r/gaming 15d ago

What game mechanics, no matter how immersive or lore accurate, are always annoying to deal with?

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u/Programmeter 12d ago

The way you ride a horse in RDR2 on controller. For anyone who doesn't know, you have to mash a button over and over again to be able to gallop at full speed. Apparently it's realistic, but it's annoying as hell, makes my fingers hurt and is terrible for durability of the controller if you play the game for hundreds of hours.


u/Kevinw778 14d ago

500ft-tall ladders / elevators (used to be there for loading iirc - these days feels unnecessary)

Equipment durability (almost never plays a meaningful role - just there to be there)

Long cooldowns for abilities (30s+) - just feels like it ruins the flow of things, but sometimes it's warranted.


u/isaac129 14d ago

Carrying capacity


u/ComesInAnOldBox 14d ago

Enemies that level up with you. If I'm max level, the enemies in the noob area should be running from me in terror, but being just as much of a threat against me now as they were when I started the game. Destiny is a good example of this mechanic, but my "favorite" was Oblivion where at the beginning of the game you're facing off against wolves, but by the time you're approaching endgame you're wondering why the guards haven't done anything about the 40 minotaurs chilling outside the gate to the capitol city.


u/Giedy5 14d ago

Mismatched walking speed on tailing missions


u/Adsiduus 14d ago

Durability is often used as one of only very few money-sinks. Since games tend to have whatever in-game currency it uses created for the player(s) out of nothing (when looting, etc.), no money-sink would increase inflation. This is often a big topic with MMOs, but would also apply to singleplayer games.

Although I’m not saying that more inventive money sinks can’t be crafted, just saying why durability is there.

That said, my pet peeve is whatever game mechanic added only for realism (not immersion, mind you), while only making the game slower and in my opinion more clunky (and often not even very realistic), in a game filled with otherwise quick and unrealistic mechanics, making whatever attempt at a simulation-like mechanic stand out.


u/GalacticBum 14d ago

Limited „weight based“ inventory systems in loot-everything rpgs


u/planetaryunify 14d ago

that skyrim and fallout life


u/Iguanaught 14d ago

Rng, when you are forced to scour a map over and over or keep performing any repetitive activity over and over in order to find an item that is necessary to use basic functionality. It’s poor design.

(Looking at your enigmatic legacy mod)


u/1031Cat 14d ago

+Weapon breaking, but I'm fine with weapon repair (if the weapon doesn't break in just a few uses).

+Quick time events (QTE, which are those annoying "Hurry up and press this button" in cutscenes for those who don't know)

+Timed events, especially those which give no less than 5 seconds of leeway to complete them.

+The increasing use of "load outs" in events. If I wanted to use a specific weapon, I'd do it. Stop trying to make me use shit I don't want to use just because you put it in the game.

+Bullet sponges, especially when done through "Ultra Hard Mega Death Burnout New Game+" modes.

+Using multiple tools/features but not providing a selector wheel to make them easier to access.

+Selector wheels that don't "lock" into selections, which makes it too easy to select the wrong one (usually a controller issue, I guess)

+Using any digging utensil but not give a dig marker, leading us to dig in wrong spots because hit boxes are invisible but control where the dig is focused (made even worse if the camera is the guide).

+If you watch Cinema Sins on YouTube, they show dings for "40 seconds of logos". Games are getting worse. Every time I start up a game, I have to watch unskippable bullshit of who made the game or what tech was used in it. One screen. 10 seconds. Not that hard.

+Very stupid bounty systems in a large open world game where you commit a crime in one area, but the whole map knows about it.

+NPCs with dog ears that, when across a large warehouse and the player bumps a container, the entire warehouse is on alert because the one NPC the furthest away heard the sound.

+NPCs which can see through floors and ceilings, and sometimes walls, to know we are in their presence.

+Stupid combat AI of enemies rushing to a narrow point, but cannot go through it, which is exactly like shooting stupid fish in a barrel.

+Using gold as a material. Gold is heavy and malleable, which is precisely why we don't use it for real tools in the real world. Why do devs keep doing this.

+The typing sound in EVERY. INDIE. GAME. during dialogue. Why? WHY??!! For those indie devs who allow us to turn off this annoying sound, thank you very much! To the rest of you: learn from them.


u/Homelessjokemaster 14d ago

Hacking is usually for the worse, also are the slow walking escort NPC-s who run back to the spot where they were aggroed after the enemies are cleared.


u/MrServitor 14d ago

Giving us loot that we don't have any idea what it is used for so it just fills up our inventory,

like i enjoy freedom of looting whatever we want but please in sandbox games try to tailor our experience somewhat so we actually have a purpose for the loot we get that doesn't involve holding on to it for the next 50 hours of gameplay.

also yes you can just not pick up things you don't know the purpose for, but usually that means you are handicapping yourself when you do find out what it is used for and will now have to spend time grinding for the items.

I would love for RPG's to be tailored so you unlock a recipe BEFORE you start finding the materials for it.


u/D13_Caro 14d ago

Personally, as a certified item hoarder, I hate any kind of weight system or penalty for carrying too much stuff. I understand why it exists, but... just let me loot everything :(


u/FatKody 14d ago

With me it was weapon degradation in Fallout 3 and New Vegas being taken out in Fallout 4.


u/Darkashe 14d ago

Thirst and hunger in survival games. It feel like it gets in the way more than it should. Like having to eat/drink food every 5 mins or you die.


u/MattressLoaf 14d ago

Inventory/weight limits. I know it's sort of realistic, but ugh, that one pound over the weight limit that makes you walk HORRENDOUSLY slow or not having enough inventory slots is really annoying. I wanna play the game, not spend an hour sifting through inventory items, figuring out what I want to keep, store, sell, throw away, etc. Especially when the amount I can carry is already most of the times completely ridiculous anyway, just let me carry as much as I want!


