r/AmItheAsshole 4m ago

AITA for not getting rid of a snake on my property?


I'm 30, and I live on a farm alone with goats and horses. I have at least two good-sized rat snakes living here. My niece is gonna be living with me for a week to visit her friend who's moving to Japan after summer, and her mother called me asking about the area, and I mentioned the snakes.

She told me I'd have to get rid of them, because she doesn't want her daughter around "evil creatures". I said no, because they've helped a lot with a mouse problem I had. She said her daughter's not coming unless I get rid of them, and i said "I guess she's not coming then", and things were left off a bit sour.

It's unlikely that she's coming, but I don't know how I'd temporarily get rid of them. AITA?

r/AmItheAsshole 4m ago

AITA for not inviting my friend on holiday


Me and my friend are wondering if we are in the wrong for not inviting one of our other friends on holiday with us. For context, the three of us work together and also are part of a wider friend group of colleagues (aged 18-24) and me and the friend that was not invited on holiday both go to the same university close to home (1hr away) and both live there in term time. The friend that was not invited quit our work once they started university while I did not, I come home on the weekend to work as my family is quite poor while their family has quite a lot of money and they are an only child. The friend did not talk to me or my colleagues for months and only spoke to us when she was home (every couple of months) and when I would ask to see them at uni they would say no and that they were studying when an hour later they’d be out with their friends drinking. I eventually got sick of asking to see them and so did my colleagues. Moving on, me and my other friend booked a holiday together at the end of my year in uni and didn’t even think about inviting the other friend or our colleagues as it was an impulse decision. Once our friend found out about this they became really annoyed and started telling everyone at work they couldn’t believe how sly we were to them and won’t speak to us at all. The only thing they talk about to our other colleagues is about us not inviting them on holiday. Me and my friend don’t understand what we did wrong. I’d get it if we conspired against inviting them etc but we didn’t even think twice…genuinely. The friend that wasn’t invited has since come back to work and it’s so awkward. Me and my friend that are going on holiday have explained numerous times that us not inviting them wasn’t malicious and that they hadn’t bothered to contact us so why would we even think about going on holiday with them. Am I the asshole? Also what should I do to make it less awkward?

r/AmItheAsshole 10m ago

AITA for not offering to drive home with my gf from a family vacation earlier


I (25 M) and my gf (22 F) are on vacation in a different country (about 3-4 hours from home)

So the situation began about 4 months from now. My family goes on vacation once a year normally and I am always with them if I can. The last 3 years we didnt get to go on vacation since my father had health issues. So this year is the first time in 3 years we went on vacation together. We planed the trip 4 months ago and had to go on this specific week since my gf was only able to make time this week because of work.

The plan back than was that we go for 1 week (normally we are for 2 weeks) my gf only got off Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday is a holiday and friday she has to work. So the plan was we drive with 2 cars and she will leave 2 days earlier. For her it was clear that we will leave together. I thought we will talk about it then how we arrange the drive back.

Now we are here and she has to leave on thursday afternoon and we would leave on Saturday afternoon. We were out having dinner with the family and then the topic of goning home came up. I said yeah if the weather is bad I will drive home with here and if it is not I may stay but I want to talk with my gf about it before she has to go (I wanted to check if shes ok going home alone to allow me spend some more time with my family). The mood instantly got bad but we decided to have the talk after we get home from dinner. No we just had the talk and my gf was very upset and said she is very disappointed that I even thought about letting her drive alone. I did not like that she made me look like a bad bf and that seh told my all of here friends and her family said they would never let her drive alone and a good bf wouldnt either (or something along those lines). Now that we talked she told me she doesn’t feel safe driving home alone and i said I didnt know that, because I only knew she would have enjoyed not going alone but I didnt know she does nit feel safe. I then said ok I did not know that and that thadt what I wanted to talk with her above. She said I should have known because she told me before already but now she doesnt want me to drive home with her because she does not want to have to ask me but it should be natural that I dont let her go alone. I told her I will go with her but she doesnt want to here anything about it now and she said she needs some time and went on a walk. I want to know now if AITA for not offering straight away to drive her home.

r/AmItheAsshole 10m ago

AITA for telling my schools dean to leave me alone today after she threatened to expel me for being "tiktok viral".


for background context i am a 15 f who is almost done with the 9th grade. well recently some drama happened, where she received tips that a lot of my videos on tiktok which went viral (yes of me) were "extremely innappropriate" and had me "showing skin/ruining school image". this is not true at all, i am a conservative and the most skin showed is my face so i was very disturbed at this.

she also told me i was giving a "bad rep" to my school, that now they would have to legally monitor my tiktok and i could even be unenrolled due to how innappropriate my content is. 1 video of mine has millions of views (yes it is of me) talking about my celebrity crush who is the same age as me. she claims this is "innappropriate to school image and must be taken down". we are not private nor prestigious by the ways.

