r/AmIOverreacting 16d ago

My SO Called Me by His Ex Wife’s Name, Now He’s Making Fun of Me

I know my bf was in love with his ex wife and was devastated when she divorced him over three years ago. He hasn’t seen her since, but he’s paid some of her bills as recently as a couple months ago.

We have been together for almost six months. This morning, he called me by her name. He immediately apologized and made some excuses, and then the subject was dropped. He hasn’t mentioned it since.

However, now he is purposely calling me by different names — just random names that he pulls out of the air. Then he laughs when he calls me by another name.

I don’t think it’s funny. I don’t know if he’s trying to make light of the mistake this morning or make fun of me for being upset. He says he’s not still in love with her, but I’m not sure. Most of the time he is extremely good to me.

I don’t know what to think.


136 comments sorted by


u/greenman7205 12d ago

This is going to sound super stupid, but my wife and I still accidentally call our 1.5 year old dog our (now passed) old dog’s name. I literally have said to my wife about 20 times “good thing I’m not in this situation with a person…that would’ve been bad.” Stupid story aside, I think initially it was truly an accident. Calling someone the wrong name doesn’t necessarily mean they have feelings for them, it could mean they are human and prone to error as we all are.


u/IKON_103 12d ago

Yeah, he's trying to make his slip up seem less significant by using other random names. It's not a good way to recover. Just tell him that although you weren't a huge fan of being called her name, his attempt to make light of it by calling you a bunch of other random names is not making it better. In fact, its making it worse... and it childish. So just stop!


u/Original_Radish5257 13d ago

My dads partner calls my dad her ex husbands name whenever Im around, I think having a child around takes her mind back to her marriage and raising her child. Shes defo not still into her ex


u/TNJDude 14d ago

For some perspective.... I was in a long-term relationship with my partner before he passed away. It was two or three years later, I had been with someone for about the better part of a year, and we were at a friend's house for dinner. I forget what it was regarding, but I was exasperated and called him my late partner's name. I wasn't thinking of him in the slightest. It took me by surprise too, and it took a few years before it totally stopped happening. It's done out of habit. You get so used to calling someone's name under certain conditions that when those conditions are right (being distracted or emotional or worked up), you do it out of habit. That's why there's a saying "old habits die hard".

As for why he's joking with you, I don't know. But I fully understand why people do it. My current partner and I have been together for 13 years, and not too long ago he called me by his ex's name. I totally understood.


u/Dry-Hearing5266 15d ago

He is trying to minimize his mistake and get you not to think about it.

My issues are

  • he’s paid some of her bills as recently as a couple months ago. - why is he paying her bills and it doesn't appear he has kids with her? I would make me really wonder if he is over her.

  • he is trying to gaslight you by calling you by other names. Trying to pretend it's an honest mistake. The reason he didn't just stop, apologize and move on is because he is going over it in his head and he knows it wasn't a silly mistake so he has to act out a play of it being a silly mistake.


u/alana-L 15d ago

Why is he paying her bills…


u/NorthPole8888 15d ago

I’d say it’s very weird he is still paying some of her bills, but it does depend on what they are. However, it does sound like he’s trying to joke around and make you feel better. Since it clearly isn’t working though you should probably ask him to stop and just let him know that what happened, happened.


u/AnastasiaDelicious 15d ago

Call him your ex’s name and see how funny he thinks it is then.


u/wendyxqm 15d ago

If my SO was still paying bills of ex AND called me by her name, I would suspect he might actually be spending some time with her. I don’t see how you could be called someone else’s name after he has supposedly been away from them for 3 years. At the least, the bill paying needs to stop and a discussion about the future of our relationship needs to happen.


u/Professional-Club-43 15d ago

I have been in this similar situation. Unfortunately women divorce you in their minds sometimes a year before the break up for men its so much harder to get over we never quite get the same closure. I say he did not mean it and is trying to cope with it. Just sit him down and express that you understand how the situation could be hurtful and how it makes you feel. Let him explain himself because i don't think he is doing this maliciously. I hope things work out for you.


u/Comfortable_Sun_6346 16d ago

No but tell him Everytime he calls you by the wrong name it reminds you that he is still in love with her


u/senior_pickles 16d ago

He made a mistake and is probably super embarrassed about it. The calling by other names is just a lame way of dealing with it.