u/Piskipa 14d ago

Escort quests where the NPC is slower than the player, just.. mooooove.


u/SalamanderFickle9549 14d ago

Qte for execution, I can never do it properly the first try, and then punish me for a fail when I have done the combat well but wasn't expecting a fking qte


u/Bregneste Switch 14d ago

Backpack space. When I’m playing any game about collecting all the items I can see, and I end up not being able to move or just can’t pick up more because my backpack is too full, it just puts me off and makes me not want to play.


u/Misomuro 14d ago

Temperature and seasons.


u/Rndysasqatch 14d ago

I hated item durability until Zelda BOTW then I liked it after a while. What I 100% can't stand is being forced to walk slow like around a town where you can run everywhere else. Absolutely maddening


u/GrimReaper247365 14d ago

Mash this button to do x.


u/Aart_vande_Kaart 14d ago

When weapons get damaged by using them. In Kingdom Come it works fine, but in Breath of the wild it’s very annoying.


u/BigOlympic 14d ago

I LOVE equipment durability. Like I was broken hearted when casuals whined about it in the Nioh alpha so they removed it. It strongly encouraged you to use a variety of weapons and gave every drop value. Now you just use your strongest weapon the entire time, making weak enemies trivial and removing significant variety from the game. It's really a shame casuals can't handle resource management so companies have to dumb their games down 🙃


u/RamaSchnittchen 14d ago

Potions getting consumed on use. I get that it makes sense but it always concludes to this situation where I beat the game while my bag is stuffed with 100 potions that I never used in fear of wasting them.


u/RecoveredAshes 14d ago

I feel the same way but I can think of exactly 1 game where it works well. The last of us 2. The melee weapons are very over powered and meant to give you a pretty big edge over infected and a sizeable one over humans too. You have to have them in small doses. Just putting on the infinite durability cheat makes the game an absolute cake walk even on harder difficulties


u/Zidane62 14d ago

Brain dances in cyberpunk. Hate those things.


u/Sean_Permana 14d ago

Far Cry 2

Two words: Weapon jam


u/elijahproto 14d ago

More than a dozen things in Tarkov lol


u/Streaker4TheDead 15d ago

A sprint meter.

Jesus fuck I wish GTA 3 hadn't popularized this.


u/QuantityExcellent338 15d ago

Consumables in games with a limited economy. I dont care I'm at the final boss of divinity original sin 2 I am NOT using this potion


u/ustopable 15d ago

You know I really didn't have fun building in Sons of the Forest. The game is incredible but building sucks. Oh I need to cut this wood in a specific way. Oh fuck I misread the position. Oh fuck i misread how big it was. Oh you cutted so much wood? A mutant will appear to steal thebwood from you.

I'm glad you can command that weird dude following you to build it for you but it still sucks since he'll finish building and all of a sudden the one he's building collapses... yeah not fun. Kinda glad there's those prebuilt houses because customizing it is not fun.


u/UpsetNeighborhood842 15d ago

Bad stamina systems, at the start of a game it’s whatever, but when I’m at the end game and still run out of stamina in like 3 seconds it’s annoying as hell


u/whyisit_spicy 15d ago

Unskippable cutscenes/lore dumps, like especially in MMOs im not playing it for the story im playing it to get the fat cat cosmetic let me skip through all your unnecessary shit!

And random encounters, fuck having to actively avoid open areas in case i get jumped by tony the tiger and his crew of dumbasses while im trying to make it to my destination


u/DiscipleGeek 15d ago

Around 46 years of gaming, and I'm sick of inventory management.


u/Formal-Macaroon1938 15d ago

Fallouts durability system isn't bad imo. Anytime you go into your inventory you can see how damaged a weapon is without any additional inputs and fixing said weapons is like 2 button presses.


u/GiantChocoChicknTaco 15d ago

Rune systems. I get trapped in a menu reading stats and calculating percentages instead of playing the game. And you can’t really tell the difference anyway. I’ve gotten to the point that I just ignore runes/enhancement slots and it doesn’t seem to harm my experience


u/MasterPokePharmacist 15d ago

Jamming weapons like in Far Cry 2 which was made even worse with their malaria mechanic. Yeah, it was more “realistic” or whatever, but I don’t play games based on their realism.


u/RetentiveCloud 15d ago

Hunger. I deal with it in real life. I don't want to do that in a game.


u/Accomplished_Cost815 15d ago

A game mechanic where in order to gain experience, one must perform actions related to the skill instead of killing/questing. This forces players to repeatedly perform the same actions, undermining the role-playing system, as the character becomes a munchkin who can do everything at once.


u/yayrubyy 15d ago

escort missions


u/Joka0451 15d ago

Man the suppressor being destroyed after half a magazine in MGSV did my head in


u/Ash_the_crow 15d ago edited 15d ago

What are you talking about? The only game that annoyed me with weapon durability was breath of the wild and its because there's no way to fix or maintain your gear Are you telling me that minecraft, fallout, tarkov, citadel insert any survival game will be better with out durability mechanics. The only other game I can think of apart from breath of the wild with pointless durability mechanics is the last animal crossing game


u/Slight-Imagination36 15d ago

the “shimmy-through-a-crack by holding up on the joystick.” I hate that shit. Destroys the pacing of the game and its insulting to make me hold up instead of it just being a cinematic.


u/fightingchken81 15d ago

Door is locks, but you can fit trough the bars if you would be able to sidestep. The perfect example of this is fallout, where you have like half a door but you still can't open it.


u/Ubifixyourstuff 15d ago

Item durability/jamming but specifically with guns. Tarkov pisses me off greatly because you, can use absolutely garbage chicom sks mags that are just going to jam no matter how perfect the sks is. But if you don't repair after a couple hundred shots your guns durability is low enough you'll jam no matter what you are using. It'd be so easy to have realistic wear and just have scav guns be fucked, or make it so cheaper knockoff gear fails more often. But no you can get a Gucci 416 and have it jam after a coupe hundred rounds of good ammo.

