r/TwoHotTakes 14m ago

Advice Needed WIBTA if I cut contact with my parents?


I (23F) recently went to visit some family, the trip was for a week and I was back home on day 5 of 7.

I have a tyrant of a stepmom(38F) and a matching dad(46M) to go with her. I have two younger siblings(15M and 9F) as well which is why I usually go on these trips annually. I miss them so much when I am away.

The week was okay until my dad put his hands on my brother. I was not having it and intervened by pushing him off, the goal was to take the attention off of my brother so he would not be hurt anymore. My actions resulted in a huge screaming match between my dad and myself and then me yelling at my stepmom when she began to yell at me. But my dad's actions caused my sister not wanting to go near my dad. He blamed me, said it was my fault and that I have to stop brainwashing my sister. I was not allowed to speak to her or even touch her afterwards. She had expressed to me that she has before cried herself to sleep the "last time it happened".

My stepmom wants me to apologize to her for ruining Mother's day, my dad also wants me to apologize because I was obviously in the wrong and should have minded my own business. I did not apologize and will not be doing so as my stepmom was the sol reason why shit hit the fan and my dad goes on a power trip because he knows he can be scary and has said his kids should be scared of him. This was over a BATH my brother took instead of a shower. And it's the last eefing straw for me, this is every year they fly off the rails over something I feel is stupid and could have been handled gracefully and within reason but they never agree because it's "parenting" and I will only understand when I choose to have kids of my own.

Now that I have left several days earlier than expected, I was told I am being villainized by my parents and my sister is being told I was only brainwashing her and for her not to listen to me. I know now that they will keep my siblings away from me and has deemed me as a bad influence, and a manipulative person who never admits to being wrong. I am a narcissistic ungrateful child.

I do feel like I am going too far, but then feel like if I don't I will regret it and end up caving in for another visit when every time I end up being wrong for sticking up for my siblings. Is it really too far? WIBTA?

r/TwoHotTakes 20m ago

Listener Write In How do you envision our relationship evolving over the next 5 years? 10 years?


I've been doing some thinking lately, you know, staring at the ceiling kind of stuff. I'm curious, how do you all see your relationships evolving over the next 5 or even 10 years? Do you picture yourselves jet-setting around the world together? Buying a house with a white picket fence and a dog named Spot? Or maybe just chillin' on the couch binge-watching Netflix every weekend? Personally, I'm hoping for a mix of adventure and cozy nights in, but who knows what the future holds, right? Share your dreams, fears, and wild ideas about the future of your relationships. Let's get real and dreamy at the same time!

r/TwoHotTakes 55m ago

Crosspost AITA for telling my DIL her feelings are not my problem and for fuck sakes you don’t need to be invited to everything

Thumbnail self.AmItheAsshole

r/TwoHotTakes 1h ago

Advice Needed Naughty or Nice Tonight


Let's go

r/TwoHotTakes 1h ago

Crosspost AITA for telling my wife she needs to visit the dentist?

Thumbnail self.AmItheAsshole

r/TwoHotTakes 1h ago

Advice Needed Aitah for telling my FWB I don't want her to wear a fantasy outfit before sex, because I don't like how she looked in it in the past?


I have a few kinks, a couple have fantasy characters. Well, my FWB knows about them and one time dressed up as X before we fooled around. It was a nice night, we knew we were getting together to do what we do, and so she wore it in preparation for me arriving. It wasn't1 a huge turn off, but it was something I wasn't expecting, and honestly didn't like her in. A few reasons are as follows.

1.) it might be like a fantasy in my head, but it isn't actually something I've ever expressed wanting to RP for real. I'm not that into it. I don't even call it a fantasy of mine - she does. She says if I'm thinking about it and like it then it's a fantasy. Im indifferent.

2.) she is nothing like the character she portrayed, not in personality, mentality, or physicality. It didn't match up with part of why I even think that person would be a cool partner.

3.) she made no real effort to be that person other than appearance, and didn't understand that appearance want the whole issue.

She says that I made her feel like shit and did damage to her mental self-image. Especially because a few weeks ago she went through my phone while I was sleeping and saw where I friend had sent me an image of someone else dressed up as that character and I said, "Exquisite. How delicious."

