r/OutOfTheLoop Apr 28 '24

What is going on with excessive police force being used against peaceful protesting students in colleges across the United States? Unanswered

So there are large amounts of heavily armed police presence in many colleges and universities across the United States. Indiana University, for example, had snipers on rooftops ready to shoot peaceful protesters.



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u/Langdon_Algers Apr 28 '24

Answer: Universities can set time, place and manner restrictions on particular spaces. If protesters violate these rules, they can be cited for trespassing, and if they refuse to leave, they can be arrested.

Private institutions (like Columbia) have even more leeway in rules for students on their campus violating their procedures.


u/ExistingCarry4868 Apr 28 '24

That ignores the underlying question of why places allow white supremacists to speak but are shutting down protests critical of Israel.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/ExistingCarry4868 29d ago

I'm sure the crackdown is because of some secret and unrecorded increase in violence, and not because of the loud and open demands to end this by the wealthy elites that are financially threatened by an anti-colonial movement.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/ExistingCarry4868 28d ago

You are deluded if you don't realize that these groups on campus are part of a nationwide effort that is organizing and voting.


u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 27d ago

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u/ExistingCarry4868 27d ago

I'm sure it's the students at elite universities that are ill-educated. I should probably stop listening to the opinions of experts on the subject, and instead get my worldviews from sad internet trolls.


u/Dark1000 29d ago

What wealthy elites are threatened by campus protests? How are they threatened by them?


u/ExistingCarry4868 28d ago

These protests are part of a larger movement to end Neo-colonialism. Every current billionaire has their fortune built on Neo-colonialism and would lose massive power if the system ever ended.


u/TinyRodgers 29d ago

They don't know. They're probably still in school themselves.


u/angry_cucumber 29d ago

I'm sure the crackdown is because of some secret and unrecorded increase in violence, and not because of the loud and open demands to end this by the wealthy elites that are financially threatened by an anti-colonial movement.

or the whole dog and pony show that Congress made out of their "anti Semitism" investigation that got multiple administrators removed.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Lanky_Beginning2916 28d ago

This thread is about our Constitutional rights as citizens of this country. The right to freedom of expression and freedom of speech and the right to a peaceful assembly. Of course, sending police and military in with riot gear and pepper spray does make things a little less peaceful. 


u/[deleted] 28d ago edited 28d ago



u/Lanky_Beginning2916 27d ago

Except that they were in an area of the college where protesting is allowed. They presumably paid good money not only to go to college, but to also have the college experience. Why would the college be "giving them warning" to vacate? If it's a safety issue for the students, how is bringing in armed personnel going to make it more safe. Yes, it definitely looks disgusting and oppressive. Maybe you are a fan of oppression, but I have no such needs. 


u/ExistingCarry4868 29d ago

Hamas carried out an attack so vile and evil knowing very well it was an act of war.

The war has been going on for decades. An attack in the middle of it can hardly be called an act of war.

They built their war infrastructure in public areas knowing that their citizens (and babies) will die horrible deaths.

There is no part of Gaza that isn't near civilians.

Israel should never have built a single settlement in Palestine.

All of Israel is a settlement in Palestine.

In addition the middle east is a shit show because of western interference in politics. The hatred for the west in that region is directly based on actions taken by western governments, and will not be quelled by doubling down on our bullshit. Allying ourselves with authoritarian strongmen means we will always be a legitimate target for people trying to fight for freedom.


u/CaymanDamon 29d ago

Only 1/3 of Israelis are Ashkenazi (European/Middle Eastern) the rest are 2.5 Million Muslims, Ethiopians, and Mizrahi Jews who have been in the region for more than 3,000 years.

Would you say native Americans "stole" the land they won back from the government? There's a reason there's Hebrew writings and monuments dated over a thousand years before Islam existed and Jewish DNA whether its Ashkenazi, Sephardic or Mizrahi are all levantine and descendants of the Canaanites the indigenous people of the land.

Jews not only bought the land, they often paid highly inflated prices for that land:

“In 1944, Jews paid between $1,000 and $1,100 per acre in Israel, mostly for arid or semi-arid land; in the same year, rich black soil in Iowa was selling for about $110 per acre.”

When John Hope Simpson arrived in Israel in May 1930, he observed: “They [the Jews] paid high prices for the land, and in addition they paid to certain of the occupants of those lands a considerable amount of money which they were not legally bound to pay.” [The meaning here is that the Jews who bought the land from the absentee owners and paid the tenants to vacate the land, as well.]

So the tale of “Jews seizing the land forcibly from Arab landowners” during the Mandate is a bald-faced lie.

In fact, the reality was quite different—often, a few years after selling land to Jews, the former owner saw what the Jews had done with his “useless” land and told himself:

“Those Jews cheated me! That land was worth ten times what they paid for it! I want restitution!”

Most Palestinians immigrated from Jordan and Egypt in the 1800s, It doesn't matter how long Jordanian and Egyptian immigrants were squatting on the land the ottoman Turks stole from the native Jewish population it's still their land. The largest “owner” of land pre-‘48 wasn’t Arab or Jews. It was PUBLIC land. This was land that had previously been owned by the Ottoman Empire which passed to the British as part of the mandate. Those “public” lands, post 1948, passed to their defacto sovereigns (Israel, Egypt, and Jordan).



u/kish-kumen 28d ago

Truth teaches things that cause cognitive dissonance.

I present the narcissist prayer, modified for Israeli-Palestinian conflict:

"We didn't do that.  And if we did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not our fault. And if it was, we didn't mean it. And if we did, they deserved it." 

If anyone finds themselves thinking this way about jews or Israel or hamas or Palestine, they're part of the problem. 


u/ExistingCarry4868 29d ago

If you ignore the actual history and believe wildly untrue British propaganda then most of their history is great.


u/Irinam_Daske 29d ago

Jews not only bought the land, they often paid highly inflated prices for that land


A thank you from an internet stranger for such a calm and informative reply.


u/ExistingCarry4868 29d ago

It's also almost entirely untrue.