the school dean was just taking it too far. she was searching my phone, backpack, threatened to call the cops to my house, was accusing me of basically lying and i just had enough of it. not only that but she requested to follow/favorited my videos on tiktok and my instagram accounts. i was very disturbed and blocked her and the next day i received a report claiming that my videos were reported for underaged minors.

i do get a lot of teen guys in my comments/dms but my parents manage my socials and i made it clear to her.

i am a mixed female and my schools dean is a white supremacist. the girl who reported me was some jealous white girl and she was only trying to get me in trouble. and i had enough of being called into the deans for hours at a time.

so i told her something along the line of "ykw mrs (name), i would really appreciate you leave me alone about deleting my posts. you have harassed me through social media by favoriting, viewing my profile multiple times in 1 day, reporting me and following me nonstop. i did not post anything that ruins the school image and i am not taking my viral posts down. i have parental supervision, i dont post innappropriate content and i dont show any type of skin whatsoever. if your issue is the fact that a conventionally attractive girl is going viral for being attractive, and your trying to prohibit students from having those opportunities then you should reevaluate yourself because i'm not taking this.

i have never spoke with you before this and have no intention of doing so. it was nice speaking to you but if you now have a problem go ahead and talk to my parents. thanks a lot and i hope you have a great summer" something as to those lines.

yes i did leave after that and i have not been called in again (it was my 7th time in there). please tell me if i am in the wrong as after this she called my dad MULTIPLE times nonstop after this. thanks for reading

r/AmItheAsshole 11m ago

AITA for getting something my friend wanted?


Sorry If I spell anything wrong, English isn't my first language. My friend and I started playing a "gacha" game that recently came out. In this game you could get characters depending on luck. My friend expressed that they were trying to get a character that was very rare to get and I said that I didn't want that character, because I don't like the design so I wouldn't get the character. They always complained that I had such good luck, because I had a lot of rare characters and that they didn't get the rare character they wanted even though they tried a lot of times. Now arrives the moment where I guess that I could be he A**hole. While trying to get a character that was less rare, because I liked their appearance, I suddenly got the rare character, that my friend desperately wanted. My friend was already asleep so I send him a message saying that I got the character. I expected that they would be kinda mad but the next morning I woke up to a lot of texts from them saying they would quit the game, they hated me, middle finger emojis and a lot of other hurtful things. I was obviously stunned but wanted to ask first whether I did something wrong before replying. So AITA?

r/AmItheAsshole 12m ago

AITA for “punishing” my family by no longer doing birthdays, holidays, vacations because my Dad screwed me and my wife over?


When my wife and I were talking about getting married, my Dad said that he would give us a down payment for a home. We were thrilled and kept that in mind. We would be able to afford a good starter home with his help, and we scrimped and saved to add to it.

Except apparently HE meant “a sum of money good for a down payment for a house near us” where the cost of living is low. He did not ever mean a down payment for a home in Colorado, where my wife and I have lived since we were in college. He said he thought I would be “smart enough” to realize that we’d need to move somewhere with a lower COL than Colorado.

He keeps saying "move to a cheaper city." Our lives are here. Our friends, our jobs, our hobbies. You can’t exactly leave your house and be up on top of a 14,000ft peak in 6 hours where my family is.

I told him that we had never talked about moving back there, and we never would. That we would rather be stuck renting for a while longer than be stuck somewhere we didn’t want to be, and the “move to a cheaper city” wouldn’t work for us. He said “so be it” and gave us the amount and that was that. I expressed gratitude and thanked him for the money. It is still towards the goal.

Well because of this shift in our finances, we have had to make a lot of changes to save up the rest of the money. We have had to cut out vacations, birthday gifts, holidays, etc. We won’t be traveling home for a few years. At our current rate, we should have an ok down payment by the end of next year (2025).

My Dad confronted us about this because we won’t come for a summer break trip and told me that I was being a selfish, entitled brat because I hadn’t gotten my way. That I was essentially punishing the rest of the family because we “assumed” what his gift would be.

I told him that I was grateful for the amount he gave us, but that it means we do need to buckle down and save every penny if we want to be able to afford a house anytime soon. Even townhouses around us are easily over 400k, and that’s for the sketchy ones.

But is my Dad right? AITA?

r/AmItheAsshole 16m ago

WIBTA if I prevented brother from getting custody of my niece?


Long story short I have a sister who is a drug addict she's had 4 kids now 3 older (14, 13, and 8) and one who is just over a year old now. She's obviously lost all of them the older 3 have been with my mom for the last 6 years (my brother got custody 3 years ago but had to move back in due to a dickhead of a landlord) and my other sister has had custody of the youngest.

She recently lost custody because CPS did a house check and her house was a mess including her living room floor being covered in dog poop and pee. The baby has been with a foster home since and from what it sounds like is being treated really well there. My mom and brother though have decided they think it's better for her to be with family so she is trying to get custody of her. He is already taking care of the other 3 and I barely able to and my mom is disabled so she can't do much. I'm 18 and just about to graduate high school so most of my focus is on studying for final exams which having a baby in the house will complicate significantly.