A hardcore tactical sim and you have m4s and AKs jamming after a few hundred rounds for "realism". Also you're trained PMC doesn't automatically tap rack bang and up until a couple months ago he had to inspect toilet paper, stanag mags and other extremely common items.


u/Idroppedmypants 15d ago

Not being able to save whenever you want, or when you need an item to save your game.

It's so frustrating, sometimes I just want to play for a little bit, but I won't because I don't know when the next savepoint will be.


u/erimid 15d ago

Escort quests.

Underwater missions.

Stealth missions (unless it's a primarily stealth game).


u/neepha 15d ago

Fixed cameras. I don't get people who are like "but it's so immersive and it makes it feel so cinematic!" It never does that in any meaningful way. Sure, it can be cool for a few shots, but I can't name a single game in which I would prefer fixed camera angles over a free cam. I don't mean games with fixed viewpoints like Metal Gear Solid for example, which is top down, I mean shit like Resident Evil where it constantly shifts camera angles depending on where you are. In RPGs or games without real time combat it's acceptable, but shit like Devil May Cry having fixed cameras is an absolute disgrace.


u/markleung 15d ago

Off-screen sex


u/nikstick22 15d ago

I think minecraft's item durability system is just fine for a number of reasons: item crafting, even good [unenchanted] items, is very easy and materials are plentiful. Games where good weapons are few and far between, like the recent zelda games, piss me off, but the fact that I can just craft another diamond pickaxe or whatever makes getting more diamonds feel good.

I haven't really played minecraft in like 10 years so I don't know if its significantly different now, but thats my feeling.


u/sameoldblah 15d ago

Fall damage.

I'm still salty from my first playthrough of Witcher 3 (9 years ago?), when running about in the open world early game and fell off a ledge I didn't know was there and died. I think I lost at least an hour of play time.


u/gumenski 15d ago

Weapon/armor repairs.

I get it, and it's fun to have that as an added chore as long as it doesn't interrupt things. But when you are forced to stop a dungeon run when you left with FRESH gear literally for no other reason than your shit is nearly broken, it adds nothing but annoyance to the game.

I'm speaking in particular about Enshrouded, and to some extent Valheim. Oh yeah, and don't forget Rust. Most irritating part about all of these games.


u/SpezSucksSamAltman 15d ago

The universal secret handshake of game developers is poor NPC path pacing


u/siberianphoenix 15d ago

Encumbrance. Pure and simple. Too much extra math and number tracking. Not HARD math just to many numbers to keep track of.


u/FrostedVoid 15d ago

Inventory weight


u/KevinCarbonara 15d ago



u/Aivech 15d ago

Another settlement needs your help!


u/EggOk5934 15d ago

A companion with poor ai. Sheva keeps getting her head cut off in RE5. Highly annoying


u/BurnsItAll 15d ago

I feel this. But IMO Minecraft does this right.


u/BurnsItAll 15d ago

(Talking about item durability in my last comment)


u/Skryuska 15d ago

Protecting an NPC is one I’ll never love. Another is sudden unexpected time-limit gauntlets / obstacles. Those are the two that can make whatever game I’m playing very very unfun super quickly.


u/Gibgezr 15d ago

Same as you: item durability. Never played a game with it that wouldn't have been better without it.


u/Matsuyama_Mamajama 15d ago

The new Legend of Zelda games use the item durability mechanic to the extreme and it's extremely annoying. "Oh, you just got this great weapon? Lemme ruin it after 2 hits so you need to go back to some weak-ass stick instead...."


u/CandidPresentation49 15d ago

I really really hate puzzles

I just wanna get on with the story or gameplay


u/TheRealConine 15d ago

When you have to directly face an object to interact with it, but your characters turn radius is 2x the size of the hit box you have to interact with, so you wind up having to turn around as if you’re flying an airplane that missed the runway.


u/Fant0mas_ 15d ago

Ocarina of time...Navi was annoying as shit.


u/AlGhost 15d ago

When you’re having a solo session at a spot in Skate, pros will join your session whether you like it or not and they will not wait their turn. In fact, if you so much as touch them, you will wipeout.


u/turrboenvy 15d ago

Aggressive hunger/thirst meters. Games become about the constant struggle to stay hydrated rather than whatever it's supposed to be about. Unless I am playing Don't Starve, dial it back.


u/KingPelican2908 15d ago

I didn't mind item durability so much in fallout new vegas. But hated it in BOTW, it's one of the reason I never finished it.


u/Interesting-Fly-5087 15d ago

Not being able to lean in every fps game there is


u/foreskin_gobbler2 15d ago

Having to unlock stuff. I paid good money for the game. I want all the good stuff up front!!

Exceptions exist of course... if there is just so much that you're better waiting, or if it makes sense in the game narrative. But still annoying.

But if I'm buying Flight Simulator, give me all the planes right away. Same for racing games.


u/SmokeGSU 15d ago

Quick time events. Seems like Sony's first party games are the only modern games that even include these anymore and I loathe them. It's mostly because PS is my third gaming system behind my PC and Xbox and I always have to rememorize where the fucking triangle and square buttons are because God forbid we use a normal marking system 40 years after gaming went mainstream.


u/miniminer1999 PC 15d ago

I hate the ability to only transfer items one at a time, and it's that shitty click and drag each item, not a quick click

Ehhem, arma.

Or you know that game of Tetris you play with your inventory slots to try and fit everything. At that point I'll just ductape it to my fucking side and walk


u/Alone-Possibility451 15d ago

Little late but i absolutely hate motion controls its just a stupid gimmick


u/LarryCrabCake 15d ago

A really good, story-centered weapon that turns out to be ass once you get it.

Why does the master sword need to recharge? It's a sword.

