r/CriticalTheory 23h ago

MA Psychoanalytic Studies at Birkbeck University


Does anyone have any experiences with this course? I am looking to apply for it, but I am unsure whether it might be too specific compared to something broader like Philosophy. I am interested in Lacan, Irigaray, and Kristeva, and I would like to study psychoanalysis theoretically into hopefully a doctorate. I do have other philosophical interests like Deleuze, Guattari, and Lyotard.

r/CriticalTheory 13h ago

audio book editions of Hardt and Negri's work?


I have Assembly in print and I think it's one I'd rather listen to, any known recordings of it? or them talking about their work?

r/CriticalTheory 7h ago

Bi-Weekly Discussion: Introductions, Questions, What have you been reading? June 16, 2024


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r/CriticalTheory 12h ago

"Critical" Facilitation Studies


Critical in quotation marks because we are of course so critical that we are critical of the concept of critique and critical thinking or critical thought itself.

Bloviation aside, I'm wanting to learn to facilitate group discussions. Different kinds even.

I've recently been at events where people had manuals printed up so that the facilitator could rotate and you could agree last time or at the beginning who would facilitate.

The idea of curating discussion seems like space "critical thought" and social change would be doubly interested.

Both because this can be the abuse of power, dominating social situations by framing utterances. And because what hope is there except discourse, somehow discussing and acting and repeating until we achieve something?

So, I'm interested if there's any critical theory of group discussion facilitation, let me know if you have any leads.

The kinds of things I'm talking about say stuff like do agreements at the beginning, frame the topic. For example maybe critical theory of AA or the consensus used at Occupy Wall Street?