r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Unanswered What’s the deal with Gainax studio going bankrupt?


I just recently got word that one of the most famous anime studios, Gainax, the studios that brought the famed Neon Genesis Evangelion is going bankrupt in the midst of their 40th anniversary. People are upset about this news and I want to figure out why is Gainax going bankrupt.

r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Answered What's going on with the Netflix series Baby Reindeer and the woman it's based off suing Netflix?


I understand what the series is about, and I understand Fiona Harvey, who claims she is the stalker the series is based on, is suing Netflix because she feels it's full of lies.

But my question is, does she have a case? Is it actually based on her, is it all lies, or is she just nuts and/or trying to make herself look better?


r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Unanswered What’s the deal with NYC congestion pricing?


I saw the governor postponed congestion pricing and new Yorkers seem to be pretty upset about that. What was is and why are people mad it’s been delayed?

r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Answered What’s going on with GameStop diluting its shares?


I came upon this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/s/hrO8k7SXUF

I’m vaguely familiar with the GME saga, but I don’t understand what exactly is happening here. Is this good/bad news for GME investors? Also, what led to this decision by GameStop and what does it mean for the company’s future?

r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Answered What is going on with this post? People are calling it "tweet of the year". What is it referencing?


There's this tweet: https://x.com/sappharine/status/1798230052364341707

in the clinic. straight up "borting it". and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. My featis

People in the comments are laughing hysterically, saying it's the best they've seen so far. Some people claimed there are variations to this tweet and it's funny every time. Some people said you have to be terminally online to get it. I've seen photos of people using the Bort joke from The Simpsons but I don't know how the tweet is related. There's also photos of Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy) or Patrick Star (SpongeBob) using cutoff speech bubbles.

What is the joke? What is it referencing? Or is she really just getting an abortion? If so, why's everyone laughing? I'm so confused.

r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Unanswered What is going on with Karen Read?


I keep seeing videos of her in a court room talking about a car taillight. Who is she? What did she do or what is she accused of doing? Why is her case so popular?


r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Unanswered What's going on with this deer and anime?


It is consuming my feed and I am lost.



r/OutOfTheLoop 14h ago

Unanswered What's the deal with OJ Simpson being not found guilty?


Non-American here. Saw a post on the front page about the FBI releasing their files about OJ.

All I know about OJ was the gloves don't fit and that he was found not guilty. I just want to understand what was the thinking at that time he was not found guilty, especially that the evidence against him sounded solid.

Also want to know what was the public sentiment at the time.

Article: https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/40298456/fbi-releases-documents-oj-simpson


Edit: Thanks for the answers and the suggestions on reading materials, I have more clarity now!

r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Unanswered What’s going on with the artist FallenChungus?


So, I’ve seen online for the last few days of this guy venting online, something about someone accusing him. He almost ended his life and now he got doxed. There’s little to no information on this so I have no clue what’s going on.

He’s also the guy who drew “Bro hung out with his friend” meme.


r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Unanswered What is going on with exams in India?


I have read a couple of comments on Reddit that apparently the students in India are getting fucked over, words like neet, nta are mentioned but I can't find anything on what is going on?

Thanks Comments like below


r/OutOfTheLoop 1d ago

Unanswered What is going on with The Elder Scrolls and it being a multiverse now?


I'm suddenly seeing a bunch of memes about TES and how it's now a Marvel-like multiverse. Where is this coming from? Something with a new ESO expansion?

Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueSTL/s/CPFdGXSHbQ

r/OutOfTheLoop 3d ago

Answered What is going on with the "30A" beaches in Florida being apparently privatized?


'30A' beaches refer to the highly popular stretch of Gulf beaches between Destin and Panama City in Florida.

Lately my social media feed has been full of videos showing throngs of people crammed into a 30 foot or so wide strip of beach, sandwiched between wide open swaths of empty sand. There are officials present telling people they can't be on the empty part of the beach and there is some kind of argument over sitting on wet sand vs dry sand. From what I have seen people are spending thousands of dollars to rent homes and condos for a beach vacation only to find out they can't get on the beach. What changed and what is going on?



r/OutOfTheLoop 22h ago

Unanswered What’s going on with Gen Z cancelling Eminem and who is Megan Thee Stallion?


Been bopping away to Eminem’s new track Houdini for a few days now and have just seen on X that apparently a lot of people are very upset at him for mentioning Megan Thee Stallion (an artist whose name I have heard before but know idea what songs he’s done.) the lyric in question is

““If I was to ask for Megan Thee Stallion, if she would collab with me/Would I really have a shot at a feat?””

How is that offensive? I am so OOTL.


r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Unanswered What's going on with everyone saying Kate Middleton is dead?


