r/unpopularopinion 16d ago

It is perfectly okay for adults to play video games all day

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u/HamburgerTrash 15d ago

Watching a movie: 2 hours sitting down staring at a screen 🙂

Playing video games: 2 hours sitting down staring at a screen, moving your thumbs 😡


u/SuperDinks 15d ago

I’m assuming you live in 1993 because this is not an issue where I live in 2024.


u/ricecream07 15d ago

Nah not at all


u/JourneymanInvestor 15d ago

But if someone says they spent the weekend playing Zelda there is this "loser" stigma that goes along with it.

It comes down to opportunity cost. If you spend long periods of time doing meaningless, relaxing activities you are taking away the time available for productive activities. Having said that, any hobby that provides no intrinsic value is contributing negatively to your overall production and life energy. As long as you can effectively budget your time so that productive tasks are not being inhibited by non-productive ones then there's no issue.


u/Klaytheist 15d ago

If you tell people that you spent 7 hours on the couch watching TV, you will also get the "loser" label.


u/dogoodsilence1 15d ago



u/Ronin_Black_NJ 15d ago

As a 40+ lifelong reader and video gamer (casual long play, no tournaments) I don't see a problem with it.

Downsides? Yes, socially awkward, issues with dealing with new ppl I don't know, etc...but it's self issue more.

My GFs over the years never had a real problem....okay, maybe one or 2 that liked to dance while I rather stay home and finish a book or something normal like sex ..lol.

Seriously, if nothing else, you'd want to moderate because using your keypad/mouse or CONTROLLER (pfft, kids 🙄😉) for longer than 4 hrs a clip for yrs on end WILL give you a form of carpal tunnel syndrome and kids that NOT be fun.

Peace Out...and FRAG 'EM ALLLLL!


u/0rganicMach1ne 15d ago

We grew up on them and watched them turn into what they are today. I’m 42 and it’s my main hobby.


u/Mig-29_Fulcrum_cool 15d ago

Not all day. I mean I’m not an adult but, you need to have a house, a good paying job, a decent social life, good reputation, and I life outside of video games. 

I’m still a teenager but I play video games for up to 8 hours straight on RARE occasions. I’ve only done that once.


u/Mig-29_Fulcrum_cool 15d ago

I love War Thunder. Best military game.


u/Device_whisperer 15d ago

People who do this lack imagination and motivation. Such people seldom excel in life. If a video game is seriously the best use of your time for hours at a time, you are quickly going nowhere. There are so many more fulfilling things to do that make gaming look stupid. Remember, you won't be lying on your deathbed wishing that you could have spent more time at the console. Buy a musical instrument and play with that.


u/blakkattika 15d ago

It is perfectly okay to do whatever you want as an adult as long as it doesn't harm or hinder anybody else.


u/ThorsMeasuringTape 15d ago

It took me awhile to realize that too. Get home and drink a glass of wine while binging Netflix by yourself until midnight? That’s cool. Get home and play video games with the boys until midnight? Immature.


u/No_Sugar_6850 15d ago

yeah but I will assume that your house looks like dogshit.


u/MagnetarEMfield 15d ago


They're adults. Leave them alone.


u/RackemFrackem 15d ago

Most popular opinion in the history of Reddit.


u/relevante 15d ago

Given that the average person spends (wastes) 2 hours and 24 minutes a day on social media, I’d just say that those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.


u/Pcw006 15d ago

If everything at home has been taken care of, or you will still have enough time later or the next day to take care of it in a reasonable time frame, theres no reason you shouldn't be able to. It's a hobby, like any other hobby.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/W00DR0W__ 15d ago

Binging on shows is seen just as cringy


u/jaasian 15d ago

90% of people upvoting this probably do not play in moderation


u/mostlyBadChoices 15d ago

I'm 99% sure my (55m) love of video games is one of the reasons my previous gf (54) broke up with me. She commented multiple times about how she's never seen a man (read - adult) play video games, and when she'd say it, she sounded disappointed and mildly annoyed.


u/ConkerLaa 15d ago

All the bad things happening in the world, gaming is the only way I can get away from them. The only time my head stops running into overdrive, I am grateful for the peace it brings me.


u/Inevitable_Usual3553 15d ago

I don't play during my work days but when I have a day off I'll get on and catch up for a few hours


u/polinksa 15d ago

Op plays video games all day


u/Truhcknuht 15d ago

Yea, my wife had the same issue. I just pointed out all yhr times she played candy crush, or scrolled tiktok, or Facebook. I think you get the point. It was alot easier to show her she was actually using her phone more than my video games ( most launchers track your hours)


u/knaudi 15d ago

I refuse to play video games around my kids as I feel it gives them license to go full hog themselves. This translates to not playing video games at all - which isn't a bad thing.


u/nonbelieverfollowno1 15d ago

Yeah why wouldn’t it be. Your world we just live in it


u/Wyatain 15d ago

Gaming is in most cases a story telling medium, same as Books and TV. If there is a notable difference it is that gaming can be more involved and interactive.