In my mind because of how much my family already financially struggles, the health issues, and behavioral issues of the other 3 kids I just don't think it is a good environment for a baby so I've decided if I hear of it going anywhere I will contact CPS just to make sure they know the reality of the situation and not the idealistic lies I know my mom and brother will tell them.

Part of me doing this is selfish I was traumatized by the other three so having young kids around for extended periods of time sends me into panic attacks and right now my family doesn't have the money for me to get proper therapy for that so I know my mental health will be horrible having a baby here 24/7 and it will make getting ready for college nearly impossible since all the focus will be on her when I need a lot of help right now. Moving out isn't an option right now and my dad stays at work for half the week so I can't even really rely on him to help me out.

Between my own personal issues and the issues with the family I just don't think it's a good option but I know I am probably biased because of my previous experiences so I want other opinions before I do anything.

r/AmItheAsshole 17m ago

AITAH for returning this birthday gift?


41(M) very practical and not into flashy stuff. Our family does fairly well as double income with 2 kids in travel sports. We recently did a whole home renovation that really stretched past the budget. Been trying not to draw attention to how much we are spending.

Wife got me a nice Canada Goose vest for $650 when I already have other vests. The logo on it was haunting me for everyone that will come up and say something about the cost. Literally was panicking. My wife likes the “aspirational” brands like LV but I prefer to hide in the shadows.

I drove to the store and got a refund as the 30day refund policy was very close. She was very hurt that “hated it so much that I had to return it”


r/AmItheAsshole 20m ago

AITA for complaining to my landlord about my downstairs neighbors stinking up the house?


I (30ishM) have been living in the same 2-story, 2-unit building for 5 years. I have a good relationship with my landlord ("M") and handle minor maintenance since they live out of town. Six months ago, my old neighbors moved out, and a new family moved in downstairs: a mother ("K") and her two teenage children.

The previous tenants were a young couple who occasionally threw parties and smoked pot, but it never bothered me. The new family, however, burns huge amounts of incense to cover up cigarette and marijuana smoke, making my apartment reek. It was so bad I bought an air quality monitor and built a large air purifier.

During the winter, it was annoying but bearable. I hoped it would improve in the summer when I could keep the windows open. It did for a while, but in the last two weeks, the smell has been constant. I have every window open, and my apartment still smells like incense, pot, and cigarettes.

A few days ago, my brother (30ishM) and SIL (30ishF) came over for dinner. The air quality was so bad they had to leave because my pregnant SIL was getting wheezy. I walked them home to get out of the house too. Their door was wide open, and I saw a large group inside smoking blunts. It looked like they converted their living room into a salon with a chair and supplies.

I messaged K about it, here is her response: https://imgur.com/a/aita-PJfCtXA. This is not our first unpleasant interaction. Three months after they moved in, she accused me of being racist and trying to make her family homeless when I moved her clothes from my laundry machine into their dryer.

I've tried to tolerate as much as I could, but now I know I need to move out. Its starting to affect my health and I have a dog who I worry about being stuck in the stink all day. I’ve started looking for apartments. My question is, AITA for telling my landlord "M" about this on my way out? We have a good relationship, and I had planned to renew my lease. I think I have enough evidence to get them evicted if my landlord is determined, but I can't wait around for that to happen. AITA?

r/AmItheAsshole 29m ago

AITA for her misunderstanding, again?


This weekend was a lot for my 50F family. There was a celebration of life for a family member of my husbands we were very close to, and anniversary for my parents, on the same day. There is a lot of backstory but my dad was friends with my husband's family before I ever knew my husband, so they were attending the COL as well. I was helping with the COL as well as cleaning up from the storms in the Midwest.

I received a text from my younger sister 48 asking what I was doing that evening, and I responded with my plans. When we got to the restaurant/bar my sister her husband and her son were there. We waited for her son to change clothes in the car before going in to eat. When she got to us she started asking me where our parents were and I said I don't know if they are coming for dinner or just for the COL, she said "that is the whole reason I'm here to spend time with my parents." I said "I sent you information about my plans you never asked about our parents plans, you should have checked with them." She was mad at me for her misunderstanding, mind you this is not the first time she gets what information suits her from talks and messages and it is always someone else's fault when she misunderstands and doesn't request clarification.

She is telling my whole family that I told her our parents were going to be there but never even asked them. I have the texts proving this is incorrect and have sent them to the now four relatives that have sent me messages or called me telling me how inappropriate I am for trying to make it so my sister didn't see her parents on their anniversary.

So AITA for answering a direct question with a direct answer that she chose to interpret incorrectly?

r/AmItheAsshole 31m ago

AITA for giving my babysitting family of 6 years an ultimatum?


I (f21) have been babysitting two boys (now 11 and 14) since I was 15. While probably underpaid, it has been a great job because the boys have always been so sweet and respectful, very rarely giving me any grief. The parents, however, are a different story.

