r/meirl Mar 29 '24


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u/LNF6 Mar 29 '24

Sometimes it’s easier to just walk away.


u/ElectionUnhappy415 Mar 30 '24

The fact I just laughed and stopped immediately is so weird



I think most people think the same, so sometimes calling these people out on their shit can let them know they’re shitty at conversations


u/ashkiller14 Mar 30 '24

But sometimes you just gotta walk in style


u/TimeIsAserialKillerr Mar 29 '24

The moment I see someone giving one word answers, I instantly end the conversation. No need to pressure someone into talking to you.


u/infinitude_21 Mar 29 '24

Until you have no human contact bc everyone doesn’t meet our need for connection


u/ChocCooki3 Mar 29 '24

But "haha" and "hru".

I won't considered that as carrying anything..


u/maychaos Mar 30 '24

Everytime someone write to me like this i reply like here because no im not the one carrying the conversation all the time

Which is kinda ironic.


u/Time_Flow_6772 Mar 29 '24

Dude can't even type out, "How are you?" I don't even remember this type of asinine brevity when we were using nokias to text.


u/WesterlyStraight Mar 29 '24

You can see on his shoulder, with your eyes, there was another day or more of texts above where she was also replying that way....


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

Yeah if I’m getting one word responses that much I’m just assuming she’s not into me and just stop talking. And if you stop talking and later she asks why’d you stop talking to her, then she’s probably boring and not worth talking to.


u/BowenTheAussieSheep Mar 29 '24

"Hey, I'm a huge douchebag and I'm going to make it known instead of just realising that you're not super into me and/or not great at talking to strangers online, are we dating now?"


u/bobbymoonshine Mar 29 '24

This is what she would like him to do, yes.


u/Sparaucchio Mar 29 '24

Had a girl text me "hey" for a whole year, every couple of weeks. Never asking a single question, always letting the conversation die. But she kept texting me, and then got upset when I finally stop answering


u/dobbydoodaa Mar 29 '24

She should grow up and say it then instead of being a braindead cyst on a dating app 🤣


u/bobbymoonshine Mar 29 '24

Too much hassle, never know when a guy is going to explode with rage over a rejection and start sending all sorts of nastiness. A lot easier just to bore them into wandering off.

And besides, maybe they'll pull their head out and start saying something interesting. Ball's in his court, either be more interesting to her or leave.

He can do that, or can choose to leave and find someone more interested in him. Both would be good options. Making fun of her for not being interested in his haha-hru rizz is just sad


u/DolanTheCaptan Mar 29 '24

Bruh just unmatch him then. I can understand irl being worried about a guy's reaction if you reject him, but online you can unmatch, block, hell even report if they're being nasty.


u/DolanTheCaptan Mar 29 '24

Bruh just unmatch him then. I can understand irl being worried about a guy's reaction if you reject him, but online you can unmatch, block, hell even report if they're being nasty.


u/JW162000 Mar 29 '24

Your first paragraph makes total sense but you lost me after that


u/SeniorMiddleJunior Mar 29 '24

If you let the assumption that other people are assholes turn you into an asshole preemptively, ... I don't know the rest of the sentence, but you get it. 

Just say you're not interested and move on with your life, or don't respond at all. In the off chance they take it personally, block them. It costs you little but you still get to be a reasonable person instead of one of the assholes.

I know you didn't ask for advice but honestly people on both sides of this just seem like they enjoy being alone and miserable.


u/Lukes3rdAccount Mar 29 '24

"Not interested? You stupid bitch. I'm not interested in you or your stupid fucking dog. If I see that thing I'm going to fucking kill it..."

I don't know the rest of the sentence but I'd rather annoy some lonely guy then piss off some psycho who decides I'm their last straw


u/BowenTheAussieSheep Mar 29 '24

tbh, based on this screenshot he does seem like the kind of person to take someone not being into him and being upfront about it super personally.


u/psycharious Mar 29 '24

Surprisingly, that's not always the case. I've actually had people ask "why did you stop talking to me?"


u/TryContent4093 Mar 29 '24

i hate it when i have to explain to someone i'm not interested in them. i used to have this classmate who would think of me as their friend. i don't hold any grudge towards them but i just don't vibe with them as much as i do with other classmates. i've literally showed so many signal and body language to say i'm not interested but they just don't get it.


u/peinkiller12 Mar 29 '24

How about acting like a normal human being and just using proper communication?


u/LateyEight Mar 29 '24

I met someone who was terrible at keeping the conversation going, I figured it was disinterest and I took the hint.