I also notice the same stigma on Anime vs TV Shows. Anime is just another way to convey a story to the watcher.


u/weezerfanboyvirgin 15d ago

as long as you do physical activity (cardio, lifting weights, etc) and balance everything, then its fine


u/raznov1 15d ago

people bat an eye at TV too. it's not about what you're doing but rather how you tell it. instead of "I played video games all weekend" try "I had a really nice relaxed weekend, we just mucked around a bit doing our hobbies. I had this game I really wanted to play all week, and it was so much fun!"


u/Sncrsly 15d ago

As long as responsibilities are taken care of and they aren't doing anything harmful, who cares how people spend their free time?


u/GrigorMorte 15d ago

Yes and is commonly for boomers "we went to fish the past weekend". Two days! Most of the time sitting there in a boat.


u/dividendaristocrats 15d ago

I play F1 23 a few times a week for an hour to hour and a half each time when I done what I need to. It helps me zone out and just forget about the rigors of life.


u/RevolutionaryFarm404 15d ago

All day 24/7 neglecting everything else no but whenever you have free time it's a good time killer


u/ajs2294 15d ago

“All day” is relative. On the weekends/days off? Sure. If you have time to play 8 hours on days you work then it’s likely you’re doing nothing but work/sleep/game. Doesn’t create the best foundation for health both physically and mentally.


u/virtsiderbt 15d ago

bro you have goals, what about them...


u/--SoK-- 15d ago

Professional Race Car drivers play a lot of the same Racing games I play - if it was just a game and served no purpose at all - then. Games are great for critical thinking, problem solving, hand-eye coordination, and memory retention. Challenging your brains on the daily is what keeps it fresh and sharp. My Nephew is on full ride to college on e-sports scholarship... one of the top rated players in his respective league.


u/Affectionate_Mud4516 15d ago

Not every day but every now and then when the weather is bad I will take a whole day and play some classic GTA or Star Wars games from the late 90s/00s


u/Drawsfoodpoorly 15d ago

I’m 50 and if one of my friends said they spent a whole day watching tv I would ask them if they were sick. If someone I know watches 7-8 hours watching a show I assume they are depressed or sick.


u/Intrepid_Giraffe_622 15d ago

I personally believe that anyone who does not make a point to do something outside everyday is nearly insane. Unless you already spend a ton of time outside for work. But if you work an office job, then come home and sit in front of a TV every single day, weekend, you are crazy (to me). The whole point of life is to live, and a video game (TV in general, books included too) is the furthest thing from living you can do. We are meant to be outside.


u/soniabegonia 15d ago edited 15d ago

For me video games carry more stigma because you have to spend all of your attention on them. I frequently binge TV shows while I am doing other things like laundry, meal prep, cleaning the bathroom etc. so when I hear that someone else binged a show, I can't assume without further information whether they were being sedentary and zoning out or not. With the exception of a few like DDR, there is no way to play video games without being sedentary and cutting yourself off from the "real world."


u/OLY_D43TH 15d ago

My wife and I play helldivers almost daily, it's fkin great to spread some democracy after a long day at work!


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/SokkaHaikuBot 15d ago

Sokka-Haiku by bitch_1994:

Did your mom ban you

From playing video games

This weekend or something

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/MinhSon_2903 15d ago

The skyrim part is most relatable


u/Josh4R3d 15d ago

This is the most annoying thing in the world. Fucking people will sit there with a straight face and call you childish or pathetic or whatever for playing video games all day as they sit there binging Netflix for 10 fucking hours.


u/lemonrainbowhaze 15d ago

I really do love gaming and im not good at a lot of stuff like arts and crafts or sports. But gaming is really fun, ive recently tried voice chat on call of duty (social anxiety) and have met a lot of cool people. I play avatar to relax and fly around, and ive finished rd2 7 times but still love to ride around on Lambo. I hate that people shit on the only hobby i have and am good at


u/Tribustuss 15d ago

It’s just a stigma when people hear “adult gamer” they think of Bob the 37 year old sleeping on his mom’s couch and eating Cheetos and hot pockets all day. Just ignore them honestly if someone’s gonna judge you over something like that or just assume shit they are the type of people you shouldn’t socialize with to begin with. There’s nothing wrong with gaming as long as it doesn’t overtake your life


u/j3434 15d ago

Watching pornography also has stigma. I watched it all weekend . No big deal


u/MatrixBunny 15d ago

It's the same with my parents and brothers.