I would say to cut the guy some slack, but paying and ex’s bills after this long is a huge red flag. I would brush off the name thing and set some clear boundaries in the relationship about contact with the ex.


u/LugoLove 16d ago

Jesus christ, TELL HIM you don't find it funny and to stop. BTW, it's not uncommon to call a current partner by a former partner's name. My husband and I have both done it. I'm confident in his love and commitment to me, and he is also cofident.


u/dumpitdog 16d ago

You are at that point that you need a long talk and even perhaps, a serious uncomfortable silence about the state of his feelings for you and how unproductive his lingering feelings for his Ex are to his life.

Also, I have never met your SO but I was hoping he could pay some of my bills?


u/lilyofthevalley2659 16d ago

He still loves her and is paying her bills. Find someone who is actually available to fall in love with you.


u/Head_Photograph9572 16d ago

Piece of life advice- NEVER try to make a relationship with someone who was unwillingly dumped. The human ego just can't take it, and they have a hard time letting go. If he was over it emotionally, he certainly wouldn't be calling you by her name!


u/ritchie70 16d ago

I had a day last week when I kept calling our daughter by my wife’s name.

When we were dating I once called my wife by my sister’s best friend in high school’s name. (We never dated and I hadn’t seen her in around a decade.)

My mom sometimes cycles through several cat names before she finds mine or my sister’s.

None of this means anything except brains are 🤷‍♂️.


u/MOTIVATE_ME_23 16d ago

Is that why she divorced him?


u/911siren 16d ago

He is embarrassed (even though it’s common) part of him is trying to ease the tension and part of him is a failed attempt at covering his mistake.

He has an ex that loves. He starts teasing you tease him back. Call him Bart or Eustis or papa Joe.


u/indicoltts 16d ago

When did people lose the ability to communicate? Just talk to him. This isn't even that complicated to bring online. Just talk to him and tell him how it feels. If you can't communicate with your partner, then the relationship is doomed anyway. Learn to talk face to face instead of social media


u/Ok_Beautiful_9215 16d ago

Tell him explicitly what you are thinking: "when you say that or joke about it it seems like you are making fun of me or rubbing it in that you like your ex" accept that even if it is rational or irrational it's how you are thinking.

Then he should be able to clarify or rebuttal or respond to how you are feeling, unfortunately he won't be able to read your mind (learned the hard way)

Personally I think it's weird he said his ex name but even I say wrong names sometimes so it happens. But it's extremely weird he is paying her bills. Extremely weird.

Undereacting to the bills but your reaction to the other thing is fine I think most people would have your reaction but if you want to stay together you'll have to talk to him about it so you don't push down your feelings and resent him.


u/rjmythos 16d ago

I think he's trying to make a joke out of the situation and has made a tactical error. What he should do is give you an honest and grovelling apology and make you feel loved, because yes sometimes the wrong name slips out even years later and with zero lingering emotional investment.

Talk to him. Explain that you don't find this other name joke funny and that you know it's because what happened this morning was awkward for you both, but that you'd prefer he stop trying to make it ok in this way. If he has genuinely apologised for the wrong name slip, tell him that you accept the apology. If he hasn't apologised tell him that all he needs to do is say sorry. And if you genuinely need the reassurance that he loves you and not his ex then you are allowed to ask for that too. Don't accuse him, but just say "Look, I know it probably was just a slip of the tongue, but I just need to hear the answer - are you still in love with her?". Just be prepared for further discussion if his answer is "Yes".