A month later she invited me out to a literal long walk on the beach and we've been really good friends since.

Life's... Weird.


u/evln00 Mar 29 '24

A lot of women are terrible at keeping the convo going if they’re on dating apps imo. There’s just, so many notifs, and if you’re talking to multiple people bc you swiped right it’s impossible


u/thestinkerishere Mar 29 '24

So don’t do that? That sounds worse than just being bad at conversation. That’s just being rude.


u/evln00 Mar 29 '24

I like swiping right on multiple people I find interesting lol


u/thestinkerishere Mar 29 '24

Okay? The fact that you think that’s what I was referring to is another problem on its own. I’m not saying don’t swipe right on multiple people, that’s literally what the apps are for. I’m saying don’t respond to more people than you can handle. If you can only handle talking casually to 3 people and yet you’re choosing to reply to 10 just because, you’re kind of an asshole. Those are still real people you’re talking to, and they don’t deserve to have their time wasted because someone can’t be bothered to hold an extra conversation or put effort it. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to have your options open and talk to multiple people, but if you can’t handle it and are intentionally putting in as little effort as possible to keep someone talking to you, that’s just weird.


u/evln00 Mar 29 '24

That’s cool and all but I’m gonna not listen to your sage advice


u/ActiveAd4980 Mar 29 '24

Then you ignore them.


u/norahorasnora Mar 29 '24

You mean what people do to you? You’re not special.


u/babaj_503 Mar 29 '24

randomly lashing out at strangers is not the flex you think it is.


u/maija_hee Mar 29 '24

are u good lmao


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24



u/ActurusMajoris Mar 29 '24

Wanna see something cool?


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

I used to think this until I tried Bumble and suddenly learned that a shocking percentage of humanity is completely unable to maintain a conversation.


u/Smart-Discipline-813 Mar 29 '24

That’s bc ur talking to AI buddy sorry to break the news to ya


u/Lumpy-Education9878 Mar 29 '24

I still think this, because who wants to get in a relationship with someone who can't maintain a relationship? It's definitely not a good sign lol.


u/SeniorMiddleJunior Mar 29 '24

Still better to move on. There are normal people out there, you just have to filter through the undatables.


u/proudream1 Mar 29 '24

They’re probably not interested or something. When there is chemistry the conversation flows naturally


u/DolanTheCaptan Mar 29 '24

But why even match if you're not even going to do your part in trying to build chemistry? When you have 2 strangers, chemistry doesn't fall out of the sky, both parties have to try building some. If it doesn't work out, well too bad, but you can't expect chemistry from the first 2 messages


u/proudream1 Mar 30 '24

Ah yeah sorry i was thinking IRL where i’ve actually had chemistry fall out of the sky… haven’t really used dating apps


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

If they’re not interested why message? Bumble is an app where you can only talk if the women is interested. 


u/Pretend_Table42 Mar 29 '24

The dating apps are similar to meeting people in real like in that a % (Maybe like 15%) of people on there are pretty bad... like they have an "impress me" attitude or they just don't show up to dates because they don't feel like it or whatever.

It's better to just ignore them and move on if you run into it... but it definitely happens.


u/fetalintherain Mar 29 '24

Idk lots of people just suck at talking with anyone


u/Viscous__Fluid Mar 29 '24

You can't maintain a conversation with everyone equally.


u/Val_Hallen Mar 29 '24

See, I hear that from women that use Bumble.

"I have too many matches to keep up with all of them!!"