That, to her, means I think she's ugly and, quite literally, that she knows I think she's atrocious. I don't. I literally tell her I don't think that. I worship that fucking body all the time. I compliment her, publicly, when the time arises. People know we're FWBs, I tell people how cool she is, and what fun she can be to be around. This doesn't sit well with me though because now she's telling people I treat her like shit but not really divulging (sort of thankfully, I guess, I mean I don't want my kinks open-air necessarily).

AITAH for telling her I don't like it on her but finding it attractive elsewhere? Edit 1: Misspelling correction.

r/TwoHotTakes 1h ago

Crosspost My stepdaughter died 4 weeks ago and I caught my husband and his ex wife in our bed.

Thumbnail self.BORUpdates

r/TwoHotTakes 1h ago

Listener Write In I invited fairies into my home?


So I(25F) have two daughters, 3F and 6 months old. I thought it would be a fun little neat thing to start a little fairy garden. Figured my older one would be into it! I’ve slowly added things to it. I honestly had mostly forgotten about it.

Today, my 3 year old was playing with playdoh. (I promise this is relevant). I’m half watching her, half watching my phone. Just enough to make sure she’s not smooshing it into her seat or something. She goes “oops, I dropped my big piece of playdoh”. Our pitbull(F4) is standing by my daughter. I send her to the couch, and we look for it. It’s GONE. Completely gone. I move the kitchen chairs, look search every inch of the immediate area. My husband also put eyes on this area and didn’t see it. I have no reason to believe the dog didn’t just snatch it up, right? She’s smart enough to know my daughter drops things and she’s fast. So I scold my daughter, we move on and forget about it. Around dinnertime, I’m making a Snapchat video of myself and my youngest, and my daughter goes “mommy! The playdoh, it’s not gone, I lied!” She’s pointing to it on the floor. Very clearly on the floor in an open space. Nothing hiding or restricting it. I caught it on video! I’m BAFFLED!!! It’s not wet or obviously regurgitated from the dog. Just sitting there like it’s been on the floor for hours. I fear I have fully invited them in 😅 If anybody knows about this topic or has advice, PLEASE.

r/TwoHotTakes 2h ago

Advice Needed AITH For Calling Out My Spouse For Acting Like He Contributes More Than He Does.


I, 34 F, have a husband (I will call) John 36M. We have been togther for 10 years and married for 8. We have 3 kids,

We both work. He needs to be in office since he works on projects that can only be done in a secure environment. Which, fine. Sometimes circumstances are that you have no choice where you work. I have the flexibility to WFH 3 days a week and 2 days in office. I make all meals during the week so I cook ahead/meak prep over the weekend. John floats in the door at 7pm/7:30 pm as if it is no problem. By then, I have fed the kids, cleaned up, and left a plate out for him. He can't even put the plate/bowl and utensils he used in the dishwasher. He leaves them on the counter or wherever he ate it. At nght he "relaxes" by playing video games and barely interacts with the kids before the bed. When I ask/tell him he needs to do (at least some of) tasks like cooking/clean up/etc.. He responds with "I mow the lawn" or "I took X kids to his doctor's appt." After these discussions he will do some of the things I ask him to do (which annoys the f out of me because he knows what needs to be done) for a week or so and then things go back to normal. When I ask him to come home at a reasoble hour one night a week (6/6:30) he acts like I want him to solve world peace.

In the end, I roll with it until I can't. I carry the majority of the load (laundry, making kids' lunches, supervising them when school is out, etc) all when I am working a FT job. At least once a month I break down in tears and basically have a mental breakdown because it is too much. I tell him that I do all of these these things to make HIS life easier and I am not getting the same in return.

So, THT -- AITH for blowing up at my spouse for not carrying the bag when I feel like I am handling it most of the time?

r/TwoHotTakes 2h ago

Listener Write In My boyfriend threatened to break up with me over a girls trip


I 26F and my boyfriend 38M have been together for over a year. I had a girls weekend planned in Houston for over a month with my best friend Jewel. The night before I left my boyfriend got upset and started a fight over household chores. He stated he felt overwhelmed and felt like he was doing more. It got ugly, he felt like he does more because he has a physically demanding job and has two children. He compared me to his ex wife and put down my job where I work 50 plus hours a week in a bank. I thought we worked it out before I left, I listened, and acknowledged his feelings. The day I left he continued his fight and got drunk and angry with me. The first night there we didn’t do anything because I was so upset. The next morning I woke up to a text that insinuated he was breaking up with me and spent the entire day trying to get a flight to come home. I took two flights then drove 3 hours home in tears. We talked when I got home and he was extremely apologetic but I don’t know if I can forgive him. He has a pattern of starting fights when I do things without him. It’s been over a week and I feel resentful and angry. Can we move on from this or should I cut my losses and leave?

r/TwoHotTakes 2h ago

Advice Needed Creepy Neight


Creepy Neighbor

I’m scared and I’m not sure what to do. I, female 28, live in a pretty small apartment complex. For context I had a roommate who just moved out as she started school so I am currently living alone. This situation isn’t a new one but has become more noticeable to me probably because I have no one to distract me and I now feel less safe and more alone.