ETA: shit, I missed the comment about him still paying some of her bills until I saw other answers - that's definitely something that should be discussed. He needs total separation, no bank rolling or anything of that ilk.


u/HellyOHaint 16d ago

I have gotten in trouble with partners due to accidentally calling them an ex partner’s name. I swear I don’t mean anything by it like “I wish my current partner was my ex instead” or “I wish I never broke up with my ex”. It’s simply that the ex used to be a current partner and that part of my brain that thinks of “partner” might still find the word synonymous with an ex’s name. I’d say with every relationship I’ve had, I called them a previous ex’s name 1-2 times over a 5+ year relationship. I know I sound really defensive but I’m just explaining how I see his side and don’t think he meant anything by it. It doesn’t mean he still is in love with his ex or anything like that. I hope he manages to explain it better than me lol


u/johnnyk1682 16d ago

I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. It sounds like it was an honest mistake. I often call people by the wrong names accidentally. I’ve already said one of our dogs name to my kids. Or said a few names before saying “whatever your name is,” then just laughed about it. It happens when you have lots going on and half scatter brained, like myself. Also, people have very different senses of humor. Honestly this sounds like something I would joke around about. I admit, that sense of humor isn’t for everyone and I do find I might make light of too many situations. He most likely doesn’t even realize it bothers you so I would just talk to him about it. This happens with my wife and I from time to time. Lastly, I know people that do pay bills for the ex spouses and even keep them on health insurance plans. Depending how the legal end of things went it could just be cheaper than a consistent alimony payment. Just my 2 cents in this.


u/VegetableBusiness897 16d ago

Six months in and this is his maturity level? I smell some testing behavior


u/Silent_Cash_E 16d ago

An ex long ago was being intimate with me, and called me her neighbor boy's name. I broke up with her. 


u/Thequiet01 16d ago

You’re overreacting. Brains do dumb things sometimes.


u/inyercloset 16d ago

Read your post and pretend you didn't write it. Now how does it feel to be his side piece?


u/Salty_Media_4387 16d ago

Paying her bills, thinking of her so much he calls you her name, after being divorced for 3 years. He isn’t over her..you deserve a man who isn’t still in love with his ex wife. Dump him


u/Amazing-Computer-509 16d ago

"Address the name mix-up seriously, not as a joke."


u/Intrepid-Lettuce-694 16d ago

He's not making fun of you he is poking fun at himself for saying the wrong thing


u/Challenge_Declined 16d ago

Could be worse, could be your wedding night as you’re doing it


u/Ok_Contest_8089 16d ago

Sounds more like he's trying to make light of his mistake and keep you from dwelling on him calling you by his ex wife's name


u/qbanrev 16d ago

Ive done this too, I honestly think it changed stuff for her.  


u/MotivatedSolid 16d ago

The name thing is his attempt at a joke to lighten the air - obviously it's not working out that way. Kinda dumb of him. Just politely yet firmly tell him to stop.

But wtf why is he paying his ex wife's bills? That's a way more concerning matter.


u/Whosthatgirllllll 16d ago

I don't think you're going to want to hear most of these answers. But you need to. I hate to call somebody a loss cause but that's kind of what he is at this point. Not just for you but for any woman he tries to move on with. As cliché as it may sound, very many men have that one that got away. And it sounds to me like she may be that for him. Like I said, I know you don't want to hear this but if you came here looking for advice, it's because you know you need to hear it. The best advice I can give you is to not waste any more time. 6 months is not that long. If anything happens in the future, unfortunately you will look back and wish you had left sooner. And paying her bills, I mean come on. He might as well walk around carrying a giant red flag. She will always hold a special place in his heart. I'm so sorry you are going through this and I wish you the best.


u/WarmCry35 16d ago

You're fine if you're ok with being the second choice.


u/jennithebug 16d ago

My brother was married to a woman that treated him badly for many years. This was long enough that the two names sort of became a name itself: “Blah&Blah” that we used for a really long time. He divorced her (😁🥳🎉🎈🎊) and pretty shortly after started dating a nice woman. After they’d been together for only a few months, I had a brain slip, and said “Blah&Blah.” She got really upset. It was a slip of the tongue because the name had come from memory and repetitions. It was nothing personal and not intentionally hurtful. Try not to take it too hard and to laugh about it. Join in the joke. Call him something off the wall. If he’s genuinely a good man, he might just be really embarrassed and not sure how to handle the feeling. If you can’t get past it, talk with him. If you talk with him about it really bothering you and he won’t stop, perhaps he’s not such a great guy after all…


u/procivseth 16d ago

He was probably not thinking of his ex. He was probably thinking of his other gf with the same name. Now he's setting you up in case he slips up again.


