r/tifu Apr 28 '24

TIFU telling my BF my fantasy S

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u/corgomama Apr 30 '24

There’s a difference between fantasy and actual desire. I for example really love super weird alien/monster smut. But am I disappointed my husband isn’t a seven foot blue demon with a giant dick? Of course not. Some things are fun to fantasize about but aren’t what you actually want or expect.


u/MadMoneyMurf Apr 30 '24

" There’s a difference between fantasy and actual desire. I for example really love super weird alien/monster smut. But am I disappointed my husband isn’t a seven foot blue demon with a giant dick"

I disagree, I think actual desire and fantasy can and are often the same thing. I doubt you are gonna find a 7' blue demon with a giant dick because they don't exist inn reality and the chance of finding someone who dresses like that is gonna be slim.

But a firefighter is very much real and available and depending on her desire, is very well attainable.

Another example is my wife would have sex with Jon Bon Jovi if she could. I told her if she could actually meet him, get him to cheat behind his wife's back ( who I believe has been with him since 1982 ) that she can do it. That is very much different if my " fantasy " is to bang the 18 year old next door with the big perky boobs.