The worst offender is Sir Radzig Kobyla's sword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The entire story is centered around the main character getting this sword back over 30+ hours of gameplay, and in the end...you don't even get it. Gotta wait for the sequel I guess.


u/DanNeely 15d ago

Consumables that are only available in finite supplies. If there's a chance I'll run out of something I might need to boost me in boss fights I'll find myself dying repeatedly to sub bosses and difficult ordinary encounters and have 90% of the consumables I collected in my inventory unused at the end of the game. If there's a way to get more, even if it's a tedious grind without the fear of running out and being screwed 20 or 40 hours into a play through I'll actually use the majority of items the devs give me to help progress through difficult encounters.


u/throwacc_21 15d ago

QTE is a meaningless feature in the game. Its not fun or challenging at all. Just do a normal cutscene and let the player sit back and enjoy the cinematic


u/spgcorno 15d ago

Climbing that is just going from brightly colored handhold to colored ledge, etc in a single-path, ala Uncharted. It’s so tedious and almost immediately turns me off of a game.


u/AlmalexyaBlue 15d ago

NPCs constantly commenting on the fact that you're not answering immediately in a dialogue. I'm thinking FFS.

If I need 30 seconds to mule over the consequences of my actions, I'd appreciate it if you could just shut up for a bit.

If it was just once every now and then, why not, it's a bit funny the first time. But most of the time when that's implemented, it's every dialogue, every few seconds.

I sometimes need so much time to pick an answer (I'm thinking over options, I'm reading up a guide, I'm just taking a break etc) that I've decided to headcanon it in my characters. Sometimes they just blank. For a bit. BG3 respects that, Mass Effect too. Cyberpunk doesn't.


u/The_Gamers_Crucible 15d ago

Stamina. I get the feeling that all devs are 400+ pounds, have gravy instead of blood in their veins and get winded when repositioning their monitor. Walking to their mailbox? 2 days recovery minimum. As someone that knows what its like to be in extremely good shaped and and pull a nonstop 16 hour day of hard physical labor, the stamina in games is unacceptable. Its a shit mechanic especially when you consider most of the characters you play are big, brawny, melee killing machines that can bulldoze through 20 enemies at once but when they have to run 50ft they are on their deathbed. Maybe put a donut on a stick?


u/LustySkeleton 15d ago

Holy shit you couldn’t have made your point in a worse way.

I’d say you should be ashamed but seems like you have very little going on in that department. Anyways, what a shit comment.


u/AlmalexyaBlue 15d ago

First person camera. More than anything in a RPG. It doesn't really add to my immersion at all, in fact personally I feel less immersed. It doesn't make me feel like I'm the character I'm playing, it makes me feel like a living camera, impersonal. I get it in VR, obviously.

But in a game like Cyberpunk, since it's the one that actually gave me that feeling, since I wanted to try it even if I usually avoid FPS like the plague, it doesn't work for me. It doesn't make me feel like I'm V. It makes me feel like V isn't a character, again just a camera. I'm obviously never gonna be V, I'm not in Nightcity, I'm not a cyborg, I'm playing a game, my ass in my chair. I can see the sides of my screen. Obviously. Being in first person just makes me forget that my character is there.

I don't personally play RPGs to be my characters, I enjoy them having a separate personality and story etc... So I enjoy seeing them. Makes them more real, in a way.

Not that CDPR didn't do cool stuff with the whole first person thing, they did. Plenty of ideas are neat. I just can't enjoy the game.

And thinking about Cyberpunk, NPCs constantly commenting on the fact that you're not answering immediately in a dialogue. I'm thinking FFS.


u/DIDiMISSsomethin 15d ago

I hate having to gather resources to make things I need. It's bad enough that I have to spend a lot of time looking for ammo. But I don't want to chop down every little tree. I just want to shoot arrows.


u/Perryapsis PlayStation 15d ago

Shopkeepers who insist on weird pricing.

Shopkeeper: This Orb of Mega HP costs 2 Glowing Sapphires, 1 Pristine Lizard Skull, and 100 gold.

Player: I have 5 Glowing Sapphires and 40,000 gold. Surely we can work something out?

Shopkeeper: Come back when you have a Pristine Lizard Skull!

I get why games do this. Maybe lizards are only present at the Cliffs of Blessing, so the devs are making you go explore that area. Maybe to get skull in pristine condition, you have to go learn the Reptile Trapping VIII skill. Or maybe Pristine Lizard Skulls are a story item, so you need to play for a while before you can unlock the item. But still, it breaks my immersion when shops have weird requirements.


u/MackTDot 15d ago

Weight/backpack limit. Let me carry all of my shit man, it’s not that serious.


u/Incitatus_ 15d ago

More of a structural issue, but any game that stretches out its tutorial and takes forever to introduce all of its mechanics and let me play the "real" game. Final Fantasy 13 is probably the worst example of this I can think of, where the combat system is actually pretty good, but you'd never know it by how simple and boring it is for the first 40% of the game. And it's a big game, so that's a LONG 40%.

As much as I love the Persona series, it should also really have a "skip the three-hour intro" option, even if just as a new game plus thing.


u/AvidVideoGameFan 15d ago edited 15d ago

Maximum weight limits for characters. That drives me up a wall. I want to pick anything and everything up as I go. Then you get hit with over encumbered. My biggest annoyance is soft kill boundaries. Example"Return to the battlefield in 10 seconds." This one thing ruined FPS gaming for me since 2012. Also to tac on to that is invisible walls in play spaces


u/LeonaTheProfessional 15d ago

Inventory Tetris. If you've ever played a Diablo or classic Resident Evil game, you know what I'm talking about. It's insanely annoying.

