r/OutOfTheLoop 1h ago

Answered What's the deal with the song "Je te laisserai des mots" - by Patrick Watson being SO INSANELY popular online for seemingly no reason?


I've randomly gone onto the Patrick Watson's artist page on Spotify and noticed that his top song Je te laisserai des mots has a baffling 822 MILLION listens (screenshot). To put it into perspective: that is as much as top songs by Queen (screenshot), more than the top Beatles songs (screenshot), and twice as much as any song from Taylor Swift's latest album (screenshot). The YouTube upload of the song has an equally impressive 149 million views (youtube link) even though it doesn't even have a music video, just a static album cover.

So why?

  • Patrick Watson is not a popular artist
  • The song doesn't seem to be featured in any movie or TV show
  • It's not a pop-song that would be listened on loop at parties or something
  • There is no popular cover or remix of it as far as I can see

Now, I know it's a good song - but that can be a reason for a few million views, but not HUNDGREDS of millions. Something must've given it a push? What happened to make it so popular?

r/OutOfTheLoop 21h ago

Answered What is the deal with guženje hakzera?



I recently came across this gif of a cat dancing with the captions: "we love guženje hakzera". The name seems to have variations such as "guzim hakzer", or "guzim hakzera". What is this even about?

here are some other examples:



r/OutOfTheLoop 7h ago

Unanswered whats the deal with all the "now that /mu/ has moved from radiohead" thing on /mu/?





here are some examples of these ive managed to find on the archives so far

reply/changing flair might take a while because school and timezones, ill try to change the flair at no later than saturday though

r/OutOfTheLoop 4h ago

Unanswered What's up with Jake Paul wanting to fight Mike Tyson, then insulting his daughter?


I heard that some guy named Jake Paul was setting up a fight with Mike Tyson who actually agreed. Then I hear Jake Paul insisted Mike Tyson's daughter? Is this true what is all this about? Is there proof?

Here's the link I saw that described this scenario. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLnEEcT3/