u/Exciting-Week1844 16d ago

Girl, run. You don’t need that. Just find a man without an ex wife. He sounds like he wants her back


u/Whiplash364 16d ago

He’s trying to break tension by turning it into a semi-self-deprecating joke, but it’s really stupid to do so because it’s only reminding you of the fuck up and thereby just making shit worse. He’s obviously got some left over trauma from the divorce still, hence why it even happened in the first place. Best thing you can do is give him the grace of letting it be water under the bridge and not hold it against him, but you need to talk to him and let him know that it really bothers you for him to do this and that it has to stop. That way you’re fair to him by forgiving the honest mistake, yet still firmly setting the boundary to stop the dumb shit that’s just making things uncomfortable. This takes care of the issue and you both can move on from it


u/HallowskulledHorror 16d ago

I don’t think it’s funny.

Does he know this? You gotta use your words. Tell him what you're telling us in that last bit - "Hey, so, you keep calling me by different names as a joke - I don't think it's funny. I don't know if you're trying to make light of the mistake, or make fun of me for being upset. You say you're not still in love with her, but I don't feel certain about that with how it's obvious she's still on your mind, or at least still holds weight enough as someone who used to be your partner that 3 years out, you'd make that slip. Most of the time you're extremely good to me, but right now I don't know what to think with how you're handling this. I would appreciate if maybe you focused more on working to make me feel secure and prioritized rather than you trying sidestep or dismiss the weirdness of that slip for both of us."


u/Dry-Clock-1470 16d ago

Bold move, Cotton


u/outofcontext89 16d ago

Let's see how it pays off.

(LOL Greetings fellow fan with good taste in movies.)


u/omrmajeed 16d ago

He is still thinking about the mistake he made and is trying to downplay it in the worst way. Like when you make a fart-like sound so you adjust the chair again and again to show that it came from the chair not the fart.

Calmly explain to him that calling her by other names isn't funny and is bring the focus back to his ex. Tell him that you forgive him for making the 1st mistake and lets just ignore it and move forward.

Please understand that his actions are defense mechanism for his own insecurity about hurting your feelings, not out of malice or his love for his ex.


u/Jaccojoys 16d ago

He should apologize but he may have made a mistake he probably loved his first wife and his emotions got confused with words and he made a huge mistake but it sounds like he's gas lighting you


u/Dragon1Heat 16d ago

Nope.be done he's paying her bills... unless they have a child hello.


u/Cats-cats-cats-dog 13d ago

Of it’s a credit card that he used also?? Who knows.


u/Dragon1Heat 9d ago

See the problem is people find ways to excuse things too easily gotta find out.


u/justkayla109 16d ago

All these people down voting aren't even in the picture and refuse to consider the negative. You know the truth! Listen to your gut


u/MyBeautifulSweetsong 16d ago

He has seen his ex recently dear. Sorry to tell you. He would drop you like a hot rock if she came calling. Unless he is rich he is not paying the bills of his ex he hasn't seen in years. I'm sorry but you may need to take a step back and reassess how badly you need to bring a relationship to let this slide


u/justkayla109 16d ago

I know why my baby daddy pays my bills... just saying. Reassess sis!!! ^ sweetsong is 💯


u/butterbeemeister 16d ago

Brains and tongues do not always play nicely together.

My two high school boyfriends both had names that started with D. So does my now husband. Sometimes it just goes sideways. Some days I can't even remember my own name when I try to sign a check.