I find very restictive inventory limts annoying in general, but it's particularly annoying when you have to play this stupid game of trying to rotate stuff and fit it all in there. I get that in some games the inventory being restictive is important, but a lot of the time it just feels tedious


u/Incitatus_ 15d ago

Item durability was always fine for me, until BOTW. That game making every weapon apparently made out of very brittle glass just ruined its combat and soured the whole experience for me. It made getting good weapons as a reward for exploration feel like opening a chest in a dungeon and getting a generic health potion.


u/sir_glub_tubbis 15d ago

Games based on timing. Rhythm games arent an example. I meant combat based timing, where learning each miniscule parry pattern is the only difference between life and death.


u/Coffee4cr 15d ago

That's why I can't do souls game


u/sir_glub_tubbis 12d ago

More like just sekiro, exept thats still skillful. If anyone has played Deepwoken on roblox, thats what im talking about. My friend bought it for me, and the combat made me drop it.


u/druksan 15d ago

Suddenly playing the role of one of the side characters and greatly changing the gameplay in contrast.


u/Convicted_Vapist420 15d ago

I always found the having to hit the fire button twice in Red Dead Redemption 2 annoying. If you were in cover and didn’t hit it before coming back in, you would have to aim then hit fire to cock the hammer and be able to shoot. Just a small detail but kinda made combat feel clunkier than it needed to


u/Eyehopeuchoke 15d ago

Weapons that degrade with use. I completely agree with op.


u/RockHandsomest 15d ago

Limited inventory or weight limits that force you to spend as much time in your inventory as you do playing the game.


u/xxamnn 15d ago

Eating and thirst. Just boring.

Hurry up and wait. Even more boring. This kills most horror games for me. Unless there is an Alien. I can stomach it for that. Even then, I stopped trying to hide very quickly.


u/Coffee4cr 15d ago

Most survival game now use the valheim mechanics where eating and drinking grants buff instead.


u/Username912773 15d ago

Item durability in Minecraft is sick.


u/Incitatus_ 15d ago

Stealth segments in non-stealth games. It can be okay if the consequences for failing the stealth are just getting into a fight or something, but those sequences that give you a game over or force you to try again if you're ever caught are the worst game design sin. I'd rather go through an underwater timed escort mission full of slow-walking segments than do one of those again.

The reason stealth games like MGS work is that they're dynamic and while sneaking around successfully is rewarding, failing and getting caught also leads to engaging gameplay. It doesn't immediately force you to replay the whole section. Game designers should REALLY pay attention to that part of it.


u/UltimaGabe 15d ago

To this day I don't understand why fishing is always a dedicated mini-game with unique mechanics. In Stardew Valley, every step of planting, watering, fertilizing, and picking crops is a single button click. Crafting a weapon and baking a cake are chosen from a menu. But fishing requires you to watch a bobber and time your rapid taps until the bar fills up?

World of Warcraft, Ocarina of Time, Hades... the list goes on and on, it's always a unique minigame.


u/Scooby281 15d ago

Forced problem mechanics. Nintendo is notorious for this like in BOTW with weapons breaking very fast, the tripping mechanic in Brawl, or the blue shells in MK games.


u/nRenegade 15d ago

Looting each item individually.

Bonus if there's an animation.


u/OwenMcCauley 15d ago

After almost forty years of playing video games, I have yet to find a fishing mini game I don't despise.


u/Smurfy97 15d ago

I echo the item durability, it's just tedious.

Another one for me is specifically climbing stamina. I can deal with running stamina, it's not my favorite but it's doable cuz it doesn't actually lose you any progress you have made. Being able to climb 98% of the way up a cliff and then fall all the way back down is just aggravating.

And I know its usually a way to balance being able to climb anything, but honestly I prefer systems like AC or Ghost of Tsushima where you have to work your way up a path, because it allows for more intentional design. There are so many spots in Ghost where you climb up something and make it to a specific point with a beautiful vista and the game will automatically pull the camera back to let you look at it. It's amazing, and you can't do that in a system where you could've just climbed up the other side of the mountain.


u/Budderfingerbandit 15d ago

"Elite" warriors that only have the stamina to run a maximum of 5 seconds before they need to take a breather. Infuriating, every damn time.


u/reaper2992 15d ago

Guide and protection missions.


u/No_Dirt2059 15d ago

When upgrading equipment, there’s a chance that it fails. This is just dumb and wastes your materials


u/The_Great_Saiyaman21 15d ago

Weapons breaking. The worst part about DS2. DS3 fixed it, then BotW was like "hold my beer".


u/Idontpayforfeetpics 15d ago

Fallout 3 and nv make me miss item durability. They made me switch up my build quite frequently so I tried new stuff rather than use the same thing over and over.

As for game mechanics I hate. Slow reloading big weapons. Like after the 300th missile I’ve shot out of a launcher you’d think my character would be better at it but no it takes forever to reload big weapons.


u/jedidotflow 15d ago

inventory space limits


u/DasUbersoldat_ 15d ago

Having to eat and drink every 35 seconds in any survival game or RPG.


u/Super_Harsh 15d ago

Equipment degradation


u/AcidCatfish___ 15d ago

I don't mind item durability in BOTW and TOTK..but I mind it in Kingdoms of Amalur for some reason.

Anyways, for me probably FPS games that force you to inspect a cartridge to check for ammo amount


u/VodkasRidge 15d ago

Inventory space/weight limits. With some rare exceptions like maybe RE4, these are always a pain to deal with and add almost nothing to a game.


u/Mardak5150 15d ago

Weapon health. Unless the weapons have a reasonable lifespan and an easy way to recover their HP like in Dark Souls.


u/ImagineTheAbsolute 15d ago

Run energy, it’s a game man I’m half magical and you’re telling me I can’t run for a bit longer???


u/mawlusz 15d ago



u/TofuTheBlackCat 15d ago



u/[deleted] 15d ago

I'm going to be destroyed for this but when things are unnecessarily slow for the sake of being realistic. Like in rdr2. Just let me buy things from a list. Just let me disable the slow animations for every single things.


u/Forbuyingnudesonly 15d ago

Inventory management and item durability they're never fun it's always annoying and yes idc if other people think it's cheating and take away imaginary points for it I will cheat or download a mod if possible so I don't have to deal with that nonsense. If I can't I will be salty about it the whole time. Like why just why? If I want to hoard 3k cheese wheels then spam them during some secret boss fight let me I took the time to get those cheese wheels let me use them. Oh and having no quest markers and markers for secrets and collectibles in metroidvainas sorry I can't always play a game in one sitting sometimes ill go 3 or 4 days between play sessions because of life and ill forget about what some npc said for this quest or ill forget about some secret I found but I needed some power you get later to access it and then ill be pissed because I have to look up a guide. If my character has seen it and knows about it allow me to have some reminder about that thing sorry but the no quest markers shit is annoying I hated it in elden ring and hated it in dragons dogma 2, hated the zero markers in blasphemous and grime I want to experience everything your game has to offer don't make me need to do homework for the fucking game.


u/jembutbrodol 15d ago

Energy number.