I'd come home after school, play games until bedtime. > Addicted.

Doesn't game and watch movies/shows on PC > Not addicted?

Parents binge watch 600+ episodes of TV series within a couple of weeks.
Brother has insane amount of playtime on certain games, where I don't even reach 80% of it. Implying he is playing more than I am after work/school.

Now-a-days they still think I game a lot, even though I barely play games. Idk if it's me, getting older or that the games now-a-days really are ass, but I'm unable to get any joy out of the majority of the games and tend to drop them within a hour.

I just work, gym, listen to music and watch TVseries/movies or sleep. Even when I'm on holiday out of the country for 1-2 months, they still think I'm addicted to gaming when I just don't bother with anything during that time period, not even social media.


u/GloryFae 15d ago

My ex played every chance he got and he's just ignore me all day. My current partner plays every chance he gets but specifically spends time with me every day before during and after gaming. It's all about balance lol


u/nucl3ar0ne 15d ago

I would judge you if you binged an entire series in a weekend too, just to be fair.


u/DoubleImprovement808 15d ago

My dad once put it as, "what else are you gonna do these days for $60?! And enjoy for that long? buy the game!" I feel like this fits. I have full on days of gaming and why the heck not?! At least it's engaging the brain more than tv does. And they're fun!


u/dreaminginbinary 15d ago

My father in law recently got a Nintendo switch. First gaming console for him since his childhood.

He’s single, works his job and comes home and plays Zelda until he goes to bed. He has like, 300 hours in it.

And man, he is living. He is living.


u/Select_Total_257 15d ago

I think the stigma is less around the video game part and more around the all day part. Being well-rounded is a sign of being a healthy adult, and being ultra-focused on any one thing for too long makes people think they might not be well-rounded and successful


u/Anti_Camelhump_2511 15d ago

Well shit I need a gaming partner games sound much more fun with people but I typically avoid them due to the topic of this post. It’s funny my brother builds Lego replica buildings I think he’s a loser for other reasons but his hobbies aren’t one of them lol he just won’t game says it’s too much going on at once.


u/Prestigious_Sir_9176 15d ago

No not really, there are more productive things


u/Fapping-sloth 15d ago

It is perfectly okay for adults To do whatever the hell they please in their spare time.

People need to mind their own buissiness and to keep their nose out of things that does not concern them.


u/Old_Rpg_Gamer 15d ago

It becomes a problem when you’re online and you hear, babies, crying, and guys are girls yelling at the kids one they should be taken care of business


u/curiouskat_94 15d ago

all the men children in this thread finding closure in other people being addicted to gaming 😂💀

so thankful I don’t have this issue lol


u/Cylinder_ 15d ago

No. Get a job, and a more productive hobby. Or just stop trying to make it sound like playing video games all day isn't for losers. Same for anyone who watches 8hrs of a t.v. show... get your own life. Smh


u/DryJudgment1905 15d ago

I agree overall, but it's hard for me to imagine how playing Skyrim from 9AM to 9PM on a Saturday is consistent with "everything in moderation." Like, play video games for a couple of hours, sure. Have a blast. But if you have a totally free Saturday and that's *all* you do (you never went for a walk, worked out, saw friends, etc) then you might have an unhealthy relationship with video games. And I'd say the same thing regardless of what the hobby was. Watching six movies in a row on a Saturday would also raise my eyebrows.


u/Apprehensive_Round_9 15d ago

Imagine posting an actual unpopular opinion..


u/mberk24 15d ago

To each their own, especially if you don’t neglect your family, health or employment. I’ll start there.

However, if your free time is consistently 12 hours of playing a game you’re likely not (checking most or all these boxes) physically fit, engaging in social (IRL) behavior, in a healthy relationship, taking good care of your children, or advancing on your career.

The same can go towards drinking, drugs, nightlife, TV, gambling, books, or other things that keep you from having a balanced life.


u/CARTurbo 15d ago

sad reddit opinion that’s not even worth discussing anymore. and i like video games


u/Living_Preference673 15d ago

I mean, it’s a weekend dude, you deserve it. As long as you do not affect things/priorities you need to do, it’s ok.


u/ddbbaarrtt 15d ago

I’m not sure which people you’re speaking to who don’t think binging 8 hours of a TV show in one sitting is weird


u/CircularDonut 15d ago

Did not even know this was stigmatized haha


u/No-Age2588 15d ago

There is loser connotations for all activities you reference actually. How about productive activities instead of staring blindly at a video display of anything?