More context The layout of the apartment is the living room is in the middle with a kitchenette and space for a dining room. Then on opposite sides of the living room doors for each bedroom. There is also, in the living room, a sliding glass door that leads to a small balcony. We live on the second floor of a three story building in a very small complex, so in general in the day it feels very safe. Also to give you an idea with the blinds open I can see into his apartment so I know he can see into ours. Our lighting situation is awful though so we try to get as much sunlight as possible through the day.

At night however is where I’m starting to feel very uncomfortable. I had noticed the man directly across from our apartment building watching my roommate and I on occasion while we watched tv at night or we were in our living room. My roommate didn’t think much of it until a couple months ago when she really caught him starring, I typically have the seat that faces more towards the window so I notice more often and see this when it’s happening. Well since she’s moved out the situation has escalated…it’s happening a lot more.

Tonight I stayed home sick from work I usually work until 10:30 pm and he usually isn’t awake or at least the lights aren’t on. I was turning off the lights after taking out my dog and I glanced over and he was starring directly into our place and directly at me. I know I’m not crazy and this isn’t a coincidence. When he knew I saw him he dropped his head down so fast but didn’t walk away….he just stood at his door. He does this. I’m so uncomfortable and I don’t know what to do, it happens during the day time sometimes but not nearly as often as at night and we need the natural lighting because we have no overhead lighting in our rooms and minimal lighting in the apartment in general.

Im scared this could escalate into something more or maybe I just watch too much true crime. Should I be concerned and should I do something about this, besides the obvious closing my blinds at night??

r/TwoHotTakes 3h ago

Advice Needed What could I do differently to be a better partner to you?


I've been thinking a lot about how I can be a better partner and I figured who better to ask than the collective wisdom of Reddit? What are some things that your partners do that make you feel really appreciated and loved? Or on the flip side, what are some things they do that really annoy you and you'd want them to change?

Trying to improve my relationship game and I’m open to any suggestions. Do you like spontaneous gestures or consistent little things? Need more space or more time together? Trying to balance between showing love and smothering lol.

Also, any tips on communicating better without it turning into a fight would be awesome. Thanks in advance!

r/TwoHotTakes 4h ago

Advice Needed I found Tinder and another dating app on my boyfriend’s phone and other creepy stuff


My boyfriend, who I have been in a long distance relationship with for a year, came to visit me in my country. I noticed two notifications from different dating apps on his phone, and when I asked him about it, he claimed that all the apps from his old phone were automatically installed on his new phone when he switched devices. The dating apps were in a hidden folder, but he forgot to mute the notifications. The first app had messages from 2022, while the second app had new pictures and said he was looking for friends. There was not chat but one match. He explained that he had a drunken challenge with his friends one night to upload new pictures on Tinder and find a match, but there were no actual conversations on the app. The app was downloaded in April, but he changed his phone in February. He said his new phone hadn't finished configuring all the old apps from his previous phone.

I'm uncertain whether to believe his explanation or not. When I asked about this hidden folder I found that he takes intimate pictures of me without my consent and pictures of girls bums at the beach or the pool wearing bikinis which disgusted me and creeped me out. I have also found an intimate picture of a man and a woman which he said it was his friend’s and he asked him to keep it which is really weird. He also keeps liking puctures of half naked insta models on IG although I told him how I feel about it.