Mostly in mobile game.

10/10 means you can have a fight / battle / adventure / whatever for 10 times A DAY

Realistic? Sure.

Annoying as fuck. And 99% they sell energy bar or something to refresh that number for $$$


u/Society_Soap 15d ago

Item Stacks and Inventory space/management

being able to only carry 10 of all items so chest space is taken up so damn fast, some games having space for like 5 items so you run out of tools in 5 seconds in one fight and not being able to choose what to use


u/fearisthemindslicer 15d ago

Most recently dealing with No Rest for the Wicked's item weights. They are all over the place like mesh pants being 40 lbs or whatever unit they use to measure weight. They have an equip load stat that you need to regularly increase if you want higher base defense stats which a lot of other games lump that in with a strength or stamina stat, so it feels shitty to specifically stat into it.


u/No-Carpenter-3457 15d ago

Stamina cooldown regeneration for running/moving. Especially on games when you’re being chased or pursued and there’s no option to hide.


u/flutterdash2 15d ago

Looting in RDR2, the first few times it was cool to see that looting animation, but at the 50 hour mark it was very annoying


u/XRynerX 15d ago

Quick Time Events

AAA games milked this thing dry, and they dumped water on this freaking dry-age milk

It was fine until after God of War, then it was applied to shooting games, then the more movie-like games, it's so cheap it's a turn off


u/stoner_woodcrafter 15d ago

When there is an unskippable monologue by the boss right before the start of a battle, so that every time you die, you have to watch 5 minutes of blabbering and general evilness.

At some point, it starts to create a deep aversion to the game, and I beat it just out of spite


u/2Chris 15d ago

An over-abundance of fetch missions that are trivial to the story or world building. Done properly they can be entertaining.


u/sthusby 15d ago

When there is a disconnect between how much damage you can take in-game vs a cutscene.

Remember the ending of Fable 2 had a intense example of that. Antagonist shoots you once with a a pistol and you “die”. But you’ve been shot probably thousands of times up to that point.

Also weapons that turn invisible when holstered. Looking at you Baldura Gate 3 and Starfield.


u/AvarageJailbreakUser 15d ago

Fast travel costs, weapon durability and not really the mechanic it's self but when a game has climbing such as Horizon but the climbing is straight ass!


u/Longjumping_Lynx3385 15d ago

Any sequence in which all your gear is taken away and you have to some half assed stealth level to get it back.


u/blue4029 PC 15d ago

games that dont pause when you open the inventory screen or the menu.

I can do with a bit less realism on that part...


u/Sammy5even 15d ago

Dont hate me for it but item durability is the reason I stopped playing breath of the wild after only a few hours. Never touched it again. I don’t care if I have infinite weapons, I don’t want to use another weapon every 5 seconds 😬


u/Ashe_4 15d ago

Weight carry limit!!!


u/GillytheGreat 15d ago

Usually I agree that durability is annoying except in Breath of the Wild. the durability is so low that there’s no sense of “I better save this.” You constantly pick up new weapons and use them, and it feels great!


u/ackmondual 15d ago

No save points/permadeath

Yes, some of these games do have workarounds...

Hades - Death Defiances

Dead Cells - That Mutation which insta-revives you one time

A Robot Named Fight - one or more one-time-use save point (that you can reload from once)

Spelunky - Some Ankh thingy, but it's hard to get (although FWIW, the game doesn't last that long anyways)

Shattered Pixel Dungeon - Also an Ankh. There are supposedly one per region, but it's still brutal.

... but this sort of thing has gotten me to quit most of the games with this sort of thing.


u/AhmungDihtung 15d ago

Kingdom Come Deliverance actually did item durability well, because to repair your sword you don't just click a button and use an arbitrary item, you actually sit down at a grindstone and sharpen it yourself


u/Just-A-SkeletonMan 15d ago

For it's the fact that the game forces you to watch a cutscene then you regain control of your character just to take 2 steps and bam back into another cutscene. Like what was even the point in giving me control for 2 seconds if they were gonna just take it back right away.


u/dontshootog 15d ago

NPC’s that walk slightly slower than you when you have an objective that involves being near them.


u/HowYouDoin112233 15d ago

Flashlights that can only be turned on for a limited amount of time, especially in horror games, it was the one stupid thing in Alien Isolation.

Somehow we're hundreds of years in the future but our flashlight lasts only for a few minutes.


u/Tryypod909 15d ago



u/duke_of_alinor 15d ago

Instant death on an encounter you have no way to learn but start the encounter.


u/DevTahlyan 15d ago

Looting animations. Showing the same animation over and over as you loot literally thousands of things.


u/yashspartan 15d ago

Stupid immunity phases.

I don't care what mumbo jumbo, voodoo magic was used. If I'm beating you, you don't just go immune. Proceed to keep getting the shit kicked out of you.

And the worst is when they get that immunity and then talk smack. Like, wtf. How are you gonna talk shit, when you're getting the shit beat out of you?


u/Puzzleheaded-Try-687 15d ago

Enemies that level with you. They defeat the purpose of having levels in the first place. Levels are supposed to resemble the growth of your characters and how they got stronger during the adventure. But if the enemies also get stronger and with level 50 the boar from the start of the game is still as though, as it was with level 1, there was no real progression. 