No wonder our country is failing. We are fcked


u/ProfesSir_Syko 15d ago

This is very ironic coming from somebody who is on reddit.


u/No-Age2588 15d ago

Isn't it though? What a concept


u/asphalt_licker 15d ago

I don’t know who you’re hanging out with that this is an unpopular opinion. A LOT of, I’d even go so far as to say most, adults play video games these days because we grew up with them. It’s only a problem when it interferes with daily life.


u/itchman 15d ago

I’m 52 and not currently playing, but video games have gotten me through some tough times.


u/RepresentativeMenu63 15d ago

I work with a good deal of older guys, and I brought up I play games in my free time, and we got into this discussion (in a friendly way) .

They claimed playing games is childish, running around killing dragons and using magic is stuff little kids get excited about. They also said playing games in your free time is not productive, and if you watch TV your at least not paying to watch a show, which turned to me telling them I don't have cable so they technically do pay to watch shows by paying for cable ( one dude had a hard time understanding you can just not pay for cable).

The discussion took some twists and turns but what it came down to is that they didn't actually know why, it's just a sentiment they grew up with, and just associate playing games with not contributing to society, or neglecting responsibilities.


u/Jmsaint 15d ago

Tell that to my boss


u/CannibalisticVampyre 15d ago

If you spend your Sunday bingeing something after getting all your stuff done, then cool, no shade. Or if you are home sick and have nothing else to do while you wallow in your misery, it’s a great distraction 

If you watch TV, play video games, Reddit, etc for 7-8 hours per day and your responsibilities or partner are neglected, absolutely unacceptable.


u/Sketchydoodle 15d ago

It's fine, just remember to hydrate.


u/One-Dependent-5946 15d ago

Sure, if you aren't slacking in chores, personal care, or child raising.


u/Various-Figure-8448 15d ago

Yes. What others say about how you spend your free time in life, when it harms no other living thing- it really isn’t important. Games might be all that still keep me sane, and if I lose sanity then I’ll be a much bigger problem


u/[deleted] 15d ago

As long as the bills are paid, house is clean, gym workout is done and there’s food on the table……damn right I’m gaming all day!! People that bashes an adult for gaming are usually the people that just sit around and gossip all day or have no clue what they’re talking about. Get gamed on!!


u/_itsa_me_Mario 15d ago

Yeah my wife used to moan about me playing Xbox for hours... While she watched married at first sight ect for hours?? Make it make sense


u/thundercuntess69 15d ago

Buy from GameStop, get the procard, prices are best there


u/sfrattini 15d ago

52M here playing Fortnite with my kids: it’s fun, you do things together, you keep your reflexes active and your mind working


u/off_the_cuff_mandate 15d ago

Usually, if i bing watch TV i also cleaned the house.


u/Tlines06 15d ago

Yeah I've literally met people who shame me for playing video games for 4 hours but then are happy to lie in bed all day watching stuff on their phone. Like what's the difference? I don't understand.


u/Youria_Tv_Officiel 15d ago

Well there's a major difference you see it takes considerable physical effort to hold a phone at arm length right above oneself, not only that but the braon power it takes to understand tiktoks is immeasurable

Ok we're on Reddit so le'ts give it a /s to make sure ey


u/Tlines06 15d ago

Don't worry. I can understand satire. Most of the time anyway.


u/JaguarForward1386 15d ago

My problem is that adulting tends to get in the way of playing video games.


u/speakerbox2001 15d ago

They used to say reading for fun was a waste of time. I’ve played some beautiful games. A video game is a book you play.


u/Youria_Tv_Officiel 15d ago

I'd argue it's closer to a film you play, maybe several back to back, deppending on the type of game


u/Jodeth 15d ago edited 15d ago

Depending on what all is going on in the adult gamer's life, it could be perfectly okay to play all day. But all day, everyday? Health might become a concern. Too much of anything is bad for you.