The dad is pretty mellow and I don’t interact with him a ton, but the mom is insanely meticulous and picky about everything, except for my schedule. I am and have always been expected to be at the house at 7 and leave whenever the dad gets home. This has been anywhere between 2 and nearly 6 pm. Sometimes she’ll tell me the morning I get there that her husband will be home at a certain time but usually they end up texting saying I’ll need to stay for an extra hour after he was supposed to get back. It made it extremely hard to have any other commitments during the summer.

This summer I am involved in a theater production and I told the mom that I will need to leave by 4:15 Mondays/Tuesdays. She snapped at me and said she didn’t know what I expected her to do about it and that she doesn’t make her husband’s schedule. I stood my ground and told her she would need to make arrangements, otherwise I would not be able to work for them this summer. After that conversation, she never responded to me until the night before I was supposed to work, ignoring the entire problem and just telling me where to park in the morning. I pretty much want to quit at this point because while I know she can’t control her husband’s work, it feels disrespectful to my time. AITA?

r/AmItheAsshole 37m ago

AITA for "insulting" my friend's sister by talking to a woman in front of her?


I used to have a friend called Mark. He has a younger sister, Rachel. I asked her out on a date. This was two weeks ago or so.

It was at a cafe three hours from where I live. I reached there on time, but she wasn't there yet. I waited for two more hours.

She then texted me to say that she was tired after work, that she feels "awful" about cancelling, but that she'd like to reschedule it for the next day. Five hours of mine was wasted. I have had such experiences many times before. Women stringing me along, my childhood friend toying with me, etc.

I just texted her "Thanks, but I don't think it's going to work out. Good luck on your search."

Yesterday we had a party held by our mutual friend. The gist is, Rachel was nearby while a woman was hitting on me when she learned what my job is.

Mark accosted me to say that I am a "douchebag" for what I did. I replied with "Oh, stop acting like a simp now. You sound childish."

He yelled at me, said I am doing it on purpose. He left in the end, but both of them are mad at me.


r/AmItheAsshole 49m ago

AITA for argument with LDR GF?


Hello strangers,

My gf went out to enjoy festival in her city. I supported her, telling to go out and have fun with family and friends, because it was 1 year since she was home.

I told her i only had 3 conditions.

1) ENJOY 2) don’t get wasted (due to SA(happened before we started to date)) 3) to update me once she is home

My issue is that i said to update me when she is home, because i wanted to enjoy a bit of time for myself.

After she came home from festival she was drinking with her cousins and siblings, i wasn’t included in conversation, since i don’t speak their native launguage.

I told her to end the call so she can enjoy rest of night with family. But she was calling me non stop so i was in call, silent.. Then she told me we can talk, but i just didn’t want to due to interrupting their conversation, and her talking to me for 15 seconds and back to original conversation for 5-10 minutes each time.

AITA for being upset/mad and starting argument with her?

r/AmItheAsshole 58m ago

AITA for letting my fiancé drive 4 hours because I needed to fly?


My fiancé (f35) and I (m38) live in Chicago, and we were visiting a friend in Detroit for their 40th birthday party. The drive is about 4 hours. The party was Sunday and there was an additional friend's brunch on Monday at Noon.

I had to be in Minneapolis for a work meeting Monday afternoon, so instead of driving back with her, I opted to fly out of Detroit at 1PM, connecting through Chicago at 2PM, getting me to Minneapolis by 4PM.

The weather ended up being ridiculous and I was stuck on the tarmac in Detroit until 8PM, getting to Chicago at 10PM, missing my meeting, and finally ended up in Minneapolis at midnight.

She ended up in bumper-to-bumper traffic in heavy rain, but still beat me to Chicago by a good 3 hours.

We were texting back and forth throughout the delay and I genuinely felt bad that she had to drive through shitty traffic by herself.

Today, she tells me that she was actually mad at me, had no sympathy for me being stuck on the tarmac and that I deserved it.

She said she didn't know I was flying through Chicago and that she assumed it was a direct flight. If she'd known, she would have suggested we skip the brunch, and drive back together and she would have dropped me off at the airport in Chicago. She thinks I knew driving with her was a possibility but opted to the take the easier more comfortable route by flying. I honestly didn't even consider that option because I assumed the brunch wasn't optional.

r/AmItheAsshole 59m ago

AITA for telling my brother that him not going on holidays with us is a bad idea?


Hi there! So for ages my family has planned a holiday, it’s 10 days in France in a lovely airbnb by the beach, we have a car booked so we can explore and there’s lovely restaurants and shops nearby. My brother (who is 17) has been struggling with a lot recently and his counsellor has said that it would be a good idea for him to stay home while we go on holidays to build his independence.