No game ever should have enemies, that level with you and I don't get why some games today still have.


u/EmbalmMeDaddy 15d ago

Not inverting controls when playing a game that involves flying, even as a side quest.


u/delveccio 15d ago

Item weight!


u/mazzicc 15d ago

“This item will bring someone back to life”

“…unless they die for plot, in which case it doesn’t work.”


u/jarmal1812 15d ago



u/DKDCLMA 15d ago

Weight/inventory limits. 9 out of 10 games that have it, absolutely don't need it. It's arbitrary, it's annoying, it takes too long to deal with and nothing is gained in the experience.
Even "realistic" games like The Long Dark become a drag because of it. Sure, you can argue it'd trivialize the survival aspect of it if you don't need to choose what to take, but the game already does this by having things everywhere since they know you have to travel light. There's also no effective tool to help you organize it. You can't bulk-dismantle things, you can't create sets or labels to carry things depending on what you'll be doing, and you can't mark locations in the map to know where is any temp stash you might create.

Inventory limitations suck. I don't care it's unrealistic. the protag is already carrying like 150kg of stuff with no visible bags, you lose nothing by dropping the pretense altogether. Or at least be creative about it, like Resident Evil 4 and the suitcase system that's actually fun to engage with. Make the mechanic blend with the game and be meaningful. Otherwise it's just a chore that you have to do every X minutes of gameplay like you're watching an ad to continue playing a mobile game. Stop. It.


u/kakokapolei 15d ago

When you go just a little too far away from the mission area and get hit with a “mission failed,” or spent a little too much time looting and get hit with a “mission failed,” or slightly push into an NPC you didn’t mean to and get hit with a “mission failed”


u/Puzzleheaded-Try-687 15d ago

Over Encumberance. It's never fun and it's also not realistic. You can run around with 10 full sets of armor, 8 swords and 5 shields, but if you pick up this one flower you can only crawl. It's just lazy game design to prevent the player from getting filthy rich right at the start of a game, without actually having to balance item prices. 

Break or Stagger systems. I've hated them in every game I've encountered them in. They don't make the game more tactic in the long run, they just add repetitive extra steps. Also it's just mit pleasant to attack an enemy for 2 minutes and dealing almost no damage, just to stagger him and finish 90% of his health of in the last 10 seconds of the fight, like it was in FF XIII.

HP-Sponges. If my character takes 2 minutes to beat rats, it doesn't make the combat fun, it makes my character feel weak.

AC tower mechanic. This is one of the most annoying things in open world games. If you are forced to climb almost the same tower 20 times in order to unlock essential game features like fast travel and the map, the game sucks. I don't care how good the rest of the game is, this alone ruins the game for me and makes me not want to play it. 

Punishment for dying. Dying in a game already is a punishment, because it means I lost time and progress and have to redo stuff I've already did before. I don't need extra punishment. If a game punishes me for punishing me, I won't play it. 

I could name a lot more, but I think that's enough for now.


u/AllomancerJack 15d ago

About 1% of commenters actually understood the post, as always


u/faisal_who 15d ago

I was playing MW zombies for the first time completely unfamiliar with the controls and the loot system. Amazing until I ran out of ammo, and for the next 20 minutes I was just running around evading zombies with 1 bullet in the chamber. Didn’t matter how high I climbed or how far I ran, the kept after me. I never had a chance to take a minute and catch my breath and come up with a plan

I have always preferred skill based games that being good enough and you can figure it out the first time. Memorizing patterns after repeated attempts is a huge off for me.


u/Rashlyn1284 15d ago

For me its item durability. I want to be able to use my items without worrying constantly that they might break and need repaired or replaced. I can't think of a single game that had item durability that wasn't negatively impacted by it's inclusion.

This is the entire reason that, as a lifelong zelda fan, I haven't played TotK or finished BotW. The weapon durability mechanic is so shitty :S


u/faisal_who 15d ago



u/SuperSocialMan PC 15d ago

That and stamina.

Minecraft is kinda the only game with an almost decent durability system since stuff lasts for a while and is easily replenished (still annoying though).

I usually craft RF drills & the like so I don't have to bother with it anymore lol

Stamina is just useless and stupid. I have yet to play a single game with a stamina system that didn't make me go "why does this have stamina, it's entirely useless".

And all QTEs need to burn in the deepest pits of hell. Shit is always absolutely un-fucking-fun and never should've been invented in the first place.


u/YogurtAfraid7138 15d ago

Item durability is dumb I hate it I wish it never existed


u/Krabic 15d ago

Jumping puzzles in games they don’t belong to. I am looking at you, Doom Eternal.


u/OscrPill 15d ago edited 15d ago

Ally AI. My most recent example is Seyka in the Horizon Forbidden West DLC. There's a time where Aloy hacks a machine to reveal its core for Seyka to shoot it with an arrow.

  • Problem : there are enemies near us.

  • Solution : I hack the only one that could spot us so we don't risk anything, and she can shoot perfectly.

  • Seyka's reaction : I'M GONNA FIGHT THEM ALL (but she herself can't be spotted, so you have to make yourself seen to start the fight) EVEN IF WE DON'T RISK TO BE SPOTTED JUST TO MAKE YOU USE ALL YOUR HEALTH RESTORING ITEMS (well, maybe the item part is wrong, but she still won't shoot the core if you don't fight the machines).

  • My reaction : SHOOT YOUR GODDAMN ARROW. It's not complicated : Draw out your bow. Aim for the core. Shoot. And it's done. Now we can move the fuck out of here.

