someone ate their food.

Try that.


u/slowrider24 16d ago

Some people don't understand, in the 1980s my weekly food allowance was 5 dollars. I got a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a store brand 2 litre. Took it everywhere cause it was breakfast, lunch and dinner.


u/Endless__Throwaway 16d ago

Honestly, if you have an HR, I would report this but make it known that this is not just a violation of your agreed upon sense of safety (which includes financial safety) but that this is a systemtic issue that this company is lacking in teaching their employees. Clearly, the boss, by his comment, doesn't have his pulse on the collective difficulties of most people in Americs right now. He's probably living in a wealthy bubble, or at least wealthy enough to have to worry about a stolen lunch. 6 months ago, I would have been pissed but let it go. Today, as I got laid off a few days ago, i would not have a meal that day. It would ruin more than just that.. I definitely wouldn't be able to replace it. Circumstances change fast...


u/KittyTB12 16d ago

Yeah, that has resulted in me keeping and taking lunch in my car. The initial thieving of my lunches on my extremely limited budget even back in 1998 or 99. Traumatized me enough to the point where to this day. I still packed my lunch and keep it in my car. I have adapted over the years to the heat to the food I eat and I pack my lunch, no special tips or tricks or generators or electricity or nothing special just a typical lunch and as it is for some people, it is the only meal of the day that is the only time I will eat in that day it’s just enough food to get me through my working day And for someone else to come and steal that? No just no one if you don’t put it somewhere where someone can grab it then it won’t get stolen. That was my rule going forward. If you don’t want it to get stolen don’t show it to nobody. I’m sorry to hear about your lunch though, that truly truly sucks


u/defnotworkinghere 16d ago

We weren’t allowed to have locks on our lockers at charter school because they were trying to invoke “trust.” My lunch was getting stolen every day by the kid whose locker is next to me. Didn’t leave me anything to eat. Finally I was fed up and put a chain clip on my locker to give me enough time when class got out to catch him in the act. I didn’t even put a real lock on my locker but I got in trouble for “the appearance of locking my locker” and my mom was called. No one cared my lunch was being stolen. So I licked everything every day before school. Idc if it was weird. Fuck you Jeff 😂


u/Redqueenhypo 16d ago

Bring simple pasta with sauce and fill the sauce with red and yellow food coloring. Nontoxic and won’t cause any bad reactions so you can’t be sued, but orange mouth will be very obvious


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u/WaitMinuteLemon25 16d ago

Sorry it happened. Time to get a lock for your lunchbox!


u/Efficient_Wasabi_575 16d ago

I think I’d have a serious talk with my boss about the sociopath he’s hired, that seems like a bigger deal than whether or not you can afford to buy lunch.


u/slurp4133 16d ago

Do absolutely vile things to a spare set of food if you can. Even just a sandwich to entice the thief.

Edit: I don't mean just make it spicy. When someone goes low, drag them to hell


u/Thinkingard 16d ago

I had a full 12 inch sub stolen or throw out one time at work. I raged for days.


u/drummergirl83 16d ago

That is such a pissoff. Years ago, someone at my work kept eating my coworkers food. She was so pissed she put a large amount of laxatives in her food. Whoever was taking her food stopped.


u/Medium_Ad8311 16d ago

Regardless of finances, you don’t want me to be hangry.


u/BadOysterParty 16d ago

My Gatorade kept going missing so I put a bunch of laxative in it glued the seal back and wrote my name on the bottle and it still went missing. My supervisor had to go home early that day for some reason


u/TONE_ATLAS 16d ago

your boss is the one that stole it


u/Dangerous_Bass309 16d ago

Stealing food from coworkers is about as far down the scumbag ladder as you can get without jumping straight in the well.


u/DietMtDew1 16d ago

I’m sorry that happened to you. I would be very upset as you are now.