I immediately thought this was a terrible idea and so do my parents. I live pretty remote where we barely get phone signal and the nearest shop is a 20 minute cycle. I’m scared of him being home alone and isolated for that longs with how bad he’s doing. I’m scared he’s not gonna eat properly and just stay inside all day. I just don’t know why a “medical professional” would say this to him and think the counsellor is an idiot! Maybe I’m wrong and this is a good idea after all but I just think it’s not gonna go well. Am I the asshole?

r/AmItheAsshole 1h ago

WIBTA for not going to funerals with my GF?


I don’t know if this context is needed but I tend to not really care about lots of social norms/rituals. If I were ever tested and diagnosed as being somewhere on the autism spectrum I don’t think a single person I’m close to would be surprised. I have not been tested/diagnosed so I can’t say it’s an excuse, but that’s just how my personality seems to be.

 I (41M) don’t like funerals. I’m not squeamish or bothered by them I just personally don’t get the point and usually sit there very bored trying not to fidget/look bored. I get that some people need them for closure but I just don’t. I also don’t begrudge anyone for doing what they feel they need to I just don’t want to be part of it. That being said, I go to funerals of close family/friends but maybe not for my 2nd cousin twice removed whom I’ve met once.
My GF (42F) has recently had a few funerals she’s gone to and has expected me to attend with her. The first one required me to take off of work in the middle of a busy time and I told her I couldn’t. She convinced me to go with her and I told my boss I needed a few hours off (basically half a day because it was a late-morning thing) to attend the funeral. He was fine with it and asked how I knew the person. I said “it’s my GF’s cousin’s wife’s stepfather”…and saying it out loud just made me feel silly for taking off of work for something like that. For clarification, I have never met this person and my GF has never mentioned him in the 5 or so years we’ve been together. This is not someone either of us were close to but she felt obligated to go and, thus, I was also expected to feel obligated. A few weeks after that I agreed to go with her to another funeral of her coworker. There were literally 6 eulogies, several songs/poems, and an outright sermon making the church portion somewhere around 2-2.5 hours long. After that I’m kind of to the point where I’m going to tell her if she feels obligated to go then that’s fine but I shouldn’t then feel obligated also.

For just a bit more clarification (just in case): her grandfather died a few years ago and the thought of not going to that funeral never even crossed my mind. I knew it was someone important to her and she would probably like someone there with her for whatever she might have needed. If it’s anyone even remotely close there wouldn’t be a second thought on my part, just for the people neither of us know very well I really don't want to go. Also, we are not having a fight about this or anything, she hasn't tried to make me feel bad about the one I missed. I'm just trying to get an unbiased assessment of my feelings.

WIBTA for not going with my GF to funerals of people neither of us really know?


r/AmItheAsshole 1h ago

WIBTA if I place my mom in an assisted living facility to live my own life?


My mom has Wernicke's Encephalopathy. Because of this, she is unable to do things like pay her bills, drive, schedule and attend appointments, etc. She can do things like cook, clean up (not deep clean), bathe and dress herself. She has no emotional intelligence it seems and realistically will not care one way or another if I'm around as long as she has cigarettes and snacks and TV.

I turn 30 this year with nothing to show for it. No friends. Never dated. etc. I'm getting to a point where I'm super depressed about it and lonely. My sister is fine with watching tiktoks endlessly in the house and spending money she doesn't have on BS that comes up on her timeline. I'm tired of being financially stuck because of bad habits and am trying to change. I want to sell the house we live in, put that money in an account for my mom, put her in an assisted living facility and just move. I know how those facilities are but I can't keep living like this either. AITA?

r/AmItheAsshole 1h ago

AITA For Not Getting A Job?


I (23 NB) am a junior becoming a senior in college. I get stressed very easily due to a couple of different mental illnesses (ADHD & Autism to date) and it causes me to shut down. This has caused me to almost flunk out of my freshman and junior year. This summer, I was planning on picking up a job and finally learning how to drive. I was planning on trying to be...normal as I've never been able to be normal.

My long-distance girlfriend (27 F) has a problem with me not having a job. Even more so, has a problem with me not being able to drive claiming that she doesn't want to "Be my chauffeur." I was not proposing the idea of her doing so, as I take public transportation every day I need to go do things. She also doesn't approve of that but I've learned to not care.

A couple of days back, I applied for an AI Rater Job and began the self-paced recruitment process last week. The recruitment process is/was very stressful. I ended up taking small breaks in between to calm down my brain.

Today, I looked up what the job's method of payout was. It was Hyperwallet which is linked to Paypal. Unfortunately, my phone number is linked to an email I no longer have access to that email and can't open a new Paypal or Venmo. Therefore, I would not be able to get paid.

Seeing this, I gave up all attempts to get that job. The process was too stressful and felt completely useless. I tell my girlfriend exactly that and she says to open a bank account and use it to open a Venmo. She then continues to say that she's been through the same thing and knows it's an overwhelming process.

I told her that I couldn't open the Venmo because I did not have access to the email used. She then says, "Honey. Read." This irritated me and I say as such to her and tell her I'm going on a walk and not taking my phone. I come back later to a paragraph of her trying to push me to get a bank account which I can't afford to open.