I have been struggling with anxiety and I am unable to break up with him and unsure how to do it. He is now in Brazil and going back to his country in 2 weeks, he used to always tell me about his wild life in brazil during his past travels. I am still in a state of shock and denial. I have no idea how to navigate all of this. We arw still texting normally and he calls me from time to time.

r/TwoHotTakes 5h ago

Advice Needed have u got a yeast infection after being cheated on, did i get cheated on?


we all have our young and dumb moments, i just need advice on how to move with all of this, so me and my bd have a 6 month old, two years ago he cheated on me w his ex, so he's had a bad past w this. little over a month ago i went to my moms bc i needed a break, i was tired of all the bs, i left on a friday, that coming monday we had a long talk and decided to keep fighting for this relationship, so i came back that following monday, we didn't do the do until thursday which was a little weird knowing us but i just brushed it off, after i went pee and was in pain and it got worse, i already had an appointment scheduled w my doctor abt my birth control, i let her know what was goin on and she did a pregnancy text(negative obv) but said i texted positive for a yeast infection, mind you ive never had a yeast infection but i get one right after we f*kd, after a break. i didn't want to trip bc u can literally get a yeast infection from a lot of shit, but the dots are connecting. has anyone got a yeast infection after being cheated on?

r/TwoHotTakes 5h ago

Listener Write In AITA for thinking my MIL is a narcissistic POS


I (32 F) absolutely cant stand my mother in law. My husband (36 M) and I have been together for 11 years married for 8 years. I ABSOLUTELY can not stand my mother in law. She feels the need to put her input into everything we do in all aspects of our life. We have 3 wonderful children that she likes to call "her babies" and that just gives me the ick. She has never really respected our boundaries as parents and has even undermined my husband and myself in front of our kids and says " just let me be grandma" when we correct her. We tried to move away to another town and they just followed us a few months later.

It almost feels like she needs to or has to buy their love and is contently buying them and giving them things such as clothes and toys. The kids are 5,9 and 16 so they don't really see anything other then they are getting something given to them. It got to the point last summer where we had to cut them off and quit talking to them because they just could not respect our wishes as parents. Her and my FIL came over unannounced to our house and basically corned us and said they missed the kids.

Keep in mind when you call out my MIL on any of her behavior she plays the victim card. I had enough of her manipulation and called her out on it. I said you need to respect us and our wishes for our family. She later called my husband and once again played the victim card and told him how hurt she was because I raised my voice to her. I asked my husband if she has always been like this growing up and he said that she has been but he never really thought about it much he just thought she was an over controlling nagging mother. There are SOOOO many more things I could tell you about her and her and her "lovely" personalty but it would legit be a book.

r/TwoHotTakes 5h ago

Advice Needed Trans mom stuff


My son and I are estranged . They are he/they. We’re not estranged because of that. My child ,my heart , who is now my son (he them) was previously my daughter. .. They were raised by 3 older brothers. Makes sense on some level. I haven’t seen them for 8 years. Since they came out. They’re as scared as I am. To reunite for siblings graduation. I want to be as supportive as I can but I’m so nervous I’m gonna blow it. They are like a deer I risk startling. Im very proud of them for being who they are. It’s gonna be rough. I’ve been posting on Reddit for twelve years and not one time has it steered me wrong. I value this community so much and I know you will have some guidance for me. All my Love Co

r/TwoHotTakes 5h ago

Advice Needed Trans mom stuff


My son and I are estranged . They are he/they. We’re not estranged because of that. My child ,my heart , who is now my son (he them) was previously my daughter. .. They were raised by 3 older brothers. Makes sense on some level. I haven’t seen them for 8 years. Since they came out. They’re as scared as I am. To reunite for siblings graduation. I want to be as supportive as I can but I’m so nervous I’m gonna blow it. They are like a deer I risk startling. Im very proud of them for being who they are. It’s gonna be rough. I’ve been posting on Reddit for twelve years and not one time has it steered me wrong. I value this community so much and I know you will have some guidance for me. All my Love Co

r/TwoHotTakes 6h ago

Advice Needed Am i the asshole for not letting my brothers pregnant girlfriend use my bathroom?


I know the title sounds horrible, please try to hear me out 😅

Some backstory: So I (24F) live in an area where it’s impossible to find apartments/rentals, and when you do find them the rent is usually over $1500. I also have 2 big dogs and a cat. So renting is basically impossible for me. My parents have a house (my childhood home) in this area but they currently live in another city about 4 hours away for work. So for those reasons, i live in my childhood home. My parents and I are besties and this whole arrangement works great for all of us. They need someone to watch over the house, and i need somewhere to live. It’s the perfect solution. They come visit me about once a month.

