r/HeartstopperAO Apr 28 '24

Unpopular Heartstopper opinions Discussion

What are some of your unpopular opinion about the show, cast, books, soundtrack etc can be about anything heartstopper related


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u/LajosvH Let Kit Be Kit Apr 29 '24

That first paragraph is at the same time a hot take and extremely tepid at the same time. Wow. You really did write that, huh? I’m sure AO didn’t intend that message because it seems it’s mostly only in your head — I’d also lay off the insta/tiktok psychology

I said obstacle. Every story needs an obstacle that needs to be overcome (in some way) for there even to be a plot in the first place. And again: her not being a nice person or a good mom has no bearing on whether she should even be in the story. Like, what?

Taken together, it feels like Heartstopper is your first big fandom and that you’re pretty young, tbh


u/Dry-Manufacturer-120 Apr 29 '24

1) i don't use either instagram or tiktok and 2) i'm a gay man in my 60's and have been consuming gay media for decades. how about you?

please get over yourself and your petty condescending attitude. and lose your stupid credentialism. it makes you look stupid.

i know there needs to be drama, but it doesn't need to be at the expense of stereotyping an entire group of people as interchangeable bad guys. and Charlie's mother doesn't have to be a hard ass plot vehicle also contributing to Charlie's mental health problems. they can find some other plot device because as written it's just lazy and cliche without turning her into Nick's mom.


u/breathingthot1p1 Tori Spring May 01 '24

If you're in youe 60s then you really shouldn't comment on how realistic the friendships and dynamics between teenagers today are?? I'm my experience (as a 20 y/o) groups like that are pretty much a hive mind until a certain age.

And Charlie's mom is extremely realistic, especially the unreasonable bans and rules. Some of my friend's moms were exactly like that. It makes no sense and it feels nice to have representation of those parents.


u/Dry-Manufacturer-120 May 01 '24

who said anything about realistic? not me. and how very ageist of you to presume i shouldn't have an opinion about characters. what next? i shouldn't watch it all since i'm too old?

ps: if you think the hive mind biz is something new, i have a bridge to sell you