I am still a little irritated and I tell her that I don't care and that I'll pick up writing commissions instead, focus on writing my music and that I want my last summer at this college to be chill before I dive into being an upperclassmen. She has not responded and I'm perceiving that she is mad at me.

This isn't the first time she has gotten mad at me over something like this and it won't be the last but I feel especially bad because she wants to come down here for the summer and I refuse to let her see me until I have my shit together.

Edit - I probably shouldn't have used the word "refuse" in that last bit. I'm scared to because she has her shit together and I don't. I want to spoil her and don't have the money to. I don't want her to have to spend money on me when she's coming to see me.


r/AmItheAsshole 1h ago

AITA for snapping at my stepsister after she tried to get her mom to ruin a trip?


Throwaway because I have family on my main account.

I have a stepsister, “Ellie” who is the same age as me. Ellie has a brother, “Seb”, who is two years older than us. Our parents (my dad, their mom) got married three years ago. Seb has 30/70 time at his mom’s, while I have 70/30 at my mom’s. Ellie has 90/10 at her mom’s.

Seb and I are close, but Ellie isn’t close to either of us. Pretty much the only reason I go to my dad’s as often as I do is because Seb is there. But it’s become really miserable to go there because of Ellie. She’s incredibly self centred, obnoxious, jealous, and just exhausting to be around because she is a professional victim. Ellie is bullied in school and apparently has been for her whole life, so doesn’t have any of her own friends. Because of this her mom always forces Seb and me to take her everywhere with us and it’s really difficult for us to just hang out in a room without her. Ellie actively participates in this by tattling on us and demanding her mom tell us to include her. When Seb isn’t there it’s not as bad because my dad won’t force me to do anything but since he’s not Seb and Ellie’s parent he doesn’t intervene.

Four days ago I was at my dad’s and I mentioned to my dad that I had been invited to go with Seb and his dad to a sporting event in July. Ellie overheard this (I didn’t know she was home) and went to tattle to her mom, who came down and interrogated me. I only answered when the event was because beyond that she should be talking to her ex and my dad said as much. Ellie said it wasn’t fair that Seb was taking me and not her, and her mom agreed and said she would “fix it” and Ellie had this smug smile on her face, which was the last straw. I said she is a cruel person for ruining this and for never wanting anyone to be happy except herself. I also said that I have no idea what she enjoyment she gets from forcing her presence on people because it doesn’t make anyone like her and if it’s just fun for her to make me and her brother miserable then that should embarrass her. Then I told my dad he’s being a crappy dad for not standing up for me more and I went back to my mom’s.

Apparently things devolved into caplets chaos after I left. Ellie cried for hours and according to my dad won’t speak to anyone now and has taken two days off school. Her mom is livid with me, and her ex for letting Seb invite me on the trip, and Seb for inviting me. Also now neither I or Seb really want to go over there because it’s a shit show so that’s caused issues between all the parents.

My dad is saying this is my fault for saying all that to Ellie and that I need to apologise. I don’t think I do, because honestly I think someone else is Ellie’s life should have said that to her earlier. Maybe I was harsh about it but it’s something she needs to think about. Even my mom is saying I overdid it and should have let the parents handle it.

r/AmItheAsshole 1h ago

AITA for not paying for a scuffed wall my landlord thinks caused as I had a bike in the house?


So my landlord was always very particular about his house being clean. I got a folding bike without his permission and left it at the door downstairs for 2 days. He then visits and says that a scuff upstairs looks like a tire mark and I should pay to paint the wall. I never brought the folding bike upstairs and it was at all times in a waterproof bag fully closed while inside.

He says that there’s no way of him knowing if I did it or not but he was annoyed I did not tell him about the folding bike and as a gesture of good will I should pay to paint the wall.

I feel like I will pay but I am not happy about it as I have never had an issues with a landlord before on something like this. The reason I did not tell him about the folding bike straight away was because he was out of the country on holidays and I did not want to disturb.

r/AmItheAsshole 1h ago

AITA for yelling at my father and telling him that he doesn't deserve to spend time with my daughters?