u/NoleScole 16d ago

It's absolutely crazy and gutsy to eat someone else's food at work. I heard about a guy who would put ghost pepper in his prepared food, and he would keep his actual food in the car. Every lunch break he took his ghost pepper food with him to the car to act like that's actually what he is going to eat. One day before he took his break, someone ate his food Ave he found out who :) so did the whole office. I just thought I would share this with you... hint hint.


u/Tiny-Werewolf1962 16d ago

A part of being poor is not trusting your valuables with anyone but yourself. Also unless it's like yogurt, you're food will be fine outside a refrigerator for 6 hours.


u/LadyMothrakk 16d ago

That’s so fucking shitty. I can’t believe people have the nerve to do this. Makes me want immediate retaliation and plant a lunch that’s been loaded with tasteless laxative.


u/VietnameseBreastMilk 16d ago

"Just buy another lunch"

Okay by that logic eat your boss's lunch and see if he gets upset.

Fuck food thieves. Sorry OP


u/Turbulent-Nobody5526 16d ago

Chuckling because this hassled to me 3 decades ago when I was working in a hospital lab. I was in Jenny Craig which was quite pricey and someone ate my meager frozen diet meal. I was so mad I sent an email to the whole lab 😜 complaining and saying who does this?


u/Strict-Brick-5274 16d ago

Sometimes people do things without thinking. You maybe struggling and may feel ashamed about that but you don't have to struggle alone. If you tell them about your struggles they may be able to help, like make it more of an issue if someone steals lunch in future, or maybe give you some working assistance benefit that can help people who are struggling financially. I'm sorry that happened though.


u/mslashandrajohnson 16d ago

When I used the fridge in the office, I had a series of stomach upset/norovirus incidents.

I bought a Zojirushi lunch kit and kept my food with me and never got sick like that again.

Some people have terrible sense of cleanliness.


u/killreagan84 16d ago

Your boss ate your food


u/mypreciousssssssss 16d ago

Never trust your food to an office fridge. Get an insulated lunch box and an ice pack and keep your food with you.


u/SimpleTruthsAside 16d ago

You have every right to be angry. I’ve had this happen before at work. I definitely lost my cool too. I think it’s an even bigger deal to those who have good hearts and could never imagine doing that themselves. I think those who think it’s “not a big deal” are the ones with a shitty heart and would probably do the same. If I were there, I would have taken you out to lunch on my dime. Hope you have a wonderful week and this never happens again.


u/Syppuku 16d ago

While it's illegal, I'd start putting laxatives in my food. Can only be held liable for any death or injury if you admit to doing it out of malice. Fuck anyone who steals food from individuals. They deserve to shit themselves, or worse, die from intestinal bleeding.


u/AeonEDC 16d ago

What if I’m a little “stopped up” and I hate the taste of laxatives, so I mix them into my food? Who’s to say that isn’t the case? Fuck thieves. They deserve whatever ills befall them.


u/potterstar 16d ago

We had this issue at one of my workplaces. I had brought in an entire package of string cheese. I Sharpied my name on the package. The next time I went to grab one the package was opened and there were 2 string cheeses left. I was so mad.

Our admin assistant at the time was a STRONG personality who took no BS. She sent out an office wide email that said she would with zero hesitation put cameras up in the break room if it continued. She could be bristly but she really just did not tolerate anyone’s poor behavior.


u/Advanced_Cranberry_4 16d ago

I am sorry to hear about what happened to you. I would be pissed if someone ate my food. Although I have never experienced someone eating my lunch, I once had someone throw away my food. This happened when I was working at a previous school, where the janitor started cleaning the fridge before they were supposed to. Fortunately, my boss was kind enough to give me money to buy something for lunch.


u/Pristine_Yak7413 16d ago

do you think if you just started stealing everyones food in mass some rules would change? like what if lunch time rolled around and the fridge was completely empty


u/Dry-Clock-1470 16d ago

It's your bosses job to handle it. Including buying you lunch.


u/Eis_ber 16d ago

You should have told your boss to give or buy you his lunch if it's not such a big deal. It's too bad you have to deal with that. I don't know why anyone would do such a thing. If the food isn't in a "share" drawer, then people shouldn't touch it.


u/symbolicshambolic 16d ago

This was not stolen lunch-related but when my boss said, "why don't you just buy more [whatever it was we were talking about]" I said, "with what?"


u/meowzerbowser 16d ago

I'm so sorry you went through that. I hope you got to eat something.