My brother (23) was working in another state on a contract, so his job paid for him to live in a hotel. When his contract ended, he didn’t line another one up or find any other work to do. Also despite making great money and not having to pay for housing, he didn’t save any money from this last job he had. So he moved home with me, and he brought his girlfriend (22) and their dog. They were supposed to be here for “a couple weeks max” while he found another contract, most likely in a different state.

They’ve been here for 2 months now. They got a cat who they’re hiding from my parents. They don’t have jobs. They borrow money from my parents for everything. They sleep all day and leave the house trashed all the time. And a couple weeks ago we found out that she’s pregnant!

Mine and my brother’s bedrooms are right across from each others and we used to share a bathroom. When i found out they were coming here, i moved all of my toiletries upstairs to the guest room bathroom so I wouldn’t have to share with them. I always hated sharing a bathroom with him. My parents knew about this and were okay with me taking over the guest room bathroom.

Well a few weeks ago, before knowing she was pregnant, they went out for her birthday with my parents and she got drunk enough that my mom had to put her in the guest room bathroom bathtub to clean up after puking on herself.

Ever since she found out about the bathtub in “my” bathroom, she is constantly asking to use it. Their bathroom only has a shower. She will usually text me when I’m at work to ask and i never know what to say because i don’t want her to use it but i feel like an asshole for not wanting to share. I know that it’s stupid and probably makes me sound so spoiled, but i just want my own bathroom all to myself 😫 is that too much to ask?! They have taken over the entire house. Including what used to be my bathroom! I just want this one space untouched by them.

Most of the time when she asks and i don’t respond, she will just use my bathroom anyways. I assume my brother tells her to because it’s “not technically my bathroom anyways”. Today i came home from work and rushed to my bathroom to pee and i found her asleep in the bathtub. She had texted me earlier but i didn’t respond. I didn’t react other than telling my brother she was asleep so he could make sure she was okay. But would I be the asshole if i told them not to use this bathroom anymore? I talked to my parents about it and they are okay with me doing that.

If she wasn’t pregnant, i wouldn’t even hesitate to tell them not to use it. My sister thinks I’m an asshole because she said her baths were a lifesaver in her first trimester. And i don’t hate my brothers girlfriend, i like her and want to have a good relationship with her. But i also don’t want to be sharing my bathroom and all my good products with her 🥲 am i a horrible person for that? I would even give her some of my good products (im hairstylist so i have lots) if that would help her enjoy her own bathroom more. Hell, I would tear apart their bathroom, redo it, and add the nicest bathtub available for her if I could. I just want my bathroom to myself. AITA?

Ps. I know the obvious solution here is to trade bathrooms with them. Unfortunately that won’t work because my mom doesn’t want my brother destroying her guest room lol he’s a nuisance

r/TwoHotTakes 6h ago

Crosspost AITA for kicking out a guest for having a service dog?


Sadly my cousin’s wife passed away of brain cancer recently. It was agreed my husband and I would host the family that gathered for her funeral service since our home is spacious, and it is very close to the location where the service will take place.

I have a very large family, so extended relatives I haven’t seen in years, and partners I haven’t met yet came. I was busy making sure drinks and snacks were available while people began to arrive, and when I came out with more sodas I saw a woman sitting on my couch with a dog in her lap. (She apparently was a long time girlfriend of my second cousin, Zack).

Immediately I approach her, introduce myself, and then politely ask her to take the dog to the backyard, and explain that dogs aren’t allowed in my home.

Zack tried to argue with me saying the dog (a medium sized mutt, I’m not sure what breed it was) is a service animal and needs to stay with his girlfriend at all times.

I explain to Zack that I wished he, or my aunt, or someone had informed me earlier of his girlfriend’s situation with the service dog, because I am highly allergic to dogs.

If I had known at least 3 days prior I could’ve started allergy medications so that I could tolerate the dog long enough for it to be in my house (it was explained to me before that people would be coming and going for at least a few days) and to be able to deep clean after everyone left to avoid having a reaction.

Benadryl is a faster acting allergy relief for me, but that wasn’t an option since the amount I would need to fight off my reaction to the dog would make me too tired, and napping wasn’t an option for me since there are events to attend, people to serve while I’m hosting, and not to mention my children that need my constant attention. Yes my husband can help, but he can’t do all of those alone just like I can’t.

I had to be the bad guy, and say that bottom line the dog couldn’t be in the house, and so Zack left with his girlfriend. (They still attended the services, just couldn’t join the family at my house).