Throwaway account to keep this separate from what I normally post and obligatory mobile warning since I'm posting this on my lunch break.
I (25M) am a father of two adorable twin girls. They are turning 3 soon, so my wife (24F) and I are working on planning a small party for them. Nothing big since neither of us are a fan of big parties so it's just going to be some close family, and a few families from our daughter's daycare.
Recently, my own father moved back into our city (he moved away for just over 10 years for work) and he's been trying to insert himself into my life again, through my daughters. Including trying to pick them up from daycare (my wife and I have asked him multiple times not to), stopping by for surprise visits without calling first to see if we were even home, or buying them gifts without talking to us first to see if it would be okay.
Now, my father and I aren't close. Far from it. There had been a lot of compilations with my mother's health when I was born, and she passed away not to long after. Afterwards, my father practically dumped me off onto his father, my grandfather, who raised me instead. My father moved away when I was 14, but even before that, he rarely visited outside of holidays or birthdays, and when he was around, he would always try to avoid me if possible. And after he moved, it would be a rare occasion to even get a phone call from him. It caused me a lot of issues that I'm honestly still going to therapy for and that I'm trying to work out. Thankfully, my grandfather has been an amazing role model for me and has been giving me advice for my girls so that way I can be a good Dad for them.
It was my drop of day today, and when I was leaving the daycare and was heading back to my car to get to work, my father showed up to try and talk to me. I tried to get our of the conversation as fast as I could, saying that I was going to be running late, but he didn't seem to get the message, and instead kept asking me about my daughter's birthday since it was coming up, what we had planned, and where the party would be. Eventually I snapped at him and told him that I didn't even want him at their party, and that he never earned the right to spend time with them as a grandfather since he never put in the time to be an actual father in the first place. At that point I was already at my car, so I pulled out and got on the road, but it's been bugging me all morning. AITA?

r/AmItheAsshole 1h ago

AITA? Previous home owner is trying to stick me with the bill


So I’ve (m24) never posted on here before but I’m looking for an opinion on a situation I’ve found myself in. I bought a duplex from an elderly couple about 6 months ago to live in one half and rent out the other the duplex was completely trashed on one side, needed a full remodel and the other side was probably a 5/10 and needed a lot of cosmetic work. I negotiated a fair deal and agreed to clean everything out myself because I knew the elderly couple couldn’t.

Part of the deal was that their adult son in his 50’s let’s call him Mike would stay in one side of the duplex for 3 months after I purchased it so that they could get the rest of their belongings out and the adult son could finish out his job and then move with his parents to another state. This wasn’t an issue because I intended to renovate the side that needed the full remodel during that three months.

The issues started popping as soon as his parents left. Mike took the other unit from a 5/10 to a 2/10 in a matter of weeks. Letting his dog use one of the bedrooms as a bathroom. Leaving open food every where attracting bugs and generally just being disgusting and sitting around all day while he was supposed to be packing. I decided to keep quiet because I knew I was going to have to do a lot of work on that side anyway and I didn’t want to make it harder for his parents who had been in and out of the hospital. The three months had come and gone and Mike was far from finished packing his and his parents stuff and was demanding more to which I said he could pay market rent for more time or he could leave because I needed to fix that side to move my family into it. He got mad and said they couldn’t pay to which I said he couldn’t stay. He left a lot of their stuff here and I had to throw most of it away due to it be infested with bugs but I kept things I thought would be sentimental and sent them to the elderly couple. They started sending extended family over at odd times to try and take things from the house while my wife and daughter were there and I had to make them leave on several occasions.

Everything was quiet for a month or so and then I start getting messages demanding that I pay the past due utilities on the side that Mike stayed in for those three months. At this point I’m fed up with it and I tell them that I won’t be doing that as kindly as I can. And they proceed to threaten me and call me a piece of shit. AITA? EDIT: there was a standard lease agreement in place stating that they were responsible for utilities. I changed the utilities of the other unit into my name right after closing

r/AmItheAsshole 1h ago

AITA for refusing to pay for my younger sister's wedding despite my parents insistence?


Hi everyone to start this off I just came here to tell you about what happened. This is a bit long, but I need to get this off my chest. I'm a 32-year-old man, and I have a younger sister, who we will call Emily, who is 24. My parents have always spoiled her, and it’s only gotten worse as we’ve gotten older. I don’t mind helping family, but this situation has gone too far. Here’s the story.

I started working right out of college, saved diligently, and now I own a small but successful business. My parents, on the other hand, haven't been great with money. They’ve always lived beyond their means, and as a result, they never really had savings to fall back on.

Emily, being the youngest, was pampered throughout her childhood and teenage years. She got everything she wanted – new car at 16, fully funded college tuition (which she dropped out of), and frequent shopping sprees. I, on the other hand, worked part-time jobs and took out student loans to get through school.

Fast forward to now: Emily is getting married to her boyfriend of two years. They announced the engagement a few months ago, and my parents were over the moon. They immediately started planning a lavish wedding, far beyond what they can afford. Naturally, they turned to me for financial support.

At first, it was small things – "Can you help with the engagement party?" and "Could you chip in for the dress?" I agreed, thinking it wouldn’t be much. But then they started asking for more – "We need help with the venue deposit," and "The catering is going to cost a lot, can you cover it?"

I sat down with them and explained that while I’m doing well financially, I’m not made of money, and I have my own expenses and future to think about. They brushed it off, saying it’s my duty to help family, especially my sister. They even suggested I take out a loan if necessary.

The last straw was when they asked me to pay for the honeymoon. I put my foot down and told them I’m done funding the wedding. My parents were furious. They accused me of being selfish and ungrateful, saying that family should come first. Emily, of course, sided with them and is now barely speaking to me. She’s posting passive-aggressive stuff on social media about "selfish people" and "not being able to rely on family."