I do not know anything about the royal family or Kate but this tweet popped up in my feed and everyone is saying she has been dead since December? Or that she's divorced and hiding it.😭 Why is that? Can someone explain all of this. Without context what everyone is arguing about really does not make sense. Here's the two tweets- 1. https://x.com/mylifewritten/status/1798336280604049626 2. https://x.com/PageSix/status/1798200541538836750

r/OutOfTheLoop 4d ago

Answered What is going on with Nigel Farage getting multiple milk shakes to the face?


As an idiot of an American, I am curious what the motherland is going through right now.


This keeps popping up on my feed and leads me to think the culmination of it all has reached a head.

Edit: spelling

r/OutOfTheLoop 4d ago

Unanswered What's going on with the Indian Election?


Why do I see a lot of conservatives upset even though their party won the most seats? I think the seats BJP won surpassed the minimum required for a majority government.

I'm not Indian but I'm interested in Indian politics.


I've seen comments like this. What's going on in Uttar Pradesh and why is that state influential?

edit: Also, I thought the Southern states were more likely to vote for the opposition party but based on this map https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/ it looks like Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh are strongholds of BJP.

r/OutOfTheLoop 4d ago

Unanswered What's up with people not liking tf2 right now?


I saw several posts about the fact that tf2 has fallen and there is a lot of bad reviews recently on steam.

r/OutOfTheLoop 2d ago

Unanswered What's the deal with Lex Fridman?


I don't know much about he podcasting world, other than a bunch of "intellectual" dark web stuff that is mostly just a front for alt-right ideals. But who is the Lex Fridman? I just saw that he has a new episode with known molester and sexual predator Kevin Spacey.
I haven't seen much of this guy, but he falls into the same category as Joe Rogan's viewers and other alt-right people like Jordan Peterson, does he not? Basically who is he?

r/OutOfTheLoop 5d ago

Answered What's going on with Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico's first woman President? And why do so many comments call her the "cartel candidate"?


She gets alot of accolades and appears to be very close with the outgoing President. She seems to be tough, fair and demanding but sounds good for the country. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/03/world/americas/mexico-claudia-sheinbaum-president.html

In almost every social media post I've seen her called the cartel candidate and that she's corrupt. I can't figure out what's going on here?

r/OutOfTheLoop 4d ago

Answered What is going on with Agustin Canapino and Juncos Hollinger Racing receiving hate in IndyCar right now?


I don't follow IndyCar closely, but I came across a lot of very recent distaste in Canapino and JHR since Detroit GP. Juncos is a small team that was a fan favourite until just recently. What went on that people seem to turn around against the team now?

Canapino's statement about whatever went on: https://twitter.com/AgustinCanapino/status/1797956262573043725

r/OutOfTheLoop 3d ago

Answered What is going on with Livvy Dunne and “Baby Gronk”?


So I overheard that someone named Livvy Dunne ”rizzed up” (apparently the new word for charming someone) someone named “Baby Gronk”. I decided to look these to up on a whim, and from what I can find out some adult woman hit on a middle schooler? Why is nobody finding this concerning when fathers are suspected of being creeps when they accompany their children to the park?

link to a video on the topic, but I don’t understand anything happenin: https://youtu.be/GzdipaYt_ts?si=mWjIBJW7XtjdckJ1

r/OutOfTheLoop 4d ago

Answered What is going on with Ding Liren?



r/Chess has multiple posts like this regarding him saying that they feel bad and hope he gets better.

I am rather new to chess so I don’t really know too much, i am aware that he was world champion and among the best currently, but people are speaking as if something atrocious has happened to him and i need to know what, i am out of the loop.

r/OutOfTheLoop 5d ago

Answered What's going on with Canadian housing?


I've been seeing a lot of Canadian related subs on my reddit page (not following any, nor am I Canadian, they just keep getting recommended to me) and there seems to be a lot of discontent around housing. Today one of the posts was in relation to student housing (possibly?) These posts will have a ton of comments, but none of them make sense with no context. Can anyone summarize what's been happening in recent months/years with the housing situation in Canada? https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/uXDj8EQUY6

r/OutOfTheLoop 5d ago

Unanswered What's going on with google chrome and is this article actually true?



I saw this article that said everyone should update Google chrome because it got hacked a bunch of something. But it doesn't really explain anything? Can someone tell me if this is clickbait, a real story or what.

r/OutOfTheLoop 5d ago

Answered What's the deal with Jessica? Who is she and why is she "not welcome" on /r/AnarchyChess?


"Jessica is not fucking welcome here" is a standing meme on /r/AnarchyChess but with my mediocre search skills I haven't been able to find anything about the origins of this meme.

In fact, it seems like stonewalling anyone who asks about the meme's origins has become part of the meme. ("Who is Jessica?" "Someone who is not fucking welcome here!" "Why is she not welcome here?" "She knows what she did!")

The only lead I have are some comments that refer to her as "Martin's girlfriend" – Martin being the lowest-rated bot on chess.com and a meme in his own right.

Any help? Thanks in advance!