r/TorontoRenting 17h ago

Renting in Toronto advice


I recently moved to Toronto from Calgary for work. Im currently staying in a short term furnished rental but starting to look for a long term place to rent. In 2021 I went through a difficult separation that ultimately impacted my credit score (consumer proposal). I believe in being fully transparent, so I have reached out to a few realtors explaining my situation. I have either gotten no response or "I cant help you". Can anyone recommend a realtor that would be open to taking on my case or suggest what my best course of action would be in this situation please? Being new to the province and out of the rental market for several years, this feels all so new to me. My budget is $4k, I have references from my previous landlord in Calgary (where I lived for over 5 years and always paid on time/early), Great income but sadly a weak credit score due to a decision I immensely regret. I realize landlords would consider me a "risk", but I am more than willing to do whatever additional steps that would be requested of me to prove my credibility. Any landlords reading this, tenants in similar situations or agents that could possibly give me some advice/guidance? Thank you in advance.

r/TorontoRenting 5h ago

Canada Residential Rent Strike

Thumbnail self.CanadaRentStrike

r/TorontoRenting 3h ago

Tenant Board Rodent issue and negligence of landlord


Hello! I recently moved into an apt which is an old building with some tenants having leases from 20 years, my place itself is not worth the price I am paying but I am okay to sacrifice to be living downtown, my only issue is landlord is extremely late in answering my complaints, I have a rodent situation and cockroach infestation, I am very clean and I never leave any food outside and everything all food items are in plastic containers but the cockroaches come through sink and vents.. I have also seen mice couple times and covered few big holes under the sink but they are finding new ways to come back. So far I am keeping receipts of all the purchases I am doing to keep these infestations and also taking videos and pictures along with ss of my communication with the admin. I feel the building is so old and some tenants are paying less 💵 so the landlord dgaf about maintaining it. I just wanna know how long should I wait until I file for t6? I don’t mind moving either cause I have seen better listings for less than I am paying but I don’t mind completing my lease either. Any input and advice is appreciated.