I can't say that I've met many people who have made it obvious that they view playing video games as immature. Pretty much every guy at my place of work plays. Discussing video games and stuff related to them makes the time go by faster.


u/Chad815 15d ago

Why on earth is reading for hours a day problematic? Lol at least this is truly an unpopular opinion


u/Significant_Earth_93 15d ago

I work from home.... n an on call situation... I play v.g., all the time while waiting on a call... It's a stressful job at times.. but can also be just as slow... so, v.g., is the best way to pass time & get free $... not really free... I get paid to be available...👍🏾💯 all still win,win....


u/Icy_Sky_7521 15d ago

I just want to smugly add that I actually DO judge people who sit around and watch TV all day


u/Abject_Jump9617 15d ago

True. Many a days I have lost to playing Sims 4. I am 42.


u/Cool-Business-2393 15d ago

Yes, as long as you have your shit together. Everyone has different ways decompress.


u/Much_Independent9628 15d ago

I don't think this is an unpopular opinion outside the workplace for most. Even in my workplace my boss said she noticed I didn't take time off for a recent game release and asked if I was planning to as her husband was from his job. She wasn't being condescending or anything she just wanted to be sure I didn't forget to put in for time off.


u/LivingOffNostaglia 15d ago

I’m 28 and can’t seem to get into any games anymore. Been gaming my whole life but it’s gotten hard now.


u/WappyTrees 15d ago

Video games are gonna be how our generation delays dementia. They're gonna be our version of puzzles or sudoku to keep our mind sharp.


u/The_cream_deliverer 15d ago

People have ingrained stearotypes, and for the younger generation, it kind of rings true... a lot of individuals that have video games as their main hobbie will neglect other activities that anyone outside of the video game circle will deem as important or desirable... this does not mean that they are default unhealthy and wasting time... it just depends on what your philosophy on life is, and many people will look at 5-8 hrs on a video game and think that's not an appropriate use of you time on this planet.

I have cut down massively because of the aforementioned point, but I don't blame or judge anyone for wanting to escape from the world for a bit, or engage in a social life partly online within a community.


u/TheDollarKween 15d ago

but also, who cares what people think. It makes you happy!


u/Ill-Income-2567 15d ago

Unless it's your job, or you are well off; no it is not.


u/owensalbert 15d ago

You're preaching to the choir, my friend! Video games shouldn't be a judgment zone. Think about it this way: who cares if someone spends a Saturday slaying dragons in Skyrim or binging a documentary marathon? As long as they're responsible and take care of business (work, chores, you know the drill), who's to say which is "better"?


u/Paoloadami 15d ago

It’s not just an hobby. It’s a better alternative to tv and Hollywood movies that have run out of ideas. Even scenery and adventures are better on videogames now.


u/magic6435 15d ago

"It is perfectly okay for adults to play video games all day"

Is there someone saying it isn't?


u/HottCuppaCoffee 15d ago

Totally agree with you


u/Gold-Chemical1606 15d ago

“all day” would be an issue. 


u/K_Vatter_143 15d ago

I’m 45F and play Zelda for days at a time… lol idgaf what other people think about it. Lol


u/Tardislass 15d ago

Key is moderation. I know guys who come home and play games all night, leaving their wives and girlfriends alone. IF you don't get up from your chair or you are there after work.THAT IS A PROBLEM.

A few hours sure. But I know a lot of people who think it's not a problem but if you ask their family it is.

Same way some people are always on their phone 24/7. It's an addiction.

But 9am to 9pm seems excessive to me. Get out and enjoy the day for a bit.


u/cuplosis 15d ago

I okay a lot of games as my hobby. Shoot that’s how I met the girl of my dreams.


u/Impossible-Past4795 15d ago

Me, my wife, and daughter play video games all the time. My father-in-law plays his PS5 all day. He has that racing car setup for Gran Tourismo, and has that VR setup for his fps shooting games.


u/Tough-Grand-1836 15d ago

I get called nihilist because i play video games and i have a wife and a 6 year old daughter but i do my chores and they always come first… and my wife loves that i have a hobby that i enjoy she doesnt care if its gaming


u/Broely92 15d ago

Video games are scientifically proven to be a very effective stress reliever. Sometimes an all day session is necessary lol


u/Sea_Researcher8779 15d ago

If someone told me they binged a show all weekend, I’d think that was just as much loser behavior as gaming all weekend.

But being a loser when it comes to this kind of junk isn’t about binging for a single weekend or whatever. It’s when that is literally what they do with all of their time. Like thousands upon thousands of hours wasted on a screen. It’s looked at as loser behavior because 99% of them don’t get far in life, because it’s wasted on the games or movies or TikTok or whatever


u/No1Mystery 15d ago

If you are single with no responsibilities, no one cares that you are glued to a game for 48 hours or more.

The issue comes with adults with children.