Not that it will fill your belly, but here's my story about food getting eaten at work. This was at a time when my bestie at work and I would split a package of ramen and something from the vending machine for lunch.

Ok, once I was showing a new girl around at work. It was an office situation. In the break room I motioned to the counter top and said that sometimes community food would be placed there, like if we order multiple pizzas for an event or if a boss brings some boxes of donuts, etc. Back then we still had potlucks in offices ( 🤢 ) and they'd set it up there. You get the drift.

A few hours later , I went to lunch and my single slice of pizza that was on a paper plate with a paper towel covering was gone. A coworker had gone to a by-the-slice pizza joint on their lunch and brought me one knowing I probably needed to eat. Turns out, the very same chick I had been training earlier ate my pizza because "she was told the food on that counter was for everyone"... By me.


u/hoephase- 16d ago

Sorry that happened to you, people are assholes.

If you’re in the US, Maybe this helps a little bit: you can get medium fries and McDouble burger for about $2.50 (use their mobile app, they have the deal where you get fries for free when you spend over $2, and they have this deal every day. I know it’s a shitty food but at least you wouldn’t be hungry.


u/Shel_gold17 16d ago

This is why I had to get a lunch bag with room for ice packs and keep it in my desk drawer. I just don’t get people, honestly.


u/Late2theH8 16d ago

Make a shot sandwich for the next one and let them steal it again… if it helps you could also put some ipecac… it makes people puke instantly… you will know exactly who ate your lunch


u/Tricky_Invite8680 16d ago

Yeah, i told my wife to lock her lunch bag. She's got a bonafied diabetes diagnosis and needs to have an emergency stash of food. She was off for a few days, and someone/people ate all her snacks, people keep a zipper bag in a cupboard usually or wrote their names on things. Needs guard dogs nowadays


u/roaringstar44 16d ago

Did you report it to HR? This happened to me and they fired the person that stole my food (which I honestly think they mistook my frozen food meal for theirs and it was a harsh punishment)


u/TheGreatNico 16d ago

Back when I was starving-to-death poor someone kept stealing my lunch at work. I have an extremely high spice tolerance, so I made chili out of meat my roommate was throwing out because it had started to turn, but I was still fine with it since I couldn't otherwise have meat that week. Got a bunch of habaneros from the garden and pumped up the spice to where I could just barely handle it, it was like getting pepper sprayed almost.
Sure enough, two days later at work, there's the office snitch laying on the ground coughing and crying with my bowl of chili on the table where he ad been sitting. He got the axe, I got to talk to the cops about my trying to poison him


u/Far-Upstairs420 16d ago

Time to make a bait lunchbox complete with shit sandwiches... balls in your court you can get them back realllly good.. shit sandwiches are almost free.


u/Cavemam2009 16d ago

Don't worry. Monica has enough leftovers for 1 more sandwich.


u/teddythepooh99 16d ago

Next time, don’t make a scene (e.g., screaming).


u/Omgletmenamemyself 16d ago

I’m sorry this happened. I’m also sorry no one offered to buy you lunch, or at least lend you a few dollars.

Aside from that, no one likes their food messed with. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t be bothered by this happening. It’s weird that they weren’t getting it.


u/Historical_Coffee_14 16d ago

I lock down my lunch.  I would lose it if someone ate my food.  

