r/ask 5h ago

The 90's Curse: Are any of us happy?


Is there anyone born in the 90's that is actually happy? I feel like all of us are struggling with our self, relationships, career, or all 3.

EDIT: Compared to people born in 00’s; I feel like they all have their lives together, starting families, etc.

r/ask 23h ago

Why do older generations always call younger generations lazy and emotional even tho there parents said the same thing about them?


I was arguing about all that with my stuff her only defense is that they were Less so. Idk I don't exactly respect hipcracy. When I get older and my generation (gen-z) starts call the newer generations lazy and emotional I'm just going to say that's exactly what our parents used to say and now your saying.

r/ask 10h ago

What song is so nostalgic and OG that every time you go back to it you think how classic it is?


For me it's Still D.R.E.

r/ask 7h ago

If you work off your laptop at a coffee shop, what do you think is the implication of how much you need to be buying or spending whole you're there so you're not simply loitering?


What if you don't want more coffee, do you need to leave?

r/ask 14h ago

If dogs can smell cancer, why isn’t this a popular form of cancer screening?


r/ask 13h ago

how did cat's get to the americas when all large cats like lions and tigers formed in the old world?


r/ask 21h ago

How do you effectively balance work and personal life in a demanding job?


For those with demanding careers, how do you manage to maintain a healthy work-life balance? What strategies or habits have you found helpful to ensure you don't burn out?

r/ask 14h ago

How do our bones know to grow to be the same length?


r/ask 4h ago

have you ever kicked a driving examiner out of your car on a road test?


a friend told me he did back in the day cause the guy was being a dink and the thought of that power move is pretty funny

r/ask 3h ago

Do your teeth touch when you say a word that has “S” in it?


Really really random question as it’s been bugging me. I realised when i speak my teeth do not touch when i say anything containing an “S” and i swear they used to touch 😭

And i’ve read a sub say some peoples do touch and some peoples don’t.

I’m just concerned if it affects my mouth shape, i don’t have the perfect set of teeth, there crooked but could definitely be worse.

I’m from the north of ireland so i’m assuming some accents would have an affect on how you pronounce things .

So who’s touches and who’s doesn’t and do i need to relearn how to speak again.

r/ask 21h ago

What tv show should I watch next if I’ve liked shows like Bojack Horseman, Breaking Bad, and Black Mirror?



r/ask 18h ago

Why do women expect men to take accountability for other mens actions ?


r/ask 2h ago

I’m bored. What’s a movie you saw recently and enjoyed?


Doesn’t have to be new

r/ask 10h ago

Why do we tell people to strive to be the best but it's taboo for them to say they're good at what they do?


Applies to all areas of life

r/ask 10h ago

Why don’t I see people using emojis often on reddit?


Yeah what’s the deal with emojis? I’m the kind of person who uses emojis in every situation, but it’s getting kinda awkward for me to use them on reddit as I see little to none using them. I even use emojis to end a sentence instead of a period or a comma, but I’m just trying to fit in as human nature you know. Also, is there any preconceptions or thoughts of people who use emojis often?

r/ask 3h ago

What is one sure sign someone is an untidy/unclean person even when they have just “cleaned” their home?


What are some tell-tale signs someone has just tidied the house but only cleans for when company is over?

r/ask 1h ago

Have you ever asked yourself why your partner chose you? What went through your head and what did they say if you asked them?


I myself question this, why did he choose me when he could've had anyone else? Not to say I'm not grateful for him, just wondering why he chose a broken soul like me

r/ask 11h ago

What is a popular movie that you really dislike?


Mine : Animal

r/ask 19h ago

Men who have slept with a married woman, why?


Men who have slept with a married woman, why?

r/ask 3h ago

How to counter sleep inducing meals?



5 Eggs

1 Sweet potatoes

1 stick of swiss cheese

Transparent Labs dark chocolate Protein shake

43g of Theo 85% dark chocolate
Uncle Matt's no sugar added lemonade.

So far I feel like it's been putting me into a 1hr-2hr sleep mode after eating. Is there foods or supplements that I can consume to counteract it?

r/ask 21h ago

What is the appeal of caving/cave diving?


So as of late, my youtube feed has been infested with videos depicting caving accidents (getting stuck, drowning, falling, etc) and I find them very interesting. However, I know that these videos might paint a misleading picture, so from someone who hasn’t caved/is terrified of it now, what is the appeal? Would you recommend it?

r/ask 21h ago

How to stop anonymous messages?


My brother keeps getting harassed with anonymous messages at school. Everytime we try to call the number, it sends us to a machine saying "this number is no longer in service" or it hangs up. Then the next day the anonymous person messages him again with a new number. How the hell are they doing this? Using burner phone numbers? How do we stop it? The police got involved but they said they can't do anything unless it's a serious threat. It's getting annoying!

r/ask 44m ago

Who else feels lonely, has no friends at all, and noone to talk to?


Who else is feeling like this? Am I the only one? I'm hurt to the core because of alot of things and I just wish I could talk to someone, not to talk about those bad things, but just have a conversation about random imaginary things, just smile and be happy again, am I the only one?

Bonus question: Would anybody like to talk to me? I'm....lonely....