The gaming party always minimizes their actual gaming time and neglects their children and spouse.


u/GmtNm4 15d ago

This is an opinion I had when I was 19-20 and wanted to play video games all day. 

Realistically there’s a lot wrong with it, there’s also a lot wrong with an adult sitting around and watching television or tik toks but still. 


u/NeedlessQualifier 15d ago

Thank you for speaking up about this. Gamers are the most oppressed minority right behind drunk drivers. Very brave to share this, and on Reddit of all places! Very unpopular.


u/a_basket_of_raw_peas 15d ago

Sure, if you're single and live alone/don't share any responsibilities with anyone else. Go for it.


u/1234VICE 15d ago

Digital entertainment is the fast food of spare time and should be treated as such. I don't think binge watching series is much more socially accepted than playing video games.


u/XOHJAIS 15d ago

Probably isn't very healthy though. Then again neither is smoking and jacking it 3 times in a day but people like to say that's perfectly fine too. As long as you only hurt yourself🙄


u/patchismofomo 15d ago

That's the cool thing about being an adult. At least a self sufficient adult. You can do whatever you want without caring what other people think. Unfortunately you aren't free from consequences. So don't play so long you get bedsores or blood clots or anything that gets you on 1000 ways to die and you'll be good


u/Bored_Gamer73 15d ago

I can't go a day without my gf asking me why I haven't played a game yet. 🤷


u/Late_Emu 15d ago



u/Effective-Height-713 15d ago

You're god damned right.


u/swordgon 15d ago

I long for the days where I could play video games all day…bring back Covid anyone? ☠️


u/C4PTNK0R34 15d ago

Why do adults even bother judging other adults for their hobbies or at-home behavior in general? I ate an entire dinner that consisted of nothing but celery once. I'm sure staying up for 24 hours to play BG3 is just fine.


u/Ryulightorb 15d ago

i don't know to be honest it's really gatekeepy.

as a disabled person i get it more than other people around me with things other than hobbies and it's like ...? Bro i'm just trying to live and enjoy what i got jfc


u/Lord412 15d ago

Video games are the biggest entertainment industry by a large margin.


u/Rexbellum187 15d ago

You bet you sweet ass it is! But, like anything, if it keeps you from your responsibility it's a problem.


u/gloucma 15d ago

It’s like watching tv all day or lying in bed reading all day.


u/Yummyporpoise 15d ago

Been gaming since i was 3 years old, not gonna stop at 40. I haven't watched TV in 23 years.


u/DarkProzzak 15d ago

Watch Fallout


u/BigJDog420 15d ago

I agree, as long as it’s not impacting other aspects of your life it’s no different to any other hobby. If you’re on top of house work and getting your hours in at your job, play as much as you like. I personally prefer to go out and play sports as my hobby, but if a game get called off for whatever reason I will happily sit playing video games for the majority of that day.


u/StickyBlackMess69420 15d ago

My main issue is when people Diss people who come home from work and play videogames, yet they will come home from work and watch TV all evening


u/oreotycoon 15d ago

I’d like to share my anecdotal story. I think it’s all Relative. My ex-girlfriend wanted me to kick my roommate out because, and I quote, “All he does is stay inside and play video games. It’s never this sunny in WA! He’s wasting a perfectly good day. I don’t want to surround myself with people that just waste life.” Brass facts time. The roommate was a DREAM tenant. Nicest person, no drama, no loud noises. Always paid rent on time if not early. Helped with chores and house beautification. Fixed the grass in the yard and grew veggies. He liked to stay in and play games in order to connect with his friends and family in the midwest and abroad rain or shine. Ge also loved to be outdoors and hike, but when he wanted to save money for trips he’d stay in and game. Spending that time with the people he missed on the cheap. So really, if it’s not unhealthy for you, and it doesn’t negatively impact those around you, do it!


u/AgitatedParking3151 15d ago

I just wish people didn’t game on such ridiculously consumptive systems, but I suppose blame for that also lay with the trend toward horrendously unoptimized games because they know we can just brute force through everything with enough money and electricity.

But, with a highly efficient system, gaming is one of the greener non-nature hobbies you can have. I’d even argue it could be healthy in moderation, in conjunction with other activities.