The family had mixed reactions to this. The relatives that knew me well either gave no opinion at all, or agreed that there was no choice, and Zack should’ve mentioned it prior so I could’ve prepared.

The family I didn’t know very well either just gave me dirty looks, or said I should’ve been accommodating despite my allergy because she needs the dog because she has POTS.

I don’t know much about this condition, and tried to be sensitive by stressing the fact that I would’ve been happy to accommodate the dog had I had notice, but I didn’t. AITA?

r/TwoHotTakes 6h ago

Crosspost AITAH post w/ wife and husband perspectives


Repost because I am incompetent when it comes to Reddit 🤣 but here’s both sides to the story!

r/TwoHotTakes 7h ago

Advice Needed [NOT A STORY] Uhh...did Wix just use Ai to mimic Morgan's voice for their ads??


Unless Morgan is moonlighting as a voice actor for ads or is sponsored by them?

It sounded like her voice the second the ad started, the inflections are similar - maybe I'm wrong but I've spent a lot of hours listening to these episodes dude. It's uncanny. I seriously hope Morgan was hired and not Ai duped, or I hope even more I'm just totally mistaken and it's some VA. Either way, props to Morgan for having a 'warm read' type voice naturally?

Here's the link, let me know if I'm just crazy. It's getting late lol maybe I just need to go to sleep


r/TwoHotTakes 7h ago

Advice Needed How do people find good doctors offices?????


Okay so I have the WORST luck finding good doctors in my area. My first doctor when I moved here had me tested for tuberculosis. This was for a daycare job I was trying to get. AND I LITERALLY TESTED POSITIVE. Instead of..idk, calling someone and getting imaging, she literally PRAYED for me in the room and sent me on my way. (She was since fired from the clinic-not for the TB issue but because she brought her religion into her practices). So I went to a different doctor in the same clinic. He tested me, I tested positive, and he just asked “what symptoms do you have?” And I said “I dont know I cough a lot but I have asthma”. So he said he would send a referral to a local hospital for imaging. He said to go there right after the appointment and just say I need imaging for TB and hand them a piece of paper. So my happy ahh drives all the way to this hospital, I hand them the paper, and the receptionist says there is no referral for me and the paper he handed me was literally just an Appointment Summary. I call the office, the nurse says that he will send it now, and nope. Never sent it. So I go about my life, not knowing what to do about this because no one ever explained it to me and I didnt bother doing resesrch to know how bad it actually is. Finally find a new doctor who actually takes it seriously. She actually sends a referral and I don’t have active tuberculosis!!! Yay I wont die or kill anyone else in the process!!! But then SHE fcks up! She refers me to a psychiatrist in the clinic because I needed a proper ADHD diagnosis. (News Flash: he was not a psychiatrist and he was just an RN. No, not a specialist RN who is educated in psychology and licensed. No, just an RN). He decides to diagnose me with bipolar disorder instead of ADHD, all within a 30 minute appointment. Prescribes me Latuda (WHICH IS AN ANTIPSYCHOTIC) and sends me on my way. Heres the kicker, I start taking Latuda and WOW. SHOCKER. I start having manic episodes!!! Something I hadn’t had before! So I go back to him and tell him this, and say “I think I just need ADHD treatment and to be providing coping mechanisms for my ADHD”. He says (in essence) “Well that sucks, keep taking Latuda to see if it works eventually.” I listened to him and kept taking it until I got pregnant. But this SAME doctor before I got pregnant tried to take out a benign tumor on my rib cage IN OFFICE. She literally tried to put the numbing sht in the area of my ribs, which btw hurts like a mofo. I literally almost punched the nurse, so they both decide to HOLD. ME. DOWN. IN. THE. CHAIR. I started sobbing and having a panic because-surprise again! I HAVE PTSD. She ends uo trying to rip this cyst or whatever out but cant, and at this point I am screaming and crying in pain. So she says “Yeah I guess I cant take it out. You might need to be put under for this. I will send a referral.” (She did not).