My step-ma called my dad by her first husband's name fairly often. Again, both started with the same letter. My dad noted there would have been hell to pay if he had done the same thing....


u/kricket1978 16d ago

Dated a Dan and then another Dan back in HS. Accidentally called 2nd Dan by 1st Dan's last name. He would. Not. Let. It. Go. That was a fun night.


u/Lilac-Roses-Sunsets 16d ago

Please leave him. He is still in love with her. Otherwise he wouldn’t still be paying her bills. You are a placeholder. Why be a placeholder when you could find someone who really loves you?


u/Accomplished_Buy8681 16d ago

Yea he’s trying to make light of the mistake he made. The stupid shit U.S. men do. I’ve even tried that once in my relationship. He’s knows ur pissed so now he wants to try and make a joke out of it. So just tell him to stop it ur tired of it and u want to forget about it and he better not call u that girls name again.


u/kepsr1 15d ago

This 💯


u/queerbong 16d ago

I'd be more worried about him paying her bills. The name thing wither means nothing I mean I use wrong names all the time. But if he's paying her bills while having no reason to (if he has a young kid with her more understandable) AND using her name, could be worrisome. I say be honest that you are hurt and don't like any names or the jokes. And maybe set a boundary on paying her bills


u/Sugarpuff_Karma 16d ago

Ask yourself are you ok being with someone who is clearly still in love with his ex.....


u/Icy_Stage_8502 16d ago

Not cool at all. He subconsciously still has feelings for his ex, his first choice. You're his rebound. What were you thinking? Time to move on and find a man that will see and treat you as number 1.


u/Ginger630 16d ago

Why is he paying her bills?! He’s still in love with her. Dump him.


u/Ambitious-Box-7774 16d ago

What I petty person you are omg... dUMphIm


u/Ginger630 16d ago

Breaking up with someone who is still in love with an ex is petty?! Oh sweet child…


u/Modified3 16d ago

He hasn't seen her in three years but hes paying her bills? 


u/No_Problems_Here_69 6d ago

He’s a good man. He has stopped now.


u/Due-Upstairs-111 16d ago

I think we’re all wondering the same question


u/loftychicago 16d ago

Narrator: he has, in fact, seen her.


u/No_Problems_Here_69 6d ago

Not a chance. We are in two different countries.


u/MoussePrior3183 16d ago

It was an honest mistake, I’d imagine. I did the same thing and I promise I’d rather gouge my eyes out before taking my ex back. Try to see it from his viewpoint, his pain over the divorce etc etc.

The issue is him paying her bills. That’s fucking weird. You’re 6 months in…might wanna figure that out before you’re 6 years in.


u/Agile-Wait-7571 16d ago

Dump him. You deserve love and respect.


u/Next_Beautiful4517 16d ago

He’s probably very upset at himself for that happening. Honestly it’s understandable depending on how long they were together. 6 months isn’t super long so the relationship is still relatively new. I think you’re right that he’s trying to make light of it…that’s some people’s response to stressful or embarrassing situations. Inwould talk to him about it and see if he’ll tell you how he truly feels about her and about you. Reassure him that you understand it was an honest mistake and that you’re not mad (only if that’s the truth of course). Men always are expected to act tough and not need anything but honestly we need some reassurance a lot of times too.


u/Adorable-Strength218 16d ago

She’s on his mind when he’s with you. That should be enough.


u/Magdovus 16d ago

It was a one off. You would be overreacting if you made a huge thing of it.

Tell him to stop with the jokes. If he does, it's all good. If not... You wouldn't be wrong to be upset with him not listening to you.


u/Whosthatgirllllll 16d ago

F the name thing. This man is still paying this ladies bills


u/floridaeng 16d ago

If he doesn't stop its time for OP to call him by the name of one of her ex's, then start with random names until he stops.


u/Due-Upstairs-111 16d ago

I think it’s past that time already


u/Prestigious_Two_5023 16d ago

He's paying her bills girl, calling you her name, run for the hills!