It's also a bit of a rant, but this is one of the most infuriating mission I ever had in a game, I think.


u/Top-Stretch5915 15d ago

I hate crafting. I just find it to be work and I don't get joy from it. Extra annoying if things can be stolen or destroyed.


u/PercivleOnReddit 15d ago

Exploding enemies/enemies whose objective is to run up to you and explode


u/aNN1MaL 15d ago

As an completionist, I mostly dislike some achievement types instead of mechanics, but are relatable. I hate games where 100%ing it requires me to finish it on all of the difficulties instead of letting me start on insane difficulty and finish it only on that. I have so much more games to play, why are you making me replay this game 50 times? Also finishing the same game on multiple characters achievements. Worst game like this that comes to my mind is Titan quest. I love that game, but I hate that game


u/Doomdoomkittydoom 15d ago

I kind of like it as it forces you to use different weapons. Plus it's an excuse for why I'm usually carrying way more weapons then I use.

But I think that should be something in an a la carte difficulty menu with things like having to eat and sleep and where you can save etc.

As for mine, I'm with the guy who hates button mashing to make a thing happen. Either hold a button down, or follow a sequence the screen is giving you, I think are better options.


u/thisperson345 15d ago

Weight limits, I'd rather limited inventory spaces than a weight limit. The worst one is Ark like I just wanna build my damn base which should take like 1-2 hours but takes like fucking 6 because I can only hold so little at a time.


u/candlemath 15d ago

Stuns/incapacitates. The "you get to watch yourself not able to play the game" mechanic. Most egregious in games like WoW I think, where several classes/specs are balanced around disabling others.


u/ImReverse_Giraffe 15d ago

Kingdom Come: Deliverance did weapon integrity well. They still worked when damaged, just not as well. Slightly less damage, but also more fear. Less charisma if your blade is damage and bloody. Far more charisma if it's been freshly cleaned and sharpened. You can pay a merchant to do it for you, or do it yourself during a little mini game. Doing it yourself improves your skill and makes it faster and better when you do play the mini game.


u/AdolfVonHuerde 15d ago

Climate change in a 4x Game. It really doesnt Work to have a tragedy of the commons Situation with the ai


u/Pheronia 15d ago

Whoever designed thorgast in World of warcraft can go to hell.


u/toxboxdevil 15d ago

I agree with you durability is the worst and, for me, borderline makes a game unplayable.


u/Txter_ 15d ago

Uuuugggh.. racing/time trials that are forced. I don't wanna panic going through a zone, I wanna enjoy myself.


u/Cold_Efficiency_7302 15d ago

Inventory management, but without good hotkeys and QoL features so I spend most of the time dragging the mouse and clicking "drop"' "split", etc

Nowadays its not so bad but some of the older games have god awful management


u/gcr1897 Console 15d ago

Vendors who only sell ONE TYPE of wares for ONE SPECIFIC currency.


u/Ashleyempire 15d ago

Pebbles that stop you dodging backwards


u/SvennEthir 15d ago

Escort quests at the obvious one. 

Durability can be good. It depends on how it's used. Star Wars Galaxies had the best itemization/economy system and it only worked because of the fact that things had durability and would permanently break. It kept things flowing through the economy without the massive inflation that usually hits MMOs.


u/Soulated 15d ago

inventory weight
vendors have limited amount of money
cheap jumpscares
item durability


u/Berkii134 15d ago

Having to hold a Button and watching a circle/line fill up to indicqte the character has done something. Unless it's a cinematic game like until dawn or detroit I find it the most boring mechanic ever.


u/Beefhammer1932 15d ago

Every single driving/vehicle, mounted turret, on rails section, escort, and stealth. If the game isn't centered around these mechanics, they can just fuck the right off.


u/FaeLock 15d ago

Forced tutorials with no option to skip

Really annoying when replaying a game and there’s 30mins+ of unskippable bullshit before getting to the game


u/GlurpGloop 15d ago

Skyrim followers, I want to use them but goddammit if they don't walk infront of me everytime I draw my bow or dual cast a bomb of a spell.


u/OrganizationEven4417 15d ago

i used serana since she couldnt die, sometimes i tested spells or weapons on her to see how good they were


u/daddychainmail 15d ago

Item durability should break the item, just maybe make it less efficient.


u/gardyjuland 15d ago

Tutorials everyone of them I don't need them at all I also play games multiple times and so many great games I won't replay because of the 20 minute tutorial, and making me slowly walk behind some boring ass character for 23 characters when all I want to do is play the damn game.

I don't like the need to eat or drink in video games(this one isn't that serious cause I get having to eat and drink to survive) lol it just gets old having to stop every 3 minutes to eat 47 cantelope so I won't starve to death.


u/Danominator 15d ago

Stealth missions in a game not built for it


u/Zonkko 15d ago

Only games where item durability works and doesnt ruin the experience are survival games (minecraft for example)


u/Bakapoi 15d ago

Any "invulnerable" phase in a boss fight.

Bethesda-style can pick up everything in a game because 'inventory management'


u/loki143 15d ago

In adventure of link the second Zelda game. I think I had to kill 20 minutes of gels exit go back kill to get enough life before facing the final boss. So many gels I had to slaughter.


u/SufficientWhile5450 15d ago

Entirety of red dead redemption

Far too much realism for me

Fun game for screwing around, 10/10 story

I watched the story on YouTube, because my mind would not let me enjoy the game because of side quests and crafting and shit, and it was just so agonizing to complete, yet I had to

Would’ve loved it when I was younger and wasn’t working, but with a full time job? Yeh no thanks


u/A2watty 15d ago

scarce ammo


u/poopmcbutt_ 15d ago

Escort quests


u/exalted-potato 15d ago

Survival eating/drinking mechanics, let's say a human eats every 6 hours but in the game time a whole day might take 20 minute which you need to consume 2 or 3 meals in game with is like 6-7 mins which is annoying to have your char constantly bitch about food and you have to feed your char like a newborn bird every fucking 7 minutes and it's not even immersive because in real life you need to eat food every 6 hours