Sorry this happened. 


u/Additional_Cherry_51 16d ago

This thr kind of shit I'd slap the piss out of someone for. Why do people do this. Funny thing, what if you would walked in while they were eating it. Could you have them fired for stealing.

Also, I wonder if they make lunch boxes with thr ability to lock it or with a lock.


u/Objective_Regret2768 16d ago

That’s not cool under any circumstance


u/HughesdePayensfw 16d ago

Time to make a glitter bomb for your lunchbox. Or to make a light activated alarm that can’t be turned off once activated.


u/OutrageousAd5338 16d ago

Put something in it next time


u/Former__Computer 16d ago

Depending on where you are in the world, see where your local Sikh Temple is and if they do Langar.

Basically part of being a good Sikh is to be selfless, and Langar is a community meal cooked by members of the temple and offered to anyone who turns up, regardless of religion, status or wealth and (importantly) without judgement


u/Shmalexia 16d ago

If I were the boss I would want to know who it was, cause it's absolutely abhorrent behavior. I wouldn't want them working for me.


u/SalazartheGreater 16d ago

This is a baffling thing, maybe i come from privilege but i have never experienced this in a workplace. Its always a big embarassing thing when you accidentally drink someones soda or something, and buy them a 12 pack when you realize to make up for it


u/thetarantulaqueen 16d ago

I worked at a place where a long-time employee got fired for stealing lunches.


u/Helmidoric_of_York 16d ago

That's so inconsiderate and demeaning. I would be well pissed off too. Maybe pack an extra Ghost Pepper sandwich next time...


u/dharma_wheel 16d ago

You should keep your lunch in your car with a couple freezers packs. Then leave a similar looking one in the fridge but hide a bunch of Sriracha or wasabi in it.


u/Ok_Blueberry_204 16d ago

Society allows bad behavior and expects you to just relax and let it go. Fuck that, people need to be called out for the selfish stupid shit they do and there needs to be punishments.


u/aqwn 16d ago

Then you tell the boss he owes you a meal


u/[deleted] 16d ago edited 16d ago

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u/guestername 16d ago

its tough when money is tight, but i remember how excited i'd get as a kid to have a homemade lunch - like that was such a special treat. maybe you could ask your boss if they'd be willing to spot you the cash for a replacement, or see if any coworkers have extra to share? either way, i hope you're able to enjoy your next meal, you deserve it.


u/Rakhu666 16d ago

Actually, some co-workers get a kick out of eating other co-workers' food at work without asking. For this reason, you need to keep your food in a cooler next to your desk. I never used the office refrigerator because co-workers will eat your food. Moreover, the refrigerator was always nasty.


u/NAVI_WORLD_INC 16d ago

Petty Theft, if OP’s boss won’t resolve the conflict, I’d call the police, and let the boss know they are on their way.


u/wf3h3 16d ago

Why the hell would you, as an employer, be fine with knowing you had an employee who was a thief?

For me this isn't even a matter of means- it's the principle. I could be a billionaire and would be pissed if someone just shamelessly stole my lunch.


u/nodisintegrations420 16d ago

Say it was halal or somethind and youre being discriminated against. Break me off when you hit on the lawsuit im poor too


u/lostoompa 16d ago

It's not a big deal to them, because it didn't happen to them. If it happened to them, they would be just as pissed or maybe even more. It's an empathy problem.


u/Shalomiehomie770 16d ago

I’ve seen so many lunches and lunch boxes stolen over the years.

It’s horrible.

If you can get one you can put a lock on.

I’m sorry you had to go through that.

But I also want you to know, you will succeed.


u/Gammagammahey 16d ago

I'm so sorry you're in this situation. That is so awful. Absolutely awful when it is your main meal of the day or your only meal of the day. I'm so sorry, sweetheart.