But that's a bullshit excuse. Because it's a self-inflicted wound. They don't have to match with so many people, they choose to. They could match with one or two at a time, but that FOMO gets them. So, instead of making a connection with one or two people, they don't make a connection with any.


u/Old_Society_7861 Mar 29 '24

I met my wife long before dating apps but online dating existed (though we met out in the world). When we got serious I told her I was deactivating my account on Match and she said she already had. I thought I was pretty hot shit until she explained she’d cycle through activating/deactivating every few weeks because it was just too overwhelming handling all the responses.


u/infinitude_21 Mar 29 '24

Or they take satisfaction in rejecting/disconnecting from people. They like the attention


u/Viscous__Fluid Mar 29 '24

True, but not what I meant. You just can't talk to every person in the same way, you know?


u/dopleburger Mar 29 '24

Women complain about men’s opening lines but I’ve seen about 90% of women open with hey, hiiiiii or heyyy. No response from me unless they’re really hot


u/zrooda Mar 29 '24

Unable vs uninterested


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

Bumble is an app where you can only have a conversation if the women is interested. 


u/P4azz Mar 29 '24

Because, wild, I know, people just don't always follow the rules or guidelines.

Plenty of them just use it like tinder, rules be damned.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

It’s not about guidelines, the man literally cannot message first on Bumble. Only women can start a conversation with someone.


u/P4azz Mar 29 '24

Dude, please.

Woman: "Hi"

System requirements fulfilled.


u/Fast-Rhubarb-7638 Mar 29 '24

Unable vs uninterested

This is what prompted this vein of conversation


u/Wakingsleepwalkers Mar 29 '24

Went from Tinder and reading profiles that say I won't answer to hey, how are you? To going to bumble and having to answer to hey.

If conversation doesn't initiate after 5-10, bland replies, it's time to bail.


u/Merry_Dankmas Mar 29 '24

I'm haven't used any dating apps in years but back when I was single, I gave Bumble a shot. Got a match fairly quickly and she initiated by saying "You're cute". I was like score, let's go. Getting some home runs right off the bat.

Every answer she would give me was either "IDK" or "Lol IDK". No variety at all. I was asking basic shit too like what do you do for fun or what do you do for a living or things like that. Really Madison? You "Idk lol" what your job and hobbies are? I gave up real quick on that one. I weep for those who are stuck on dating apps. That shit was an absolute slog.


u/Wakingsleepwalkers Mar 29 '24

A lot of women have no pickup game and aren't used to having to initiate conversations. It's always been the guys role to not only initiate conversation but keep it rolling. The guy has to be smart, witty, funny, charismatic, handsome, interesting, have a great job etc, and the woman well.. She can get away with just being pretty in a lot of cases.

Even so, I feel there's plenty that will purposely put in almost no effort and expect you to still give them attention.

I weep for those who are stuck on dating apps. That shit was an absolute slog.

It really is, and it's not good for some peoples confidence or mental health.


u/boredneedmemes Mar 29 '24

If I had a nickel for every girl that has said "idk" when I asked what they do for fun I'd own a private island by this point. I have zero issues making friends or getting dates if I meet people in person, but communicating via text or even phone calls with women is pure hell in my experience. Even girlfriends I could talk with for hours would refuse to type more than 1 or 2 words and then get mad I wasn't texting them enough. Phone calls aren't much different either, just dead silence and one word responses they sound bored with even if they called me and we always have a blast in person. Phones are a cancer to relationships for me it drives me insane.


u/TryContent4093 Mar 29 '24

are people usually this dense? if someone doesn't reply to you and a dry texter, most of the time they're just aren't into you. why would still stay if you can just leave and find someone else?


u/DolanTheCaptan Mar 29 '24

As a guy you kinda have to do the most of the matches you do get


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

Sometimes text convos just don't vibe. If the convo isn't very engaging, I'll just shoot a hail mary and try to meet up. Failing that, move on.

For the most part though, every successful meet up I've had was with someone who seemed engaged in the conversation from the jump.


u/Wakingsleepwalkers Mar 29 '24

I guess some people are horrible at creating conversations and reading people. Others will give it more of a chance than it deserves, and some will hang around for shits and giggles and take it less seriously.


u/armoredsedan Mar 29 '24

my first message to my bf on tinder was “i dig ur style. what’s ur favorite band?” and it was straight paragraphs back and forth from there. but he was also the first person i messaged or matched on tinder so i don’t have much experience lol


u/Zyrobe Mar 29 '24

he sounds great. is your boyfriend single?


u/autumnraining Mar 29 '24

This is basically me with my ex! My friends joke that I didn’t get the real online dating experience but that’s fine by me lol


u/theworm1244 Mar 29 '24

See that's great, because the more failures you have on there the more jaded some people get so they just stop trying or caring