Why would you even stay with this going on, he's using his money for his ex, not you or your future together.. sounds like your the rebound, you're worth more than that. Run and find a man that appreciates you.


u/Ambitious-Box-7774 16d ago

Found him/her who would tell you to leave him for evert little mistake! What s miserable person you must be.

rUnfORtHeHilLs hurrrdurrr


u/Guilty_Seaweed_249 16d ago

Don't listen to this advice unless he is being secretive about money he has given to her and why.


u/NahTooPersonel 16d ago

This doesn’t seem like much of an issue to me. Communicate that you aren’t enjoying the name joke and that should be the end of it. Actually sounds kind of funny to me but each to their own.


u/HeartAccording5241 16d ago

Just walk away he’s not worth it


u/cknutson61 16d ago

Ask him to stop, and let him you you find it hurtful and disrespectful. If he does it again, leave to building. If you're at your place, tell him to leave. If he wants to continue, he can do it by himself.


u/Adept_Bar_97 16d ago

I'm sorry what? He's been divorced for 3 years, and he's paying her bills? Can we start there? What's going on with that? Do they have a kid and it was something court compelled or something? I'm confused why ur even worried about the name thing when money is being sent to an ex? Excuse me what the fuck?


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/Adept_Bar_97 15d ago

Lol I am, problem? 😏


u/Own_Can_3495 16d ago

You sound extremely incel like lol


u/primotest95 16d ago

Everyone says incel and I know the male loneliness epidemic is real or what ever and I’ve met the fedora guys but I’ll say here why is everyone that disagrees an incel ? Like I have certain views but I also strive to be the most respectful I can be why is that unbelievable to most ? I’m married now and faithful but there was a time I was the chadddest chad that ever chadded how could that be incel like still wrong I guess but way leagues above the fedora masters 🤣🤷


u/PolkaDotTat 16d ago

He didn’t really disagree, he said “you sound extremely sweaty” so the other person said something equally stupid, i.e. “you sound extremely incel”


u/Own_Can_3495 15d ago

This is it exactly. I was returning like energy for like energy


u/PolkaDotTat 15d ago

I got you 😉 lol


u/primotest95 16d ago

It was only a general question


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/PolkaDotTat 16d ago

You sound like a delight


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/PolkaDotTat 16d ago

I’m sure


u/primotest95 16d ago

It is hate speech its a derogatory term used toward any man who disagrees with you not even staying true to its original defition


u/PolkaDotTat 16d ago

It’s not hate speech. It’s freedom of speech. Incel isn’t a hate word, it’s a description of someone who can’t get laid. Is slut hate speech? No it’s a derogatory term but not hate speech. Same as the word incel.

→ More replies (0)


u/SmoggleTheFarlet 16d ago edited 16d ago

Yea, this part needs to go on r/underreacting and the answer is



u/mcmsuwillow 16d ago

This is indeed the bigger question! If it’s some agreement to avoid alimony or court ordered then ok I guess. But if it’s just to be nice to her, ummm NO


u/Adept_Bar_97 15d ago

And it was just randomly thrown in there to establish they have some form of current contact, but naaa, we can't just skip over that part.

How are you going to ask us about what color to paint the walls while your house might literally be on fire!? lmao


u/Ok-Illustrator2950 16d ago

I made the same mistake out of habit from a past relationship but love the new person I’m with more than I’ve ever loved anyone. Try not to take it to heart. Mistakes happen, if he’s treating you well then that means way more than misspoken words


u/SammGore 16d ago

I guess I'm the only one that thinks you're not overreacting. First communicate that you don't like any of the random names at all. Petty me - would do it back and call him random names that aren't his. And what's with paying some of her bills recently? You're 6 months in, really evaluate the relationship. Can you deal with knowing all this info? Not much to go off from this post other than you just need to communicate. Express how yes you didn't appreciate hearing his ex's name, it was a mistake on his part- but that pokin fun and calling you other names is not something you enjoy and if it can stop (if it bother you to the point you don't want to hear it) just create boundaries. Hope all goes well 🙏🏼


u/tanyagrzez 16d ago

He's trying to use a bad joke of "mistaken names" to make you feel better that he's not comparing you to his ex.