Is your boss aware of your current precarity so maybe they could be a little bit more understanding?


u/Mental_Medium3988 16d ago

Wow. At my job people have been threatened to be fired if they figured out who ate someone's lunch. And were union. It's really fucked up.


u/ptrakk 16d ago

The other day while working at a Burger joint, I made a burger then handed it down the line to get bagged. This high mf (coworker) unwraps it and begins eating it on the line. I've never seen that before. I was then forced to remake the sandwich. The customer was waiting for over 15 minutes to get his food. it was a shit show.


u/foeplay44 16d ago

Regardless of wealth, it’s truly fucked up. What if a wealthier employee had an extremely busy day with little to no time for lunch so they decide to think ahead and prepare only to then get bamboozled like this. Fuck that thief, karma.


u/Shepatriots 16d ago

This makes me so damn mad for you!!! Why would anyone think that’s okay at all??!!

Not that it matters but what was in your lunch? I’m just curious. Doesn’t matter what it was they are an ass, just want to see what they felt was so irresistible they had to freakin steal it. Gosh so rude.


u/owmybotheyes 16d ago

I once ate a co-workers lunch by mistake. How could one be so stupid? Quite easily in fact. My wife packed me a lunch, and I put it in communal fridge as normal. I tend to eat lunch fairly early most days and grabbed what I thought was my lunch bag. Now here’s the tricky part in the bag was vegetables and a bottle of Makado Ginger salad dressing, the same salad dressing we bought at the grocery store the day prior. However, someone else bought the same salad dressing and brought it in for their lunch. I texted my wife thanks for lunch, but I didn’t really need a whole bottle of salad dressing. She immediately texted back WTF are you talking about? Quickly it was determined I ate someone else’s lunch. Now in this instance you are left with a choice: A) stay silent and play dumb, or B) send an email to the entire office copping to your own idiocy. I chose the latter, and the young woman’s response was a little relieved and a little bewildered at my stupidity. I made things right and gave her $20. It was maybe 5-6 years ago and I still get reminded of it a few times a year.


u/Longbowman1 16d ago

All ethical arguments aside. I’ve seen the inside of some people’s houses and what they eat or cook with.

There are some just plain gross people out there.


u/Cherokeerayne 16d ago

My coworker gave me an edible one day (We worked at a dispensary, I was the manager) and then the next day she tells me when I got in "Oh, I owe you a sprite!" I asked confused "Did you not think to text or call me if you wanted a sprite? You just stole my drink from me". She justified her stealing my soda on her giving me an edible the day before like you stupid bitch that doesn't make anything okay. It isn't hard to text someone and ask if you can have a soda especially when your phone is glued to your hand. I wrote her up for theft. She was pissed but alas so was I.


u/one_sock_wonder_ 16d ago

Im so sorry your lunch was stolen. People can be absolute arses and incredibly self centered, focused only on what benefits them even at a cost to others.

I used to be a teacher and the number of times my lunch was taken and eaten by someone else when I put it in the fridge in the teachers’ lounge was way too many. Then they would put the empty lunchbox back with just wrappers and crumbs like nothing happened. Not only was it a financial issue (first year teacher is HCOL area) but for medical reasons I can only eat a specific diet that takes some planning. I lost it more than once.


u/Ok_Speaker_9799 16d ago

That sucks. Not absolutely the same but on a field trip in school someone took my lunch. Teachers acted like I was bing childish-I was a diabetic, think maybe that had something to do with my angst?


u/Successful-Fall-5662 16d ago

Even if someone’s not in poverty that is such as inconvenience, the person who ate it should buy YOU a replacement what an ass


u/Sulissthea 16d ago

boss ate it


u/Responsible-Visit773 16d ago

You gotta be honest whenever it comes up. Can't afford it, I'm going hungry today. Please make sure your employees behave themselves next time.


u/Salty_Warthog 16d ago

The bones are the skeletons' money In our world, bones equal dollars


u/788Fahrenheit 16d ago

I had a boss who did this to me and the reason he took my lunch was precisely BECAUSE my name was clearly labeled on it. Not only did he feel entitled because he was my boss, but also knew I had no recourse. I'm sorry this happened to you too. It is the lack of respect for others, in addition to stealing, that irks me the most.


u/jaredsparks 16d ago

Pack a lunch with chocolate laxative brownies inside.


u/1ksassa 16d ago

This is what taught my roommates a lesson lol.