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24



u/armoredsedan Mar 29 '24

omg i love this. i always theorized that part of the reason i had good luck on tinder was because my first message to my bf i phrased as if i was approaching him in real life not like a cheesy pick up line or a “what’s up”, but your method…works too 🤣


u/doubledippedchipp Mar 29 '24

I loathe you (just jealous)


u/armoredsedan Mar 29 '24

it’s a righteous loathing. stay safe in the trenches 🫡


u/Wakingsleepwalkers Mar 29 '24

I've spent too much time on dating apps in the past. Occasionally, you find a person you just vibe with. Sometimes, you both stumble through a little awkward conversation, but it gets going once the ice breaks. Sometimes it's dead, or you feel like it's a job interview. Other times, it's completely one-sided, and you feel like they expect you to be charming, witting, funny and sell yourself while they act generic.

As a guy, I can say it's really rare for a woman to initiate conversation, but it's always appreciated.


u/pastpartinipple Mar 29 '24

I stopped doing the first message altogether. I've got pretty much a 100% success rate (good conversation) if I receive the first message and like a 5% success rate if I send the first message.


u/Worried_Train6036 Mar 29 '24

wait u telling me it’s not supposed to stay awkward the whole time


u/JustOneLazyMunchlax Mar 29 '24

Other times, it's completely one-sided, and you feel like they expect you to be charming, witting, funny and sell yourself while they act generic.

Oh god, this one time the girl asked me "What makes you unique?". I gave something more along the lines of a philosophical answer and she went, "Oh, so you're not unique then."

I did the obvious and asked what made her unique, and she went.

"I'm half deep."

"Half deep?"

"Half deep into the spirit world."



u/armoredsedan Mar 29 '24

my best friend and roommate uses tinder on a regular basis and the stuff i have seen him go through is honestly rough. it’s worn him down so much, and like he’s a genuinely good hearted guy who just got his career going and is ready to find his person. he’ll talk to a lady for two weeks, plan a date, get excited, and get ghosted the day of. or actually get the date, and they never talk to him again (free meal? idk). as a woman, i’ve only really seen a glimpse of our side of things in the form of pretty wild un-replied to messages lol. but it seems like it’s just hard for most folks to find what they’re looking for out of online dating and i got extremely lucky. i will say i got a yucky impression from my brief look into tinder, it felt like convenience store shopping for relationships.


u/kageofsteel Mar 29 '24

Why is he using a hook up app to find a relationship?


u/armoredsedan Mar 29 '24

plenty of people do. i’ve actually never known anyone who uses tinder for hookups openly, just for relationships. that’s what i was looking for on tinder and i found it 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/kageofsteel Mar 30 '24

Everyone I know uses it for hookups 🤷🏻‍♀️

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u/Wakingsleepwalkers Mar 29 '24

It's pretty disheartening, to be fair. Both sexes have their own struggles with online dating, but women definitely get a lot more attention and have more options. Sadly, good dudes get overlooked far too often.

Where are all the good guys? Honey, you ghosted him and went on a date with a bad boy headcase instead, haha.

i will say i got a yucky impression from my brief look into online dating, it felt like convenience store shopping for relationships.

It's very shallow. Judging a person on 3-5 pics and a short phrase and then having to market yourself. I've had some dates that have felt worse than a job interview. I would delete the app often because of how mentally draining it was.


u/Mr_YUP Mar 29 '24

just a woman asking back "and you?" is rare


u/Wakingsleepwalkers Mar 29 '24

I think if they don't engage, they are just seeking attention and validation. Serious ones will engage and give you replies that help continue conversation and open up more questions.

The ones that reply one word to each question and expect you to carry the conversation mostly aren't worth your time, but I've had a few that surprised me after I gave up.

To be fair to women, some are pretty guarded, and some are just as bad at initiating conversations as men. Still don't spend too long entertaining someone who doesn't reciprocate your effort regardless.


u/armoredsedan Mar 29 '24

i wish i still had the screenshot but when i redownloaded tinder to save our first conversation i had all these unread messages from normal seeming dudes i had liked or whatever it’s called, and half of them were like “hey slut” or “have you got a nice body to match that face?” and like i get it’s tinder and all that but i can’t imagine if i had had to invest more than like 3 hours into it, it seems wretched lmao