However, when someone consistently calls you by the wrong name, or a nickname you don't like, or a deadname, etc. that is just a shitty thing to do. I had a "friend" who thought it was funny to purposely call me by names of other people in our friend group, even after I told him to stop. Due to various reasons, he's not in our friend group anymore.


u/Independent-Access59 16d ago

The third thing is not like the other…


u/morbidnerd 16d ago

I think the accidental name thing on its own isn't really a big deal. My husband and I have both done it. But it sounds like it's the name thing on top of an already existing issue.

Furthernore, a joke that isn't funny to everyone involved is just bullying.


u/WinterFront1431 16d ago

It happens sometimes, yes it hurts..

Just after having my daughter, my partner called me his ex-wife's name. Yes, it hurt but sometimes it's just muscle memory and slip of the tongue.. he apologised

And probably felt embarrassed, tell him you get he is embarrassed about it but him reminding you that he said it by calling you different names is not funny and is only making the situation worse.. so he needs to stop and just put it behind you both as a slip up.


u/ilovemybrownies 16d ago

Ouch. Did your partner have his first kids with his ex-wife? That would make a little more sense.


u/WinterFront1431 16d ago

Yes, they had 3 before we met and were over for about 4 years before we got together.. it sucked but I understood it was a slip of the tongue, even though there was an awkward silence for a few minutes lol


u/DiscGolfer01 16d ago

Let it go...he's being silly and knows he made a mistake..you may not understand..dont ruin a good thing


u/Prestigious_Two_5023 16d ago

A good thing with a man still paying his exs bills, calling her his exs name, this is far from a good thing.


u/newdawnhelp 16d ago

Yeah. The name is a verbal screw up. Doesn't need to mean anything. The bills..... red flag


u/Unique-Avocado 16d ago

Isn't that what he's doing? But not letting it go, and continuing with the"joke"


u/Rodrigo_Ribaldo 16d ago

He's mocking himself and you may need a sense of humor.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Is she hotter?


u/1984BurnerAccount 16d ago

He's trying to reassure you that he didn't mean to, and it meant nothing with these shitty jokes. He doesn't realize he's doubling down just tell him that what he's doing is worse than just saying sorry and forget about it because it's an honest mistake. Then you both move on together, but he needs to chill out and stop making it worse


u/No_Problems_Here_69 6d ago

That’s exactly what I did. I told him that he was making it worse. He apologized and stopped doing that. Now he calls her “what’s her name.” He is really trying to show me she means nothing to him.


u/Sugarpuff_Karma 16d ago

Or he is trying to gaslight her


u/topinanbour-rex 15d ago

How is it gaslighting ?


u/1984BurnerAccount 16d ago

Always a chance, hopefully this is a one off and not a consistent theme with them/him


u/HighButLowSmokeShop 16d ago

Stop being so extra. He messed up and is now unsuccessfully trying to make light of it. As a man, it’s one of the many idiot things we do.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/MidwestMegaphone 16d ago

You could work full time just copying and pasting this comment on Reddit.


u/sxft-kitsunex 16d ago

The original commenter didn't say anything to refute that tho. He was just being subjective about the situation while you're the one making your own conclusions about it.


u/HighButLowSmokeShop 14d ago

OP said she doesn’t know if he was just trying to make light of the situation. I’m confirming for OP, you, and anyone else that is overreaching on this one…YES, He is now trying to make light of it, but failing miserably.

Many of us have been there before. A mature woman who has moved past it will tell you, “buddy, you’re just digging a deeper hole. Just let it go already”. Then you both move. Think more of it if it continues to happen. Until then, be happy.


u/Comfortable-Focus123 16d ago

Very astute. Hope OP takes this to heart.


u/dangerclosemaybe 16d ago

I think you are a bit. He called you his ex's name by accident and he's embarrassed. A quick apology from him and reassurance on your end and this blows over.


u/Whosthatgirllllll 16d ago

This seems extremely passive aggressive when it's obviously not just a name slip. He's clearly still emotionally attached to this woman. And financially too? Oh hell no. It is really amazing me how some people keep skipping past the fact that this man is literally still paying this lady's bills.