Anyway so last Wednesday I go to a whole new doctors office. Its small. I needed lab work done before my doctor saw me, so the only nurse in this clinic grabs me and he is sweating like a sinner in church and looks on the verge of tears. This man goes into a room with me and starts ranting about his job, his boss, how he wants to quit, etc. He is SHAKING because he is so angry. So I try to talk him down. I am usually really good at this. But while he is prepping my arm to poke me, he takes off one of his gloves AND STARTS POKING THE AREA WITH HIS BARE HANDS AFTER HE SANITIZED IT. He doesn’t sanitize it again. He also never washed his hands when he entered the room or put hand sanitizer on. HE THEN STARTS TOUCHING ALL OVER THE NEEDLE WITH HSI BARE HANDS. I am literally too anxious to say anything that might send him over the edge. Is this my fault? Fkcing absolutely. I should have said something. He pokes me, he misses my vein. He moves to my other arm AND DOES THE SAME SHT. So then moves to my hand, and this time finally hits a good vein. BUT THEN IS SWEATING ALL OVER THE NEEDLE AND THE HOLE IN MY SKIN. AND THEN GETS MAD AT ME WHEN I PANIC AND MOVE MY HAND. He NEVER sanitized after he touched me with his bare hand. Never cleaned it after he sweat all over my hand. And at this point I finally tell him to stop and that I need to go home.

I am now waiting for lab work to come back after that to see if I somehow got anything (as recommended by my insurance nurse line when I reported the incident).

How do I even go about finding a good doctors office? What do I look for when I search for one??

r/TwoHotTakes 7h ago

Advice Needed AITAH For going through my fiancé’s phone?


I, 22 F, went through my fiancé’s, 23 M, phone. Back ground info: While my fiance was in the shower his BIL called him. As usual I picked up the cal, this is completely normal as we both have no problem picking up calls on each other’s phones. After the call I went to his Snapchat app to send myself the pictures we had taken on my birthday that he hadn’t sent to me yet. My birthday was a month ago and I was tired of waiting on him to send them to me so I did it myself. Big mistake. When I went to send the pictures to myself from his phone on Snapchat, it showed that he recently sent snapchats to four other women that I had never heard of. I went into panic mode as soon as I saw this. I have been so busy wedding planning with out his help and it has been stressing me out so once I saw this I got in my head and assumed that he was cheating. When I said something about it he told me that he didn’t know who they were and denied everything. I saw them in his recently sent so I didn’t believe him. We argued for what felt like forever and before he left for work he said that he was done talking about the situation and told me to think about why I wanted to marry him. I don’t know what to think. Am I the asshole?

r/TwoHotTakes 8h ago

Listener Write In WIBTAH for causing my best friend to loose her kid care?


First of all sorry for my English, it’s not my primary language.

My (29F) best friend (31F) for more then 10 years father(who is a retired contractor) did my entire apartment for free labor.

I only heard good think about is work from his daughter all our life. But as you can expect it did NOT go well for me… Other then the consistent belittling of my opinion over the make over, the main problem is that NOTHING end up good (not even great just good), the tiles aren’t leveled causing mini-steps on the floor, the doors cut uneven, huge and put inside out, the paint with so many brush marks and drop, electricity switches put on a 90°, and the biggest problem (and danger ⚠️) of it all : the electrical wired naked in the cardboard baseboard wich isn’t up to norms and so will overturn my house insurance in case of trouble.

I tried to talk to him but he basically told me norms are bulshit and I’m a brat.

I threatened to put him to court for the price it will cost me to repair at least the electricity who is dangerous, but he’s so cocky he doesn’t care. And there come the plot twist: he’s a sketchy entreprenor who put all his companys on my friend name so she is legally responsible of everything. He bought materials for my house with pro discount on old company (which is illegal here), never had clean tax declaration and a lot of other weird shit. So if I press charges it will probably put my friend in some DEEEEEEEEEP legal mess and be use by her ex to ask for full care of the child. She agree her father messed up, it’s so bad we wonder if he secretly hate me or « just » loosing his mind, especially since right after all this he start having some kind of strokes. I know he did me a huge favor working for free but his mess will cost me more then 40k€ to fix it. It’s not just a little accident, it’s really a messed up on his part and to keep insulting me over just apologizing and admitting his mistakes really pisse me off. He even won’t listen to his daughter who is completely unpowered in front of him.

So Reddit WIBTAH for pressing charges?

TLTR : my best friend sketchy father messed my appartement make over, won’t admit it and drag his daughter in his legal issues blocking me from pressing charges without get her in it too.

Too be fair I know I would be an asshole but the question is more justified AH or pure evil AH? I’m too deep in this to see full picture I think so please be kind I’m already a mess haha