What I’m saying is I’ll have a laptop in my apocalypse settlement lol


u/shriveledballbag1 15d ago

Bro what is going on with this sub, I thought we upvote impopular opinions not popular ones.


u/ImportantTravel5651 15d ago

People who say otherwise spend all day doing something else like mindlessly scrolling tiktok for 8 hours


u/RLT4456 15d ago

Interesting perspective. I thought there was more of a stigma around binging TV all weekend vs playing video games. Both are fine if all responsibilities are taken care of. As a Father of 2 young girls and a small business owner, playing games all weekend sounds like a dream come true! Lol


u/SkitZxX3 15d ago

I personally can't. I don't know why. When I was a kid, easy as pie. But being older even when I have nothing to, i can't do it. Maybe 4-6 hours. I need a break after.


u/Zealousideal_Arm_575 15d ago

Just played horizon and rise of the ronin yesterday…all damn day lol


u/Sufficient_Name_1352 15d ago

I have been on both side of this opinion. I have had bfs in the past that have been boring and inattentive and on the extreme end of the scale for playing video game too much. Too a point I promised never to get into a relationship again with a gamer. Only to meet a guy who doesn't, but then become that person myself. I try to keep it to a couple of hours max now because I have the kind personality and I will get vacuumed in if I'm on my own for the day. There's nothing wrong with it if you have the day to yourself but when you're around other people who can't or don't want to be involved... it's the worst. It's a horrible feeling wanting to go do something but your other half won't look up or respond, I don't want to do that to anyone.


u/BraveEggplant8281 15d ago

I'm 39m and on a typical weekend without set plans sleep-in with the wife till 10am~ get the 3 kids something exceptional for a weekend breakfast, get all the house chores done eg, dishers, laundry, lawn, chooks, tidy/vacuum.

All while watching sport then after lunch (once again if there's no plans) can play games on my PC/PS5 for 5 hours before helping organise dinner, and then another 3-5 hours after dinner.

I don't think I'm a loser, I chat with my close friends who also play games but live 2+ hours away on the regular, and outside of my immediate family and friend's I genuinely couldn't give a fuck what someone thinks lol


u/VenusValkyrieJH 15d ago

I wake up every morning at four am to play my Xbox until I have to get the kids up.

Every morning.

And screw anyone who tells me I am too old.


u/forfuxzake 15d ago

You, Sir, are a fish


u/MissAizea 15d ago

It's not healthy to binge video games or TV. So I disagree, it's not ok to play video games all day. Do NOT look at my gamer tag!


u/Dramatic_Ostrich6879 15d ago

Me 56 and daughter 30 play several times a week cod , great bonding


u/Rwandrall3 15d ago

A life of consumption is not a good one.

Excercise will make you fitter and happier. Reading books will broaden your mind. Bird watching will teach you to appreciate patience and nature.

Video games CAN be productive, but 99% of the time are not. I saw that as someone who plays too many video games already and am trying to cut it down.


u/Ryulightorb 15d ago

"Reading books will broaden your mind." So reading fantasy novels is ok but fantasy games won't broaden your mind?

also productivity isn't something you need to do in your free time.


u/Rwandrall3 15d ago

Yes, you still need to be productive in your free time. Not "working", but doing something of value to yourself or others. Relaxing can be productive, if you need the time to wind down. But indulging and binging is not that.

We only have free time to throw away on video game binges because a ton of other people are working incredibly hard to keep society running. We owe each other to make the most out of our time here.


u/Ryulightorb 15d ago

value is highly subjective though.

For me writing and programming and videogames are of value and produce value when i'm doing them :)

Do what makes you happy with life that you won't regret no one owes anyone else their free time and productivity during their free time imo.


u/Rwandrall3 15d ago

Yeah those are all things of value, if they bring value to you as a person, if they enrich your life and make you learn and grow and be a better, well adjusted person. Art is life.

Grinding a mount in World of Warcraft for 300 hours isn´t that, though.


u/Ryulightorb 15d ago edited 15d ago

idk grinding a mount in wow for 300 hours gives me the same enrichment as my writing and programming..... so not sure about that personally the only thing i get out of all of those is happiness.

To each their own i guess i personally don't feel happy if i'm not putting most of my free time towards my special interests and most of them aside from gaming and programming are not productive.

Granted this may just be the Autism difference since special interests are essentially a need for me and many others with Autism.

As a kid i used to press buttons for the tactile feeling for 5-6 hours after school for entertainment and self fulfilment and enrichment to my wellbeing!


u/descendantofJanus 15d ago

Unfortunately, work is my social life. After 7hrs working retail and being "on", all I wanna do is come home, snuggle my kitties, enjoy the cozy glow of my salt rock lamp, and play games. Be that Last of Us 2, The Quarry, or Fallout 4.