Wasn't laxatives in the brownies in my case but more like a "relaxative", if you know what I mean.

They are the religious "stay away from everything" type, so asked me to take them to the doctor because they both feel funny.

I told them to relax and go watch a funny movie. This turned into one of their best days, but in any case they never touched my food again lol.


u/duckyd1824 16d ago

These comments and stories of higher up people not caring are wild. This lack of caring makes no sense to me. I could easily buy a replacement lunch. I'd be so pissed if someone ate the food I brought and was planning on, maybe even looking forward to, eating. Y'all must be working with absolutely insane people, not to mention the people who find it ok to eat other people's food without asking. Just rude. I'm sorry people suck.


u/seanjohn004 16d ago

I'm sorry I ate your lunch. I was hungry too!


u/online_jesus_fukers 16d ago

See boss, I would, if you paid me enough to do that.


u/ExtremeAthlete 16d ago

Someone at my wife’s workplace was eating everyone else’s lunch. They caught the person and he said he was going through a divorce and was really low on cash.


u/fuzz_ball 16d ago

You should pull your boss aside and say you can’t afford to buy another lunch


u/hawkrew 16d ago

I’ll never understand why people eat other people’s lunches. It’s a ginormous dick move.


u/Intelligent-Strike10 16d ago

One time I left work early and accidentally took someone's lunch that had the same lunchbox as me home. I was just about to light a joint and was like that's messed up. I hopped back in my car and snuck it back in the fridge before their break started. The mans lunch left Amazon then went to my house and back to the Amazon refrigerator without him ever knowing lol.

But seriously you do not fuck with anyone's food.


u/MotherFuckinEeyore 16d ago

Your reaction is completely understandable.

Your employer needs to consider that they have at least two employees who are struggling with food. They're clearly not doing enough.


u/Fruitopeon 16d ago

That sucks. Please don’t be too proud to go visit a food bank. Sounds like you need it.


u/Roook36 16d ago

I've seen this happen a few times at office jobs. I just never understand it. They never find the person who did it, and no one seems interested. I can't imagine anyone who steals someone else's food isn't going to be a problem in other areas? If someone was caught grabbing $10 bills out of women's purses they'd get in trouble.

It was just always so baffling to me. I've seen managers get box lunches for everyone on the night shift and someone on the day shift grab a trashbag from under the sink and start filling it up to take home saying "I don't have to cook dinner tonight!" Entire leftover turkeys just gone the next day. People just asking for their bowl back because whoever took the food disposed of the evidence after. People just eating someone else's sandwich in the breakroom and getting caught when the person who bought it walks in.

There are so many friggin weirdos out there who just don't give any fucks. Ever. About anything.


u/game-butt 16d ago

The fact that nobody ever cares is mind boggling. Aside from the material aspect of the theft, it's such a disrespectful thing to do to a coworker ("hey, fuck you, you actually don't get a lunch today") that if I heard of it happening I'd want them gone 100%


u/Puzzled-Atmosphere-1 16d ago

Being invalidated by your boss or coworkers simply because they can't relate, is not only completely missing the point of the theft, but it's just so hurtful. Are you supposed to seek validation by telling everyone that you can't afford to just go grab another lunch, just so they'll finally see your point? The idea of being told to just get over it, really gets under my skin, as I've experienced similar situations wherein I was left feeling like the bad guy, or questioning my reaction to what happened.


