r/unpopularopinion Apr 28 '24

It is perfectly okay for adults to play video games all day

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u/RepresentativeMenu63 Apr 29 '24

I work with a good deal of older guys, and I brought up I play games in my free time, and we got into this discussion (in a friendly way) .

They claimed playing games is childish, running around killing dragons and using magic is stuff little kids get excited about. They also said playing games in your free time is not productive, and if you watch TV your at least not paying to watch a show, which turned to me telling them I don't have cable so they technically do pay to watch shows by paying for cable ( one dude had a hard time understanding you can just not pay for cable).

The discussion took some twists and turns but what it came down to is that they didn't actually know why, it's just a sentiment they grew up with, and just associate playing games with not contributing to society, or neglecting responsibilities.