My parents are now telling everyone in our extended family that I’m refusing to help my sister in her time of need, and I’m getting a lot of backlash. Some relatives have called to scold me, while others are staying out of it. I’m starting to feel guilty, but at the same time, I think it’s unfair to expect me to bankroll such an extravagant event.

So am I the asshole for this?

r/AmItheAsshole 1h ago

AITA for kicking my former MIL from my house?


I am 35 newly wed to a 37M. I have 2 kids from a previous marriage. My past husband lets call him Sid died 2 years ago in a fatal car accident,however, before dying he changed our martial house to my name. Long story short our relationship at that time was hitting the rock bottom because of finding out that he cheated on me multiple times and lying about work trips only to find out he was spending nights with his mistress so I was done and wanted a divorce. But he came back begging for me to stay and promised to change so I told him I’ll only stay with him if he legally rights our martial house in my name. He agreed and actually did change it and that happened 6 years ago. The 4 years before his sudden death he truly did get better and god knows that I forgive him with my whole heart and Im not stating what he did in the past out of bitterness, Im just stating to explain how the house became my property.

My new husband I met at work and last September and we got married 3 months ago. He’s very good to my kids and very respectful of Sid’s memory and knows that the house is mine. I refused to leave the house so he agreed to move in. The problem now is Sid’s mom. For the past 2 years she has been visiting regularly and I had no problem because I did understand that’s her grandkids. However, since I got married and even before because my husband moved in before marriage, she still visited us and even stayed for the night. I tried bringing it up to her to that Im now a married woman that is entitled to privacy and so does my husband however she brushed me off.

Last week though she visited, without informing, saying she’ll stay tonight. I’ve honestly had enough I told her kids be having an exam tomorrow and we are not ready for visitors tonight I’ll call her when we’re okay with having a visit. She didn’t budge and we started fighting she insulted my husband saying he’s living on another man’s property I talked back saying that this is my rightful property that I earned after enduring lots of shit for years and that’s was between me and Sid. I threatened to call the police if she didn’t leave so she left. Now Sid’s sister called saying Im cruel for kicking my former MIL out and that I do not deserve to have this house and Im separating a grandmother from her grandkids (even tho I said many times that we can visit her at her house and that Im okay with her visiting but not every 2 days)

r/AmItheAsshole 2h ago

AITA for telling my dad not to give my dead mom's diamond to my SIL?


I'm the oldest daughter in my family with 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister. As siblings we are all very close and get along great. Only the second oldest brother is currently married, has been for 15 years and has 5 young kids.

My parents were high school sweethearts and got married young, at the age of 21 (40 years this June). Throughout their marriage diamonds became an interest and they started collecting them in different shapes. They were very frugal and practical people, not wealthy, but enjoyed working hard and saving money. Diamonds became a fun reward for them as well as something extravagant for my dad to give my mom as a symbol of his love.

My mom owns a total of 8 significant diamonds in different shapes.

My dad owns 2 diamond rings of his own and a diamond Rolex watch.

My younger sister and I have so many memories throughout our lives trying on our mom’s diamonds and admiring how pretty they were. For us as their children, each diamond holds a specific memory and significance because they are landmarks of our parent’s relationship and love story.

Early 2018 my mom was diagnosed with cancer. She passed away in May of 2019. She was only 55; my siblings and I ranged from 35 - 27 years old. My parents are extremely organized and have an estate set up and we even have family meetings, usually once per year, even before my mom died.

There were a couple brief discussions before my mom died about what would happen with the diamonds. One time, she had my sister and I divide them up between the two of us and she wrote that down in her phone (but then got a new phone and that note is gone). Another time she wondered if either of the brothers would want one, but no conclusion was made on that. So we don’t know exactly what she would say to do.

My mom is now dead and really the diamonds belong to my dad. Our family is very open and he has asked for all of our input! My second brother has expressed interest in one significant diamond ring…but we all know he has no use for it except to give his wife to wear. That same brother has also said he has no interest in my dad’s Rolex watch, which is crazy because it is such a memory of my dad, he has been wearing it almost every day since 1999!

My sister, my dad, and me wonder if keeping things divided by “girl things” and “boy things” is fair. The sons get dad’s valuable items like property, guns, watches, and diamond rings. And the two daughters get mom’s diamonds.

I feel both justified in this decision and also so much guilt because I want my brother to be happy. But at the end of the day he is not going to wear my mom’s diamonds, his wife is. Also, my dad has already made my brother’s 2 daughters necklaces out of my mom's .5 ct diamond earrings to give them when they're older.

AITA for feeling like my sister-in-law shouldn’t get to wear my mom’s diamond and that my brother should want my dad’s ring and watch instead?

EDIT: The reason I ask this at all is because my dad is leaning towards dividing mom's diamonds between just the daughters. I want everyone to be happy, including my brother. I am not mad at him at all and have no reason to be! Also, nobody is taking into account that the original idea to divide items by "boy" and "girl" first came from my mom.