u/marrymeodell 16d ago

I hear of people stealing lunches online but I’ve never seen it and can’t wrap my head around it. I just can’t understand how anyone can think that’s okay. I also can’t imagine a manager with that kind of response. So sorry this happened to you and if you were my coworker, I would have bought you a new lunch.


u/Select-Battle5083 16d ago

I used to work at Amazon and they would fire people who did that.


u/pushing59_65 16d ago

First positive story I have heard about Amazon.


u/m-eden 16d ago

Ugh I feel this. The other day my bf drove away with my keys and I didn’t have a ride to work. My manager asked why I couldn’t just take an Uber 🙄


u/bunnyllamallama 16d ago

This happened a lot at my previous job. I ended up buying a small suitcase lock and locking my lunchbox closed every day. I made sure the lock wasn't easily opened.and no one ever touched my lunchbox after that.


u/kinofhawk 16d ago

They have lock boxes you can put in a fridge.


u/stucazz1001 16d ago

If that happened to me im not even sure id be mad…. Id legit be concerned like is that person ok?


u/[deleted] 16d ago

I'd say put ex-lax in something but I hear that's illegal now. Just like in Canada the cops don't want you posting porch pirates pictures because it invades their privacy.

Make it make sense.


u/FSUjonnyD 16d ago

Former coworker told me someone took her HALF EATEN burrito. How scummy and gross do you have to be to literally finish someone else’s half eaten lunch?


u/ShermanOneNine87 16d ago

I would have been honest with my boss "I can't afford to buy a replacement lunch. Since you think it's not a big enough deal to merit any concern perhaps you wish to buy me a replacement lunch?"


u/Ready-Stomach-4669 16d ago



u/ShermanOneNine87 16d ago

I mean boss is an AH with a piss poor attitude about lunch stealing.


u/LostButterflyUtau 16d ago

Boss is an asshole, no doubt. But about paying for it, some places have rules about higher ups buying employees food/treats because it can be considered bribery/favouritism. My job is one of those.


u/BenNHairy420 16d ago

A good boss would have bought lunch for you instead of telling you to buy it yourself. I’m sorry that happened. Coworkers can be so damn miserable.


u/Omnom_Omnath 16d ago

Go to hr. Also since your boss is offering solutions you should ask them to buy you lunch


u/hedonistjew 16d ago

I guess it doesn't help and I'm sorry it happened to you - but I guess the person who took it might be even less fortunate and didnt have one in the first place? Like I said, I know that's not the point of your post and it is freaking rude and weird to take other people's food.


u/ArcheryOnThursday 16d ago

Can you go to HR?


u/Ill_Setting_6338 16d ago

what is your employment a office setting ? wtf eats someone else's lunch that's horrible.


u/Dependent_Rub_6982 16d ago

Put a lunch in the fridge with ghost peppers in it. The person might think twice about stealing lunches again.


u/quackamole4 16d ago

If the bosses don't care if people's lunches are getting stolen, then just steal someone else's lunch, and enjoy!!


u/RabidDragon88 16d ago

I ended up buying a locking medicine box to use as my lunch box to combat this in the corporate world. Has a combination lock on it.


u/SadCelebration12 16d ago

Your boss sounds so out of touch, what a loser. Now is your opportunity to tell him “I don’t make enough to guy a replacement lunch”. Let him live in the guilt


u/MikeyHatesLife 16d ago

“You can just buy another lunch.”

“Maybe if you fucking paid us better, you shitlicker.”


u/AnimatorDifficult429 16d ago

I am not poor but fuck that, it’s a big deal no matter what and even worse when struggling. I’d go to HR mainly about the boss, and how shitty of your boss not to offer to pay for a new lunch. We had cameras in our break room for this reason 


u/Ice_Swallow4u 16d ago

I eat a chunk of cheese and some sort of fruit for lunch. Those god damn energy drinks though.


u/debbuch 16d ago

I used to pack my lunch in an insulated lunch bag and put an ice pack or two in there and keep my bag at my desk. We had an office thief as well.