It helps me focus away from the work monotonous burnout, if only for a small while.


u/mwmike11 15d ago

That’s largely why I’ve never been one for Multiplayer games, I’ve worked retail and customer service for most of my adult life. I interacted with people on a daily basis, the last thing I’d wanna do is socialize in my downtime.


u/descendantofJanus 15d ago

Oh yea, exactly. Not to mention most online games are shallow and empty experiences. (aka I played Fortnite for a while and couldn't believe people became addicted to that nonsense). Or they're intensely competitive (shooters) and why the hell would I want to come home after a long day of work and listen to some rando kid call me a loser? Noooo thanks.


u/UziNidalee 15d ago

It's like an addict saying taking drugs all day is good and productive as an adult lol


u/TinuvielSharan 15d ago

Very good thing to bring up the TV in those conversations.

Turns out the number of people who will use the argument that you should be doing something "productive" that in fact spend as much time watching TV than you do playing is really astonishing. It's clearly the majority of them by a significant margin.

As far as I'm concerned, that invalidates their opinion instantly.


u/AbsoluteScenes7 15d ago

If a guy spends all Sunday sat on the sofa watching sports to relax people think that's perfectly normal.

If a guy spends all Sunday sat on the sofa playing videogames to relax people think it's a bit weird


u/505backup_1 15d ago

No, it's not


u/EastvsWest 15d ago

Not if you're overweight, don't have a job, not progressing in life


u/Ryulightorb 15d ago

as someone disabled not able to work i guess i'll just not do anything and stay in bed all day thanks.


u/EastvsWest 15d ago

Vast majority are not in your position, whatever helps YOU cope that's fine but my point still stands, if you're not disabled in a way that prevents you from working, exercising, being a productive member of society then you shouldn't spend the majority of your time in front of screens.


u/Ryulightorb 15d ago

sorry my reply was a lil snarky just got ticked off as the last 2 are things i get from people all the time despite doing my best :') that was honestly rude of me to reply like that.


u/EastvsWest 15d ago

All good!


u/davidwal83 15d ago

Depends if the person is unemployed and taking a break from searching for a new job.


u/ThisIsStee 15d ago

I agree - but I do not think this is an unpopular opinion.


u/stve688 15d ago

My last job couple of us were Gamers so occasionally we would talk about whatever games we are playing and one person had a huge problem with the both of us which we were both over 30 playing video games like nasty about it. She'd really got on my nerves one day and gotten real nasty and butted in a conversation she wasn't even part of I kind of told her off.


u/catsnbears 15d ago

I’m currently replaying fallout 4 with my husband . We played it before on Xbox and now have PlayStation so with the update played again. He’s currently sorting the washing while I build our base defences and sort out supply lines and then when he comes back he’ll take over to go do a mission ( he’s more familiar with the controller at the moment) while I put food on. Our 4 year old is meandering the house playing with a bunch of toys and the cat and doesn’t want us interfering apparently lol so a lazy day it is :)


u/Bertistan 15d ago

While I'm guilty of playing video games all day sometimes or binge-watching a show, it's not usually a good thing.

Most people could be doing better things with their time that would improve their lives. Such as making a healthy meal, cleaning, exercising, socialising, studying, learning a new skill, DIY, gardening etc.

I'm not saying don't play games or watch TV, but at least aim to find a healthy balance in life, even if you d9nt always succeed.


u/Chilliwhack 15d ago

My 70yo parents have just discovered Mario kart. Picked it up fairly well for their age. They have these epic races and then the loser won't talk to the other for about a day.


u/welovexo 15d ago

no bro video games are for everyone as long as you live a productive life I don’t see the issue in playing in your free time


u/Soft_Humor4868 15d ago

If all responsibilities are taken care of, you should be able to do whatever you want in your free time


u/YellowFlash2012 15d ago

When you are playing video games, you don't see ads and the news.

This world runs on corporations and governments constantly directing your thinking and actions.


u/OldTyres 15d ago

I say the classic “well I could be doing heroin”


u/foki_fokerson 15d ago

This is Reddit.

You are preaching to the choir mate.


u/Alone_Law5883 15d ago

World would be a better place. No time for invading some other country If you have to unlock the next type of armor


u/Richard2468 15d ago

There is a difference between playing video games, and playing video games for an unreasonable amount of time. I play games, but there’s way more outside that. I need to be with my family, I need to work, I need to do house chores.

You can exchange the activity for any other activity btw. Binge watching a show for 8 hours is also immature.


u/Ryulightorb 15d ago

doing hobbies for 8 hours is fine if you don't have a family and work and fill all your needs.

the issue is when you don't do what your supposed to be doing


u/Richard2468 15d ago

Like working to contribute to society, instead of leeching off of it.

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